Current customer service in MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch

Một phần của tài liệu Improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch (Trang 23 - 36)


2.3. Current customer service in MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch

In January 2016, the author conducted a survey for customers going to the bank for making transactions. The purpose of the survey is to understand the customer's assessment of service quality of MB, there by to enhance service quality, maintaining old customers and attract potential customers.

Table 2.3: Customer’s evaluation on tangible Attributes

Rate (%)

Mean Score

1 2 3 4

1. MB has a modern system of office equipment and technology to support customers.

0 4 56 40 3.56

2. Employee’s appearance is police,

elegant and professional. 0 2 35 63 3.61

3. MB has a system of ATMs which

is flexible, modern and ease of use. 2 6 52 40 3.30 4. Military commercial join stock

bank’s website is full of information, attractive and highlighted leaflets.

2 6 55 37 3.27

5. MB’s products and services are

various, abundant and reasonable. 1 2 53 44 3.40

Overall mean 3.43

(Source: Survey by author, 2016) Military commercial join stock bank has made important adjustments on development focused business strategy, establish specialized business model of banks according to international standards. This is a move vigorously contributed to MB image is well known as today. The survey of 200 customers are currently trading in MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch facilities, the author obtained the following results:

The attributes "Employee’s appearance is police, elegant and professional" and

"MB has a modern system of office equipment and technology to support customers" is at the quite high average agree level of 3.61 and 3.56 average point. This is the main purpose of MB to constructing image in customer’s mind with model technology and friendly transaction environment.

The attribute on tangible elements " Military commercial join stock bank‘s products and services are various, abundant and reasonable" with the average agree level of 3.40. Compare with other bank, maybe MB’s banking service and products are still limited. But product development department is still ongoing effort to develop and improve our products to meet customer expectations.

With the assessment "MB has a system of ATMs which is flexible, modern and ease of use”, The survey results obtained was evaluate at 3.30 average point.

This proves that there is still a small number of customers are not really satisfied with the ATM system of MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.

Nevertheless, the attribute “MB’s website is full of information, attractive and highlighted leaflets” was evaluated at 3.27 point. Although MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch has operated for over nine years, the network market share is not widely developed, but the website is still lack of information about interest rate, products and banking services. In next time, MB Hoang Quoc Viet should create the programs to upgrade the system and attached products on website clearly to meet customer needs. This proves that the picture with Marketing through Web pages of the bank actually effectively. MB should relies on this criterion in order to improve the bank's image, its activities so that customers feel more satisfied about the quality of its services.

2.3.2. Customer’s evaluation on empathy dimension Table 2.4: Customer’s evaluation on empathy


Rate (%)

Mean Score

1 2 3 4

1.Dealing with works accurately

and quickly. 1 9 58 32 3.21

2.Employees consult customers on a careful basis and deal with customer complaints reasonable.

1 4 42 53 3.47

3.Programs on promotion and customer care after sales of the bank are reliable.

0 8 50 42 3.34

4.Employees are open, reliable and

enthusiastic with customers. 0 2 43 55 3.53

Overall mean 3.39

(Source: Survey by author, 2016)

It can be seen clearly that the customers have quite high evaluations on the staff’s professional qualifications of MB Hoang Quoc Viet , the criterion of

“Employees are open, reliable and enthusiastic with customers” accounted for an average point of 3.53. The assessment of “Employees consult customers on a careful basis and deal with customer complaints reasonable” has average agree value of 3.47. The customers identified the attribute of “Programs on promotion and customer care after sales of the bank are reliable” and “Dealing with works accurately and quickly” at the average agreed value of 3.34 and 3.21 respectively. According to above result, it is clear that the customer who has been using the products of banking services in MB Hoang Quoc Viet said that banking staffs do not deal with the interests of customers and not promptly meet their requirements. According to the survey, customers mentioned that the bank tellers consult incompletely about the product information and lack paying attentions to customer needs when there are a large number of customers. In addition, in this case, the bank tellers usually call customer’s name wrongly and enter the amount and address incorrectly due to mishearing.

