Comparison between the requirements of ISO 14001 with the current status

Một phần của tài liệu Current status of environment and propose to apply an environmental management system follows an international standard organization 14001 at line 1 pha lai thermal power joint stock company (Trang 33 - 50)

Table 4.5. Comparison between requirements of No 4.1 with current status of EMS at Line.1

Requirement 4.1 General requirement

Current status of EMS at Line.1 - The organization shall establish, in

writing, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of this standard and determine how to fulfill these requirements.

- Organizations must identify and document the scope of the environmental management system.

- Line.1 does not set and establish documentation, implementation maintenance for continuous improvement of EMS, all documents is periodic reports only, tests and measurements are not in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

- The Line.1 has not documented the scope of its EMS.

Proposed solutions

- Requirement 4.1: General requirements: Leaders should establish an EMS to implement, maintain and to continuously improve their periodic reports, test instrumentation and operating requirements of ISO 14001. All documents, measurement test results and other references should be stored and regularly checked.

Table 4.6. Comparison between requirement 4.2 environmental policies with current status of EMS at Line.1


4.2 environmental policy

Current status of EMS at Line.1.

Setting environmental policy; Things to keep in mind when setting policy as appropriate to the nature and size of the Line.1, showing a commitment to prevent pollution and continuous improvement, compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation etc... And shall be made in writing.

- Line.1 don’t have environmental policies as requested by ISO 14001, but the Line.1 is planning to improve environmental orientation and is a verbally committed that can be the starting point for establishing EMS.

- No environmental policy

Proposed solutions

- Requirement 4.2: Environmental Policy

The Line.1 should develop environmental policies that follow the requirements of the ISO 14001 standards, which should demonstrate its commitment to pollution prevention, compliance with the requirements of law and its continuous improvement.

Environmental Policy (EP) of the Line.1 must be documented, signed by the Director and disseminated to all employees of the Line.1 as well as to external concerns. The Line.1 should have a printed form enclosed with this policy to document employee training and widely distributed outside. Organizing meetings EP released. The top management communicated, explained the EP representatives of departments and sections. Heads of departments, managers and employees of the Line.1 are responsible for communicating and explaining EP to the employees of his department. EP is included in the training program for 3 months/1 time.

Post memos and banners of EP and other environmental content in visible locations such as bulletin boards, offices, cafeterias, conference rooms, around the work area, doors, etc.

Regularly check environmental policy: the role of environmental management committee should review the EP of the Line.1 at least twice a year.

Periodically update the policy should there be any changes on the information and content.

Table 4.7. Comparison between requirement 4.3 planning with current status of EMS at Line.1

Requirement 4.3 planning Current status of EMS at Line.1.

4.3.1 Environmental aspects.

- Identify environmental aspects (EA), and environmental impact assessment.

- Introduce measures to control EA significance and must be considered when setting goals.

- Written procedures "Identify EA and environmental impact assessment."

- Update and store those contents on the changes.

- During operation, the Line.1 has created the environmental aspects, caused adverse impacts to the environment and humans such as dust exhaust emissions, noise, solid waste, and hazardous waste and water waste.

- Line.1 is capturing the environmental impact based on the table identified in environmental aspects, but does not have any procedures identified in environmental aspects of activities, products or services of the Line.1. However, Line.1 have installed equipment to control pollution such as chimneys, ventilators, ...

- No determination procedure.

4.3.2 Legal requirement and other requirements.

- Determining the legal and other requirements of the Line.1’s environment must comply.

- Written procedures "Determining the legal and other requirements."

- The Line.1 has updated and complied with legal requirements and other environmental requirements such as QCVN14:2008/BTNMT national technical standards for domestic wastewater, QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT of wastewater quality contaminated after processing, ISO 3985:1999 for noise and vibration TCVN 5126:1990. But just updated environmental monitoring reports periodically.

- No determination procedure.

4.3.3. Objectives, targets and environmental management programs.

- Setting goals and objectives, environmental disclosure in writing.

- Develop implementation plans to achieve these objectives, environmental indicators.

- The Line.1 has not built objectives, environmental indicators and implementation plan.

- However, the Line.1 was built and implemented to minimize the environmental impact and ensure the quality of effluent, equipped with dust handling system, ESP systems, and wastewater after treatment discharged into Binh Giang reservoir.

Proposed solutions

- Requirement 4.3.1: Environmental aspects

The Line.1 should establish procedures for determining environmental aspects, thus generating environmental aspects significance (activities cause a significant impact on the environment) caused by activities in all parts of the Line.1. The Line.1 can be based on the results of environmental impact assessment as a basis previously established procedures. Procedures and regulations should be written clearly, including how to identify and evaluate the environmental aspects to the key personnel of the department that can assess aspects and environmental impacts of his department as well as related activities.

