Most human activities affect environment, by either degradation or pollution. With the ever-increasing population, the limitations in energy consumption and the demand for CCTs, most countries are targeting efficient technologies to enhance their energy utilization capabilities. The
emission control laws have further motivated the countries to adopt effec- tive measures to tackle the polluting sources. The waste products generated from the combustion technologies also pose threat to the environment.
Hence, the contemporary combustion technologies not only focused on emission of harmful gases but also have the potential to restore the degraded environment.
With the number of issues related to soil quality, agriculture and envi- ronment, these CCPs have proved to be potential remediators of environ- mental problems such as soil acidity, mobility of nutrients and heavy metals, and so on. The availability of CCPs at cheaper costs make them a viable option for replacing the usage of their traditional counterparts such as lime and gypsum as they possess similar chemical properties such as high pH and high Ca contents, which is desirable for controlling the mobility of some nutrients (e.g. phosphorus) and heavy metals in soil (e.g. lead). More research on the CCPs emerging from the modern technologies is need of the hour and the potential avenues are briefed below.
The primary advantage of utilizing CCPs is their capability to increase soil pH and provide structural benefits to soil, thereby holding more mois- ture and nutrients. Some CCPs also supply certain nutrients such as phos- phorus, boron, selenium, calcium and sulfur, which are essential for plant growth. The same CCPs also have the potential to deposit undesirable quantities of certain nutrients such as lead, chromium and arsenic if judi- cious application rates are not followed. It is desirable that the application rates must be optimized for each and every CCPs source so as to cover the diverse range of chemical composition of various CCPs produced from different parent coals. Also, there is a threat of accumulation of heavy metals over a period of repeated application, which requires long-term monitoring studies. The problem of accumulation of toxic metals can be addressed by removal of these undesirable methods through sequential leaching techniques.
Although the CCPs are effective in supplying inorganic nutrients, they are poor in organic matter. This deficiency is addressed by amending CCPs with organic materials such as poultry manure, biosolids, sewage sludge, and so on, because organic materials are important for soil health, providing both structural and chemical benefits. Hence, value-addition of CCPs with these materials can bring up fertilizer-like products with high commercial value. Moreover, FGD’s pure nature even helps to sterilize organic materi- als before using as crop manure. Cocomposting of organic materials with CCPs will increase the quality of the value-added CCPs.
Future research should focus more on the implications of CCPs in improving the biological properties of soil, which requires long-term toxi- cological studies. The use of molecular biology tools as indicators of health of an organism should be employed. A database similar to NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) should be created, which should cover the aspects such as geology and morphology of parent coal materials;
types of combustion technologies used in specific power stations; chemi- cal composition indicating the hazardous levels; and physical characteristics of CCPs generated worldwide. This will serve as a repository for future researchers and environmental land managers. Long-term monitoring stud- ies on the behavior of nutrients and heavy metals are lacking, which is essential to understand the accumulation characteristics. The studies should be conducted at different geochemical, mineralogical and hydrological set- tings to explore the carbon sequestration potential of CCPs in soil.
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