Thí nghiệm 1: Khảo sát nồng độ muối NaCl Hàm lượng Nitrogen formol
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Data: NF Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen formol theo nồng độ muối Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 2.3697733 4 .5924433 13.782 .0004 Within groups .4298667 10 .0429867 ---
Total (corrected) 2.7996400 14 0 missing value (s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NF by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
A1 3 2.8433333 .0066667 .1197033 2.6546866 3.0319801 A2 3 2.9100000 .0057735 .1197033 2.7213533 3.0986467 A3 3 3.6066667 .0463081 .1197033 3.4180199 3.7953134 A4 3 2.5866667 .1472338 .1197033 2.3980199 2.7753134 A5 3 2.4633333 .2185050 .1197033 2.2746866 2.6519801 ---
Total 15 2.8820000 .0535330 .0535330 2.7976346 2.9663654 Multiple range analysis for NF by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- A5 3 2.4633333 X A4 3 2.5866667 XX A1 3 2.8433333 X A2 3 2.9100000 X A3 3 3.6066667 X --- contrast difference +/- limits A1 - A2 -0.06667 0.37729 A1 - A3 -0.76333 0.37729 * A1 - A4 0.25667 0.37729 A1 - A5 0.38000 0.37729 * A2 - A3 -0.69667 0.37729 * A2 - A4 0.32333 0.37729 A2 - A5 0.44667 0.37729 * A3 - A4 1.02000 0.37729 * A3 - A5 1.14333 0.37729 * A4 - A5 0.12333 0.37729 --- * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: NTS Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số theo nồng độ muối Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 23.716630 4 5.9291576 36.235 .0000 Within groups 1.636321 10 .1636321 ---
Total (corrected) 25.352952 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NTS by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
A1 3 10.811333 .0996800 .2335467 10.443275 11.179392 A2 3 8.872667 .0841295 .2335467 8.504608 9.240725 A3 3 8.487667 .2427676 .2335467 8.119608 8.855725 A4 3 7.425333 .2188152 .2335467 7.057275 7.793392 A5 3 7.355333 .3858628 .2335467 6.987275 7.723392 ---
Total 15 8.590467 .1044452 .1044452 8.425866 8.755067 Multiple range analysis for NTS by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- A5 3 7.355333 X
A4 3 7.425333 X A3 3 8.487667 X A2 3 8.872667 X A1 3 10.811333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits A1 - A2 1.93867 0.73612 * A1 - A3 2.32367 0.73612 * A1 - A4 3.38600 0.73612 * A1 - A5 3.45600 0.73612 * A2 - A3 0.38500 0.73612 A2 - A4 1.44733 0.73612 * A2 - A5 1.51733 0.73612 * A3 - A4 1.06233 0.73612 * A3 - A5 1.13233 0.73612 * A4 - A5 0.07000 0.73612 --- * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thủy phân
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: HSTP Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thủy phân theo nồng độ muối Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 404.32944 4 101.08236 46.047 .0000 Within groups 21.95180 10 2.19518 ---
Total (corrected) 426.28124 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for HSTP by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
A1 3 26.303333 .2834510 .8554102 24.955248 27.651419 A2 3 32.803333 .2642179 .8554102 31.455248 34.151419 A3 3 42.550000 1.0700000 .8554102 41.201914 43.898086 A4 3 34.783333 1.0085358 .8554102 33.435248 36.131419 A5 3 33.370000 1.1603591 .8554102 32.021914 34.718086 ---
Total 15 33.962000 .3825511 .3825511 33.359118 34.564882 Multiple range analysis for HSTP by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- A1 3 26.303333 X
A2 3 32.803333 X A5 3 33.370000 X A4 3 34.783333 X A3 3 42.550000 X --- contrast difference +/- limits A1 - A2 -6.50000 2.69617 * A1 - A3 -16.24670 2.69617 * A1 - A4 -8.48000 2.69617 * A1 - A5 -7.06667 2.69617 * A2 - A3 -9.74667 2.69617 * A2 - A4 -1.98000 2.69617 A2 - A5 -0.56667 2.69617 A3 - A4 7.76667 2.69617 * A3 - A5 9.18000 2.69617 * A4 - A5 1.41333 2.69617