The assessment of environmental aspects should also be checked and corrected for any changes in the products, services or activities in the Line.1.

Establish, implement and maintain procedures and guidelines for identifying environmental aspects (EA), the impact of these aspects and criteria for determining environmental aspects mean. Implementing EA in the whole Line.1 and impact assessment of the environmental aspects identified; determining significant environmental aspects.

Requirement 4.3.2: Legal requirements and other requirements

- The Line.1 should establish procedures to identify and update the legal requirements and other environmental requirements relating to the operation. The Line.1 needs to write the rules and periodic access clearly, update and management as well as handling the legal documents on the environment, and assign specific responsibilities to individuals / departments to perform the tasks.

- The Line.1 should establish a list of laws and requirements related to environmental issues. The legislation should specify the name, issuing agency, date of issue, the effective date and the aspects, it is about relevant content. Legal documents must be updated monthly or when there are changes.

Requirements 4.3.3: Objectives, targets and environmental programs.

- To meet the requirements of ISO 14001, the Line.1 should set goals and environmental indicators the Line.1 need in order to improve their environmental performance in the construction process, the application and the only maintenance of environmental management systems. The goals and targets set should be consistent with the environmental policy, environmental aspects and with the overall objectives of the Line.1.

- When setting goals and targets, the Line.1 should consider these factors (technological, financial, human and legal requirements) to ensure that the goals and targets set feasible.

- Environmental management program must be in writing with written consent of the board of Line.1, workshops and departments and should establish their plans to implement the program management for the environment.

- Environmental management program must be developed and updated to reflect changes of the activities, products or services of the Line.1.

Environmental management program is the plan of action to achieve the goals and environmental indicators.

- Environmental management program must be made in writing and take actions. Specify implementation responsibility, tasks, completion time and resources required. Implementation responsibilities include the primary responsibility, the support staff involved and departmental support.

- The environmental management program must be reviewed annually and when necessary to promptly adapt to any changes. When completed, set a new target. The environmental management program must also change or terminate respectively, replaced by a new program accordingly. Information and

regularly update the environmental management program to the environment committee.

Table 4.8.Comparison between requirement 4.4 implementing and operating with the current status of EMS at Line.1

Requirement 4.4 Implementing and

operating. Current status of EMS at Line.1 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility

and authority.

- Leadership guaranteed to provide the necessary resources to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve EMS.

- Identify, in writing, notify the role, responsibilities and powers of the individual, department of EMS.

- Currently, the Line.1 has environmental management department under the Department of Safety, but the amount is relatively small. Major work of environmental staff is collecting garbage and cleaning inside and outside the Line.1 and collect coal ash after burning material.

- No determination procedure.

4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness.

- Identify training needs of the environment.

- Conduct awareness training environment for staff and employees in the Line.1.

- Evaluate effectiveness after training.

- Written procedures for training.

- Training needs of Line.1s in the environment is mainly focused on basic compliance requirements on environmental protection.

- The whole staffs in the Line.1 only trained on fire prevention (FP) and annual Line.1s have implemented the environmental protection movement launched by EVN.

- No evaluation results of sanitation in each Line.1.

- No training procedures.

4.4.3 Communication

- Establish channels of internal communication between departments, rooms and parts of Line.1.

- Develop external communications with other Line.1, contractors and other environmental organizations.

- Written communication procedures.

-Line.1 made systems of internal communication between the departments, workshops through the local telephone network. Line.1 has 2 ways communication device. There are also reporting such cases, briefings, reports periodically ...) - The external communication is mainly by phone, email, and fax.

- No communication procedures.

4.4.4 The documentation

- Construction materials system of the Line.1 environment must include:

+ Policy, objectives and environmental indicators.

+ Describe the scope of the EMS.

The Line.1 has system to manage records and documentation, system documentation including reports of environmental quality monitoring periodic, measurements of environmental parameters and

+ Environmental Handbook - describes the core elements of the EMS and their interaction.

+ Develop procedures prescribed steps of the environmental movement.

- Guiding job.


+ Separate collection, transport and storage of waste.

+ Safety operates machinery, fire.

+ Fire of each workshop and office blocks.

+ Calendar disinfect, deodorize and Line.1 hygiene.

4.4.5 Controlling documents

- Give way to writing document, controlling environmental documents includes: Ensuring legal documents efficiency, ease of use, methods and appropriate retention period.

