Equivalent Relationships of Stabilities for Linear Abstract

Một phần của tài liệu Yoshiyuki hino et al almost periodic solutions of differential equations in banach spaces (Trang 198 - 202)

tional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay Next, we consider the case where (3.26) is linear, that is, (H5) F(t, φ) is linear inφwith supt≥0|F(t,ã)|X≤L.

Theorem 3.15 Assume that the conditions(H2) and(H5)hold. LetBbe a fading memory space. Then the following statements hold:

i) If the null solution of (3.26)isBC-TS, then it isBC-UAS .

ii) Assume that B is a uniform fading memory space. If the null solution of (3.26) isB-TS then it isB- UAS.

Proof. Claim i). Letσ∈R+ andφ∈BC with|φ|BC <min(1, δ(1)),where δ(ã) is the one given for theBC-TS of the null solution of (3.26). Thenu(t) :=u(t, σ, φ) satisfies|u(t)|X<1 for allt∈R. Now, for anyε >0, 0< ε <1,andα >0,we set

a(t) :=a(t, α, ε) =

(1 + 2αt)(1 +εαt), t≥0 1, t <0, and definev(t) andh(t) by

v(t) =a(t−σ)u(t), t∈R and

h(t) = ˙a(t−σ)u(t) +a(t−σ)F(t, ut)−F(t, vt), t≥σ, (3.51) respectively, where ˙adenotes the right hand derivative of a. Clearlyh(t) is contin- uous int≥σ and it satisfies

|h(t)|X ≤ 2α|u(t)|X+|F(t, a(t−σ)ut−vt)|X

≤ 2α+L|a(t−σ)ut−vt|B

fort≥σ by (H2), because of|a(t)| ≤˙ 2αfort≥0. We first assert that v(t) is the (mild) solution of (3.34) withh(t) given by (3.51); that is,v(t) satisfies the relation

v(t) =T(t−σ)v(σ) + Z t


T(t−s){a(s˙ −σ)u(s) +a(s−σ)F(s, us)}ds, (3.52) for all τ ≥ t > σ. Indeed, one can take sequences {xn} ⊂ D(A) and {hn} ⊂ BC([σ, τ];X) such thathn is continuously differentiable on [σ, τ] and|xn−φ(0)|X+ supσ≤t≤τ|hn(t)−F(t, ut)|X → 0 as n → ∞. Set un(t) = T(t−σ)xn +Rt

σT(t− s)hn(s)dsandvn(t) =a(t−σ)un(t) fort∈[σ, τ].Then un(t)→u(t) andvn(t)→ v(t) inX as n→ ∞ uniformly fort∈ [σ, τ]. From [179, Theorem 4.2.4] it follows thatun is continuously differentiable on (σ, τ] with (dun(t))(dt) =Aun(t) +hn(t).

Hencevn is continuously differentiable on (σ, τ] with (dvn(t))(dt) =Avn(t) + ˙a(t− σ)un(t) +a(t−σ)hn(t).Then, from [179, Corollary 4.2.2] it follows that

vn(t) =T(t−σ)vn(σ) + Z t


T(t−s){a(s˙ −σ)un(s) +a(s−σ)hn(s)}ds fort∈[σ, τ].Lettingn→ ∞in the above, we get (3.52) as required.

Now, for each positive integer n we set Sn := sup{|φ|B : φ ∈ BC,|φ|BC ≤ 1 and suppφ⊂(−∞,−n]}, where supp φdenotes the support ofφ.Observing that Sn→0,by (A2), asn→ ∞, we take so largen:=n(ε) thatSn < εδ(1)/(8L),and then chooseα:=α(ε) such that 2α(1 +LJ n)< δ(1)/2. We claim that|h|[σ,∞)<

δ(1). To see this, for anyt≥σ we consider functionsq, qn andwn in BC defined by

q(θ) = a(t−σ)u(t+θ)−v(t+θ)

= [a(t−σ)−a(t+θ−σ)]u(t+θ), θ≤0,

qn(θ) =

q(θ) if −n≤θ≤0, linear if −n−1≤θ≤ −n,

0 if θ≤ −n−1,

andwn=q−qn.Then the support ofwn is contained in (−∞,−n], and|wn|BC ≤ 2 sups∈R|a(s)| ≤ 4/ε. Consequently, |wn|B ≤ (4/ε)Sn < δ(1)/(2L). Also, since

|qn|BC ≤ |q|[−n,0] ≤2αn, we get |qn|B ≤J|qn|BC ≤2αJ n. Then |h(t)|X ≤2α+ L|q|B < δ(1) or |h|[σ,∞) < δ(1) as required. Since the null solution of (3.26) is BC-TS, we get|v(t)|X < 1 for all t ≥ σ. Hence, if t ≥ σ+ (1−ε)/(εα(ε)), then

|u(t)|X<1/a(t−σ)< ε,which proves the first claim of the theorem.

