Before looking a longer GUI application, we wanted to review the Partial Func- tion Application (PFA) as introduced back in Section 11.7.3 of Chapter 11.
PFAs were added to Python in version 2.5 and are one piece in a series of significant improvements in functional programming.
PFAs allow you to “cache” function parameters by effectively “freezing”
those predetermined arguments, and then at runtime, when you have the remaining arguments you need, you can thaw them out, send in the final arguments, and have that function called with all parameters.
Best of all, PFAs are not limited to just functions. They will work with any
“callable,” any object that has a functional interface just by using parentheses, i.e., classes, methods, or callable instances. The use of PFAs fits perfectly into a situation where there are many callables and many of the calls feature the same arguments over and over again.
GUI programming makes a great use case because there is good probabil- ity that you want some consistency in GUI widget look-and-feel, and this con- sistency comes about when the same parameters are used to create like objects. We are now going to present an application where multiple buttons will have the same foreground and background colors. It would be a waste of typing to give the same arguments to the same instantiators every time we wanted a slightly different button: the foreground and background colors are the same, but only the text is slightly different.
We are going to use traffic road signs as our example with our application attempts creating textual versions of road signs by dividing them up into vari- ous categories of sign types like critical, warning, or informational (just like logging levels). The type of the sign determines their color layout when the signs are created. For example, critical signs have the text in bright red with a white backdrop, warning signs are in black text on a goldenrod background, and informational or regulatory signs feature black text on a white back- ground. We have the “Do Not Enter” and “Wrong Way” signs, which are both
“critical,” plus “Merging Traffic” and “Railroad Crossing,” both of which are warnings. Finally, we have the regulatory “Speed Limit” and “One Way” signs.
The application creates the “signs,” which are just buttons. When users press the buttons, they just pop up the corresponding Tk dialog, critical/
error, warning, or informational. It is not too exciting, but how the buttons are built is. You will find our application featured here in Example 19.5.
ptg 832 Chapter 19 GUI Programming
Example 19.5 Road Signs PFA GUI Application ( Create road signs with the appropriate foreground and background colors based on sign type. Use PFAs to help “templatize” common GUI parameters.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2
3 from functools import partial as pto 4 from Tkinter import Tk, Button, X
5 from tkMessageBox import showinfo, showwarning, showerror 6
7 WARN = 'warn' 8 CRIT = 'crit' 9 REGU = 'regu' 10
11 SIGNS = {
12 'do not enter': CRIT, 13 'railroad crossing': WARN, 14 '55\nspeed limit': REGU, 15 'wrong way': CRIT, 16 'merging traffic': WARN, 17 'one way': REGU,
18 } 19
20 critCB = lambda: showerror('Error', 'Error Button Pressed!') 21 warnCB = lambda: showwarning('Warning',
22 'Warning Button Pressed!')
23 infoCB = lambda: showinfo('Info', 'Info Button Pressed!') 24
25 top = Tk()
26 top.title('Road Signs')
27 Button(top, text='QUIT', command=top.quit, 28 bg='red', fg='white').pack()
30 MyButton = pto(Button, top)
31 CritButton = pto(MyButton, command=critCB, bg='white', fg='red') 32 WarnButton = pto(MyButton, command=warnCB, bg='goldenrod1') 33 ReguButton = pto(MyButton, command=infoCB, bg='white') 34
35 for eachSign in SIGNS:
36 signType = SIGNS[eachSign]
37 cmd = '%sButton(text=%r%s).pack(fill=X, expand=True)' % ( 38 signType.title(), eachSign,
39 '.upper()'if signType == CRIT else '.title()') 40 eval(cmd)
42 top.mainloop()
ptg 19.3 Tkinter Examples 833
When you execute this application, you will get a GUI that will look some- thing like Figure 19.5.
Line-by-Line Explanation
Lines 1–18
We begin our application by importing functools.partial(), a few Tkinter attributes, and the Tk dialogs (lines 1–5). Next, we define some signs along with their categories (lines 7–18).
Lines 20–28
The Tk dialogs are assigned as button callbacks, which we will use for each button created (lines 20–23). We then launch Tk, set the title, and create a QUIT button (lines 25–28).
Lines 30–33
These lines represent our PFA magic. We use two levels of PFA. The first templatizes the Button class and the root window top. What this does is that every time we call MyButton, it will call Button (Tkinter.Button() creates a button.) with top as its first argument. We have “frozen” this into MyButton.
The second level of PFA is where we use our first one, MyButton, and templatizethat. We create separate button types for each of our sign catego- ries. When users create a critical button CritButton (by calling it, e.g., CritButton()), it will then call MyButton along with the appropriate button callback and background and foreground colors, which means calling Button with top, callback, and colors. Do you see how it unwinds and goes down the layers until at the very bottom, it has the call that you would have
Figure 19–5 Road signs PFA GUI application on XDarwin in MacOS X (
ptg 834 Chapter 19 GUI Programming
originally had to make if this feature did not exist yet? We repeat with Warn- Button and ReguButton.
Lines 35–42
With the setup completed, we look at our list of signs and create them. We put together a Python evaluatable string consisting of the correct button name, pass in the button label as the text argument, and pack() it. If it is a critical sign, then we CAPITALIZE the button text, otherwise we titlecase it. This last bit is done in line 39, demonstrating another feature introduced in Python 2.5, the temporary operator. Then we take each button creation string and execute it witheval(), creating the buttons one at a time and resulting in the graphic seen previously. Finally, we start the GUI by entering the main event loop.
This application uses several Python 2.5 features, so you will not be able to run this with an older version.