Recommendations for further research

Một phần của tài liệu Errors in the use fomulaic sequences by english major student (Trang 115 - 145)

In order to build upon the present study findings and address its limitations, educators and researchers who are interested in formulaic language may retain the current research model – an error analysis model with the addition of correct output and a correlation analysis – while making adjustments to investigate FSs in spoken production. It is preferable to involve native English speakers in the identification of FS errors and correct output to increase objectivity. Alternatively, instead of a correlation analysis, pedagogical experiments may be conducted to determine the cause of FS errors and the effectiveness of certain learning variables (such as sources of exposure, learning contexts, or study techniques) on formulaic performance. Last but not least, it may be useful to collect errors at multiple points in time to establish which types of errors are systematic and remediate them accordingly.



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