The souü ofltaly/ hot /the nolth

Một phần của tài liệu Worldview 1b student book (Trang 60 - 73)

Chicago / expensive / Denver

The south ofFmnce / dry / the north

@ Use the in{ormation to write (omplete sentences comparing the places.

4. The north ofltaly / wet / the south 5. The north ofRussia / cold / the souü 6. Holland / flat / Germany

7. Tolqo / exciting / Nagoy

b¡gger than New York hotter than the north more modern than R¡o

friendlier th¿ n other cities

Dal¡as is bigger than New York.

The south is hotter th¿n the north.

Bras¡lia is more modern than R¡o.

It's friendlier than other (¡ties.

reit't:';'.'':',: l:: :¡'i¡,': :t. : :i:1.

Use the comparative to express a sir¡iliarity between ¡ro people, places, and thi¡gs

Use the word when you say both things you are comparing.

Adjective Comparat¡ve

l syllable ¡icer than / tha¡

Ends in 1 vowel +

l consonant

blq/flat b qqer than /- than

Ends n y dry/friendly drier than /- than

2 or more syllables modern /excting


than /- than

lregu ar good / bad than / worse than

{b O a,r,"n. Notice the stressed words and the weak pronuncialion ot tủan.

bigger hotter


@ ủ rist"n

"nd r"ceat.

liVt'rit ;1,',ttV,rin't:1 /4ii.'!t!,:t',,:,¡;.1!t,:,::. )

r/t ll/,:::;. Choosen¡ro .ities that you both know well. Wdle ad¡ect¡ves ¡n the columnr to describe each dty.


People Geography Restaurants shopp ng

Free-time activities

Historical places

clTY #f ctTY *2

úD Talk about wh¡ch (¡ty ¡s "better.- Ure the adjedives ¡n the (hart ro compa¡e them. Come to an aqreement.

A: I thínk Miami ís better than New Orleans. Míamí has better shopping.

B: But New Orbans has better restauran*!


',,,/i,l,t rtr¿:ir,:l,l:,t ///t//.//ttt)llll;:::i.,

lmag¡ne you're go¡ng to move to another (ity (in your country o¡ ¡n another country)" Wr¡te a paragraph (ompar¡ng th€ new city with the

pla<e where you live now.

A: Why do you thĂủk the north B: Because I live there!


is latt'tlt)¡

't!t'",1:a2 the south?


The best food in town

'i/¡ti.aht.l¿'¡7 Adjectives to describe restaurants {i''rJr,,1,¿,' Superlative adjectives

tír'¡.1.)ltj t1q Describing restaurants


DescrĂbe the restaurants" WrĂte the adjectĂve5 in the boxes oủ the photos.

some adject¡ves are used more than on(e.

bu sy




alfordable bis

busy cheap

comfortable cute


friendly old popular quick

quiet romanti(


@ 14¡¡11 compare your answers.

'lilr:6¡n'¿ur',t,'t:t ////./,///;litiii:..t)),,.íti: t: :

i'/¿ll1ii. write the ad¡ed¡ves from Ex€rcjse 1 in the (orr€ct column, accord¡n9 to the number of syllables and the gtress.

@ O fisten ana check your answers. Then l¡sten aga¡n and repeat.

V.toaul,,,J,i r,l,r¡,1, ///,/////ltiltiititl,i.t. :t)tt;'.i :,::t t.:

Read the reviews of the three restaurants. Then wr¡te the name5 ofthe restaurantfor

This olace in Pushkin Squae, Moscow isthe busi;si and most popular last-food restáurant in the world, lt's p¿rt of a ch¿in ot 57 restauranls rn

Russialh€r seles around 150 000 cusromers ¿ dav.

They don't have the cheapesi prices butihev do h¿ve the quickest service


This is the small€st .cstaunnt i¡ t¡e world. ll has

o¡ly one t¿ble ¡nd se.vcs only two peolle ¿r ¿ r¡me People have come liom all over the world to ihis r 9;

century villa 10 rit in front of the fire and enjoy the ftie¡dliest seNice. and thc bcst local food and


Ii probably has úe most romaniic atmospher€ ol¡ny

restauranr i. ltaly - maybc even in ihe worldl

It s the blggest ¿nd the mostfamous re$aul ani lf

- r'"i'l' *"" ¡,|l


"""i".."" ""* " '¡" +:00 able' on

1e lhree o0aLs

iheoldes' bo¿liscalled TarPd{ Sore o' tl'e-os ia-ou ? .'"* ¡r"" ¡.n¿"¿ -- W'vne ald or'eeq F /¿0'tl'll

ioj "- "roo"" "o- -r lo0 arr'erenl s"dlood o'shes or -

the menu. ,,,.,...,1

lull:/,:i, Which reslautant would you like to go to? Why?