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: HSNHdht Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan theo nồng độ muối Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 763.58929 4 190.89732 36.229 .0000 Within groups 52.69147 10 5.26915 ---
Total (corrected) 816.28076 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for HSNHdht by NT ---
Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
A1 3 61.356667 .5662842 1.3252857 59.268080 63.445254 A2 3 50.353333 .4775051 1.3252857 48.264746 52.441920 A3 3 48.170000 1.3785137 1.3252857 46.081413 50.258587 A4 3 42.143333 1.2401926 1.3252857 40.054746 44.231920 A5 3 41.746667 2.1897133 1.3252857 39.658080 43.835254 ---
Total 15 48.754000 .5926858 .5926858 47.819955 49.688045 Multiple range analysis for HSTHdht by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- A5 3 41.746667 X
A4 3 42.143333 X A3 3 48.170000 X A2 3 50.353333 X A1 3 61.356667 X --- contrast difference +/- limits A1 - A2 11.00330 4.17717 * A1 - A3 13.18670 4.17717 * A1 - A4 19.21330 4.17717 * A1 - A5 19.61000 4.17717 * A2 - A3 2.18333 4.17717 A2 - A4 8.21000 4.17717 * A2 - A5 8.60667 4.17717 *
Thí nghiệm 2: Khảo sát nồng độ enzyme
Hàm lượng Nitrogen formol
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: NF Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen formol theo hoạt độ enzyme Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 6.0716933 4 1.5179233 146.801 .0000 Within groups .1034000 10 .0103400 ---
Total (corrected) 6.1750933 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NF by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
B1 3 3.2833333 .0066667 .0587083 3.1908118 3.3758548 B2 3 3.4066667 .0120185 .0587083 3.3141452 3.4991882 B3 3 4.8233333 .0497773 .0587083 4.7308118 4.9158548 B4 3 4.5000000 .0776745 .0587083 4.4074785 4.5925215 B5 3 4.5400000 .0923760 .0587083 4.4474785 4.6325215 ---
Total 15 4.1106667 .0262552 .0262552 4.0692898 4.1520435 Multiple range analysis for NF by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- B1 3 3.2833333 X
B2 3 3.4066667 X B4 3 4.5000000 X B5 3 4.5400000 X B3 3 4.8233333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits B1 - B2 -0.12333 0.18504 B1 - B3 -1.54000 0.18504 * B1 - B4 -1.21667 0.18504 * B1 - B5 -1.25667 0.18504 * B2 - B3 -1.41667 0.18504 * B2 - B4 -1.09333 0.18504 * B2 - B5 -1.13333 0.18504 * B3 - B4 0.32333 0.18504 * B3 - B5 0.28333 0.18504 * B4 - B5 -0.04000 0.18504 * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hàm lượng Nitrogen tống số
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: NTS Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số theo hoạt độ enzyme Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 7.4764511 4 1.8691128 24.267 .0000 Within groups .7702347 10 .0770235 ---
Total (corrected) 8.2466857 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NTS by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
B1 3 9.5970000 .2050813 .1602326 9.3444811 9.8495189 B2 3 8.9196667 .1546505 .1602326 8.6671477 9.1721856 B3 3 7.8926667 .0617342 .1602326 7.6401477 8.1451856 B4 3 7.9626667 .2064044 .1602326 7.7101477 8.2151856 B5 3 7.8106667 .1264256 .1602326 7.5581477 8.0631856 ---
Total 15 8.4365333 .0716582 .0716582 8.3236034 8.5494632 Multiple range analysis for NTS by NT --- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- B5 3 7.8106667 X B3 3 7.8926667 X B4 3 7.9626667 X B2 3 8.9196667 X B1 3 9.5970000 X --- contrast difference +/- limits B1 - B2 0.67733 0.50504 * B1 - B3 1.70433 0.50504 * B1 - B4 1.63433 0.50504 * B1 - B5 1.78633 0.50504 * B2 - B3 1.02700 0.50504 * B2 - B4 0.95700 0.50504 * B2 - B5 1.10900 0.50504 * B3 - B4 -0.07000 0.50504 B3 - B5 0.08200 0.50504 B4 - B5 0.15200 0.50504 * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thủy phân