- Currently, the Line.1’s material has no regulations on how to writing and controlling environmental documents.

Document’s management is shared with other material and does not have the distribution area conservation of old and new documents. The Line.1 hasn’t distinguished the documents/

records which are used and obsolete.

4.4.6 Controlling and operating

-The Line.1 has measures to control significant environmental aspects:

Control the use of natural resources:

coal, oil, energy, electricity, water, chemicals, paper ...; waste management and environmental sanitation.

-Writing the control procedures on operating activities.

-Building control procedures relating to the supply environment.

The Line.1 has implemented measures to control environmental pollution such as:

• Construction of wastewater treatment systems production and domestic wastewater standards:

QCVN14:2008/BTNMT national technical regulations for domestic

wastewater, QCVN 40:

2011/BTNMT of oil-contaminated waste water quality after treatment

• Control of solid waste management and installation by burying part is shipped.

• Installation of the gas handling system in the exhaust but according to survey results showed that the Line.1 has no measurement, analysis, or formal calculation of the concentration of toxic gases in the flue gas before chimney QCVN 22:2009/BTNMT new Line.1 limited to measuring the concentration of air pollutants inside and outside the Line.1 fence.

• Equipped with firefighting equipment and fire fighting training throughout the Line.1.

However Line.1 not done a good job

of managing odors and gases. The Line.1 is not built control procedures and operating. No control procedures relating to vendor environment, not to mention the environmental problems in the purchase transaction.

4.4.7 The preparedness and emergency response.

- Establishing, implementing and maintaining procedures to determine the emergency status of Line.1.

- Introduce measures to respond when there is an emergency.

- Training and practicing, preventing and mitigating the impact when an emergency occurs.

- Writing procedures "Preparedness and emergency response"

- Periodically review and if necessary revise the above procedure.

-The Line.1 was identified emergencies such as fire, explosion capacitors, chemical spills. Had documentation emergency:

• Responding to chemical spill

• Practice fire

- Equip the device to respond to fire condition such as sirens, emergency exits, fire extinguishers ...

-Line.1 hasn’t had training and practice for environmental staff on how to identify the EA and solutions when emergencies occur.

Doesn't have procedure on

"Preparedness emergency response"

Proposed solutions:

Requirements 4.4.1: Structure and responsibility

+ Representatives of environmental leadership, the project team implemented ISO 14001 should be clearly defined powers and responsibilities in the development, application and maintenance of the environmental management system according to ISO 14001. The role and environmental responsibilities of the position of the Line.1 should also be specified, in writing and notified to all members of the Line.1 to understand and implement.

+ Leaders must ensure the provision of necessary resources for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving environmental management committee. These include human resources and specialized skills, infrastructure, Line.1, technology and financial resources. Human resources should include: 1 is the first representative of the Deputy Director, Head or Deputy departments, Foremen, 4-5 members of Environmental Office and need a staff member from financial and accounting room, this person will be responsible

for monitoring, financial calculations and expenses related to the operation of the Line.1’s environment.

- Requirements 4.4.2: Training, awareness and competence

+ The Line.1 needs to identify training needs and conduct environmental awareness training for environmental protection for all workers, as well as the responsibilities of each person for activist’s environmental protection.

+ In addition to the general awareness training program of the environment and environmental management systems, factories also need to identify some of the potentially significant impact on the environment in order to devise measures legal training, training programs and intensive especially relevant to those who undertake the task to ensure that they are fully capable of performing the job effectively, for example in the work slag waste management, solid waste management and wastewater treatment and emergency ... to lessen the risks and damages, trained to respond to emergencies is an important task.

The preparedness and response to emergencies; this type of training should be accompanied by theoretical training to practice maneuvers. The training content includes:

- Meet the phenomenon of spillage, leakage of chemicals.

- Fire prevention.

- Occupational accidents...

After training, consider the results of the training by examining the practical application, or through the performance of the trainees after some time.

- Requirements 4.4.3: Communication

The Line.1 should establish procedures for internal communication between departments and with external environmental, EM Board should:

- Announcement of information for EMS personnel throughout the Line.1.

- Information about the department of environmental law issues and environmental regulations related to the operation of the Line.1.

- Information and training needs of workers to the room of Administrative Personnel (AP) planning and implementation support.

- Information elements of the EMS, the significantly AE to the Line.1 bulletin board.

- Set the internal line to provide information about EMS, receiving questions, feedback from departments and workshops.

- Making information channels when there is an emergency.

