Analytical Results and Summary

Một phần của tài liệu Design of modern highrise reinforced concrete structures hiroyuki aoyama (Trang 284 - 291)

The analytical shear stress-shear strain relationships are shown in Figs. 5.35- 5.37. The ultimate shear strengths are shown in Table 5.7. From Fig. 5.35, it

ra u a.

2 £ lo 0)


f' / /




0.005 0.010 Shear Strain


Fig. 5.35. Analytical results of a series with variation of combination of pt and say.


* . . . , • • i 1 1 t i • — " y ft


it h

/ ^

-05 o a

- 0 . 3 <rB




- 0

0.005 0.010 Shear Strain


Fig. 5.34. Analytical results of a series with variation of axial stress ratios.

<o u 0-

5 55



/ f

—.,— ^

1 / / s"

1 /'


'r-OSa, j

, ' - ^ " s j . . -

. . . . - • "


0.005 0.010 0.015 Shear Strain

Fig. 5.37. Analytical results of a series with variation of bidirectional axial stress ratios.

Table 5.7. Specimens and maximum strength.

t t


•4-t— 1 I

~v I t

<*— 1

A ^ r


Specimen a-1 a-2 a-3 b-1 b-2 b-3 b-4 c-1 c-2 c-3 c-4

SD980,p, = 2.0%

SD490,/7, = 4.0%

SD295,p, = 6.6%

Axial force, none Axial force, 0.1 oB

Axial force, 0.3 Ofl

Axial force, 0.6 o8

Axial force, none Axial force, 0.1 aB

Axial force, 0.3 ofl

Axial force, 0.6 o"B

Max. Strength MPa 15.14 17.94 19.34 15.14 16.17 18.11 19.87 15.14 17.48 24.17 33.87

is indicated t h a t t h e stiffness after cracking a n d t h e u l t i m a t e shear s t r e n g t h increased according t o t h e increase of reinforcement r a t i o , pt, even when pt x

soy (s<Ty'- yielding s t r e n g t h of t h e reinforcement) was kept c o n s t a n t . F r o m Figs. 5.36 a n d 5.37, it is seen t h a t t h e axial compressive stresses, uniaxial or biaxial, c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e increase of cracking s t r e n g t h a n d u l t i m a t e shear s t r e n g t h . T h e effect was m o r e remarkable for biaxial compressive stresses t h a n uniaxial compressive stress.

R e f e r e n c e s

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5.19. Structural performance sub-committee in the New RC project, Research Reports, Kokudo Kaihatsu Technical Research Center, March 1992 (in Japanese).

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Structural Design Principles

Masaomi Teshigawara

Head, Structure Division, Department of Structural Engineering, Building Research Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport,

1 Tachihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0802, Japan E-mail:

The Structural Design Committee of the New RC research project compiled as its outcome "the structural design guideline for New RC buildings". In this chapter, basic ideas and principles of this design guideline will be explained.

Although the title of this chapter refers to the structural design in general, this chapter is entirely devoted to the seismic design. This limited scope is due to the following two reasons. First, the New RC research project, on the results of which this book is based, is concentrated on the seismic behavior and seismic design of RC structures with high strength materials. Secondly, it is usually regarded that the use of high strength concrete and steel does not necessarily improve the behavior under vertical loading, except, at most, for possible reduction of elastic deflection. The use of high strength materials in the vertical load design does not warrant a merit.

As far as seismic design is concerned, it is possible and necessary to take full advantage of high strength. For RC buildings with ordinary strength materials, the recent trend of seismic design, particularly of lowrise to medium- rise buildings, is to assume weak-beam strong-column type collapse mechanism.

Highrise buildings, on the other hand, tend to receive significant influence of higher modes, and many beams do not necessarily yield within the design seis- mic deformation limit. Design forces are calculated, not based on the assumed mechanism, but based on the earthquake response analysis.


The use of high strength material, particularly that of high strength steel, amplifies this trend. The yield deflection of members with such mate- rial becomes larger, about twice as much as that of ordinary material. Highrise buildings with high strength members would not produce much beam yield hinges within the design seismic deformation limit. In this situation the design based on the collapse mechanism is not realistic, and it is mandatory to use earthquake response analysis for the design. Hence a completely new seismic design method was developed for New RC structures.

This chapter explains background and characteristics of this design method in the following order. Section 6.1 introduces the main features of the proposed design method. Section 6.2 is on the seismic design criteria in three stages.

Section 6.3 features simulated earthquake motions specifically developed for new RC structures. Sections 6.4 and 6.5 discuss the modeling of structures for response analysis and restoring force characteristics of structural members.

Section 6.6 again discusses the earthquake motions, particularly on the effect of bidirectional horizontal motions and that of vertical motions. Section 6.7 is devoted to foundation design, and the last, Sec. 6.8 introduces several buildings ranging from 15 to 60 stories designed in detail using New RC material.

Một phần của tài liệu Design of modern highrise reinforced concrete structures hiroyuki aoyama (Trang 284 - 291)

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