3.3 Solutions to complete Marketing Mix of the company Best price
3.3.4 Diversifying the mixed promotion policy
Mixed promotion policy is a leading competitive weapon that determines the company's business results in each phrase. As noted above, although there is good recognition of the role of marketing in general and promotion strategies in particular, the hybrid promotion policy still needs to be further improved to be effective as set out . The implementation options may be as follows:
There is innovation on the mixed promotion program over the years
Although the number of promotion is not small, however, the effect is not high, the main reason is not attractive enough, new, consistent with the trendy market.
Companies need to have more innovative mix promotions to capture the attention of potential customers.
Hire specialists in mixed promotion activities as well as select advertising channels
Organizing mixed promotion activities is a highly demanding and creative job.
Understanding customer trends as well as competitors' actions requires leaders to have a good vision and broad industry relationships, to gain access to the update news
These qualities can only be exploited in the professional but experienced new staff can only support the creative and risky part.
Re-evaluate the effectiveness of advertising channels and select effective advertising channels, to eliminate ineffective channels.
Currently the company's main advertising channel is facebook. Target audience is the European and American market. Currently, the effectiveness of this distribution channel is quite high
The cost of advertising through outsourced channels is as follows:
Run ads on foreign fanpage: $ 10 ~ 15,000 hits
The articles in the electronic newspaper Ngữ trí, VN Express, 3 million VND / post
Post a link available on the Web through travel bloggers in Europe: $ 150
Hire a blogger to post a $ 350 to $ 450 Web post…
These channels are showing a positive impact on the level of reach of the target audience. In addition, it is necessary to diversify as well as invest more in the advertising content in the available advertising channels are the company's website, fanpage of the company ...
Effective channels are time consuming and ineffective such as forum commentary, print ads should be removed for cost savings, efforts focused on channels of higher effectiveness.
3.3.5 Increase investment in human resources development
Human is a very important factor and also an endless source of knowledge. In the modern industrial world, machines can do most of the work of human beings, but there are specific tasks that can not be supported by machines.
: Creative ideas, customer care ... These workflows not only require specialized knowledge but also skills such as persuasion skills, case management skills, communication skills ...
In the 7 years of establishment and development, Bestprice Travel is constantly striving to find, attract and train quality human resources to improve the quality of services, create the source of intellectual power serving the target.
Develop in the long term. The number of employees at each branch office is 50 employees. Majority of people are graduated from universities. Although there are policies and programs to develop human resources, but the quality of human resources has not fully met the comprehensive requirements of each field, department. The company can implement the following solutions to develop human resources
Organize soft skills courses:
With saler: convince customers, behave in communication with customers, write formal email ...
With accounting department: excel skills, skills to use new software ...
With executives: case management skills, negotiation skills with partners ...
Strengthen the organization of service quality surveys for product divisions, operating divisions and sales divisions
Exposure to the product will in fact help the staff in these departments improve their understanding of the product, capture the characteristics of the product to work with customers as well as partners , simultaneously come up with ideas to improve, improve service quality
There are reasonable incentive and incentive schemes to encourage employees to work at the same time to avoid undue misconduct, corporate culture that adversely affects their colleagues and corporate image to public. The company should organize more awards in the year such as: Best seller of month, year; The exellent staff of each department ...
Rewards can replace the usual form of cash by the company's products are hotel services, tours ... This not only helps employees feel more motivated but also a way. Let employees in the company have the opportunity to evaluate the company's products under the objectivity of a true customer
Organize programs to engage members in the company
In the five companies should increase the number of party programs or contests in the company team to enhance internal solidarity. Currently Bestprice Travel is having major programs in that year, Corporate culture, Summer trip,
End year party
The company can organize more activities in the year such as Travel Miss, Bestprice got talent, or photo competitions or find out about the company ... So the parts, the members of the company not only mount It also contributes to improving the understanding of the members of corporate culture
Powers and responsibilities of work in the company must be more clearly separated
At present, the management system of Bestprice is having a problem with the unclear division of powers in the workplace, in other words, there are too many bosses for a problem, not just only affects work efficiency but also can cause internal conflict
The establishment of a logical and scientific management mechanism is very necessary, so that when the problem occurs can easily be attributed responsibility, when the achievement of reward will also reward the worthy.
3.3.6 Raise awareness of the importance of marketing
Someone says there is no need to have a dedicated marketing department to do the market analysis, planning and control of the related stages. Especially for small businesses, the activity is not diversified where the manager has extensive experience and knowledge of customer needs. Even for large companies, there is no need to have a marketing department, because the product has management engineers, the price is the finance-accounting department, the distribution of goods has employees. Special attention is paid, and sales as well as advertising have been taking care of the sales manager.
For such perception is very dangerous. Along with the operation of the market mechanism, the competition of competitors in the market will be fierce.
While competitors have planned to innovate to improve their products, attractive promotion programs that remain firmly in place, lagging behind are just as soon
or desirable. Although the company now has the right understanding of marketing, but this awareness is not really enough
The point of the company's marketing leader is to create mixed promotion programs that attract customers, competitive prices, and a wide distribution network but the remaining P's of Marketing seems to have no investment in the way. For example, the entire marketing budget is 80% for advertising, 10% for gifts and 10% for all other activities. This allocation is not very effective in terms of cost use. The company's perception of marketing is inadequate but insufficient, so there must be awareness-raising measures about the role of marketing for business leaders and staff in departments. To ensure the cost effectiveness of marketing activities is reasonable and optimal
In general, the marketing activities of Bestprice Travel company at the moment are being conducted quite synchronously and with clear calculation.
Every step of the work in the marketing process is carried out in a unified, scientific way from the market research stage to the organization implementation, evaluation test. There are dedicated personnel for each stage of the process, responsible for the work part. Price, product, mixed promotion and distribution policies are set up in phases so that they can be kept close to the
actual situation on the market. However, the implementation of the plans into practice has not been as effective as expected
In the near future the company should have specific solutions for each strategy. For price strategy is the diversification in price quotation products to meet more customers as well as the innovation of innovative products and services on the basis of research and survey of the real situation. Services provided by the company or partner. The distribution system needs to be further expanded, enhancing market coverage, creating favorable conditions for customers in the transaction process. On the strategy of mixed promotion, it is necessary to concentrate efforts to exploit advertising channels which bring about high results such as facebook, blogger ... and at the same time, it is necessary to create, innovate and launch more attractive promotion programs for customers. And one important factor that can not be ignored is human. The Company must create opportunities for employees to propose their legitimate educational aspirations to improve their professional skills as well as the skills they need to work. At the same time, creating a dynamic professional environment, motivating staff to work hard, and motivating for the company is the key to the success of the company. Internal company solidarity, talent is the foundation for the sustainable development of any business.
1. Principles of Marketing - Ph.D Dao Thi Minh Thanh and MBA Ngo Minh Cach