Advantages of grammar lessons using OCT

Một phần của tài liệu Using task based language teaching in teaching grammar to adult learners at a language center in ho chi minh city (Trang 53 - 59)

Based on the data from the quantitative questionnaire and interviews, a great number of students in the study agreed that the grammar lessons using OCT benefited them a lot. First of all, 13 out of 16 students (81.25%) thought that grammar lessons using OCT helped them understand the use of grammatical structures well. The result from the interviews also helped confirm this idea when the students said,“It is easier for me to memorise and understand grammatical

don’t need to spend too much time studying because they are able to understand and memorize the lessons right at school with just a little time for review at home.

(Interviewee 1); “Oral communicative tasks […] improve my understanding

(Interviewee 2, Interviewee 5). They also added, “Oral communicative tasks take us more time, but they are more effective…because they are applicable to real situations, much of them can be retained in our memory.” (Interviewee 3);

“applying grammatical structures learnt into oral communicative tasks assigned by the teacher enables me to remember them longer” (Interviewee 4).

However, there was a student (6.25%) who did not think so and two other students (12.5%) did not have any specific opinion on this, as shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5

Responses to Item 5 in the questionnaire.



f % f % f % f % f %

Grammar lessons using OCT help me understand the usage of grammatical structures well.

1 6.25 2 12.50 6 37.50 7 43.75

N = 16

Note. f = frequency; SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neutral; A = agree;

SA = strongly agree

Another advantage of using OCT in grammar lessons is that it makes students more motivated in learning English grammar. More than two-thirds of the students (75%) agreed that OCT gave them a higher level of motivation for learning grammar. On the contrary, some of them denied this benefit of OCT, as can be seen

Table 4.6

Responses to Item 6 in the questionnaire.



f % f % f % f % f %

Grammar lessons using OCT make me more motivated in learning English grammar.

1 6.25 3 18.75 6 37.50 6 37.50

N = 16

Note. f = frequency; SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neutral; A = agree;

SA = strongly agree

In addition to improving students’ understanding and motivation for learning grammar, using OCT in grammar lessons also helped the students enhance their soft skills, particularly problem-solving skills and teamwork skills. Almost all the students (87.5%) agreed that OCT helped develop their problem-solving skills while 93.75% of the students thought that their teamwork skills were developed, with details being presented in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7

Responses to Items 7-8 in the questionnaire.



f % f % f % f % f %

Grammar lessons using OCT

2 12.50 7 43.75 7 43.75



f % f % f % f % f %

help me improve my problem- solving skills.

Doing OCT help me develop my teamwork skills.

1 6.25 7 43.75 8 50.00

N = 16

Note. f = frequency; SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neutral; A = agree;

SA = strongly agree

Apart from those, doing OCT during grammar lessons also provided students with various opportunities to practise using the language in class. In fact, 15 out of 16 students agreed or strongly agreed with this. More importantly, most of them (81.25%) believed that doing OCT contributed to forming their habit of self- correcting. “I can identify my own mistakes very soon to correct them”, Interviewee 2 said. Additionally, almost all the students (93.75%) thought that they gained more confidence in using grammatical structures thanks to OCT. “To me, they are chances to build self-confidence” (Interviewee 1), “the tasks really help in terms of […] and self-confidence” (Interviewee 2); “makes me more confident to communicate” (Interviewee 4), “makes me more confident in speaking English”

(Interviewee 5), they said. Additionally, they could exchange ideas with their classmates comfortably when they did OCT, with 13 out of 16 (81.25%) students agreeing with Statement 12 in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8

Responses to Items 9-12 in the questionnaire.



f % f % f % f % f %

Grammar lessons using OCT give me plenty of opportunities to use

language in the


1 6.25 10 62.50 5 31.25

Doing OCT helps me form the habit of self-

correcting my errors.

1 6.25 2 12.50 7 43.75 6 37.50

Grammar lessons using OCT make me feel more confident in using

grammatical structures.

1 6.25 10 62.50 5 31.25

I can exchange ideas with my classmates

1 6.25 2 12.50 6 37.50 7 43.75



f % f % f % f % f %

comfortably when doing OCT.

N = 16

Note. f = frequency; SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neutral; A = agree;

SA = strongly agree

Referring to the improvement of oral communication, most of them agreed or strongly agreed that OCT boosted their oral communication as well as increased their independence in learning English. Table 4.9 below presents the data related to those in detail.

Table 4.9

Responses to Items 13-14 in the questionnaire.



f % f % f % f % f %

Doing OCT helps improve my oral


1 6.25 10 62.50 5 31.25

Grammar lessons using OCT helps increase my independence in English learning.

1 6.25 2 12.50 8 50.00 5 31.25

N = 16

Note. f = frequency; SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neutral; A = agree;

SA = strongly agree

Apart from the above-mentioned advantages, some of the students participating in the study highlighted that doing OCT helped train their pronunciation, their reflexes as well as enlarge their cultural knowledge. They stated, “practice pronunciation” (Interviewee 1), “the tasks really help in terms of language reflexes” (Interviewee 2), “I have to respond quickly”(Interviewee 3), “I like interviewing our friends because I can better understand the culture of different regions because we live in different provinces” (Interviewee 2).

Last but not least, the students believed that using OCT in grammar lessons created a livelier and more comfortable atmosphere. “Actually it’s like, something much more fun” (Interviewee 1), “It creates some changes. We enjoy livelier lessons instead of just listening passively and doing exercises” (Interviewee 5), they highlighted.

Overall, using OCT in grammar lessons created a positive impact on the students. Specifically, it helped enhance the students' motivation in learning grammar, develop their soft skills, facilitate their understanding of grammatical rules as well as create a more comfortable and interesting atmosphere during the grammar lessons.

Một phần của tài liệu Using task based language teaching in teaching grammar to adult learners at a language center in ho chi minh city (Trang 53 - 59)

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