- The communication should be brief, clear and understandable to the recipient to implement the requirements.

- The process of communications must be made in writing, clearly defined responsibility to receive and process information; the requirement should be a prompt response following the procedures set out.

- Inform to officers and employees by loudspeakers. At the same time, the manager should normally hold meetings with heads to convey the requirement of the leadership to staff.

Post pictures of the operation of the Line.1’s environment such as firefighting drills, guidance on labor safety, waste separation at source of news on the Line.1. Post banners calling for all employees respond positively to environmental performance of the Line.1 such as fire protection, waste separation at source, Contact via telephone, email, and fax.

-Requirements 4.4.4: Document Management System environment

+ The documentation of the environmental management system of the Line.1 must clearly describe the core elements of the system as well as giving instructions to the relevant documents.

+ The Line.1 can combine several procedures with the procedures of the quality management system to minimize the occurrence of paperwork and duplication in the overall management system.

+ There are also guidelines to make good indication of activity, usually with clear step guide to help people follow, such as classification guidelines, collection and storage of waste ash and solid waste production and safety guidelines used equipment, machinery, electrical and guide responses to chemical spills...

+ Manual document environment is the foundation of the EMS, which provides an overview of the elements of the system include the requirements of ISO14001, is Line.1 description and implementation.

+ The environmental procedures: the rules of the operating system, is made in writing, require the application and maintain systems to ensure effective operation and continuous improvement. The procedure described in detail the steps taken by EMS elements outlined in the manual environment.

+ Profile: the information recorded during the operation, it as evidence to review or consider improving the system.

Requirements 4.4.5: Controlling documents

The Line.1 should adopt a document management system of quality control for environmental management systems ISO 14001 requirement of two almost identical systems. However, to consider and modify to suit all 2 systems and the system should pay attention to signs and symbols of the material to be able to distinguish and control documentation of each system.

Pha Lai should comply with the requirements of controlling the document follows ISO 14001 include:

+ Documents to the right place.

+ The document should be reviewed periodically, approval, when required and approved by the competent authority.

+ All documents must be reviewed at least once year and revise as necessary as possible.

+ The current version of the document must be available when needed.

+The document is no longer used to remove immediately to avoid user inadvertently.

- Requirements 4.4.6: Controlling the operational.

+ Control activities related to all employees that their job functions can cause significant impact to the environment. To better control operating procedures, write the guide, illustrate the daily activities that affect the environment.

+ The Line.1 should establish procedures to monitor the environmental aspects of significant operational processes and equipment in the Line.1 as the procedures for waste control, sewage, and related equipment environmental, chemical, energy. In addition, the Line.1 should also establish procedures or

regulations to control the activities of contractors and suppliers working in factories may have a significant impact on the environment.

- Requirement 4.4.7: The preparedness and response to emergencies + The Line.1 needs to identify potential emergency situations since then prepare response plans, equipment and tools necessary to be ready to meet the emergency situation in order to minimize the adverse impact on the environment.

Environment staffs along with the growth of the departments in the Line.1 to assess and identify incidents that may occur during the production of the Line.1.

It is expected to have accidents and case emergencies that may occur in the Line.1. Construction plans for prevention and remediation when problems occur.

+ A team to respond to emergencies, and assignment of responsibilities, training under the plan proposed. Perform rescue incident occurred. The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and approving the plan to meet the emergency and appoint worker emergency response of the Line.1.

+ Environmental staff of the Line.1is responsible for establishing, implementing and maintaining plans for emergency response and coordination of activities.

+ The Line.1 should also make a list of external organizations should contact the emergency occurs. For fire protection, the Line.1 should conduct a rehearsal for the entire staff to check the awareness of people when an emergency happens to be the maximum limit losses of life and property.

Table 4.9.Comparison between requirements 4.5 Checking with the current status of EMS at Line.1

Requirement 4.5 Checking Current status of EMS at Line.1.

4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement.

- Establish, implement and maintain procedures for monitoring and measuring on the basis of the key characteristics of significantly activities impact to environment.

- Monitoring and measuring the results of the environmental movement, control and operating objectives, environmental indicators

- Supervise the daily work: sorting

-Line.1 has conducted monitoring data for domestic waste, hazardous waste; however the frequency is twice a year.

- To measure the quality of effluent thrice a week, exhaust every 6 months.

- There is monitored and recorded

records checks monthly

environmental sanitation of each workshop and office blocks.

Một phần của tài liệu Current status of environment and propose to apply an environmental management system follows an international standard organization 14001 at line 1 pha lai thermal power joint stock company (Trang 33 - 50)

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