4.4 Analytical equation of sensitive permeability with in depletion
It is well known that fluid pressure depletes during the oil production. As a result there is an increase in overburden stress. This stress in turn causes deformation of rock and consequentially permeability and porosity reduction as previously presented. This section presents a mathematic model to estimate current permeability with radial oil flow toward wells in a deformable porous media which takes into account permeability change.
Homogeneous reservoir
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
2D flow
Steady state pressure condition Fluid in reservoir is compressible Low compressible of rock
4.4.1 Determination current permeability with production field data Applying Darcy’s law to the mass equation, we have a constant mass flux in a small well neighbor:
( ) ( )
dr dP P k
k P rh 2 q
m = π ρ àro (4-6)
Rearranging Equation 4-6 and integrating with conditions on the radius of contour (r=Rc) and the radius of well (r=rw)
( ) ( )
à res
we P
w P c ro o
m P k PdP
r ln R rhk 2
q (4-7)
Because fluid is compressible and permeability is sensitive with reduction of pore fluid pressure, we have (Wyble 1958)
( )P =ρie(βρ(P−Pi)
ρ )
) (4-9)
( )P kie( k(P Pi)
k = β −
To determine the value of βk
Equation 4-6 becomes
( )
( Pres Pi)[ ( (Pw Pres )]
w c ro i i
o m
e 1 1 e
r ln R k k rh 2
− β
− β ρ
β − + β
π à
With β=β +β
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
Let us express mass flux in term of volumetric flux
( )w i ( (Pw Pi)) (4-11)
m q P q e
q = ρ = ρ βρ −
Substitution of mass rate expression into Equation 4-10 for initial reservoir condition Pres=Pi and for current reservoir condition Pres
( )
( )
( )
( )
[ wi res ]
i wi
w c ro
i i
o P P i i
e 1 1
r ln R k k rh 2
e q
− β
− β
β −
à ρ ρ
( )
( )
( )
( res i)[ ( ( w res)]
i w
w c ro
i i
o P P i
e 1 1e
r ln R k k rh 2
e q
− β
− β
− β
β −
à ρ ρ
(4-13) (4-13)
Dividing Equation 4-12 by Equation 4-13, we have Dividing Equation 4-12 by Equation 4-13, we have
(( (( )) (( )))) (((( ))))
× −
= βρ∆ −∆ +β − −−ββ∆∆
i i
res k i
i 1 e
e e 1
q (4-14)
Due to the assumption of steady state conditions, the difference between the reservoir pressure and well pressure is constant during reservoir depletion
w res wi
i P P P
P= − = −
∆ (4-15)
Equation 4-14 then becomes
( )
( )
( ( res i
res P P
i P P
q e
qeβ − β −
ρ =
)) (4-16)
So, the rate between current flux and initial flux is
( )
( kPres Pi)
q e
q β −
= (4-17)
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
i res
k P P
q ln q
β (4-18)
Choosing region with constant drawdown in well history, we can have the value of βk using for estimation current permeability.
4.4.2 Determination of current permeability from tested core data.
A formulation for permeability decline allows us to obtain an expression for determination of the permeability decrement βk (Wyble 1958) from tested core.
( ) ( ) k( i
k P
ln k =β −
) (4-19)
The routine procedure to measure pressure sensitive permeability in the laboratory is described as following:
Flow fluid through core with initial pressure;
Permeability is calculated based on Darcy’s law and measured flow rate;
This routine is repeated with other reducing pressures; giving other values of permeability;
Using the semi-logarithm graph, the value of βk from flow test on core can be determined.
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
4.4.3 Planning for management in reservoir with the change in permeability.
Conduct the test for determination of factor of permeability reduction (βk) from core test.
Analyse the well test data and production data to determine value of βk. Compare and average two values βk from field data and lab data.
Model oil flow toward the producing well in a compaction reservoir model.
Prediction of production rate for deformable reservoir.
4.4.4 Applications
In this example, production data from well test and core experiment are used to determine the value of βk. Figure 4-8 shows the plot of log of the ratio qi/q as function of reservoir depletion pressure. The solid straight line in Figure 4-8 is based on least square method. As a result, the permeability decrement βk=0.0529 is obtained from slope of the straight line.
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
y = 0.0529x + 0.0005
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Pi-P (MPa)
Figure 4-8: Plot of log of the ratio qi/q as function of reservoir depletion pressure
y = 0.0263x - 0.0273
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 4-9: Plot of log of the ratio ki/k as function of pressure decrease in laboratory Figure 4-9 presents the plot of log of the ratio ki/k as function of pressure
Chapter 4: Porosity and permeability in stress sensitive reservoir
from the least square method. The value of permeability decrement is 0.0263 1/Mpa.
Interestingly, the permeability decrement obtained from welltest data in is nearly twice high than the permeability decrement from core testing in this example. The reason is due to differences between the scale of the reservoir and core scale. In the reservoir, fluid flows through the whole reservoir where quality of rock varies in a range from unconsolidated sand to consolidated sand. On the other hand, core sample is more consolidated when putting into Hassler sleeve holder. Consequently, the compressibility in reservoir scale is expected to be higher than the compressibility of the core sample. Under production and testing with overburden conditions, the rate of pore volume reduction in core sample is lower than the rate of pore volume reduction in reservoir. Therefore, based on the relationship between porosity and permeability in Carmen – Kozeny’s equation, permeability reduction is also higher in reservoir condition compared to laboratory conditions.