Limitations and Future research

Một phần của tài liệu (Luận văn) factors influencing domestic consumption in vietnams market (Trang 61 - 68)

This study has many limitations. The sample is one of the first limitations.

This study used convenience sample – the least reliable form of non – probability sampling. Respondents were the student from second degree university classes and MBA classes. The second limitation is the narrow product focus, which had only one product type (refrigerator). Future research should replicate with random sample and more product types in order to increase the generalization of research model. The third limitation showed in the research model with five factors such as Consumer Ethnocentrism, Imports Product Quality Perception, Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Domestic Consumption. Future studies should be expanded with other new factors (e.g. Animosity, Nationalism, Internationalism, Individualism Conspicuous Consumption and Foreign Product Consumption). Finally, this

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study also does not evaluate the effect of demographic variables such as gender, income, age, job on the research model. Future research should investigate the influence of these factors.

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Further reading

Nguyen Khanh Duy (2009), Bài giảng thực hành mô hình cấu trúc tuyến tính (SEM) với phần mềm AMOS, Tp Hồ Chí Minh: Đại học Kinh tế Tp Hồ Chí Minh.

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Một phần của tài liệu (Luận văn) factors influencing domestic consumption in vietnams market (Trang 61 - 68)

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