Claim ii). Letσ∈R+ andφ∈ B with|φ|B< δ(1), whereδ(ã) is the one given for the B-total stability of the null solution of (3.26). In what follows, we employ the same notation as in the proof of the first claim. Since B is a uniform fading memory space, we may assume that the functions K(ã) and M(ã) in (A1) satisfy supt≥0K(t) =: K < ∞, supt≥0M(t) =: M < ∞ and M(t) → 0 as t → ∞. In virtue of (A1-iii), we obtain|ut|B≤Ksupσ≤s≤t|u(s)|X+M|uσ|B≤K+M δ(1) for t≥σ.Similarly, we can get supt≥σ|vt|B ≤(2/ε)K+M δ(1).Take ant0:=t0(ε)>0 so that

L(2/ε+ 1)(2K/ε+M δ(1))M(t0)< δ(1)/2,

and then choose anα:=α(ε)>0 so that

2α{1 +Lt0(K+M δ(1))}< δ(1)/2.

Ift≥t0+σ, then

|h(t)|X ≤ 2α+L|a(t−σ)ut−vt|B

≤ 2α+L{K sup




≤ 2α+L{2αKt0+ (2/ε+ 1)(2K/ε+M δ(1))M(t0)}

< δ(1)

by (A1-iii). On one hand, ifσ≤t≤t0+σ,then

|h(t)|X ≤ 2α+L{K sup


|a(t−σ)−a(t−σ+θ)||u(t+θ)|X +M|a(t−σ)−1||φ|B}

≤ 2α+L{2Kα(t−σ) + 2M α(t−σ)δ(1)}

< δ(1)/2.

We thus obtain|h|[σ,∞)< δ(1).Then theB-UAS of the null solution of (3.26) follows from the same reasoning as in the proof of the first claim.

It is natural to ask if the additional assumption that B is a uniform fading memory space can be removed in the second claim of Theorem 3.15. As the following example shows, however, one cannot remove the assumption, in general.

Example 3.2 ForX=R andg(s) = 1−s, we consider the spaceCg0 constructed in Section 3.3, and define a functionalG:R+×Cg07→Rby

G(t, φ) = φ(−t)

g(−t), (t, φ)∈R+×Cg0.

For eacht∈R+,G(t,ã) :Cg07→Ris a bounded linear operator withkG(t,ã)k ≤1.

Moreover, one can see thatGis continuous onR+×Cg0.We now consider the linear functional differential equation


dt =−u(t) +G(t, ut), t≥0. (3.53) We first show that the null solution of (3.53) isCg0-TS. Indeed, ifσ∈R+, φ∈Cg0 with|φ|g < ε/3 andh∈BC([σ,∞);R) with |h|[σ,∞)< ε/3, then the solutionv(t) of (d/dt)u=−u(t) +G(t, ut) +h(t), t≥σ, through (σ, φ) satisfies

|v(t)| = |e−(t−σ)φ(0) + Z t


e−(t−s)(G(s, vs) +h(s))ds|

≤ |φ(0)|+ Z t


e−(t−s)(|φ(−σ)|/(1 +s) +|h(s)|)ds

≤ |φ|g+ Z t



≤ 2|φ|g+|h|[σ,∞)< ε

fort≥σ,which shows theCg0-TS of the null solution of (3.53). We claim that the null solution of (3.53) is notCg0-UAS. Indeed, if this is not true, then for anyε >0 there exists at0:=t0(ε)>1 such that supσ≥0|u(σ+t0, σ, φ)|< εwheneverφ∈Cg0 with |φ|g ≤ 1. For each σ ≥ 0, choose a nonnegative function φσ in Cg0 so that φσ(0) = 0 and|φσ|g=φσ(−σ)/g(−σ) = 1.Then



|u(σ+t0, σ, φσ|< ε. (3.54) On the other hand,

u(σ+t0, σ, φσ) = e−t0φσ(0) + Z σ+t0


e−(σ+t0−s)G(s, us)ds

= Z t0


eθ−t0G(θ+σ, uθ+σ)dθ

= Z t0


eθ−t0(1 +σ)/(1 +θ+σ)dθ

≥ Z t0


eθ−t0dθã(1 +σ)/(1 +t0+σ)

≥ (1−e−t0)(1 +σ)/(1 +t0+σ).

Hence we get supσ≥0|u(σ+t0, σ, φσ)| ≥1−e−t0>1−e−1,which is a contradiction to (3.54). Consequently, the null solution of (3.53) cannot beCg0-UAS.

As a direct consequence of Theorems 3.11 and 3.15, one can obtain the following result which is an extension of [93, Theorem] and [98, Theorem 3] withX=Rnto the case where dimX=∞.

Theorem 3.16 LetBbe a fading memory space, and assume(H1)-(H2)and(H5).

Then the following statements hold.

i) The null solution of (3.26)isBC-TS if and only if it isBC-UAS.

ii) Assume thatBis a uniform fading memory space. Then the null solution of (3.26) isB-TS if and only if it isB-UAS.

We note that in Claim ii) of Theorem 3.16, the additional condition thatBis a uniform fading memory space cannot necessarily be removed as Example 3.2 shows.

Một phần của tài liệu Yoshiyuki hino et al almost periodic solutions of differential equations in banach spaces (Trang 198 - 202)

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