Two factors which concern the interests and meet promptly the customer requirements are linked together, are conditions to meet best the customer agreement. A staff that has skills to handle the job well will create the ways to satisfy the customer requirements. The fact that in MB Hoang Quoc Viet, training staff’s skills on customer care has not been invested the methodical training, incomplete customer policies, and some other reasons by technology system at the branches. In general, the service manners of MB Hoang Quoc Viet are relatively good but some customers still have not agreed because of a number of objective and subjective existences. Therefore, the bank should take the methods to limit the risks depending on each situation.

Nevertheless, we can say Military commercial join stock bank is the leading bank for customer service. When the interest rate banks virtually no difference, only the openness, honesty and enthusiasm of staff with new customers is a measure for understanding standards of bank customers.

2.3.3. Customer’s evaluation on responsiveness dimension Table 2.5: Customer’s evaluation on responsiveness


Rate (%)

Mean Score

1 2 3 4

1.Professional support. 3 10 54 33 3.12

2.Always timely responding to

customer requirements. 2 11 65 22 3.07

3.Timely providing customers with

useful information. 1 6 41 52 3.44

4.Waiting time is not too long 2 7 43 48 3.37

5.Simple, easy-to-understand, and

quick procedures. 1 4 39 56 3.50

Overall mean 3.30

(Source: Survey by author, 2016)

The figure showed the professional service was rated the most optimistic by customers. The customers also agree with two factors " Simple, easy-to- understand, and quick procedures” and “Providing timely the useful information for customers” which have the average value of 3.50 and 3.44 respectively.

Because of applying technology when conducting transactions with customers, the bank can reduce the maximum waiting time, queuing, contacts, in addition to vouchers ... have been standardized clearly by the system, the banking documents and procedures are evaluated well because most of transactions are applied the available documents.

In the customer’s survey results, customer service in MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch was evaluated quite well. Nevertheless, in this dimension the author review again three attributes still can be improved are:

With the attribute “Waiting time is not too long” is evaluate with 3.37 average point. This proves that there is still a small number of customers are not really happy with the transaction procedures in MB. This will entail the customer to wait longer in the transaction process. MB Hoang Quoc Viet needs special attention in order to further improve service quality.

In addition, two factors which are underestimated and disagree are the attribute

“Professional support” with 3.12 average point and " Always timely responding to customer requirements " with 3.07 average point. During transactions with customers, the bank has tried its best to serve customers as quickly as possible, but the most timely not meet the requirements of customers in a timely manner is not desirable and unavoidable. This will be the criteria for Military commercial join stock bank trying to improve more. Customers assessed the agree level not really high with plenty of limitations, they expect to be responded a higher level.

2.3.4 . Customer’s evaluation on staff of MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch

These question raising 10 comments on the bank staff in Hoang Quoc Viet branch of MB. Customers for comment at each statement according to the following options: (1) completely disagree, (2) disagree, (3) agree, (4) completely agree.

Table 2.6: Customer’s evaluation on staff of MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch

No. Attributes N Mean

1 Staff is open, honest and enthusiastic with customers. 200 3.65 2 Staff is beautiful, polite and elegant. 200 3.72 3 Staff has active and professional service style. 200 3.24 4 Staff has much experience and good expertise. 200 2.98 5 Staff has good communication skills, is always

friendly and enthusiastic. 200 3.53

6 Staff always timely provides customers with useful

information. 200 3.49

7 Staff consults customers carefully. 200 2.94

8 Staff deals with operations carefully, accurately and

quickly. 200 3.41

9 Staff always cares about customer benefits. 200 3.43 10 Staff always quickly and timely meets customer

demands. 200 2.91

11 Staff reasonably deals with customer complaints. 200 3.36

Overall mean 3.67

(Source: Survey by author, 2015) Based on survey data tables of customers for bank staffs in MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch, survey results showed that customers appreciated the staff form beautiful, polite, elegant, with the highest value agrees average of 3.72; Next is the statement, "Staff has good communication skills, is always friendly and enthusiastic" with the average value for 3.65 and 3.53 respectively. Besides, the customer agrees with the statement of MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch’s staff

"Staff always timely provides customers with useful information." "Staff always cares about customer benefits" The average value of 3.49 and 3.43. The comments on "Staff always cares about customer benefits" "Staff deals with operations carefully, accurately and quickly”, respectively, are rated at 3.43 and 3 41. Also noted that "Staff reasonably deals with customer complaints", "Staff has active and professional service style" customers also rated quite high at 3.36 and 3.24. From the above statement can be seen that MB growing efforts to

improve its image bank towards a friendly, dynamic and professional. However, there are some customers using the products and services in MB Hoang Quoc Viet back to that qualification of staff is not really stable, staff not really advise customers carefully. Besides staff failing to meet customer's requirements quickly, promptly; according to calculations, the average value was less than 3.

