Case III. Complex conjugate roots are of minor practical importance, and we discuss the derivation of real solutions from complex ones just in terms of a typical example
Step 3. Solution of the Entire Problem
20.6 Matrix Eigenvalue Problems: Introduction
We now come to the second part of our chapter on numeric linear algebra. In the first part of this chapterwe discussed methods of solving systems of linear equations, which included Gauss elimination with backward substitution. This method is known as a direct method since it gives solutions after a prescribed amount of computation. The Gauss method was modified by Doolittle’s method, Crout’s method, and Cholesky’s method, each requiring fewer arithmetic operations than Gauss. Finally we presented indirect methods of solving systems of linear equations, that is, the Gauss–Seidel method and the Jacobi iteration. The indirect methods require an undetermined number of iterations. That number depends on how far we start from the true solution and what degree of accuracy we require. Moreover, depending on the problem, convergence may be fast or slow or our computation cycle might not even converge. This led to the concepts of ill-conditioned problems and condition numbers that help us gain some control over difficulties inherent in numerics.
The second part of this chapter deals with some of the most important ideas and numeric methods for matrix eigenvalue problems. This very extensive part of numeric linear algebra is of great practical importance, with much research going on, and hundreds, if not thousands, of papers published in various mathematical journals (see the references in [E8], [E9], [E11], [E29]). We begin with the concepts and general results we shall need in explaining and applying numeric methods for eigenvalue problems. (For typical models of eigenvalue problems see Chap. 8.)
5HENRI LEBESGUE (1875–1941), great French mathematician, creator of a modern theory of measure and integration in his famous doctoral thesis of 1902.
An eigenvalueor characteristic value(or latent root) of a given matrix is a real or complex number such that the vector equation
has a nontrivial solution, that is, a solution which is then called an eigenvectoror characteristic vectorof Acorresponding to that eigenvalue The set of all eigenvalues of Ais called the spectrumof A.Equation (1) can be written
where Iis the unit matrix. This homogeneous system has a nontrivial solution if and only if the characteristic determinant is 0 (see Theorem 2 in Sec. 7.5).
This gives (see Sec. 8.1) T H E O R E M 1 Eigenvalues
The eigenvalues of Aare the solutions of the characteristic equation
Developing the characteristic determinant, we obtain the characteristic polynomialof A, which is of degree n in Hence Ahas at least one and at most nnumerically different eigenvalues. If Ais real, so are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial. By familiar algebra it follows that then the roots (the eigenvalues of A) are real or complex conjugates in pairs.
To give you some orientation of the underlying approaches of numerics for eigenvalue problems, note the following. For large or very large matrices it may be very difficult to determine the eigenvalues, since, in general, it is difficult to find the roots of characteristic polynomials of higher degrees. We will discuss different numeric methods for finding eigenvalues that achieve different results. Some methods, such as in Sec. 20.7, will give us only regions in which complex eigenvalues lie (Geschgorin’s method) or the intervals in which the largest and smallest real eigenvalue lie (Collatz method). Other methods compute all eigenvalues, such as the Householder tridiagonalization method and the QR-method in Sec. 20.9.
To continue our discussion, we shall usually denote the eigenvalues of Aby
with the understanding that some (or all) of them may be equal.
The sum of these neigenvalues equals the sum of the entries on the main diagonal of A, called the trace of A; thus
(4) trace A⫽ a
ajj⫽ a
lk. l1, l2,Á, ln l.
det (A⫺lI)⫽5
a11⫺l a12 Á
a21 a22⫺l Á
# # Á #
an1 an2 Á
ann⫺l 5⫽0.
det (A⫺lI) n⫻n
x⫽0, Ax⫽lx l
A⫽[ajk] n⫻n
Also, the product of the eigenvalues equals the determinant of A, (5)
Both formulas follow from the product representation of the characteristic polynomial, which we denote by
If we take equal factors together and denote the numerically distincteigenvalues of Aby then the product becomes
The exponent is called the algebraic multiplicity of The maximum number of linearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to is called the geometric multiplicity of It is equal to or smaller than
A subspace Sof or (if Ais complex) is called an invariant subspaceof Aif for every vin Sthe vector Av is also in S. Eigenspaces of A(spaces of eigenvectors;
Sec. 8.1) are important invariant subspaces of A.
An matrix Bis called similarto Aif there is a nonsingular matrix Tsuch that (7)
Similarity is important for the following reason.
T H E O R E M 2 Similar Matrices
Similar matrices have the same eigenvalues. If x is an eigenvector of A, then is an eigenvector ofB in (7)corresponding to the same eigenvalue. (Proof in Sec. 8.4.)
Another theorem that has various applications in numerics is as follows.
T H E O R E M 3 Spectral Shift
If Ahas the eigenvalues then with arbitrary k has the eigenvalues
This theorem is a special case of the following spectral mapping theorem.
T H E O R E M 4 Polynomial Matrices
If is an eigenvalue of A,then
is an eigenvalue of the polynomial matrix
q(A)⫽asAs⫹asⴚ1Asⴚ1⫹Á ⫹a1A⫹a0I.
q(l)⫽asls⫹asⴚ1lsⴚ1⫹ Á ⫹a1l⫹a0 l
l1⫺k,Á, ln⫺k.
A⫺kI l1,Á, ln,
n⫻n n⫻n
Cn Rn
mj. lj.
lj. mj
f(l)⫽(⫺1)n(l⫺l1)m1(l⫺l2)m2Á(l⫺lr)mr. l1,Á, lr (r⬉n),
det A⫽l1l2Áln.
P R O O F implies etc. Thus
The eigenvalues of important special matrices can be characterized as follows.
T H E O R E M 5 Special Matrices
The eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices (i.e., hence of real symmetric matrices (i.e., are real. The eigenvalues of skew-Hermitian matrices (i.e.,
hence of real skew-symmetric matrices (i.e., are pure imaginary or 0.The eigenvalues of unitary matrices (i.e., hence of orthogonal matrices (i.e.,
have absolute value 1. (Proofs in Secs. 8.3 and 8.5.)
The choice of a numeric methodfor matrix eigenvalue problems depends essentially on two circumstances, on the kind of matrix (real symmetric, real general, complex, sparse, or full) and on the kind of information to be obtained, that is, whether one wants to know all eigenvalues or merely specific ones, for instance, the largest eigenvalue, whether eigenvalues andeigenvectors are wanted, and so on. It is clear that we cannot enter into a systematic discussion of all these and further possibilities that arise in practice, but we shall concentrate on some basic aspects and methods that will give us a general understanding of this fascinating field.
AT⫽Aⴚ1), AT⫽ ⫺A),
AT⫽ ⫺A), AT⫽A),
⫽aslsx⫹asⴚ1lsⴚ1x⫹ Á ⫽q(l) x.
⫽asAsx⫹asⴚ1Asⴚ1x⫹ Á q(A)x⫽(asAs⫹asⴚ1Asⴚ1⫹ Á) x A2x⫽Alx⫽lAx⫽l2x, A3x⫽l3x, Ax⫽lx