Maintaining and continuously developing BIDV‘s strengths in motivation

Một phần của tài liệu Motivating employees at bank for investment and development of vietnam JSC (BIDV) = tạo động lực cho người lao động tại ngân hàng thương mại cổ phàn đầu tư và phát triển việt nam (Trang 82 - 87)


3.2. Solutions and recommendations to enhance employee‘s motivation

3.2.8. Maintaining and continuously developing BIDV‘s strengths in motivation

In further, the managers also need to find out reasons which cause the difference in motivation between genders, hence, give out the solutions to balance the difference in order to make employees motivated to work.‖


BIDV is a state bank in Vietnam which has a long operational history, and it has reputation throughout the country. Through many years of construction and development, beside the tremendous achievements and goals that BIDV got, there exists some shortcomings which the bank needs to resolve in order to continue developing strongly in future. The HRM or specifically the motivation of the employees which is one of the issues needed to resolve. After conducting investigation about the current motivation in the bank, the researcher found a number of issues such salary policy, daily workload, promotion opportunities, personal growth, etc. that are in unmotivated status. Therefore, the researcher has provided some recommendations and solutions in order to help BIDV improve the motivation of the employees by payroll adjustment, created more promotion opportunities for the employees, enabling the employee to participate in training courses organized by the bank or advanced training programs, building internal encouragement culture, adjust the daily workload, and finally to improve the quality as well as quantity of the supervisor at the bank.‖

―With those recommendations above, the researcher hopes they will somehow help BIDV raise the motivation of the employees in particular and HR in general.‖


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Một phần của tài liệu Motivating employees at bank for investment and development of vietnam JSC (BIDV) = tạo động lực cho người lao động tại ngân hàng thương mại cổ phàn đầu tư và phát triển việt nam (Trang 82 - 87)

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