During process of doing the study, some limitations were discovered.
The first thing, the number of students participating in trial method – PBL was small and modest, just only one class with 30 students. The result of this study was positive, but it should not be considered as a large scale. The second thing, at the same time applying the trial method – PBL, the research still met the curriculum of Faculty of foreign languages. So the researcher and students did have much time for PBL as we desired. The students must do the test based on the format of the faculty for the final test, following the university’s curriculum. The last thing, with the inconsiderable experience, short time for preparation and the limited knowledge of this PBL, doing research got much trouble.
From above limitations, the author hope that these limitations will solve well in the next studies of the future researchers in finding out the importance and effectiveness of using PBL in teaching speaking skills and motivating the students in learning Speaking English. And PBL is considered
one of the most effective teaching speaking methods by English teachers and lecturers.
5.4.2. Suggestions for Further Studies
Speaking English is one of the extreme important skills in studying, work and modern society. Finding out the effective method for this problem is necessary. So doing the study for this topic needs to be carried out with a large scale. The participants in the project are many. That brings the more reliable result. The researcher used an action research project to conduct the project to help improve learning and teaching of speaking skills. The findings of this study are considered as a good foundation in using new method in teaching speaking skills. It is also a good reference for the future researcher.
The teachers, lecturers and students can combine this method and other methods to get the purposes, especially improving English speaking skills and other subjects.
Basing on the positive result of this study, using project-based learning is really effective in teaching speaking skills. It affects not only the result of speaking skills but also the attitude of the students. So PBL should also be studied and applied in teaching other skills and other subjects. PBL should really be studied in Vietnamese and applied in high school and university in teaching some subjects which are necessary. At the end, this study is a preliminary investigation of an individual in this field. To have more trustworthy and exact result, more comprehensive investigations and deep research should be conducted.
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