Suggestions for Future Work

Một phần của tài liệu Efficient methodologies for real time state identification during process transitions (Trang 197 - 214)

Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work

7.2 Suggestions for Future Work

While the developments in this thesis provide a new basis for signal processing based process state identification and fault diagnosis, they can be further extended in the future along the following directions.

1. This thesis has explored the use of singular points only in the context of signal comparison. However, the concept of singular points introduced here can be used for other applications as well – examples, include data compression, operator decision support for process monitoring, fault detection, fault identification, and recovery planning – even without explicit signal comparison since the singular points and the singular episodes themselves encapsulate all the essential information from the signal.

2. The computational load and robustness of singular points identification can be improved. This particularly applies to trend change points in complex, noisy signals. It has been our observation that the algorithm for trend change point identification proposed in this thesis results in a large number of hits – many of which would not be intuitively considered as such by an experience operator.

3. The concept of singular point has been defined solely for uni-variate signals. Its extension to multivariate signals would be useful.

4. The dynamic locus analysis method as described in Chapter 4 is a multi-variate approach. But it assumes that all the signals are either synchronized to start or are

desynchronized to the same levels. This assumption allows the same time warping to be applied to all the signals. In large-scale processes, this assumption may not be valid and different variables may have different levels of desynchronization.

Further work is needed to extend the dynamic locus analysis to such situations.

5. The dynamic selection of state-specific key variables could have a number of applications although it has been explored only in the context of process monitoring in this thesis. One such example is state-specific alarm management.

Currently, a flood of false alarms arise especially during process transitions. The dynamic key variable selection can be used to systematically identify critical as well as nuisance alarms.

6. The key variable selection method proposed in this thesis is rudimentary and establishes only a proof-of-concept. More sophisticated methods which require less user expertise and are less data intensive should be developed.


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Author’s Publications

Srinivasan R. and Qian M. Offline temporal signal comparison using singular points augmented time warping, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(13), p 4697 – 4716, 2005.

Srinivasan R. and Qian M. Online signal comparison using singular points augmented time warping, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, under review, 2006.

Srinivasan R. and Qian M. Online fault diagnosis and state identification during process transition using dynamic locus analysis, Chemical Engineering Science.

under review, 2006.

Srinivasan R. and Qian M. Selecting state-specific key variables, Submitted, 2006.

Qian M. and Srinivasan R., Online Monitoring of Process States using Dynamic Programming and Dynamic Time Warping, Presented in the AIChE annual meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 3–8. 2002.

Qian M. and Srinivasan R., Online Identification of Process Transitions using Dynamic Programming and Dynamic Time Warping, Presented in the 4th Asian Control Conference, Singapore, Sep 25-27. 2002.

Qian M. and Srinivasan R., Classifying process transitions using dynamic time warping, Presented in the Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct 28-30. 2002.

Qian M. and Srinivasan R., Indexing Process Modes and Transitions Using Singular Points, Accepted for presentation in Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2001, 29-31 Oct, Bandung, Indonesia. 2001.

Appendix A:

Algorithm for Sharp changes Detection:

%%%% This file is using for finding the place where the signal start change quickly where it stop change quickly

%%% THD is jump-threshold; Duration is inspection window; signal is the uni-variate signal function [A4,B4]=sharpChange(signal,THD)



%%%% get the change mark for short period excessValue = mod(length(signal),Duration);

noOfInputs = (length(signal)-excessValue)/Duration;

reshapedInput = reshape(signal(1:end-excessValue),Duration,noOfInputs);

nonFlatTrends = find((max(reshapedInput)- min(reshapedInput)) > threshold);

flatTrends = find((max(reshapedInput)- min(reshapedInput)) <= threshold);



%%%% get the quick transition start at 8*n Q=diff(signal);


if length(QQ)>0


if P


if Change<noOfInputs trend(:,Change)=4;

end end end

%%%% find the real sharp Change period Position=find(trend==4);

if length(Position)==0 startPoint=[];


elseif length(Position)==1







if length(keyPositionLeft)>0






end end

%%% % find the exact change point in inspection window if startPoint

for i=1:length(startPoint)


for j=1:Duration-1

if max(signal(P-j:P-j+Duration-1))-min(signal(P-j:P-j+Duration-1))>threshold if abs(signal(P-j+1)-signal(P-j))>threshold/5


end end end




if isempty(C2) C2=0;




for j=1:Duration-1

if max(signal(Q-Duration-1+j:Q+j))-min(signal(Q-Duration-1+j:Q+j))>threshold if abs(signal(Q+j)-signal(Q+j-1))>threshold/5


end end end




if isempty(D2) D2=0;



end end



Extrema points Detection

Algorithm for Maxima Detection

%%%% This file is using for find the extreme points (Maxima) in a signal

%%%% There too many local extreme points in a noise signal which need remove from identification

