Suggested directions on the construction and standardization of Vietnamese petroleum terminology

Một phần của tài liệu Đối chiếu thuật ngữ dầu khí tiếng anh việt tt tiếng anh (Trang 27 - 32)

We propose a number of solutions, specific directions in the development and standardization of the Vietnamese PT system based on the results of studying, analysing and comparing structure, nomination of the two English and Vietnamese PT system, as well as the current situation of the translation of PT in Vietnam, namely:

First, the borrowing of English PT but they are vietnameseized by phonetic transcription should keep remain without hiphens. Example:

acrơfut (from acrefoot), ketxong (from cassion); tisơ (from teaser);

Second, the Vietnamese PT must reflect the characteristics of Vietnamese grammar, which is the arangement of components, the main compponent that defines the concepts must precede and the supplemental one that modifies for the main goes behind.

Third, it must be paid attention to choose the distinctive characteristics when selecting the characteristics nomination of Vietnamese PT. Features that are not highly distinctive, do not represent the basic function of the term should not be included, such as: of, and, of, about, of, ....

Fourth, terms that have the same components leading to the lack of briefness, they should be seperated.

Fifth, each term should include a maximum of four to five components to enusre the briefness and the consistency. The order of components must also appear follwing the order of Vietnamese grammar.

Sixth, for PT that are synonyms, based on the standards of terminology, it should select which has brief, express the concept accurately and easy to understand.


Based on the results, the thesis has concluded following:

1. The term concept of this thesis: Petroleum terms are words, phrases used in the industry to express concepts, properties, objects, phenomena, subjects ... in the field of petroleum including: exploration, exploiting, processing, technical support and petroleum economy.

2. Regarding to construction and word typing of PT in English and Vietnamese, the thesis result shows that:

In terms of the number of components: The English PT has a brief structure compared to the equivalent term in Vietnames. The number of English terms composed one component is nearly five times higher than in Vietnamese (71 terms, accounting for 1.69% compared to 305 terms, accounting for 7.28%). The number of multi-element terms in English is much less than in Vietnamese. The number of terms composed of two components are 3363, accounting for 80.26%, while Vietnamese only has 2488, accounting for 59.37%. The number of three and four components in the English terminology system only has 385, accounting for 9.19%. In Vietnamese PT, this number is four times higher with 1550, accounting for 36.99 %. In particular, of the 4190 English terms surveyed, only three terms are composed of five components, accounting for a very small proportion with 0.07% and none of the terms are composed of six and seven components. Meanwhile, in the equivalent Vietnamese terminology, the number of term composed of five components are 111, accounting for 2.65%, and 21 composed of six and seven elements with 0.50%. In many cases, the English PT has only one word but when translating into Vietnamese, it includes a combination of words, not mention to a lot of terms which have no equivalent word in Vietnamese language, it is necessary to

use the form of explanation. This might be the major cause that makes Vietnames PT have more component and longer than English PT.

In terms of word type: The difference between the two English and Vietnamese terminology systems is not much. Both terminology systems have a large of number of terms that are composed of nouns or noun phrases.

In English PT, the number of terms composed of nouns or noun phrases is up to 90.81%, the number of terms composed of verbs or verb phrases accounts for about 5.75%, the rest 0.24% belongs to adjectives or adjective phrases.

Similarly, in Vietnames PT, the number of terms that is noun or noun phrases occupies the majority with the rate of 86.06%, the remaining 13.94% belongs to terms that are verbs or verb phrases (12.70 %) and adjectives or adjective phrases (1.24%).

In terms of composition: The English PT may be formed single words (3.03%), compound words (1.04%), derived words (4.23%), phrases (88.5%) and a small number of acronym (3.20%). In Vietnamese PT, none of the terms are abbreviated, the number of terms which are single words account for 1.69%, compound words 19.68% include both coordinate compound (0.21%) and the primary-second compound. (19.47 %), the rest belongs to phrases, accounting for 78.63%.

In terms of model: The English PT system according to the grammatical rules of English, which the primary component often goes behind the secondary component which has the role to modify the primary component by expressing the basic nature or characteristics of the primary conponent.

On the contrary, Vietnames PT follows the Vietnamese grammatical rules, the primary component is usually preceded, the following is the secondary component which modifies for the primary component,

3. Formation: with the exception of a small amount of English PT formed by the abbreviation, the English and Vietnamese PT are formed in two ways:

the terminoloization from the common word and the borrowing from other languages.

In terms of expression: with the exception of 134 terms formed by the acronym in the English PT, accounting for 3.20% these two terminology systems have two types; The one has a component that often has a general concept and is often used to identify the basic concepts in the petroleum sector, such as: survey, geology, exploration, drilling,… and other related fields. The results show that the English terminology system has 305 terms of this type, accounting for 7.28%, while there are 71 in Vietnamese, accounting for 1.69%. The second type is created on the basis of the first type, combined with words indicating characteristics, forms and properties of phenomena, they are composed of two or more components. In the English terminology system, there are 3751, accounting for 89.52%, the Vietnamese terminology system has 4119, accounting for 98.31%.

In terms of semantic: most terms in both term systems are direct names of concepts or objects in the petroleum sector. The English PT has 3411, accounting for 81.41%, the Vietnamese PT has 3780, accounting for 90.21%.

The number of terms is indirect names that account for a small percentage, English PT has 799, accounting for 18.95% and Vietnamese PT has 410 terms, accounting for 9.79%.

In terms of nomiation models: According to the analysis results of the petroleum term nomination model in English and Vietnamese, the nomination process of the categories that we identified clearly reflected the nomination methods. Features, characteristics and functions are common

selected in the process of PT nomination, and are also easy to observe, remember and understand for users. In addition, some of the other features with a lower frequency are also selected as a basis for the petroleum terminology, they reflect a part of the attributes of the object, so their names of this type are reasonable.

4. Based on the results of the thesis, research on the semantic structure of the two petroleum terminology systems in English and Vietnamese, along with the theoretical basis of standardization, the thesis has proposed six principles to standardize Vietnamese petroleum term.

In the framework of the thesis, there are still issues we have not had the opportunity to explore deeply, such as: synonymous phenomena in petroleum term, the metaphor in petroleum term nomination under the cognitive linguistics. This is probably the new direction for further research on PT. Besides, the review of the whole Vietnamese PT has been being used is also a consideration. We wish to carry out this project earrly as a basis for standardization and compilation of the new dictionary of petroleum term.

Một phần của tài liệu Đối chiếu thuật ngữ dầu khí tiếng anh việt tt tiếng anh (Trang 27 - 32)

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