Designing an intelligent multi-agent system is a very challenging task, as all agents are distributed and semi-autonomous. We faced several design challenges which resulted in limited system capabilities. Some of these design challenges and the future recommendations for solving them are suggested in the following points:
• Although we proposed the hierarchical colored petri nets approach to design the internal logic of the ICAM system reactive agents in our development plan (Sayda & Taylor, 2006), we did design the agents’ internal logic in anad hocmanner. We faced some difficulties during the design stage of the ICAM system prototype, as more functionalities were added. For example, the ICAM system crashed during early simulation runs due to communication deadlocks, in which two agents were trying to send messages to each other simultaneously. The problem was solved by imposing conditions on communicating 489 Multi-agent Systems for Industrial Applications: Design, Development, and Challenges
agents to prevent such deadlocks. Future designs should use the colored petri net approach to verify the logical behavior of the ICAM system and its agents in different scenarios.
• Computation/communication coordination was another design problem, in which computation and communication code blocks were not ordered correctly in the agent code.
For example, we combined the process model estimation (computation task) and sending the estimated model to other agents (communication task) into one task in the model ID agent, which proved to be a design flaw. Model estimation took a long time (i.e., over one minute), during which other agents were locked waiting for the estimated model due to synchronization failure. The problem was solved by separating the one functionality into two separate computation and communication functionalities (i.e., separate agent states) and modifying other agents accordingly. Although some design flaws had to be corrected, the ICAM system prototype acted as a set of distributed stochastic colored petri nets during real-time simulation. This implies that a careful agent design should be done along with a thorough system logical behavior analysis. Future design plans would take the stochastic nature of the system and time into account to guarantee robust performance.
• The industrial plant data characteristics also had a major impact on the ICAM system performance. For example, the ICAM system prototype is not robust against noisy data due to the design of the data differentiation-based steady state detection algorithm.
Likewise, the FDIA algorithm is not robust to noise, which significantly affects the fault isolation task in moderate to high noisy data situation. We suggest embedding algorithms that are more robust to noise to cope with real-world industrial plants and their noisy measurements.
• Detection and isolation of fast dynamics faults (e.g., faulty gas pressure sensor) is another limitation of the ICAM system prototype. The outlier removal algorithm in the statistical processing agent treats fast dynamics faults as outliers, which changes the nature of processed data sent to the FDIA agent. Data filtering also may change the data characteristic, which may have an impact on the system performance. In addition, the system logical behavior was unpredictable and inconsistent in response to disturbances in process variables. So we suggest developing a better safety net, in which the knowledge of agents’ limitations is embedded in the rule base of the supervisory agent. This allows the system to have a better reasoning ability and robust performance during undefined and unpredictable plant situations.
• The incorporation of domain knowledge would definitely improve the performance of the system. Such knowledge is represented by the topology of the industrial plant and its operation procedure in different situations such as startup, normal operation, and shutdown. This knowledge would be better utilized if a learning agent were embedded to deal with new situations in the plant and the internal behavior of the ICAM system itself.
As can be appreciated, those enhancements will require years of additional research and development.
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494 Multi-Agent Systems - Modeling, Control, Programming, Simulations and Applications
Bio-Inspired Multi-Agent Technology for Industrial Applications
Prof. Petr Skobelev Institute of Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Science
“Knowledge Genesis” Group of Companies Smart Solutions, Ltd
1. Introduction
Basic ideas of multi-agent technology (MAT) began to form in the latest decades of the 20th century at the edge of artificial intelligence, object-oriented and parallel programming, and telecommunications [1-4].
The European Union Association of multi-agent systems (MAS) developers AgentLink [6]
presents the Road-map of MAT up to 2020-2030 years with the slogan “Computing as Interactions”. This slogan shows value of the technology not only for developing modern fully distributed systems which are now rapidly growing everywhere (what is called “ambient”
and “ubiquitous” intelligence [5]) but also for solving complex problems which are difficult or even impossible to solve by classical mathematical methods or algorithms, for example, in scheduling and optimization, pattern recognition, text understanding, clustering, etc.
This relatively new area of using MAT for solving complex problems is also based on ideas of interactions. But it helps to turn complex systems from large centralized, monolithic and sequential programs with fixed hierarchical structure to distributed communities of small autonomous programs working asynchronously and in quasi-parallel with opportunity to form networking structures and interact, compete and cooperate for complex problems solving.
The value of such MAS for modern complex and rapidly changing world is difficult to overestimate. This is supported by the impressive statistics of scientific community increasing interest to these subjects. In the end of 80s MAS workshops gathered together 25- 30 researchers and developers from 5-7 countries. Nowadays the situation has changed greatly. For example, in the last year World conference of Autonomous Agents and Multi- Agent Systems (AAMAS-2009) participated more than 600 delegates from 45 countries representing the results in the area of agent reasoning logic, knowledge presentation methods, platforms for multi-agent systems developments and application systems in the wide range of applications, from social processes modelling to robot control. However if the amount of scientific works in this area is rising rapidly the commercial projects and practical applications are not so well developed in spite of the fact that more than 25 commercial companies and 100 university projects in this area are world well-known nowadays.
The reason of this fact is the complexity and novelty of this new very attractive paradigm of software engineering which strongly demands new methods and tools for industrial
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applications. But despite all difficulties there is a number of first successful industrial MAS projects all over the world from of network-centric logistics applications for military applications to optimization of energy consumption for cottages. The list of commercial companies that are actively developing MAS began rise distinctly at the turn of the century:
LostWax (The Great Britain) – 1996 [7], Whitestein Technology / Living Systems (Switzerland) – 1999 [8], NuTech Solution (USA) – 1999 [9], etc.
According to the AgentLink Association [6] the list of these companies includes the British- Russian company Magenta Technology [10], co-founders are professor G.A. Rzhevsky from the Open university (The Great Britain) and the author of this paper. The company was founded in 1999 on the basis of the software engineering company “Knowledge Genesis”
and gained valuable experiences of developing multi-agent systems for industrial applications, growing from the small group of enthusiasts in Samara in 2000 to 150 highly qualified programmers with central office in London in 2010.
The results achieved in many ways are based on the complex systems research which was held in the Institute of Control of Complex Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Professor V.A. Vittih without whose strong personal support these works would not get a chance.
In this paper we will discuss main concepts, give overview of first generation of our MAT platform and MAT products for industrial applications, present new key ideas for next generation of our MAT platform and describe our current more complex and advanced MAT projects under development in “Knowledge Genesis” Group of Company and Software Engineering Company “Smart Solutions” fully specialized in real time scheduling.
We hope that presented results will stimulate new MAT developments in many new different industrial applications.