Một phần của tài liệu Anh 6 Chuan CT 10 11 (Trang 215 - 225)

A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas of the text about farming and getting further practice in alot, alittle, a few

I.Knowledges : a lot, a little, a few II. Skill: reading

III. Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,.

B. Procedures :

I. Settlement Greeting

Check attandence II.Checking :

. III. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students activities

1 Revision :

Noughts and crosses :

-Asks Ss to play the game ,use ''There [is a little rice]'' a dozen eggs two potatoes 1/2 a glass of milk 1/2 kilo onions 100 g rice 4 kilos vegetables 1 kilo fruit 2 tomatoes 2 flowers 2.Pre-reading :


Work in groups to play the game ,use ''There [is a little rice]''

Ss listen and repeat in chorus

animals (picture):

a buffalow (picture):

a cow (picture):

( to ) flow (picture):

(to ) pull a cart (picture):

(to ) grow (picture):

(to ) procedure (picture):

- T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress T asks Ss to copy

Check: Net work

animals grow on the farm

fruit / rice / vegetables procedure

*open -prediction :

-Asks Ss to predict 6 things Mr Hai has on his farm and 5 things he has procedures with answer keys

Mr Hai has Mr Hai procedures 1 paddy fields rice

2 a small vegetable field vegetables 3 fruit trees fruit

4 buffalow milk 5 cows eggs 6 chickens

3 While -reading:

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.

- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions 3 Practice : Matching A3 P.167

- Asks Ss to match the sentences to the picture Answer keys : 1 d 2 f 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 e

Picture drill:

A1 p.166 and A3 P.167

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example exchange :

S 1: How much rice is there?

S2: There is alot/ lots

S1: How many onions are there ? S2 : There are afew

and then individually Ss copy down on their notebook

Work in individually to write vocab

Work in groups to predict 6 things Mr Hai has on his farm and 5 things he has procedures

Listen and reads the text to check their predictions work in pairs to match the sentences to the picture Work in pairs to practice the structure following example exchange :

S1: How much rice is there?

S2: There is alot/ lots S1: How many onions are there ?

S2 : There are a few

4 Production :

Chain game : -Asks Ss to play chain game Example : S1 : There is a little rice

S2 : There is a little rice, and some tomatoes S3 : There is a little rice, some tomatoes and a few eggs

Work in groups to play chain game

IV. Consolidation:

• Vocabulary V. Homework:

• Prepare Unit 15 Lesson34

• Do ex 1,2 P 115-116 (work book)

Date: 29/4/2007 Period 99

Unit 16 MAN ANd THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 3 :A4-5 P 168

A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas in terms of cause and effectof the text about the environment

I.Knowledges : Why ...? Because ...

II. Skill: reading

III. Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,.

B. Procedures :

II. Settlement Greeting

Check attandence II.Checking : Asks Ss to write voca

. III. New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Revision :matching

-Asks Ss to match Viet namese with EL words the population rõng forests


the world nông dân farmer grow d©n sè fields con vËt

food thức ăn animals thÕ giíi

2.Pre-reading : Pre-teach

land (picture): đất đai plants(picture): thùc vËt ( to )burn (picture): đốt cháy (to ) destroy( translation): phá huỷ

(to ) cut down (synomyn: grow ): chặt phá

in danger( example): mèi nguy hiÓm - T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress T asks Ss to copy

Check: What and where

land plants burn

Work in groups to match Viet namese with EL words

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook

Work in groups to play this game

destroy in danger cut down

 ordering:

-Asks Ss order the words

1.produce 2.cut down 3. more food 4. burn 5. grow 6. make new fields 7. animals and plants in danger.

3 While -reading: A4 p. 168

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.

- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions Answer keys :

1. Because we grow trees 2. Because we need wood

3. Because we are destroyingthe forests 4 Post -reading : Picture story

Asks Ss to retell story,using their words

Work in groups order the words

5-3- 2- 6 -1-7

Listen and reads the text to check their predictions Then answer the questions

Work in groups to retell story,using their words

IV. Consolidation:

• Vocabulary V. Homework:

• Prepare Unit 16 Lesson4

• Do ex (work book)

Date: 29/4 Period 100

Unit 16 MAN ANd THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 4 :B1 P 169

A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas about the pollution

I.Knowledges : pollution vocabulary II. Skill: reading

III. Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,.

B. Procedures :

III. Settlement Greeting

Check attandence II.Checking : Asks Ss to write voca

. III. New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Revision :STB

-Asks Ss to play this game

phá huỷ đốn cây sản xuất convật mối nguy hiểm đốt cháy cây đất đai 2.Pre-reading :


The enviroment (trasnlation): môi trờng The ocean (synomyn: sea ): đại dơng ( to) pollute (example):oo nhiÔm (to) waste (translation): lảng phí the air(example): không khí

coal( realia): than đá

oil( realia):dÇu gas (translation): ga power (example ):

- T uses the techniques to elicit each word

T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

T writes on board and asks Ss the meaning and stress T asks Ss to copy

Check: What and where

Work in groups to match Viet namese with EL words

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and then individually

Ss copy down on their notebook

Work in groups to play this game

gas oil coal the air waste ocean power

 Pre questions -Predict :

-Asks SS to predict the answers with answer keys 1.What are we destroying ?

