Một phần của tài liệu ICS GUIDE TO HELICOPTER SHIP OPERATIONS 2005 (Trang 101 - 109)

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

1.1 Loss of Power Engine failure Performance in accordance with HEC Class D. “When hovering at max OGE OEI hover weight, an engine failure should not result in an altitude loss of more than 10% or 4 ft, whichever is the greater, of the altitude established at the time of engine failure. In either case, sufficient power margin should be available from the operating engine(s) to regain the altitude lost during the dynamic engine failure and to transition to forward flight.”

Environment conditions not as planned

Build reserve into calculations by factoring wind

Discretion at the site only might be permitted if mass is within 2% - use of discretion should be reported

Emergency procedures established and briefing carried out (including marine pilot) before every sortie

Ingestion of salt water

No operations if spray within 20 ft of Bridge Wing (BW)

Unexpected breaking wave


abandoned with RTB if spray is suspected of being ingested Ingestion of gases

and/or soot particles

Operations permitted only if clear of funnel exhaust

Wind change Break off from task and clear ship until new direction is established - check power assurance before recommencing operation

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

1.2 Loss of Reference Reduced visual cues (day) due to height of BW above the deck

Operation started only if reference can be maintained under standard procedures Operation to BW limited to operating height of 4 m unless the size of the site and the visual cues permit it to be higher

Use of helicopters that have minimum distance between pilot and hoist will reduce the threat

Pilot loses reference during winch cycle

Pilot indicates to hoist operator that contact lost;

procedure for loss of reference followed Procedures for selection, training, qualification and checking of Helicopter Hoist Operations (HHO) crew established and followed

Procedure for achieving and maintaining experience to ensure recent experience of all HHO crew established and followed Reduced visual cues

(night) due to lack of lighting and height of BW above the deck

Operation accepted only if sufficient lighting of winch site and obstacles is provided and indicated on ship’s “template”

Lights found to be not sufficient on arrival at site

Operation not commenced

Lighting deficiency reported and filed with master and shipping company Pilot loses reference

during winch cycle

Pilot indicates to hoist operator that contact lost;

procedure for loss of reference followed

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

Procedures for selection, training and checking of HHO crew for night operations established and followed Procedure for achieving and maintaining night experience to ensure recent experience of all HHO crew established and followed Strong wind requires

pilot to sit ahead of references so that empty harness can be delivered to small site

Operation started only if reference can be maintained under these circumstances

Pilot now too far ahead of clear zone to lift marine pilot

Such complications are discussed as part of the CRM training.

Before lift is commenced, pilot is conned back to lifting position Lack of current night


Procedures to maintain current night experience established Vision impaired by

soot particles

Break off from task and clear ship until new direction is established - check power assurance before recommencing lift

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

1.3 Loss of Position Environmental disturbance (wind, turbulence)

Establish wind limits for BW hoisting/winching (recommended 60 kts) Break off from task, clear ship and re-establish position

Inability to accurately hold station on BW due to conditions

Discontinue operation

Accentuated linear movement because of the height of the BW (sea conditions)

Establish obstacle linear displacement from the centre of the hoisting/winching site - prepare ship’s template and make available to appropriate parties.

Establish helicopter limits of operation - based upon the linear movement of the significant obstacles outside the manoeuvring zone or obstacles surrounding the clear zone of the operational area

Provide equipment that can accurately measure obstacle displacement at the BW location

Equipment is not provided

Employment of more conservative limits of operation based upon the calculations indicated below Equipment is


Employment of more conservative limits of operation based upon the calculations indicated below Roll of ship erodes

the lateral obstacles’


The distance of the closest obstacle that will affect height of operations 4 m above BW should be established (measurement taken from the centre of the winch site); the relationship of the linear movement of this obstacle to the angular movement of ship should be established

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

The limit of operation should be the angle of roll (converted to a linear distance at the BW) that preserves the margin of 0.5 RD (rotor diameter) between the rotor disc and the closest obstacle (thus meeting the intent of clearance from obstacles of 2 D of the manoeuvring zone) or the angle of roll which permits the marine pilot to be landed within the extent of the clear zone

Heave of the ship erodes the vertical obstacle clearance

Operational height should be based upon the visual cue environment and the width of the clear zone. The heave limit should be based upon the operational height, a vertical clearance from obstacles of 2 m at the top of the heave cycle and a heave rate that would not result in injury to the marine pilot Pitch of ship moves

