Future Outlook for Economic Condition

Một phần của tài liệu Public financial management edited by howard a frank (Trang 431 - 450)

On a conceptual level, most frameworks for evaluating the financial health of governments consider both short-term and long-term factors. Until recently, however, little information was available to inform the long-term aspects of a government’s finances. One of the primary motivations for GASB Statement 34 was to round out financial reporting by state and local governments by adding more comprehensive information, covering both the short and long term, to complement the existing short-run, fund-based information the public was already getting.

Now that the basic implementation deadlines for Statement 34 have passed, any government following GAAP — and any analyst examining such a government — has new long-term financial information at its fingertips. This chapter sets forth an example of how this new information can be incorporated into a facile, but thorough, assessment of a govern- ment’s economic condition. The capital asset, long-term liability, full accrual, and other information needed to calculate the ratios in this chapter’s new 10-point test of economic condition is now available, and trends can be constructed with each succeeding year of reporting under the GASB 34 model.

The issuance of GASB Statement 44 in 2004 will also be a beneficial development for the analysis of economic condition. Statement 44 updates and revises the requirements for the statistical section of a government’s

comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the first time in 25 years.

The information in the statistical section is highly valuable to municipal bond analysts and others who make assessments of governmental financial health.

The deadline for implementing Statement 44 is fiscal years ending after June 15, 2006.

When a government presents a statistical section with its annual finan- cial statements, it contains schedules of financial, economic, demographic, and operating information for the past ten years. These schedules include all of the basic information necessary to calculate nine of the ten ratios described in this chapter (the exception being the enterprise funds cover- age ratio). Analysts examining governments that prepare CAFRs will have readily available trends in long-term financial information extending back to a government’s implementation of Statement 34. The final hurdles to comprehensive assessments of governmental economic condition are now being cleared.


The opinions expressed in this manuscript are those of the author. Official positions of the GASB are established only after extensive due process.

A Manageable System of Economic Condition Analysis for Governments g 403


Table 15.A1 City of Port Hayley, Statement of Net Assets, June 30, 200X

Primary Government Governmental



Activities Total ASSETS

Cash and investments $19,600,901 $17,110,793 $36,711,694

Receivables, net 2,328,271 911,057 3,239,328

Internal balances 143,125 (143,125) -

Due from other governments 1,176,789 179,565 1,356,354

Inventories 150,689 124,822 275,511

Prepaid items and deposits 2,182,444 534 2,182,978

Other assets - 2,786,819 2,786,819

Restricted cash and investments 20,606 1,789,339 1,809,945 Capital assets, not depreciable 18,347,986 11,715,956 30,063,942 Capital assets, depreciable 37,938,666 35,277,445 73,216,111 Total Assets $81,889,477 $69,753,205 $151,642,682 LIABILITIES

Accounts payable $1,144,939 $787,995 $1,932,934

Accrued interest payable 392,055 - 392,055

Due to other governments 230,052 80,525 310,577

Deferred revenue 179,857 - 179,857

Deposits 2,497,489 34,185 2,531,674

Liabilities payable from restricted assets

Due to other governments - 67,213 67,213

Revenue bonds payable due within one year

- 332,115 332,115

Accrued interest - 229,389 229,389

Noncurrent assets

Due within one year 2,136,933 318,913 2,455,846

Due in more than one year 23,803,602 11,205,999 35,009,601 Total Liabilities $30,384,927 $13,056,334 $43,441,261

Table 15.A1 Continued

Primary Government Governmental



Activities Total


Invested in capital assets, net of related debt

$32,965,759 $35,719,964 $68,685,723 Restricted for:

Encumbrances 61,443 3,350,881 3,412,324

Public works, transportation projects

885,630 - 885,630

Police programs 9,507 - 9,507

Grant funded programs 1,842,618 - 1,842,618

Debt service 542,576 124,520 667,096

Capital projects - 90,802 90,802

Culture and recreation 38,994 - 38,994

Other purposes 105,927 - 105,927

Unrestricted 15,052,096 17,410,704 32,462,800

Total Net Assets $51,504,550 $56,696,871 $108,201,421 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

A Manageable System of Economic Condition Analysis for Governments g 405

Program Revenues Net (Expense) Revenues

Functions/Programs Expenses

Charges for Services

Operating Grants and Contributions

Capital Grants and Contributions

Governmental Activities


Activities Total Governmental activities:

General government $2,559,258 $1,672,218 $ 28,043 $ - $ (858,997) $ - $ (858,997)

Community and

economic development

2,246,394 77,507 879,648 22,231 (1,267,008) - (1,267,008)

Public works 1,428,077 423,776 130,953 151,992 (721,356) - (721,356)

Police 6,378,778 416,363 171,732 - (5,790,683) - (5,790,683)