VX.r,gr,g ;,,¡v (,tt 6t i.!i rtt/,,t.ti,rr,t/i.,, ¡t,,,.,.,,

oca food and w ne.

$ study ttr" "*"rnples of superlat¡ve adject¡ves.

It's the smallest rest¿urant n the wor d

The NlcDona d! ¡n Pushkin Square s the bus¡est f¿st-food restaur¿nt n the wor d Th s reld!rant probab y has the most roirantic ¿tfflosphere of any restaur¿nt in lt¿ly

: lt ¿ !o h¿s the best

O Look at the examples again. Complete the chart.

Adject¡ve Superlat¡ve

1 syl¿ble od / qurck the oldest /

Ends in I vowel + blq / hot the biqqesi

Ends in y no syl busy the noisiest /-

2 or more sy l¿b es famoLrs / ror¡antic the rnost famous/

lrrequl¿r qood / bad / the worst

@ complete the conversation w¡th the superlat¡ve form of the adiedives ¡n parentheses.

I'm notfamiliarwilh the restaumnLs in toü,'n yet.

Well, you can ask me- I knowthem all úilt1ll,


and r (eóod) ,.(bad)

OK.Is there a good Greek restaur'ant to go to on a Saturda], night?

Crcekrestaumrt is Karyatis. The food is great, bul iCs expensive.

Whar about the new French café do\^'ntot'n?

place, but it's also place in to$'n.

There are onl\'six tables, so it takcs a longtime lo bc seated.

restaurantwith good food ilr to\ '11?

Deiinitcl) Hur.Its Chinese reslaurant in toú'n,It's not selvice you can find in abig restaurant on a Saturday oighr. Letl go eatl



B: TlLat s detrnrtcly

place, but it dcfinitely has

gt l,All1li. Practt<ethe conversat¡on ¡n Exerc¡se 3.

l1/)ll7i!i, Look althe survey. Choose three restaurants you both know in your area and rate them.

A: OK First, Belln Luna.I think it's alfbrdahle.It's deíInitely not the tuost expensiue.

B: I agree. The food there ís rcally good.I gíve ít a 1.It's not the best.

A: I dnn't think ...

Reslaurant nam€ 6¿ila lula



$$=affordab e

$$$=expensive Other cr¡teria

I -,---5 Food qualty

Fast service Friendly service Atmosphere

@ Whi.h ,"ra"ur"nt ¡s the best? The wor5t? Why?

Wri.!'¿íns¿ //ti./ti.!,Ii:t:;t,.:,,. t:t ' '

Choose your favorite place to eat. Write a rev¡ew of the restaurant.

Use superlat¡ve adiect¡ves and some of the vocabulary ¡n this !¡n¡t,

Wherc's !:l/t t tt,,!tt. place Io eat?

That restaurant on the coneL buf iI's also ,¡trr, t71k?/i), t:ltur:.j/,'i)i),¿/,!l B:






53 __ t :



0n the phone

',/,:tt)r't?,)i 1i/t/ Telephoning

t::.t :.,rri.iltt/ Presenl continuous for future Lri,¿r.itr'q laking and Ieaving messages

Directory Assistance

l.i 1o.h:l? i

It's true, most people know howto

use the phon€. But in tod¿yt world, rommunication skills are essential.

ln fact.70% of communication is not what you s¿y, but how you say it.

1. Don'tca lbefo¡e 9:00 a.M. or after 9:30 or 10r00 PM.

2,Say "h€llo" and g¡ve your name.

Then ask lor the person yoLr wánt to speak to.

3.When you leave a message, give yourname aqain and your nu¡nber, if necessary

4, Thank the other person at th€ €nd ofthe call.

5. The coffect way to answer is "hello."

lustsaying "yes" is considered rude.

6,lf ihe caller asks to speak to a person who is notth€re, say, "l'm 5orry" and offer to take a message.

7, Repeatthe caller's message to check that it is correct.

8, fVake sure you havethe correct nur¡b€rfrom ihe.ailer l'/;t lll t:, . Match the words ¡n th e box

w¡th the p¡ctures.

answering machine area code -

cell phone :L


leave a message

LIxt messa9e

#b comolete the sentences w¡th the

w *oris and phrases ¡n the box

c¿llyou b¿ck

tdBÉ ¿a$essá-qe put You on hold

@ O usten ana check Your antwers.


