Measures to minimize negative impacts on the air environment a. Drying material stage
- Time to start construction: 15/06/2012
- Completed improvement and installation dust catcher by bag KMP 48-5 instead of dust catcher by electrostatic CDW-7
- To reduce investment costs, the company chose the plan to renovate dust catcher by electrostatic CDW-7 change into dust catcher by bag KMP 48-5, dusted with high pressure which has compressed air to blow backwards while the bag is made of polyester with the features of heat-resistant when humidity of additives is high
- The basic specs of dust filter by bag KMP 48-5:
+ Polyester bag: ỉ130 x 2500mm: 240 ones + Blower motor: 30 kW
+ Flow Fan: 22 000 m3 / h + Pressure = 3200 Pa + Filter area: 245 m2
- Time completed and put into use: 17/06/2012
Technological diagram of material drying after installing dust filtration system
The main road
The road of exhaust fumes with dust (
The road of exhaust fumes which ais treated Storage
Band conveyor
Dump bailer HL 300
Storage silo
Compressed air plant
Dust chatcher by haversack KMP 48-5
Conveyor screw LS 200
Exhaut fan Going out
The dust is collected into dust catcher system KMP 48-5 by exhaust fan. Due to the impact between the bag and the air pressure inside the air blows after each cycle to work. And then, the smoke is dissolved and passed through the bag into the environment, and the dust are kept falling into receiving hopper. Then it is passed through the dust collectors LS 200, be transported to the bucket HL 300 and shipped to the storage silo.
After installation and commissioning, dust filtration system works very well.
Fabrication and installation of a complete whole tank shell bucket of coal land contribute to reducing environmental pollution in the working area on the entire route.
b. Raw grinding step
- Time to start construction: 18/04/2012
- Completed improving and installing precipitators by bag KMP 60-5 instead of electrostatic precipitators CDW - 5 KMP .
- The basic specs of precipitators by bag KMP 60-5:
+ Polyester bag: ỉ130 x 3400mm: 300 ones + Blower motor: 45 KW
+ Flow Fan: 37 000 m3/h + Pressure = 3000Pa + Filter area: 367 m2
- Time completed and put into use: 25/05/2012
Figure 4.3. Raw grinding system KMP 60-5
Flow chart
The main road
The road of exhaust fumes with dust
The road of exhaust fumes which ais treated Balances
Band conveyor
Attrition mill
Máng khí động sau nghiền XZ 315
Bucket conveyor of coarse grain TH 400
Bucket conveyor of close
grain TH 400 Storage silo
Screw LS 315 Dust chatcher by haversack KMP 60-5
Air compressor
Gas furnace
Silo stores raw materials
Going out
Exhaut fan
Dust were collected inside the cloth bag filter system KMP 60-5 thanks to fan inlet. Due to the impact between the bag and the air pressure, blow compressed air into the inner end of each work cycle. Smoke is dissolved and passed through a cloth bag under the blower goes into the environment, and the dust are kept falling into receiving hopper. Then it is passed through the dust collectors LS 315, be transported to the bucket TH 400 and shipped to the storage silo.
After installed and put into operation, the dust filter operates very well, not only contribute to reduce the environmental pollution, but also increase the yield of raw mill equipment up to 30%.
c. Stage in furnace
- Time to start construction: 01/06/2012
- Complete installation type of bag filter system JLMC 84-9
- Choose the new installation of the system for 02 kilns of clinker, select dust catcher JLMC 84-9 according to the European standards advanced technology.
- The basic specs of dust filter bag KMP 60-5:
+ Polyester bag: ỉ130 x 6000mm: 756 ones + Blower motor: 132 KW
+ Flow Fan: 120 000 m3/h + Pressure = 3800Pa + Filter area: 1765 m2
- Time completed and put into use: 30/08/2012
Figure 4.3. Precipitator’s system JLMC 82-9 Flow chart
The main road
The road of exhaust fumes with dust
The road of exhaust fumes which ais treated Flue dust No.1
Bụi băng xích, kẹp hàm lò 1
Bụi băng xích, kẹp hàm lò 2 Filter dust by haversack
JLMC 84-9
Air compressor
Flue dust No.2 Going out
Exhaut fan Bucket
conveyor TH 400
Storage silo
Screw LS 315 and VT 300
Hazes were collected inside by the fan inlet JLMC 84-9. Due to the impact between the bag and the air pressure which is inside the air blows after each work cycle, smoke is dissolved and passed through a cloth bag under the blower goes into the environment.
After installed and put into operation, the dust filter operates very well, not only contribute to reduce the environmental pollution Measures to minimize negative impacts on the water environment Wastewater treatment diagram in the West
Water which is used for cooling equipment, living. This type of water is no turbin and reuse for production. Excess water goes down the drain overflow and Na Lung stream.
There are two tanks with volume of 20m3 and 200m3 cleaned regularly by machine.
The cooling water Canal
Reuse for production Tank 200m3
Water line Over water
Rainfall Tank 20m3 Streams Measures to minimize negative impacts of generated solid waste on the environment
- Solid waste from living activities: be collected in safety container. Company already signed a contract with Development Investment and Environment Company for collection and treatment.
- Solid waste from manufacturing: be collected to reuse - Hazardous waste: be collected in safety containers
In addition, the company also applied a number of different solutions to communication and education to raise awareness of environmental protection, such as:
- Establish rules of order, hygiene and environmental protection in the collective workers and factories.
- To launch movements of hygiene and environmental protection in the factory.
- Guidance classifications. for officers and employees of the Company Measures to minimize the impact of noise and vibration
- Using spring or caoutchouc to reducing large vibratory from large machines.
All these devices are moving dynamic balance during installation .
- Design of plant and machinery manufacturing system to ensure noise and vibration that allows to set standards, and ensure sound insulation between the production area to the work area and the area outside of the factory.
- In addition, there are regular routine checks equipments which create noise, equipped with anti-noise devices for workers such as ear plugs, masks, hats, glasses ...
- For employees working in rock drilling unit, should take measures to prevent occupational diseases and health protection as follows:
+ To watch for the health of workers
+ Ensure that the working mode and the rest as prescribed work with devices with vibration of the hospital work wear
+ Equipment of anti-vibration gloves for workers
+ Organization of career guidance and supplemental routine. Measures to prevent and minimize the environmental risks a. Disaster Prevention
- Develop and apply production plans in accordance with the characteristics of the natural conditions in the area
- There are plans to arrange temporary accommodation for workers who cannot go on during the rainy
b. Minimize environmental risks
- Check regularly and have plans to promptly remedy the problem of environmental equipment, technology equipment
- Have good announcements when occor blasting
- When there is a problem of environmental risks occurring, they may need to stop operation of the equipment, evacuation of people from the location of the incident and conduct troubleshooting
- When labor accidents or environmental incidents related to the plant, the plant will be reported to the authorities jointly handled.
4.4.2. Exited measures in environmental protection in the operation of plan