One-Way Analysis of Variance ---
Data: HSTP Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thủy phân theo hoạt độ enzyme Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 1857.1636 4 464.29091 425.872 .0000 Within groups 10.9021 10 1.09021 ---
Total (corrected) 1868.0658 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for HSTP by NT --- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
B1 3 34.240000 .6750556 .6028304 33.289968 35.190032 B2 3 38.210000 .5257376 .6028304 37.259968 39.160032 B3 3 61.113333 .3984275 .6028304 60.163301 62.063365 B4 3 56.546667 .8817848 .6028304 55.596635 57.496699 B5 3 58.120000 .3855299 .6028304 57.169968 59.070032 ---
Total 15 49.646000 .2695939 .2695939 49.221133 50.070867 Multiple range analysis for HSTP by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- B1 3 34.240000 X
B2 3 38.210000 X B4 3 56.546667 X B5 3 58.120000 X B3 3 61.113333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits B1 - B2 -3.97000 1.90006 * B1 - B3 -26.8733 1.90006 * B1 - B4 -22.3067 1.90006 * B1 - B5 -23.8800 1.90006 * B2 - B3 -22.9033 1.90006 * B2 - B4 -18.3367 1.90006 * B2 - B5 -19.9100 1.90006 * B3 - B4 4.56667 1.90006 * B3 - B5 2.99333 1.90006 * B4 - B5 -1.57333 1.90006 * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan
One-Way Analysis of Variance --- Data: HSTNdht
Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan theo hoạt độ enzyme Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 319.39033 4 79.847583 24.293 .0000 Within groups 32.86807 10 3.286807 ---
Total (corrected) 352.25840 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for E.hsth by E.NT ---
Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
B1 3 62.723333 1.3388594 1.0467102 61.073768 64.372899 B2 3 58.300000 1.0110556 1.0467102 56.650435 59.949565 B3 3 51.586667 .4056819 1.0467102 49.937101 53.236232 B4 3 52.043333 1.3477059 1.0467102 50.393768 53.692899 B5 3 51.046667 .8260414 1.0467102 49.397101 52.696232 ---
Total 15 55.140000 .4681030 .4681030 54.402292 55.877708 Multiple range analysis for HSTNdht byNT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- B5 3 51.046667 X B3 3 51.586667 X B4 3 52.043333 X B2 3 58.300000 X B1 3 62.723333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits B1 - B2 4.42333 3.29913 * B1 - B3 11.1367 3.29913 * B1 - B4 10.6800 3.29913 * B1 - B5 11.6767 3.29913 * B2 - B3 6.71333 3.29913 * B2 - B4 6.25667 3.29913 * B2 - B5 7.25333 3.29913 * B3 - B4 -0.45667 3.29913 B3 - B5 0.54000 3.29913 B4 - B5 0.99667 3.29913 * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Thí nghiệm 3: Khảo sát thời gian thủy phân
Hàm lượng Nitrogen formol
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Data: NF Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen theo thời gian Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 10.700378 5 2.1400756 120.229 .0000 Within groups .213600 12 .0178000 --- Total (corrected) 10.913978 17 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NF by NT Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
C1 3 2.6466667 .0800694 .0770281 2.5279624 2.7653710 C2 3 3.1966667 .1091380 .0770281 3.0779624 3.3153710 C3 3 3.7033333 .1041367 .0770281 3.5846290 3.8220376 C4 3 4.5133333 .0497773 .0770281 4.3946290 4.6320376 C5 3 4.6066667 .0392994 .0770281 4.4879624 4.7253710 C6 3 4.6666667 .0491031 .0770281 4.5479624 4.7853710 ---
Total 18 3.8888889 .0314466 .0314466 3.8404281 3.9373497 Multiple range analysis for NF by NT
Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- C1 3 2.6466667 X C2 3 3.1966667 X C3 3 3.7033333 X C4 3 4.5133333 X C5 3 4.6066667 X C6 3 4.6666667 X --- contrast difference +/- limits C1 - C2 -0.55000 0.23741 * C1 - C3 -1.05667 0.23741 * C1 - C4 -1.86667 0.23741 * C1 - C5 -1.96000 0.23741 * C1 - C6 -2.02000 0.23741 * C2 - C3 -0.50667 0.23741 * C2 - C4 -1.31667 0.23741 * C2 - C5 -1.41000 0.23741 * C2 - C6 -1.47000 0.23741 * C3 - C4 -0.81000 0.23741 * C3 - C5 -0.90333 0.23741 * C3 - C6 -0.96333 0.23741 * C4 - C5 -0.09333 0.23741 C4 - C6 -0.15333 0.23741 C5 - C6 -0.06000 0.23741
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Data: NTS Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số theo thời gian Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD
Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 2.3787033 5 .4757407 26.969 .0000 Within groups .2116807 12 .0176401 ---
Total (corrected) 2.5903840 17 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NTS by NT
Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
C1 3 6.2813333 .0423884 .0766813 6.1631636 6.3995031 C2 3 6.4100000 .0350000 .0766813 6.2918302 6.5281698 C3 3 6.7016667 .0617342 .0766813 6.5834969 6.8198364 C4 3 7.1683333 .0709656 .0766813 7.0501636 7.2865031 C5 3 7.1800000 .1050000 .0766813 7.0618302 7.2981698 C6 3 7.0866667 .1112929 .0766813 6.9684969 7.2048364 ---
Total 18 6.8046667 .0313050 .0313050 6.7564241 6.8529093 Multiple range analysis for NTS by NT
Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- C1 3 6.2813333 X C2 3 6.4100000 X C3 3 6.7016667 X C6 3 7.0866667 X C4 3 7.1683333 X C5 3 7.1800000 X --- contrast difference +/- limits C1 - C2 -0.12867 0.23634 C1 - C3 -0.42033 0.23634 * C1 - C4 -0.88700 0.23634 * C1 - C5 -0.89867 0.23634 * C1 - C6 -0.80533 0.23634 * C2 - C3 -0.29167 0.23634 * C2 - C4 -0.75833 0.23634 * C2 - C5 -0.77000 0.23634 * C2 - C6 -0.67667 0.23634 * C3 - C4 -0.46667 0.23634 * C3 - C5 -0.47833 0.23634 * C3 - C6 -0.38500 0.23634 * C4 - C5 -0.01167 0.23634 C4 - C6 0.08167 0.23634 C5 - C6 0.09333 0.23634 --- * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thủy phân
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Data: HSTP Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thủy phân theo thời gian Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 1320.1724 5 264.03448 82.819 .0000 Within groups 38.2570 12 3.18808 ---
Total (corrected) 1358.4294 17 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for HSTG.HSTP by HSTG.NT Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
C1 3 42.130000 1.1447270 1.0308707 40.541375 43.718625 C2 3 49.866667 1.6326903 1.0308707 48.278042 51.455291 C3 3 55.260000 1.4283674 1.0308707 53.671375 56.848625 C4 3 62.960000 .0929157 1.0308707 61.371375 64.548625 C5 3 64.173333 .4251405 1.0308707 62.584709 65.761958 C6 3 65.863333 .4128895 1.0308707 64.274709 67.451958 ---
Total 18 56.708889 .4208512 .4208512 56.060336 57.357442 Multiple range analysis for HSTP by.NT
Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- C1 3 42.130000 X C2 3 49.866667 X C3 3 55.260000 X C4 3 62.960000 X C5 3 64.173333 X C6 3 65.863333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits C1 - C2 -7.73667 3.17725 * C1 - C3 -13.1300 3.17725 * C1 - C4 -20.8300 3.17725 * C1 - C5 -22.0433 3.17725 * C1 - C6 -23.7333 3.17725 * C2 - C3 -5.39333 3.17725 * C2 - C4 -13.0933 3.17725 * C2 - C5 -14.3067 3.17725 * C2 - C6 -15.9967 3.17725 * C3 - C4 -7.70000 3.17725 * C3 - C5 -8.91333 3.17725 * C3 - C6 -10.6033 3.17725 * C4 - C5 -1.21333 3.17725 C4 - C6 -2.90333 3.17725 C5 - C6 -1.69000 3.17725 --- * denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan
One-Way Analysis of Variance Data: HSTNdht
Level codes: NT
Labels: Hiệu suất thu nhận đạm hòa tan theo thời gian Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 102.65924 5 20.531849 .482 .7832 Within groups 511.04333 12 42.586944 ---
Total (corrected) 613.70258 17 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for HSTNdht by NT Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