BW out of use for delivering marine pilot to the operational site

Establish limit of pitch to be the linear displacement of 2.5 x width of hoisting/winching site (BW) or 5 m whichever is the lesser (because of the longer lever arm, it is likely that the pilot will be able to follow any fore and aft movement of the BW) Ship movement


Break off from task and clear ship until new direction is established


Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

2.1 Obstacles in immediate vicinity of clear zone are potential snagging hazard

Hoist harness/and or marine pilot snags obstacles

All snagging hazards to be removed from the width of, and up to 5 m from end of, the BW

Stanchions to rails remain a hazard

Where possible, all stanchions to be boxed

Ship’s crew member to take possession of harness when it is lowered for, or released by, marine pilot

Static discharge risk to ship’s crew member if harness gathered before it has been grounded

Master to ensure that deck crew are briefed on the effect of static discharge

Ship’s crew member not briefed on duties

BW hoisting/

winching should only be conducted if ship has, and complies with, BW procedures 2.2 Marine pilot not

delivered cleanly to centre of clear zone

Ship pitching results in marine pilot being delivered outside rails

Operational limitation on pitch of 2.5 x width of clear zone and appropriate operating height should reduce such an occurrence

Ship moves outside limits

Crew members wait until the ship moves back in pitching limit provided the roll remains within limits

Marine pilot recovered to a safe height before lowering recommenced Roll of ship results in

marine pilot being delivered outside rails

Operational limits on roll of the length of the clear zone and choice of operating height should reduce such an occurrence

Ship moves outside limits

Helicopter immediately moved off to a safe position; crew members wait until the ship moves back in roll limits or aborts mission as required Helicopter moved off to a

safe position and marine pilot recovered to a safe height before lowering recommenced Ship pitching or

rolling results in marine pilot closing to collision with rail

Ship’s crew, one or two members as required, guides marine pilot to centre of clear zone

Ship’s crew member not briefed on duties

BW hoisting/

winching only conducted if ship has, and complies with, BW procedures

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

Pitch more than one ship’s crew member can handle

Ensure that more than one ship’s crew member is made available and briefed before helicopter arrives on station Ship heave results in

acceleration down to clear zone

Crew co-operation to ensure that the marine pilot is delivered in a period of minimum movement

Ship heave occurs when marine pilot is below level of rail

Ship’s crew member attempts to cushion landing

2.3 Marine pilot not picked up cleanly from clear zone

Snagging Pilot and hoist operator must be prepared to cut cable if snagging occurs

Marine pilot is on the wire

Cable cut considered only while marine pilot is below level of rail

Hoist operator takes the strain on the wire to establish movement before continuing the lift - to ensure that there is no snagging

Marine pilot swings to rail or obstacle

Ship’s crew, one or two members as required, support marine pilot until clear pick up is achieved Additional call of

“passenger clear” by hoist operator to indicate that risk of snagging is past

2.4 BW clear zone not wide enough for safe operation

Unable to deliver marine pilot to the clear zone in other than calm conditions

Operation should not be conducted unless there is sufficient width to provide a safe clear area. At a minimum, this might be

<2 m but could be larger if either the helicopter operator or the ship apply higher limits

Site is found to be too small on arrival

BW operations not conducted and report filed



1 Squibs are detonators that, when fired in a specific emergency, operate cable cutting equipment, such as for a hoist/winch cable from the helicopter structure.

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

3.1 Proximity to RADAR on bridge

HIRF interference with helicopter’s electronic equipment, i.e. FADEC and other electronic controls, resulting in loss of control or firing of squibs1

Ship’s RADAR set to standby while helicopter is on station

3.2 Proximity to ship’s whistle/horn

Use of whistle/horn distracts helicopter crew

Establish and agree procedure for restriction on use of whistle/horn when helicopter is on station

Risk - Area of Risk Threat Threat Control Escalation Factor Escalation Control

4.1 Noise of helicopter results in loss of hearing acuity on bridge

Bridge cannot conduct normal operations when helicopter on station

Ship’s bridge crew members advised to wear headsets, when appropriate, when helicopter is on station

Time taken on task is usually only measured in minutes

4.2 Downwash of helicopter affects bridge operations

Bridge suffers from disruption due to downwash

Master advised to keep bridge doors closed

4.3 Downwash of helicopter affects deck crew

Downwash causes deck crew to lose footing

Deck crew not assisting marine pilot should keep in lee of bridge to reduce effect of downwash

Một phần của tài liệu ICS GUIDE TO HELICOPTER SHIP OPERATIONS 2005 (Trang 101 - 109)

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