This chapter presents the summary of this study, the findings derived out of the data, and the conclusions and recommendations for the study.
Summary of Findings
The Industrial and CommercialBankof Vietnam (VietinBank) isone of thelargestcommercial banksin Vietnamwitha long historyof development.Howeverthe explosion ofcommercialbanksis stillmajor challengestobecomecommercial banksinimproving thequality of servicecredit.
This studyused a modelofservicequalityParasuramanet al(1985;
1988)is applied tothe creditqualityservicesatVietinBank-Red River DeltaRegion. Statisticalanalysis tools such asreliabilityanalysis, factor analysis, regression analysis,andANOVAanalysiswere used to process the responses of the368customersof VietinBank of the Red River Delta area who were surveyed.
First,fromtheliterature reviewofrelevantresearch, the theoryofservicequalityof Parasuramanet al(1988) andother studieswereidentifiedtocreatecreditqualityserviceof VietinBank. These componentsinclude:tangible, reliability, assurance, empathy, responsivenessandcredit profile.
Second,Parasuraman’sSERVQUALscale served as the basis for thescalethat assessed thequalityof credit services of VietinBank. From theresults ofscaleanalysisandfactor analysis,six (6)componentsof creditqualityserviceatVietinBank were identified.
79 Third,through regression techniques, the researchanalyzedthe impactofthecompositionof creditqualityservicesatVietinBank as tothe customer'ssatisfaction.
Fourth, theresults oftestinghypothesesabout the
relationshipbetweenservicequality components,
demographiccharacteristicstothe satisfactionof thecustomer's creditqualityVietinBankshows6componentsofquality of servicecreditaremarkedas expected(+ sign) in theregression model. This
suggests that, componentsof
creditqualityservicesatVietinBankpositivelyimpactcustomersatisfaction, consistent with the original hypothesisposed.
The test results show that there isnodifference insatisfactionbetweenmaleandfemalecustomers, betweencustomersofdifferent age groups; andbetweenthecustomer groupswithcharacteristictype of enterprise. However, there were differencesbetweenthe qualities ofservicesbetweencustomer groupswithdifferentlevels of education.
In Vietnam, although the qualityofcreditdo notstudiesinVietinBank-Red River Deltaarea.Comparedwiththestudy ofservice qualityinotherbanks, such as: SaigonJoint StockBank(SCB), AsianBank(ACB), etcresearchershave foundanumber ofthe followingmain findings:
First,the majority ofcustomersaretransactions withVietinBankcorporate customers, who have much timetransactions withthisbank.Most ofthebusinessestradingatVietinBankare privateenterprisesandnon- statebusiness corporations.State-owned enterprises(the state capital) accounts for onlya small fraction.
80 Second,creditloansare mostlyunder5billion. These loans aremainlycomplementary for businessesin thecapitalandprocurement of machinery andequipmentforproduction and businessactivitiesoftheenterprise.
In addition,enterprisesalsousethese loansforother purposes, such asin the construction of buildings.However,forthe purpose ofthisloanis negligible.
accessibilitythecreditofVietinBankstillshowcertaindifficultiesfortheenterprisescu stomer. ThedifficultyinVietinBankloansis that borrowingconditionshavesecured assetsforthe mortgage.
Fourth,the natureofservice qualityoftenchangevery rapidlyover timedue to theincreasingdemandsofcustomers and thedifferencebetweenthebanks.
Therefore,the use ofmodelsofservicequalityof Parasuramanet al(1988) show significant differencebetween the studiesinVietnamand the world.
Researchhasfound that, in addition to
5componentsofservicequalityParasuramanet al(1988) thequality of servicesinVietinBank-Red River Deltaregionalso hasa"creditprofile"
Thesecomponents that make
upqualityofservicecreditVietinbankinclude: sympathywith5observed variables, reliabilitywith5observed variables, tangiblewith7observed variables, assurancewith5observed variables, responsewith5observedvariablesandcredit profilewith4variationsobserved
Inthecreditquality components, the composition of this"response"
havea positiveimpact onthe level of(+) andhavethe greatest impacttocustomersatisfaction(regression coefficientβ=0.590), reliabilityalso
81 hasa positiveimpactandthe second largestinfluence(regression coefficientβ=0.141) andcomponent"credit record" lowimpact(regression coefficientβ=0.120). Researchmodelexplains that37.70% ofthe variationhappeninthe "reliability", "response" and"credit profile"
ofcustomersatisfactionfor the qualityofservicecreditVietinBank.
Finally, there were differencesbetweenthegroups of customerswithdifferentlevels of educationon thequality of servicecreditatVietinBank. This suggeststhat, whilethe levelofeducationthe higher thecustomerneedsresponsequality of serviceinthe greaterVietinBank.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. A theoretical basison servicequality, serviceapproach, quality of
service, service qualityofbankcredit,
customersatisfactionandrelationshipqualityis established through the data gathered from the customers of VietinBank.
2. A strategicresearch model was developed which istypicallyrelated tothe quality ofbankingservicesingeneralandthe creditquality ofparticularservices. Themodelcan be used as atypicalanalyticframeworkforthesis.
3. Elementsof creditqualityin theservicesthatis partVietinBank, i.e.-"credit profile" has beenadded tothecomponentservice qualityby theParasuramanet al(1988).
4. Acomponentofquality of
servicecreditatVietinBankreallyaffectscustomersatisfaction, including:
reliability, responsivenessandcredit profile.
82 Demographiccharacteristicssuch as: gender, ageofcustomers as well asbusiness typeshowsnodifference inthe satisfactionofquality of servicecredit. However,educationofconsumers may bedifferentbetweendifferent educationalgroups:
groupqualifiedgraduatewithcollegeeducationgroups-universities, schoolgroupsandgroups withlower secondary schoollevel.
Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby offered:
1. Networktransactionstothedistrict/townintheprovince inthe Red River
Deltaarea must be established. The fact
thatthetransactionnetworkVietinBankweak, and focuses onlyina fewlargecities, makesaccess tobankservicesto customers limited.
2. ATMs andPOSmachinesmustoffer oldand thenewtransactions.
Althoughin the past, VietinBankshowedefforts in developing itsATMnetwork,thePOSandATMmachinesare mainlyconcentrated inthecity/townor in populatedplaces.
3. ATMs, POSshould be upgraded to ensuregoodoperationandease of useof themachine. SincetheATMtransactionprocedureis stillcomplicated, thefunctionofATMshouldbe redesignedfor ease of use.
Improvingthereliabilityofservice providersof VietinBank
Resultanalysisanddiscussionshowed, reliabilityis a factoraffectingthe second largestandthepositiveimpactofcustomersatisfactiononservice
qualityinbankcredit. Statistical resultsfor
83 thescalecomponentreliabilityalsoshowedthat customersratedth service reliability quitelow, even lower than thepoint averageofscales. So to enhancecustomerreliabilityforVietinBank, itsleadersneedto focus onthemainissue, whichis:
First, they shouldimprovethe image ofVietinBankforcustomers tocustomersalwayshavesympathyforthebank'sservices. Changing the company imageandbrandwillcreatecustomerconfidence. Therefore,right nowVietinBankshouldhavethebasic solutions: (i) There should bea criteriaandstandardswhenchoosinglocationsfor the establishment of branches.
Priorityshould beto buy landto buildofficesinsteadof leasing,iffinancialconditionsallowto ensurethe autonomyand stabilityin equippingfacilitiesforbanks;
Second,in the process ofproviding services theyshouldcreate a customer-center to ensurethatall customersequallyandfullymeettheir demandsin the process ofservice providers.In addition,information oninterest ratepolicyshouldbe timelyandaccuratetofulfillcustomercommitments.
Third, the management should increase capacity building of the staff of VietinBank to ensure service quality. For quality of service credit at the bank, the the human factor is even more important. To continue to uphold what has been achieved, the Board Directors of VietinBank should continue the particular solutions following: (i) policies to attract who are good at, talented person, person have the capacity to operate banking services from other banks, and other sectors of the university; (ii) remuneration policy, the layout and the use human good work experience, facilitate and promote good professional working atmosphere in the branch; (iii) Strengthening the
84 application of the model employ foreign experts in the field of banking services to the bank.
Improved of procedures in the credit profile of VietinBank
The results of analysis have shown that, component "credit file" have a positive impact on customer satisfaction when using the services of VietinBank credit and statistically significant at the 5% significance level. So the improving the procedures for credit profile will help customers easily make loans of bank credit.
The reform of administrative procedures for service credit to reduce troubles and the time taken by customers may be done. From the results of the study the administrative procedures for service credit VietinBank is now more troublesome for customers. Therefore to create favorable conditions for the development of manufacturing enterprises the management should promote reform processes, administrative procedures services related to credit of VietinBank. VietinBank leaders should to focus on solving the problems that include: (i) Reduce paperwork and procedures related to the provision of credit services, ensure simplification, transparency provisions related procedures such as loans, procedures for card services as well as the different stages of the bank; (ii) process should provide tabulations, template made up of bank websites so that customers can access information capture, declaration and perform. This will contribute actively to creating conditions that are favorable to the customer on time perform in banking services.
Improvedassurancein the provisioncreditservicesofVietinBank
85 Althoughfactors of"assurance" show nostatistical significancein theregressionresultsin the1% significance level, butthequality ofingredientsisimportanttothe impactofcustomersatisfactiononservice qualityofVietinBank. Toimprovethis assurance, VietinBankshouldconcentrate on implementingsomemain issues:
Firstly, it has diversifiedcreditproductsto constantly improvesthe quality ofbanking services. The realityofbankassuranceis that thecreditquality of the servicestill hasmany shortcomings, such as: productgroupconsumer creditenterprises, productgroupof international paymentsVietinBanknot yetenough attention, consumer loansis still limited.
Second, there is aneedto reducetransaction costsforcustomers. The competition betweenbanksfortransaction costsshow major challengesforVietinBank. As to transaction costs,thecustomer
careservices,promotional giftspolicyhas not
With thesethe solution above,
responsibilitiesanddedicationofleadershipVietinBankatthebranchof theRed River Deltaregion, wouldcertainlyproducepositive results, promote theadvantagesofbankinglong historyin improving thequality of serviceand thecreditquality ofparticularservicesinVietinBankinthe coming years.
Directionssubsequent studies
Although there havebeen many attemptsin collectingandsurveythe dataqualitycredit servicesinVietinBank-Red River DeltaRegion. However, thesamplesizeis small comparedwith the scale ofenterprise
86 customersusecreditVietinBankservicesinthis areabecause ofthe limitationof timeandfinancial resourcesdespiteinheritingadvantagefromearlierstudies.
Besides, componentsmeasuringservice
qualitycreditquantitativeperspective inVietinBank just at thelevel ofsurveyatthelocalRed River Deltaareainashortstage, scalecomponentof creditqualityservicehave not yet reachedtheunidirectional, toexplainthe levelofthe variablesin theresearch modelare not high. Furthermore, thesolution thatthe researchersuggestsmainlyfromthe perspective ofaccessthroughregression analysisandsetting suspectthatthere aremethodsandother approachesthat are valuableandmore persuasive, whilethere is a need for research oncreditquality of the service, such asstructural equationmodels to be done.
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