Fire and EMS 3,331,929 991,426 37,179 2,555 (2,300,769) - (2,300,769)

Recreation and culture 5,149,158 919,267 165,851 216,121 (3,847,919) - (3,847,919)

Interest on long-term debt 1,134,469 - - - (1,134,469) - (1,134,469)

Total governmental activities

22,228,063 4,500,557 1,413,406 392,899 (15,921,202) - (15,921,202) Business-type activities:

Water and wastewater 7,276,199 6,840,671 9,970 169,900 - (255,658) (255,658)

Stormwater 820,173 868,273 - 3,053 - 51,153 51,153

Sanitation 3,287,614 3,021,852 2,004 - - (263,758) (263,758)

Port and marina 267,412 268,533 - 61,963 - 63,084 63,084

Golf courses 363,049 336,530 - - - (26,519) (26,519)

Evanston Complex 45,471 40,922 - - - (4,549) (4,549) Total business-type


12,059,918 11,376,782 11,974 234,916 - (436,246) (436,246)

Total Primary Government $34,287,981 $15,877,339 $1,425,380 $627,815 (15,921,202) (436,246) (16 ,357,448) General Revenues:


Property 6,477,373 - 6,477,373

Franchise 1,383,926 - 1,383,926

Utility 3,537,288 - 3,537,288

Sales 1,520,196 - 1,520,196

Other 1,523,224 - 1,523,224

Unrestricted intergovernmental aid 2,666,347 - 2,666,347 Earnings on unrestricted investments 748,524 1,013,673 1,762,197

Rentals 204,794 - 204,794

Miscellaneous 247,697 77,297 324,994

Gain on the sale of capital assets 501,167 27,071 528,238

Transfers 890,286 (890,286) -

Total General Revenues and Transfers 19,700,822 227,756 19,928,578

Change in Net Assets 3,779,620 (208,490) 3,571,130

Net Assets - Beginning 47,724,930 56,905,361 104,630,291

Net Assets - Ending $51,504,550 $56,696,871 $108,201,421

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

Table 15.A3 City of Port Hayley, Balance Sheet, Governmental Funds, June 30, 200X

General Fund

Neighborhood Improvement

Grants Fund

Nonmajor Governmental


Total Governmental


Cash and investments $4,377,368 $3,552,041 $66,250 $6,057,986 $14,053,645

Accounts receivable 52,075 - - 208,411 260,486

Taxes receivable 5,849 - - 557,384 563,234

Accrued interest receivable 18,692 25,047 - 14,114 57,853

Notes receivable 145,932 - 889,167 523,704 1,558,803

Due from other funds 74,200 - - - 74,200

Due from other governments 113,740 108,352 67,127 931,407 1,220,625

Inventory 26,885 - - 6,755 33,640

Deposits 7,433 - 1,900,110 19,210 1,926,753

Restricted cash and investments

- - - 11,034 11,034

Total Assets $4,822,176 $3,685,440 $2,922,653 $8,330,004 $19,760,273


Accounts payable $146,317 $258,249 $8,042 $75,505 $488,113

Salaries payable 284,385 - 1,802 20,968 307,155

Other accrued liabilities - 136,678 - 4,343 141,021

Due to other governments 324 4 120 151,161 151,609


Due to other funds - - 50,000 24,200 74,200

Deposits 58,559 - 1,906,562 39,985 2,005,106

Deferred revenues 306,473 - 889,167 667,741 1,863,380

Total Liabilities 796,058 394,931 2,855,694 983,902 5,030,585

Fund balances:

Reserved for:

Encumbrances 88,371 672,894 - 173,465 934,729

Inventories 26,885 - - 25,803 52,689

Capital improvements - - - 38,944 38,944

Library - - - 29,470 29,470

Arboretum - - - 9,548 9,548

Prepaid items and deposits 7,433 - - - 7,433

Unreserved, reported in:

General fund 3,903,429 - - - 3,903,429

Special revenue funds - - 66,959 4,202,440 4,269,400

Capital projects funds - 2,617,615 - 1,179,386 3,797,001

Debt service funds - - - 1,413,127 1,413,127

Permanent funds - - - 273,918 273,918

Total Fund Balances 4,026,118 672,894 66,959 9,963,717 14,729,688

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $4,822,176 $1,067,825 $2,922,653 $10,947,619 $19,760,273 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

Note: The required reconciliation of total governmental fund balance to total governmental activities net assets is not illustrated.


