a1≥a2+a3≥a4+a5+a6+a7≥ ã ã ã ≥a2n+a2n+1+ ã ã ã +a2n+1−1≥2n, for alln≥1, which is absurd. Thus, at least one term, sayak, equals zero. But then
0=ak≥a2k+a2k+1≥ ã ã ã ≥a2nk+a2nk+1+ ã ã ã +a2nk+2n−1,
hencea2nk=a2nk+1= ã ã ã =a2nk+2n−1=0. We found 2nconsecutive terms of our sequence, all equal to zero, which clearly proves the claim.
Observation An nontrivial example of such a sequence is the following:
1, ifn=2k, for some integerk, 0, otherwise.
6.5 Equations with Infinitely Many Solutions
Problem 3.48 Find all triples of integers(x, y, z)such that x2+xy=y2+xz.
Solution The given equation is equivalent to x(x−z)=y(y−x).
Denote byd=gcd(x, y). Thenx=da, y=db, with gcd(a, b)=1.We deduce that y−x=kaandx−z=kbfor some integerk. Because gcd(a, b−a)=gcd(a, b)= 1, it follows thatb−adividesk. Settingk=m(b−a)we obtaind=maand the solutions are
x=ma2, y=mab, z=m
a2+ab−b2 wherem, a, bare arbitrary integers.
Problem 3.49 Letnbe an integer number. Prove that the equation x2+y2=n+z2
has infinitely many integer solutions.
Solution The equation is equivalent to
2 =n+1−(n+2k+1)2
2 = −n(n+1)
2 −2nk−2k2−2k, obviously an integer. Sincez=x−1, it is also an integer number.
Problem 3.50 Letmbe a positive integer. Find all pairs of integers(x, y)such that x2
Solution Multiplying the equation by 4 and adding y2 to both sides yields the equivalent form
1+4ym−1 .
It follows that 1+4ym−1 is an odd square, say (2a +1)2. We obtain ym−1= a(a+1)and sincea anda+1 are relatively prime integers, each of them must be the(m−1)th power of some integers. Clearly, this is possible only ifm=2, hencey=a(a+1). It follows that
hencex2=a2(a+1). We deduce thata+1 is a square and settinga+1=t2yields x=t3−t andy=t4−t2.
Problem 3.51 Letmbe a positive integer. Find all pairs of integers(x, y)such that x2
=ym+1. Solution The equation can be written in the equivalent form
Observe thaty4+4ym+1cannot be a square form=1. Indeed, in this case y4+4ym+1=y4+4y2=y2
y2+4 and no squares differ by 4. A similar argument works form=2.
6.5 Equations with Infinitely Many Solutions 221 Now, form≥3, we write the equation in the equivalent form
1+4ym−3 .
As in the previous solution we deduce thaty=a(a+1)for some integera, then x=a3(a+1). It follows thata=t2for some integert and the solutions arex= t5+t3, y=t4+t2.
Problem 3.52 Find all non-negative integersa, b, c, d, nsuch that a2+b2+c2+d2=7ã4n.
Solution Forn=0, we have 22+12+12+12=7, hence(a, b, c, d)=(2,1,1,1) and all permutations. Ifn≥1, thena2+b2+c2+d2≡0(mod 4), hence the num- bers have the same parity. We analyze two cases.
(a) The numbersa, b, c, dare odd. We writea=2a +1, etc. We obtain 4a(a +1)+4b(b +1)+4c(c +1)+4d (d +1)=4
7ã4n−1−1 . The left-hand side of the equality is divisible by 8, hence 7ã4n−1−1 must be even. This happens only forn=1. We obtaina2+b2+c2+d2=28, with the solutions (3, 3, 3, 1) and (1, 1, 1, 5).
(b) The numbersa, b, c, dare even. Writea=2a, etc. We obtain a2+b2+c2+d2=7ã4n−1, so we proceed recursively.
Finally, we obtain the solutions (2n+1,2n,2n,2n), (3ã2n,3 ã2n,3ã2n,2n), (2n,2n,2n,5ã2n), and the respective permutations.
Problem 3.53 Show that there are infinitely many systems of positive integers (x, y, z, t )which have no common divisor greater than 1 and such that
x3+y3+z2=t4. Solution Consider the identity
Takinga=b3, withban even integer gives b3+14
= 2b33
Sinceb is even,b3+1 and b3−1 are odd integers. It follows that the numbers x=2b3, y=2b, z=(b3−1)2 andt =b3+1 have no common divisor greater than 1.
Ifnis an arbitrary integer, then n−6n3 is also an integer sincen−n3= −(n−1)n× (n+1)and the product of three consecutive integers is divisible by 6. Settingm=
6 in the identity above gives n−n3
6 +1
6 −1
n3−n 6
n3−n 6
On the other hand, we have n−n3
6 +1
6 −1
6 +n3−n
6 +n=n,
yielding the following solution fork=6:x1=n−6n3+1,x2=n−6n3−1,x3=x4=
6 ,x5=x6=n. Fork >6 we can takex1tox5as before,x6= −nandxi =0 for alli >6.
Problem 3.55 Solve in integers the equation x2+y2=(x−y)3.
Solution If we denotea=x−yandb=x+y, the equation rewrites as a2+b2=2a3,
2a−1=b2 a2.
We see that 2a−1 is the square of a rational number, hence it is the square of an (odd) integer. Let 2a−1=(2n+1)2. It follows that a=2n2+2n+1 and b=a(2n+1)=(2n+1)(2n2+2n+1). Finally, we obtain
x=2n3+4n2+3n+1, y=2n3+2n2+n, wherenis an arbitrary integer number.
6.5 Equations with Infinitely Many Solutions 223
Problem 3.56 Letaandbbe positive integers. Prove that if the equation ax2−by2=1
has a solution in positive integers, then it has infinitely many solutions.
Solution Factor the left-hand side to obtain x√
a−y√ b
x√ a+y√
Cubing both sides yields x3a+3xy2b√
3x2ya+y3b√ b
x3a+3xy2b√ a +
3x2ya+y3b√ b
Multiplying out, we obtain a
Therefore, if(x1, y1)is a solution of the equation, so is(x2, y2), withx2=x13a+ 3x1y21b, andy2=3x12y1a+y13b. Clearly,x2> x1andy2> y1. Continuing in this way we obtain infinitely many solutions in positive integers.
Problem 3.57 Prove that the equation x+1
y +y+1 x =4 has infinitely many solutions in positive integers.
Solution Suppose that the equation has a solution(x1, y1)withx1≤y1. Clearing denominators, we can write the equation under the form
that is, a quadratic inx. One of the roots isx1, therefore, by Vieta’s theorem, the second one is 4y1−1−x1. Observe that 4y1−1−x1≥4x1−1−x1=3x1−1≥ 2x1>0, hence 4y1−1−x1is a positive integer.
It follows that(4y1−1−x1, y1)is another solution of the system. Because the equation is symmetric, we obtain that(x2, y2)=(y1,4y1−1−x1)is also a solution.
To end the proof, observe thatx2+y2=5y1−1−x1> x1+y1and that(1,1)is a solution. Thus, we can generate infinitely many solutions:
(1,1)→(1,2)→(2,6)→(6,21)→ ã ã ã.
Takingx=2(n+1), y=2(n−1), andz=2n, we see that x3+y3−2z3=48n,
Thus, the triples (x, y, z)=(2(n+1),2(n−1,2n)) are solutions in positive integers for all integersn >1.