.11,,¡utt t!/,i1//;i!/i;t 1:.:, .::i: t" :

Hello? 5

Hi, this isTom. Can I speakroYoko?

l'm sorry She isnt here atthe moment. Can I take a message?_

Yes, please. Could you tell her l'm not going to class tomorrow night? l,m going away on business. _

OK.You're nol goingto class.You'rc going on abusiness t p.Andyourname

Oh. 917-r5J-.J487. I ll a.l her (o call ) ou.

Thanks a lot. Bye.

lir r;.k'r,:t,,,/lkr¡;.|)r i24¿i r,:tt:t, //,tii;:/n:itt:.i :.i : i,.t,,

Can I speak to Yoko?

This is Tom.

She s.-ouvt the moment.

take a message Can ltake a message?

lr!¡s($er l'll as(Ler to call you.



@ O firt"n. tttotice how a consonant sound at the end of a word l¡nks to a vowel sound at the beq¡nn¡nq ofthe next word.

Can I

This is She's out at

@ O Listen and reoeat.

@ fit,nl D¡scuss these questions.

Do you like leaving messages on aDswering machi¡es ot voice mail? Why?

Do you preler using a cell phone or a pager? \Alhy?

Read th€ article on phone etiquette. Wr¡te A nswe ng o¡ Calling in the <ofieat pÍace above sentences 1-4 and 5-8.

12/¿ill:;, M.atah lhe number of the adv¡ce from the art¡cle with the sentences ¡n the tel€phone conversation. You can use a number more than once.



again? _

Tom. Mynumber is gl7 555,3487.

W ?,//,ili.') rhe conversation in Exerc¡5e 6.


t :t't r,^fli tr:Li.t t'l l:t /,|.tiT 4 .,

@ Strdy th" """.p|€s of the prcsent cont¡nuous for the future

l'm leavĂng on a busiủess trip after l!nch She'i réturn¡ng later this morning.

They're meet¡ng in Parls next week

We're g¡v¡ng a presentation in Rio in a few days.

O Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the rule in the .hart'

/¿ 1:j :) /, tt¿t


a /! /ii,aj/:'l./t.r) |

O Read ea(h sentence caref.ully. Underline the aor¡ect form of the verb'

l I am cauing / call Miguel tonight.

2. He is meetlig / meets wiú his friends after work every nighl'

3. She is golng / goes to the office later this afte¡noon.

4. Walter is leaving,/ leaves on his business trip tonight.

5. They are having /have these meetings foul times a year.

6. He is buying / buys a new cell phone this weekend.

7. Alessandro always ls taking / takes his laptop to all the meetings.

@ f) u.t"n to ttt"

telephone conversation.

Coủplete the ủessage.

Tom Jone¿

Búsiness: B uiláing Enqin e ers


Date: June 17

\me: 9:15 ¡,u.

While you were out

!iiVtrit't:ttl' ,írlr,:1 //ti,¡);htit¡.,. : i:::,ttt, : :

l'/rl1'li. student A, <all your friend pat. student B, you Pat is not home. Take a message.

are Pat's roommate.


@ nole-play. Student B, call yor¡r fr¡end, Chri'. Student A, you are Chris,s roommate. chr¡s ¡s out ot town. Take a message.

",/t,/t f il;i r,1¡,t10 r4,i¡;1¡.L,¡¡.,, .

@ O firt"n to ttr" two measages on the answer¡ng mach¡ne. They are for other people ¡n your household. Wr¡te the messages.

93l. t.*", Michete sakamoto called,



A: t::;r'11 | !tlr/,.íú, to Gústavo, please?

Bi lhi!, itt Gusta\rc.


,"1 rt t)1; 1,!) t/l,t::t'tt:tT l¿u¿::'tt'?,,

@ f¡ t.,.t"n,o ur" moclel convers¿rtion Look at the game'

'1X /:ti'|. :2h'/,:it,t:tz' N;lt't, i1 n4,1, ti/':t rJ t.V,t

'l'Ni l) i'/'tll:; li .'lake Lotns. Toss a coin (one side of the coi]l = move ahead olle sp ace'

úreorh.r.idc - n_rne ahead rwu'paces' \ hill \ou'and ol d'D¿ce'l\e lhc'ue\ lÚ nul" "'4r."'. I h"n ¡'l )our na rner' Your parlncr lPcnondc lÚ Ihe reqrre' ll iou' reoLrestand_HrDon\care(orrecr'nd]unlhe'p.rLeT¡ll e\ are ¡ncorre'l mo\cDacKlL)

" Ă.* r n'-.,u.t"¿ uuut lurn. l he ủr.l pJir lo rP¿ch ll\l\H win''

@ O Listen to the model conversalion.