Table 15.A4 City of Port Hayley, Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances, Governmental Funds, June 30, 200X

General Fund

Neighborhood Improvement

Grants Fund

Nonmajor Governmental


Total Governmental


Taxes $ 6,816,538 $ - $ - $4,870,957 $11,687,496

Licenses and permits 396,776 - - - 396,776

Fines and forfeitures 207,103 - - 127,498 334,602

Charges 1,670,901 - - 1,473,682 3,144,582

Intergovernmental 580,589 218,938 571,701 5,213,957 6,585,185

Investment earnings 255,385 141,359 5,392 408,726 810,861

Miscellaneous 539,098 130,454 175,274 372,884 1,217,710

Total Revenues 10,466,389 490,752 752,367 12,467,703 24,177,211


General government $1,482,256 $ - $ - $23,381 $1,505,637

Community and economic development 1,277,207 - 484,562 686,543 2,448,312

Public works 825,638 16,047 - 60,153 901,838

Police 6,031,489 821 - 987,558 7,019,867


Fire and EMS 2,396,349 - - - 2,396,349

Recreation and culture 2,966,838 18,115 - 1,160,406 4,145,359

Debt service - - - 3,500,823 3,500,823

Capital outlay 176,769 3,302,475 236,439 884,832 4,600,514

Total Expenditures 15,156,546 3,337,456 721,000 7,303,695 26,518,698


(4,690,157) (2,846,705) 31,367 5,164,008 (2,341,487)


Transfers in 6,831,073 2,046,139 - 3,951,538 12,828,749

Transfers out (1,415,643) (290,400) - (10,189,624) (11,895,666)

Bond proceeds - - - 5,663,464 5,663,464

Payment to escrow agent - - - (5,416,926) (5,416,926)

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 5,415,430 1,755,739 - (5,991,548) 1,179,621

NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 725,273 (1,090,966) 31,367 (827,540) (1,161,866)

FUND BALANCES – BEGINNING 3,300,845 4,381,476 35,592 8,173,642 15,891,555

FUND BALANCES – ENDING $4,026,118 $3,290,509 $66,959 $7,346,102 $14,729,688

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


Table 15.A5 City of Port Hayley, Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities, June 30, 200X

Net change in fund balances, total governmental funds (1,161,866)

Capital outlay, reported as expenditures in governmental funds, are shown as capital assets in the statement of net assets


Depreciation expenses on governmental capital assets included in the governmental activities in the statement of activities


The issuance of long-term debt provides current financial resources to governmental funds, but has no effect on net assets:

Long-term debt proceeds (5,663,464)

Long-term debt issuance expense 83,171

Long-term debt refunding payments to escrow agents 6,395,742

Repayment of long-term debt is reported as an expenditure in governmental funds, but is a reduction of long-term liabilities in the statement of net assets


The net revenues of the internal service funds are reported with governmental activities 123,852 Some governmental revenues will not be collected for several months or years after the fiscal year and

are deferred in the governmental funds


Certain items reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in the governmental funds


Changes in net assets, governmental activities 3,779,620

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


Table 15.A6 City of Port Hayley, Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets, June 30, 200X Business-type Activities-Enterprises Funds

Governmental Activities—

Internal Service Fund Water and

Wastewater Stormwater Sanitation

Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

Total Enterprise


Sales and concessions $3,129,306 $ - $ - $ 54,041 $ 3,183,347 $ 3,206

Service charges and fees 3,588,246 868,273 3,021,852 259,837 7,738,207 5,873,661

Rentals and parking - - - 332,005 332,005 635,459

Other 4,232 - - 102 4,334 -

Total Revenues 6,721,783 868,273 3,021,852 645,985 11,257,893 6,512,326


Personal services and benefits 1,748,824 330,217 1,155,854 313,032 3,547,926 1,676,708 Supplies, services and claims 3,931,417 198,373 1,662,201 186,609 5,978,599 4,084,801

General administrative charges 388,800 40,200 204,600 44,801 678,401 -

Depreciation 887,758 214,228 231,758 121,678 1,455,422 837,394

Total Expenses 6,956,799 783,017 3,254,413 666,119 11,660,349 6,598,904

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (235,016) 85,255 (232,561) (20,134) (402,456) (86,577)



Business-type Activities-Enterprises Funds

Governmental Activities—

Internal Service Fund Water and

Wastewater Stormwater Sanitation

Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

Total Enterprise


Intergovernmental revenues 15,497 897 2,004 61,963 80,361 -

Pass-through grant - - - (3,567) (3,567) -

Earnings on investments 767,414 124,482 116,978 8,867 1,017,741 188,641

Interest expense (205,599) (24,174) - (3,135) (232,908) (15,316)

Financing fees and premiums (1,232) - - (2,337) (3,569) -

Amortization of bond discount (4,341) - - (1,585) (5,926) -

Gain (loss) on sale of fixed assets 7,061 2,133 17,877 - 27,071 45,244

Miscellaneous revenue 60,353 885 8,955 7,104 77,297 81,040

Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 639,153 104,224 145,814 67,309 956,500 299,609 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL

CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 404,137 189,479 (86,747) 47,175 554,044 213,032

CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 164,363 2,156 (1,192) - 165,327 9,840

TRANSFERS IN - 169,000 - 24,000 193,000 -

TRANSFERS OUT (668,460) (123,436) (233,524) (56,664) (1,082,083) (44,000)

NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES (99,960) 237,200 (321,463) 14,511 (169,712) 178,872

FUND BALANCES - BEGINNING 40,965,394 10,043,607 3,914,593 2,086,113 57,009,708 6,449,450 FUND BALANCES - ENDING $40,865,434 $10,280,807 $3,593,130 $2,100,624 $56,839,995 $6,628,322 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


Table 15.A7 City of Port Hayley, Note Disclosure of Changes in Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 200X, was as follows:

Beginning Balance Additions Retirements Ending Balance Governmental activities:

Capital assets not being depreciated:

Land $12,260,684 $ 828,246 $ 85,201 $13,003,729

Construction in progress 4,179,128 4,290,673 3,125,544 5,344,257

Total capital assets not being depreciated 16,439,812 5,118,919 3,210,745 18,347,986 Capital assets being depreciated:

Buildings and systems 29,994,675 351,964 5,875 30,340,764

Improvements and infrastructure 23,061,293 1,668,920 48,867 24,681,346

Machinery and equipment 12,917,677 1,001,161 735,755 13,183,083

Total capital assets being depreciated 65,973,646 3,022,045 790,497 68,205,193 Less accumulated depreciation for:

Buildings and systems 7,996,958 749,357 5,115 8,741,200

Improvements and infrastructure 12,465,547 811,369 39,000 13,237,916

Machinery and equipment 7,668,466 1,335,535 716,590 8,287,411

Total accumulated depreciation 28,130,971 2,896,261 760,705 30,266,527 Total capital assets being depreciated, net 37,842,675 125,784 29,792 37,938,666 Governmental activities capital assets, net $54,282,487 $5,244,703 $3,240,537 $56,286,652



Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 200X, was as follows:

Beginning Balance Additions Retirements Ending Balance Business-type activities:

Capital assets not being depreciated:

Land $1,119,617 $ - $ - $ 1,119,617

Construction in progress 6,621,090 5,329,372 1,354,123 10,596,339

Total capital assets not being depreciated 7,740,708 5,329,372 1,354,123 11,715,956 Capital assets being depreciated:

Buildings and systems 1,514,719 23,577 - 1,538,295

Improvements other than buildings 2,086,817 46,196 2,052 2,130,961

Machinery and equipment 4,047,075 131,675 64,485 4,114,265

Utility systems 49,711,708 1,116,129 909,455 49,918,382

Total capital assets being depreciated 57,360,319 1,317,576 975,992 57,701,903 Less accumulated depreciation for:

Buildings and systems 521,985 60,522 - 582,507

Improvements other than buildings 1,396,327 72,510 2,052 1,466,785

Machinery and equipment 2,856,784 203,070 44,439 3,015,415

Utility systems 16,366,252 1,037,129 43,629 17,359,752

Total accumulated depreciation 21,141,347 1,373,230 90,119 22,424,458

Total capital assets being depreciated, net 36,218,972 (55,654) 885,872 35,277,445 Business-type activities capital assets, net $43,959,679 $5,273,718 $2,239,996 $46,993,402 Note: The required explanation of how depreciation was allocated to functional expense categories is not illustrated.


Table 15.A8 City of Port Hayley, Note Disclosure of Changes in Long-term Liabilities

The following is a summary of changes in long-term liabilities of the city for the fiscal year ended June 30, 200X. (dollars in thousands) Beginning

Balance Additions Retirements

Ending Balance

Due Within One Year Governmental activities:

Bonds and notes payable:

General obligations bonds $ 140 $ - $ (140) $ - $ -

Revenue bonds 19,952 3,464 (5,073) 18,343 1,286

Notes 5,198 1,708 (2,268) 4,638 342

Total bonds and notes payable 25,289 5,172 (7,480) 22,981 1,628

Claims and judgments 1,935 483 (585) 1,833 437

Compensated absences 1,066 130 (70) 1,126 72

Total long-term liabilities, governmental activities $28,290 $5,786 $(8,135) $25,941 $2,137 Business-type activities:

Bonds and notes payable:

Revenue bonds $10,145 $ - $(347) $ 9,798 $243

Notes 1,500 - (235) 1,265 53

Total bonds and notes payable 11,645 - (581) 11,063 296

Compensated absences 458 27 (24) 462 23

Total long-term liabilities, business-type activities $12,103 $27 $(605) $11,525 $319 Note: The required explanation of which governmental funds typically have been used to liquidate other long-term liabilities in prior years is not illustrated.



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A Manageable System of Economic Condition Analysis for Governments g 419

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