C1 3 46.860000 3.9297837 3.7677113 41.053764 52.666236 C2 3 48.220000 4.4448622 3.7677113 42.413764 54.026236 C3 3 49.420000 3.8499870 3.7677113 43.613764 55.226236 C4 3 53.336667 4.3040769 3.7677113 47.530431 59.142903 C5 3 52.776667 4.0054976 3.7677113 46.970431 58.582903 C6 3 48.540000 .7631514 3.7677113 42.733764 54.346236 ---
Total 18 49.858889 1.5381617 1.5381617 47.488503 52.229275 Multiple range analysis for HSTNdht by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- C1 3 46.860000 X C2 3 48.220000 X C6 3 48.540000 X C3 3 49.420000 X C5 3 52.776667 X C4 3 53.336667 X --- contrast difference +/- limits C1 - C2 -1.36000 11.6125 C1 - C3 -2.56000 11.6125 C1 - C4 -6.47667 11.6125 C1 - C5 -5.91667 11.6125 C1 - C6 -1.68000 11.6125 C2 - C3 -1.20000 11.6125
C2 - C4 -5.11667 11.6125 C2 - C5 -4.55667 11.6125
C2 - C6 -0.32000 11.6125 C3 - C4 -3.91667 11.6125 C3 - C5 -3.35667 11.6125 C3 - C6 0.88000 11.6125 C4 - C5 0.56000 11.6125 C4 - C6 4.79667 11.6125 C5 - C6 4.23667 11.6125
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Thí nghiệm 4: thử nghiệm sản xuất bột cao đạm Hàm lượng Nitrogen tống số:
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Data: NTS Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng Nitrogen tổng số trong sản phẩm bột cao đạm Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 3.2835600 4 .8208900 4245.983 .0000 Within groups .0019333 10 .0001933 ---
Total (corrected) 3.2854933 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for NTS by NT
Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
M1 3 6.0566667 .0033333 .0080277 6.0440153 6.0693180 M2 3 6.2800000 .0115470 .0080277 6.2673487 6.2926513 M3 3 6.5800000 .0115470 .0080277 6.5673487 6.5926513 M4 3 7.1900000 .0000000 .0080277 7.1773487 7.2026513 M5 3 7.2066667 .0066667 .0080277 7.1940153 7.2193180 ---
Total 15 6.6626667 .0035901 .0035901 6.6570088 6.6683245 Multiple range analysis for NTS by NT
--- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- M1 3 6.0566667 X M2 3 6.2800000 X M3 3 6.5800000 X M4 3 7.1900000 X M5 3 7.2066667 X --- contrast difference +/- limits M1 - M2 -0.22333 0.02530 * M1 - M3 -0.52333 0.02530 * M1 - M4 -1.13333 0.02530 * M1 - M5 -1.15000 0.02530 * M2 - M3 -0.30000 0.02530 * M2 - M4 -0.91000 0.02530 * M2 - M5 -0.92667 0.02530 * M3 - M4 -0.61000 0.02530 * M3 - M5 -0.62667 0.02530 * M4 - M5 -0.01667 0.02530
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Hàm lượng Nitrogen thô:
Data: PROTEIN THÔ Level codes: NT
Labels: Hàm lượng protein thô trong sản phẩm bột cao đạm Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance
Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ---
Between groups 128.23769 4 32.059423 4159.960 .0000 Within groups .07707 10 .007707 ---
Total (corrected) 128.31476 14 0 missing value(s) have been excluded.
Table of means for PROTEIN THÔ by NT
Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean ---
M1 3 37.856667 .0233333 .0506842 37.776791 37.936543 M2 3 39.253333 .0721880 .0506842 39.173457 39.333209 M3 3 41.126667 .0721880 .0506842 41.046791 41.206543 M4 3 44.940000 .0000000 .0506842 44.860124 45.019876 M5 3 45.043333 .0433333 .0506842 44.963457 45.123209 ---
Total 15 41.644000 .0226667 .0226667 41.608278 41.67972 Multiple range analysis for PROTEIN by NT --- Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups --- M1 3 37.856667 X M2 3 39.253333 X M3 3 41.126667 X M4 3 44.940000 X M5 3 45.043333 X --- contrast difference +/- limits M1 - M2 -1.39667 0.15975 * M1 - M3 -3.27000 0.15975 * M1 - M4 -7.08333 0.15975 * M1 - M5 -7.18667 0.15975 * M2 - M3 -1.87333 0.15975 * M2 - M4 -5.68667 0.15975 * M2 - M5 -5.79000 0.15975 * M3 - M4 -3.81333 0.15975 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.