Following this study, some areas of research are suggested for future studies.
First, the decision hierarchy tree of the DSSSSM was developed based on economic theories, the sustainability concept, and the constructability concept.
Because these theories and concepts continue to evolve, the decision hierarchy tree of the DSSSSM could be expanded by incorporating additional criteria (such as social sustainability) if more implications from these theories and concepts are examined and determined to be applicable in the future.
Second, this study has taken the first step in building a decision support system for the selection of structural frame materials. In order to ensure that the DSSSSM remains helpful for future use, the weights and rates of the DSSSSM should be kept updated. It is recommended that this updating be conducted based on a continuous investigation of the economic performance, environmental performance and constructability performance of SS-framed buildings and RC-framed buildings with a larger sample size.
Third, the DSSSSM is for all project types. This study was not able to consider project type due to the small number of SS buildings. It is recommended for the future studies that investigation and comparison between RC buildings and SS buildings based on a typical building type should be conducted. Then the DSSSSM might be further improved by developing separate sub interfaces based upon different project types (such as one interface for residential buildings, another interface for commercial buildings).
Fourth, the DSSSSM is suitable for the selection of structural frame materials from the following two options: SS frame and RC frame. It is not applicable when other options – for example, a hybrid system such as RC frame mixed with SS frame – need to be considered. It can be seen there is a trend for building design towards higher and more complex. Therefore, more hybrid structures will appeared in the future, and then hybrid system should be included as the third option for further development of the DSSSSM.
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