- forests, wild animals, plants 2.What are we wasting ?

- water, coal, oil , gas 3. What are we polluting ?

- the air, the land, the rivers, the oceans 3 While -reading: B1 P.169

-Asks Ss to reads the text to check their predictions.

- asks Ss to read the text again to answer the questions Answer keys :

4. a. Because we are destroying 5. b. Gases is polluting the air 6. c.

4 Post -reading : Write it up

-Asks Ss to use the predict pre questions to make a list of

‘’ don’ts ‘’

Example : Don’t destroy our environment Don’t destroy the forest

Don’t destroy the plants

Don’t destroythe wild animals Don’t waste water

Don’t pollute the air Don’t pollute the oceans

Work in groups to predict the answers

Listen and reads the text to check their predictions Then answer the questions

Work in groups to use the predict pre questions to make a list of ‘’ don’ts ‘

IV. Consolidation:

• Vocabulary V. Homework:

• Prepare Unit 16 Lesson 5

• Do ex (work book)

Date: 29/4 Period 101

Unit 16 MAN ANd THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 5 :B2 P 170-171

A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to give advice about protecting the environment I.Knowledges : Should and shouldn’t.

II. Skill: Speaking

III. Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,.

B. Procedures :

IV. Settlement Greeting

Check attandence II.Checking : Asks Ss to write voca

. III. New lesson:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Revision :Noughts and crosses

-Asks Ss to play this game by using ‘’Don’t ...’’

plants water the air power wild animals the oceans forests coal trash

Example : Don’t destroy plants 2.Presentation :B2 P.170-171

-Reads the text , asks Ss to guess the new words from context with answer keys

(to) throw = nÐm (to) pick = nhặt

(to) damage= phá huỷ, làm hỏng (to) keep off = tránh khỏi

(to) save = tiết kiệm (to) collect = thu gom

-Asks Ss to match the rulres with these signs Answer keys :

a- picture c b- picture f c- picture a d- picture h e- picture e f- picture b g - pictureg h- picture d

*Model sentences :

We should collect paper Save water

We shouldn’t throw trash on the streets

Work in groups to play this game by using ‘’Don’t ...’’

Example : Don’t destroy plants

Ss listen and guess the new words from context

Work in individually tomatch the rulres with these signs

Listen and copy donw the sentences

damage trees.

3 Practice:

-Asks Ss to match and write these sentences with should and shouldn’t

7. Example :

8. We should collect paper

Should damage trash 9. collect trees

10. throw paper

Shouldn’t save flowers 11. pick bottles and cans

Picture drill :

-Asks Ss to practice the structure following example S1: We shouldn’t [ damage trees ]

S2: That’s right

4 Further practice : Noughts and crosses -Asks Ss to play this game

damage save waster destroy pollute collect throw cut down pick Example : We should/shouldn’t ....

Work in individually to match and write these sentences with should and shouldn’t

We should collect paper We shouldn’t throw trash

Work in pairs to practice the structure following example S1: We shouldn’t [ damage trees ]

S2: That’s right

Work in groups to play this game

IV. Consolidation:

• Vocabulary V. Homework:

• Prepare Unit 16 Lesson 5

• Do ex (work book)

Date: 2/5/2007 Period 103

Unit 16 MAN ANd THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 5 :B2 P 170-171

A Objective:

By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to further practice present simple and progressive , comparative and superlatives, quantifiers and countability.

I.Knowledges :

Country, natural features, farming and environment vocabulary.


Speaking and writing III.Preparation : Book, board, lesson plan,.

B. Procedures :

I.Settlement Greeting

Check attandence II.Checking :

. III. New lesson:

Teachers activities Students activities 1. Countries and Languages:

*Simple present :

-T recalls the way to use this tense Form: S + V-s/es

Uses: miêu tả hành động thờng xuyên xãy ra Countries and Languages

Japanese Japan

-Ask ss to do exercise 1p.174 (text book) Answerkey:

a.Are... from/ Am not/ speak b.Speaks

c.Is Chinese e.Is Vietnamese d.Is Japanese f.Is American

2.Present simple and present progressive:

+Mapped dialouge:

  Susan ...Live ? London ...Stay now? Hanoi ? Teacher What....teach ? English

...teach you? No, ...Mr Hai Answer key:

1.What is her name?

2.Where does she live?

3.Where is she staying now?

4.What does she do?

5.What does she teach?

6.Does she teach you?

T-Whole class

Work in groups to to do exercise 1p.174 (text book)

Work in pairs to mapped the dialouge

Một phần của tài liệu Anh 6 Chuan CT 10 11 (Trang 215 - 225)

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