Solution by the Maximum Principle

Một phần của tài liệu Optimal control theory applications to management science and economics, 3rd edition (Trang 355 - 359)

11.1 Models of Optimal Economic Growth

11.1.4 Solution by the Maximum Principle

H=u(c) +λ[f(k)−c−γk]. (11.12) The adjoint equation is

λ˙ =rλ−∂H

∂k = (r+γ)λ−f(k)λ= (ρ+δ)λ−f(k)λ. (11.13) To obtain the optimal control, we differentiate (11.12) with respect to c, set it to zero, and solve

u(c) =λ. (11.14)

Let c=h(λ) =u1(λ) denote the solution of (11.14). In Exercise 11.3, you are asked to show that h(λ) < 0. This can be easily shown by

340 11. Applications to Economics inverting the graph of u(c) vs. c.Alternatively you can rewrite (11.14) asu(h(λ)) =λand then take its derivative with respect to λ.

To show that the maximum principle is sufficient for optimality, it is enough to show that the derived Hamiltonian

H0(k, λ) =u(h(λ)) +λ[f(k)−h(λ)−γk] (11.15) is concave in k for any λ satisfying (11.14). The concavity follows im- mediately from the facts thatλis positive from (11.10) and (11.14) and f(k) is concave because of the assumptions on F(K, L).

Equations (11.9), (11.13), and (11.14) now constitute a complete au- tonomous system, since time does not enter explicitly in these equations.

Such systems can be analyzed by the phase diagram method, which is used next.

In Fig.11.1we have drawn a phase diagram for the two equations k˙ = f(k)−h(λ)−γk= 0, (11.16) λ˙ = (r+γ)λ−f(k)λ= 0, (11.17) obtained from (11.9), (11.13), and (11.14). In Exercise11.2you are asked to show that the graphs of ˙k = 0 and ˙λ = 0 are like the dotted curves in Fig.11.1. Given the nature of these graphs, known as isoclines, it is clear that they have a unique point of intersection denoted as (¯k,λ).¯ In

Figure 11.1: Phase diagram for the optimal growth model

11.1. Models of Optimal Economic Growth 341 other words, (¯k,λ) is the unique solution of the equations¯

fk)−hλ)−γ¯k= 0 and(r+γ)−fk) = 0. (11.18) The two isoclines divide the plane into four regions, I, II, III, and IV, as marked in Fig.11.1. To the left of the vertical line ˙λ = 0, we have k <k¯and thereforer+γ < f(k) in view off(k)<0.Thus, ˙λ <0 from (11.13). Therefore, λis decreasing, which is indicated by the downward pointing arrows in Regions I and IV. On the other hand, to the right of the vertical line, in Regions II and III, the arrows are pointed upward because λ is increasing. In Exercise 11.3, you are asked to show that the horizontal arrows, which indicate the direction of change ink,point to the right above the ˙k= 0 isocline, i.e., in Regions I and II, and they point to the left in Regions III and IV which are below the ˙k= 0 isocline.

The point (¯k,λ) represents the optimal long-run stationary equilib-¯ rium. The values of ¯k and ¯λ are obtained in Exercise 11.2. The next important thing is to show that there is a unique path starting from any initial capital stock k0, which satisfies the maximum principle and converges to the steady state (¯k,¯λ).Clearly such a path cannot start in Regions II and IV, because the directions of the arrows in these areas point away from (¯k,¯λ). For k0 < ¯k, the value of λ0 (if any) must be selected so that (k0, λ0) is in Region I. For k0 >k,¯ on the other hand, the point (k0, λ0) must be chosen to be in Region III. We analyze the casek0 <¯konly, and show that there exists a uniqueλ0 associated with the givenk0,and that the optimal path, shown as the solid curve in Re- gion I of Fig.11.1, starts from (k0, λ0) and converges to (¯k,¯λ).It should be obvious that this path also represents the locus of such (k0, λ0) for k0[0,¯k].The analysis of the casek0>¯kis left as Exercise 11.4.

In Region I, ˙k(t) >0 and k(t) is an increasing function oft as indi- cated by the horizontal right-directed arrow in Fig.11.1. Therefore, we can replace the independent variable t by k, and then use (11.16) and (11.17) to obtain

λ(k) = dk =

dt 3dk

dt = [f(k)(r+γ)]λ

h(λ) +γk−f(k). (11.19) Thus, our task of showing that there exists an optimal path starting from any initial k0 < ¯k is equivalent to showing that there exists a solution of the differential equation (11.19) on the interval [0,¯k],beginning with the boundary condition λk) = ¯λ. For this, we must obtain the value λk).Since both the numerator and the denominator in (11.19) vanish

342 11. Applications to Economics atk= ¯k,we need to deriveλk) by a perturbation argument. To do so, we use (11.19) and (11.18) to obtain

λ(k) = [r+γ−f(k)]λ

f(k)−γk−h(λ) = [fk)−f(k)]λ

f(k)−fk)−γk+γ¯k−h(λ) +hλ). We use L’Hˆopital’s rule to take the limit as k→k¯ and obtain

λk) = −fkλ

fk)−γ−hλ) = −fkλ

fk)−γ−λk)/u(hλ)), (11.20) or


u(hλ))+λk)[fk)−γ] + ¯λfk) = 0. (11.21) Note that the second equality in (11.20) uses the relation hλ) = 1/u(hλ)) obtained by differentiating u(c) = u(h(λ)) = λ of (11.14) with respect to λatλ= ¯λ.

It is easy to see that (11.21) has one positive solution and one negative solution. We take the negative solution forλk) because of the following consideration. With the negative solution, we can prove that the differ- ential equation (11.19) has a smooth solution, such that λ(k) <0.For this, let

π(k) =f(k)−kγ−h(λ(k)).

Sincek <k,¯ we haver+γ−f(k)<0.Then from (11.19), sinceλk)<0, we have λk−ε) > λk). Also since ¯λ > 0 and fk) < 0, Eq. (11.20) with λk) implies

πk) =fk)−γ− λk) u(hλ)) <0, and thus,

πk−ε) =fk−ε)−γk−ε)−h(λk−ε))>0.

Therefore, the derivative at ¯k−εis well defined and λk−ε)<0. We can proceed as long as

π(k) =f(k)−γ− λ(k)

u(h(λ(k))) <0. (11.22) This implies that f(k)−kγ −h(λ) > 0, and also since r +γ −f(k) remains negative for k <¯k,we have λ(k)<0.

Một phần của tài liệu Optimal control theory applications to management science and economics, 3rd edition (Trang 355 - 359)

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