%%% THD is threshold; signal is the uni-variate signal

function [A1,B1]=maxPoint(signal,THD) threshold=THD;


%%%% find the max points in signal t=1;



if length(positionMax)>2 keep=[];

%%%% review all the local maxima points for i=1:length(positionMax)-1

if isempty(keepMax)&isempty(keep)


%%%% Make sure left side has difference with the smallest point if D1<threshold/2




if D2>threshold

keepMax=[keepMax positionMax(i)];


elseif signal(positionMax(i+1))>signal(keep) keep=positionMax(i+1);

end end

elseif isempty(keepMax)&keep


%%%% ensure the signal between two neighbor maxima points has a minima point if D3>threshold/2

keepMax=[keepMax keep];


elseif signal(positionMax(i+1))>signal(keep) keep=positionMax(i+1);


elseif keepMax&isempty(keep)


if D4<threshold/2 else



if D5>threshold/2

keepMax=[keepMax positionMax(i)];


elseif signal(positionMax(i+1))>signal(keep) keep=positionMax(i+1);

end end

elseif keepMax&keep


if D6>threshold/2

keepMax=[keepMax keep];


elseif signal(positionMax(i+1))>signal(keep) keep=positionMax(i+1);

end end end if keep


if D>threshold/2

keepMax=[keepMax keep];

end end end



Algorithm for Minima Detection

%%%% This file is using for find the extreme points (minima) in a signal

%%%% There too many extreme points in a noise signal which need remove from identification

%%% THD is threshold; signal is the uni-variate signal

function [A2,B2]=minPoint(signal,THD) threshold=THD;


%%%% find the max points in signal t=1;



if length(positionMin)>2 keep=[];

for i=1:length(positionMin)-1

if isempty(keepMin)&isempty(keep)


%%%% Make sure left side has difference with the minima point if D1<threshold/2




if D2>threshold

keepMin=[keepMin positionMin(i)];


elseif signal(positionMin(i+1))<signal(keep) keep=positionMin(i+1);

end end

elseif isempty(keepMin)&keep


if D3>threshold/2

keepMin=[keepMin keep];


elseif signal(positionMin(i+1))<signal(keep) keep=positionMin(i+1);


elseif keepMin&isempty(keep)


if D4<threshold/2 else



%%%% ensure the signal between two neighbor minima points has a maximapoints if D5>threshold/2

keepMin=[keepMin positionMin(i)];


elseif signal(positionMin(i+1))<signal(keep) keep=positionMin(i+1);

end end

elseif keepMin&keep


if D6>threshold/2

keepMin=[keepMin keep];


elseif signal(positionMin(i+1))<signal(keep) keep=positionMin(i+1);

end end end if keep


if D>threshold/2

keepMin=[keepMin keep];

end end end



Algorithm for Trend change points Detection

%%%% This file is using for finding the trend change points during process transition

%%%% Trend change point is a point where process stable trend changed

%%%% THD is threshold; distance is the stable neighborhood window, signal is the uni-variate signal

function [A5, B5]=trendChange(signal,THD) threshold=THD;






while i<length(signal)-distance %%% left checking yy=signal(i-distance+1:i);





if R>(1-limit)|abs(Rate<limit)



%%%% check any points out 3 standard deviation if isempty(find(yy<B'-3*STD|yy>B'+3*STD))&STD<limit Flag1=0;

elseif max(abs(yy-B'))<threshold/5 Flag1=0;

end end if Flag1==0


%%%% check whether the next point out 3 standard deviation if signal(i+1)<D1-3*STD|signal(i+1)>D1+3*STD

if abs(signal(i+1)-D1)>threshold/5;




keep=[keep i-Number+QQ2];





if PART(1:end)>limit keep=[keep i];


elseif PART(1:end)<-limit keep=[keep i];


end end end end

%%% right checking yy=signal(i:i+distance-1);




Một phần của tài liệu Efficient methodologies for real time state identification during process transitions (Trang 197 - 214)

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