According to the survey personnel profession is not really steady averaged at 2.98 so crowded sometimes they traded product advisor incomplete information, lack of attention to customer needs, on the other hand who are constantly changing due to staff changes and job hopping between rooms by the staff of the branch transaction frequent rotation support each other, no fixed sitting position so much as lead to employees not to fully grasp the needs of customers regularly especially loyal customers, often dealing with the bank. This gives customers crestfallen mentality when trading, sometimes crowded, the tellers easy customer call and enter the wrong amount, due to inaccurate address misheard.

Three factors of "Staff has much experience and good expertise"; "Staff consults customers carefully", "Staff always quickly and timely meets customer demands" the three elements have a close relationship with each other, which prerequisites to best satisfy customer satisfaction on service quality. An employee with strong qualifications, skilled work handled well, will know how to advise the useful information to customers and responding, resolve customer work quickly, promptly time to satisfy customer requirements.

2.2.5. Customer’s evaluation on transaction time

In this question, yet the judgment of time serving customers such as:

(1) Transaction time can be evaluated exactly by staff.

(2) Time for each operation of transaction is quick and accurate.

(3) Procedures are simple, quick and easy to understand.

(4) Time for transaction is quick.

(5) Implementation time is as committed with customers.

1 2 3 4 5

2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4



3.26 3.24



Average Mark

Finger 2.1: Customer’s evaluation on transaction time

(Source: Survey by author, 2016)

The finger showing "Time for each operation of transaction is quick and accurate" the highest rated customer at 3.36 and MB demonstrated efforts to improve its image by shortening customer transaction time. To achieve this target, it is thanks to the clear division of labor, several enthusiastic support staff positions and staff in addition to grasp the professional qualifications to address the needs of customer most quickly; For "Procedures are simple, quick and easy to understand" customers rated relatively high average level of 3.26 agreeing. By applying modern technology when performing transactions with customers, the bank can minimize vouchers require customers to write. The paperwork and procedures of bank are at good rating because the majority of transactions are applied pre-printed vouchers. Next, the customer agrees with the statement that

"Staff can evaluate accurate transaction time." and noted that "Time for transaction is quick." with the average value of 3.24 and 3.18. Currently, MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch is applying the automatic system retrieves customer names and transaction automation ATM card or the CIF, these form also classified customers at the counter Transaction. There are very rare cases customer retention jam in one transaction when a customer transaction volume.

Factors to be underestimated and customer dissatisfaction is "Implementation time is as committed with customers." which is 2.95. The cause is the unsuitable workflow of bank; many difficult operations like application of funds, disbursements, international payments with large amounts will take some time to process. On the other hand, the controllers must be submitted for approval through director and director of the Center for Individual customer. Sometimes this causes the customer have to wait relatively long time.

* The level of customer satisfaction with the products offered by MB Hoang Quoc Viet

In this question asked about the level of customer satisfaction of the main services provided Military bank are numbered from 1 to 5, among them:

1. Payment deposit 2. Savings deposit 3. Lending

4. International payment 5. Internet banking 6. Card

7. Other services

The customer will check the products they are using and to know the satisfaction level of service to the extent that: (1) completely disagree, (2) disagree, (3) agree, (4) completely agree.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

4 3.52 3.68

3.01 3.41 3.34 3.72



Average Mark

Finger 2.2: Customer’s satisfaction with the products offered by MB

(Source: Survey by author, 2016) The results in the table below shows all the customers are happy with the product that MB supply with the lowest average value was 3.02 and the highest was 3.72. Specifically as follows:

Card is with the highest level of satisfaction was 3.72. However, in 200 respondents, the 130 respondents who use products of MB cards constituted 65%

of customers at random. Currently, the network of banking units and ATMs across the country covered, along with participation in Bank net and Smart link cards and the quality of card in MB face increasingly different from Military commercial join stock bank and ATM card has the advantage of withdrawing at ATM's and interbank with MB at no charge, only a very small fee of VND1200/withdrawal/statement from 2014, only half the fees of other banks for ATM card out of MB appreciating the limits withdrawals, can draw 30 million VND/withdrawal and 100 million/day if using M1 card - Account and the card associated with the account of M1. Those are advantages should also be required to take advantage of the diversity card for greater access to customers in the province, such as schools, hospitals, industrial parks, etc. and given the reasonable sales policy to attract more customers.

Lending has the lowest satisfaction level of 3.01. This is the flagship product of the bank to attract more customers use different service products, among 200 respondents, only 58 people have used the service, there are 8 customers unhappy service 4% of respondents. After customer poll, the main reason the customer is not satisfied of MB lending rates relatively high compared to the average level of more bank loan procedure from the stage of receiving the loan application Sewing disbursement still more complex, cumbersome that customers must wait a relatively long time. To compete with other banks in the area, then MB should have more appropriate policies in addition to the support package more attractive to attract customers who use credit products of the bank.

Among the main products and services provided by MB, product savings and deposit accounts paying a high satisfaction level at 3.68 and 3.52. Two deposit products and loans are two products that the number of people accounted for the largest use. The number of customers using the payment deposit is 116 people, saving service is 160 people from a total of 200 customers were asked. This is one of the traditional products of the bank, the number of large customers using policy interest rates by savings and flexible payment brings many benefits to customers when using the service. So which branch should have reasonable policies to retain old customers and attract more new customers.

International payment products have a high level of satisfaction is 3.41, however, the number of people who use this service accounted for only 34% of respondents. These are the strengths of MB compared to other banks, due to geographical branches concentrated in MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch with many hospitals, schools, urban areas, supermarkets and companies, the area population level relatively high marketing international payment products should be subsidiary to focus fully exploit, marketing and further expansion in the industrial zones, villages, import-export companies.

Electronic banking products such as Internet Banking, Mobile banking, Bank plus, etc. there are many facilities such as online money transfer, online savings, loan payments, purchase airline tickets, recharge phone cards, paying electricity bills, money for water, information retrieval, etc. has captured the great satisfaction of the customer. Satisfaction level of this service is 3.41. This service is more service charges collected from customers, without spending time in banking transactions, not only that brought great utility for customers save transaction time. Therefore, MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch needs to enhance marketing, cross-selling products to attract more customers to use this service.

All remaining products are at good rating with average satisfaction level is 3.08.

That showed that the majority of products and services that MB Hoang Quoc Viet Branch offers are satisfying customers.

2.3.4. General assessment of customer service quality as perceived by Military Bank customers

Along with the transition patterns across the system transactions, MB focuses infrastructure elements. From space transactions luxurious, beautifully to the modern equipment, all of which are invested by the desire for maximum convenience and comfort for customers to trade. General assessment of customer service quality as perceived by MB as follows:

Questions to assess customer service quality outlined four options for customers are: (1) strongly satisfy, (2) satisfy, (3) dissatisfy, (4) strongly dissatisfy.




Strongly satisfy Satisfy


Figure 2.5: Assessing the quality of customer service (Source: Survey by author, 2016)

According to survey results, the majority of customers satisfied with the service quality in MB Hoang Quoc Viet branch, accounting for 68% of the respondents.

22% of respondents expressed strongly satisfaction attitude to the quality of

banking services. These are some of the incentive branch, thereby further promoting and enhancing customer service better. However, there were up to 10% of customers surveyed felt unhappy about the quality of service in banks due to many reasons such as high interest rates, high tariffs, and service attitude of the staff is not good, etc.

On the other hand, the bank should strengthen customer care not only for the loyal customers that need to treat all customers alike. Many customers can see the attention of the bank for himself: no distinction between people dealing with large sums of money and people dealing with small amounts.

Besides, tellers should "laugh a little more," and avoid bringing your mood at work causing customer dissatisfaction mentality when trading.

Một phần của tài liệu Improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch (Trang 23 - 36)

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