Luminescence emission from thin film devices

Một phần của tài liệu Advanced luminescence based characterisation of silicon wafer solar cells (Trang 181 - 213)

Though thin film photovoltaic devices still do not have a significant market share over silicon wafer-based photovoltaic devices, they are an active area of research. Electrolu- minescence emission from thin film silicon devices was observed during the study. This emission tended to dominate near the contact points at which a voltage was applied, and became limited at short distances from the contacts due to the higher sheet resis- tance of the device. The thin area of emission from such devices will, as well, mean that less active area for radiative recombination exists, and so weak signals are observed

requiring very sensitive cameras, with low noise such that they may be integrated for extended time periods. Thus, thin film characterization with luminescence imaging is more difficult than for silicon wafer based devices.

The case of optical recombination will differ significantly between the kind of thin film material under investigation. For example, cadmium tellurium films, copper indium diselenide films, and amorphous silicon films each have different band structure, and so different optical recombination processes. Should photo- or electroluminescence signals be achieved in these devices, the method must allow distinct observation of emission signals from the device junction as compared to the glass or plastic substrates, which, being significantly larger in volume than the device film, may dominate the signal if their emission spectrum is coincident. To advance the characterization of a thin film device using an optical method, rather than relying on weak luminescence emission signals that may easily be dominated by the emission of the device substrate, it may be useful to consider optical interference of the thin geometry, optical reflection and their correlation to defects, or other ways of measuring optical coupling to the device structure. Until homogeneous measurements may be made of light emission from these devices, their characterization must still rely on scanning based instruments which probe regions of the sample and record the electrical behavior of the device.


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