Chapter 3: Instant and Quantitative Fat Amount
4.6 Application of fluorescent metal sensor in biological systems
Iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) are the most abundant biochemically functional metals, which are present in the body under normal conditions.
However, their abundance is elevated in regions of the brain that is involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), where recent studies have indicated the involvement of trace element toxicity in the development or progression of AD.28-30 AD is a disease of progressive intellectual decline that is characterized pathologically by a selective loss of neurons and decreased synaptic density, as well as the extracellular deposition of amyloid plaques primarily composed of a 39-43 amino acid protein called amyloid beta (Aβ).
Aβ is derived from the proteolytic cleavage of a larger transmembrane
glycoprotein, the amyloid precursor protein (APP). It has been suggested that Zn may function in the modulation of the APP, perhaps leading to an even greater deposition of Aβ. Fe and Cu also have been shown to induce aggregation of Aβ, but without fibril formation. In fact, analyses of plaques and congophilic angiopathy from both AD and related mouse models have demonstrated that these metals are highly enriched in these structures.
A number of mouse models have been developed to mimic one or more neuropathological features of AD, which has resulted in valuable progress in understanding AD progression. In this paper, we used a triple transgenic knock-in mouse (APPsw/P301L tau/ PSENM146) as our model for AD to test the ability of our sensor array to detect metal ions in biological tissue. The mouse brain was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining for Awith an anitbody against residues 1 to 16 of A (6E10). Extracellular Adeposition is evident, as with intraneuronal Ashown in Figure 4.6.1. These extracellular Adeposits are also thioflavin S (ThS) positive. When treated with SGT3 within the metal-sensing array, which was noted for its high response towards Zn, strong staining pattern that corresponds to that of extracellular Adeposits was observed. Although amyloid deposits are composed predominantly of amyloid fibrils, which in the case of AD, arise from Apeptide, there also exist other non-fibrillar constituents such as lipids, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans. Hence, to further demonstrate that SGT3 staining was in fact targeted at metals, and no other species within the amyloid plaques, we pre-treated the brain slice with a metal chelating agent prior to staining with SGT3. Indeed, pre-treatment with EDTA abolished SGT3 staining, implying that the sensor is most likely targeted at Zn within the amyloid plaques.
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that have used several different techniques to demonstrate vivid Zn staining in the amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s patients.26,27 One example is an autometallographic technique (AMG) for visualizing loosely bound or free zinc ions in tissue by immersion autometallography permits the non- fluorescent detection of zinc ions and is easily standardized for sterological plaque quantification. Until recently, this could be done only by the use of fluorescent chelating agents such as TSQ and zinquin. Alternatively, there is a suite of imaging techniques composed of scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM), particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and Rutherford back scattering (RBS) used in conjunction with a MeV proton microprobe technique, which can identify amyloid deposits and simultaneously map and quantify these trace elements within them, without recourse to conventional fixing and staining. Quantification of brain metal ion content and distribution from the earliest stages of plaque formation may be a powerful marker for early diagnosis, assessment of treatment strategies, and/or a therapeutic target in human AD.