; i'i., Thinkurrwo(irie.,,o\4n..or t-ea-iIyol,r'to.rnll co'no¿lelh"úing'lh'rl u\uall] imporrrnr to'quJlin úl lile:iub"chool' g'oBr¿pl-i L'euple and lree-rime


tl,illli)Lll:'lt l)lt .1. You work fbr an advertising agcncy. You're going 1{)

create a 30 second commercial fo¡ Jumbo

Restaurant. Male a list ofideas.

Then Í,rite a script.

Presentyom commercial to the class_Vote. \\¡hich commercialis the funniest?Themost creative?

The mosl elTective? The most ulrusua]?


'l,X'/xi',r.'1:V'"í rt,tt:t'h't r¿ r/,,¿'l tU:t,¡!t í2,,r 1;¡:t W r,:,0

@ Ri::i:li:'*t'"""1"1


photo of Jumbo Restaurant.

@ f) t;"t"n to th" -odel conversation and look at Message #t.

l:',!,lll li . lnc¡k at each message. t]len role-play üe co[versations.

Decide what happencd in each com,ersation.

Datet hre 1'l

time: 9:i5 ¡.1¡

While you were out Chtis ?ercz Business: ih¿ FAN 6rouf

Pho¡e. 404-555-5423 -

Message. leavínq wotk atlet

To: f¿rry Willians

Date: Ju¡e 27 fme: 2rO5 r.v.

Wh¡le you were out Pat Chen

Business: Worl¿ GrouP

chone: 47 9"555'6116 ext lQ

I\,4essaqe; arrivind next week

meetifqs-aall Pal wilh ¿a\

an¿ liffe you aan fleel

lu!ah-9d-Ch!t6 )3ak Uéf919

Call thonae at 972-bb5-go,2.

He's goihq oh vacaliok lomorrow an¿ can't bring the ¿og.


Dana 1tO0


A ri t,,,7r:l tll:t't'V o

Q| . t.:,.:'. underline the verb to (omplete e¡.h 6ént€n.e.







@ O ritt"n to ttr" song. which-group of senten(et matches the story rn the songa

5. Great!You're coming to NewYork to visit!

Say / Talk ) ou ll qlay wilh me.

ii. Hurry hurry A giant sale!Come, stay / \tr"alk on by.

See for yoruself.

7. Piease be nice to your sister. Dont g!I,e / make her cry 8. It's such a great deal. I cant stay / stop away - I have to buy it

9. We're ready to go, but wait / lookl I cant flnd the plane tickets

V,"tr",,;t,r¿,t,,tt:t:,tlt //.i,ii;..j::, .., .


You're always so busy. Wdk /!9P

awhile and take a break.

Don t go yet. Cant You stay and talk / say awhile?

Youlookso sad. Cheer up. Come on, make / grve me a sr¡ile!

I cantbelieve it. There's tenniielLopez.

Maybe she'll look / give my wayl

The woman walks in the direction ofthe man.

The woman walks by üe man and stops.

The wom¿¡ and the man talk.

The woman walks in the direction of the r¡an.

The woman walks by the man and doesnt stop.

The woman turns around to walk back to üe man.

The woman is walking behind the man.

The woman walks by the man and doesnt stop.

The woman stops and the man walks by her.

@ f) usten to ttr" song again. F¡ ¡n the b¡anks.

@ Ttit,tit';, Cne* your answers.

0h, Pretly Woman

Pretty woman walking down the streer, Prcttywoman the kind I'd like ro_,

Pretty woman,I doD t __ you.

You re not the trüth.

No one could as good asyou. Mer.y.

Pretty woman, won'tyou pa¡donme, Pretty woman,I couldnt helpbut__,

P¡ettywoman, that yo! looktovely as ca¡ he.

Arc you lonely just like me/ Pretty woman _ a wh'te, Prefywoman- awhile, prefty woman


your smilcto me-

Pr€tywoman yeah, yeah. yeah. Pr€itywoman ..- my wayj



youll staywjlh me.

Because I need you,I'll treatyou righ¡.


with me baby. mine tonight.

Prcttywoman_ on by. P.et1y woman _ me crf

Pr€tiy wo¡nan _ away. Hey, OK.lfthat s th€ way it musr be, OK I guess I'll-- o¡ home, its late

There'll be tomorrownight but -_ |

Whal do I a is she walknsba.k ro m€?

Yeah. sha's walking backto meloh, oh, pretiy wom¿n.

.;l tt Zii.: )21. l ilt 4.r, /.

Một phần của tài liệu Worldview 1b student book (Trang 60 - 73)

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