Suggestions for future research

Một phần của tài liệu Approximation to the stationary distribution of information flows in a communication network (Trang 89 - 98)

7.5 Suggestions for future research

Future research on this subject may go to two directions. One is to lessen the assumptions of Poisson arrivals, exponential file size. This may require introducing additional steps to numerically approximate the realistic arrival process and its impacts. In these cases, simulation results may be used as benchmark solutions.

For the simple light traffic networks, our algorithm provides very accurate approxima- tion to the solution, i.e. the probability of every state. For more practical cases, where the heavy traffic dominates, the probability of the intervals of states, i.e. P(~n Ai) is instead of more interest. Thus another improvement is to design methods calculating the cumulative probabilities, i.e. P(n1 < x, n2 < y,ã ã ã), instead of the discrete point probabilities.


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Một phần của tài liệu Approximation to the stationary distribution of information flows in a communication network (Trang 89 - 98)

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