- an air motor (a motor which uses air) - carbon steel (steel which contains carbon) - a foot pump (a pump which is operated by foot) - a ribbon cable (a cable which is like a ribbon)
Multiple nouns: Sometimes a compound noun will join together with one or more
important to examine the expression very carefully to break it into its constituent parts.
The secret, as always, is to read the expression from the back towards the front.
4 3 2 1
- a document image processing program (a program which processes images of documents)
- an all-wheel antilock brake system (a safety system which prevents all the road wheels on a motor vehicle from locking up – ceasing to rotate – while braking)
NOTE: Some expressions are written separately, while others are joined by hyphens.
There are no clear rules for this. Sometimes you will see the same expression written in different ways in different text.
Describe the relationships in the following noun compounds.
1. carbon blocks 2. aluminium alloy 3. carbon fibre 4. a gas burner 5. roller bearing 6. a spring balance
7. a circuit boards 8. steel sheets 9. a power tool 10. a ball bearing 11. a diesel boat 12. a gear lever
Describe the relationships in the following noun compounds.
1. chain wheel 2. disc brake 3. foot brake 4. strain gauge 5. spring clip
6. tool steel
7. boiler thermostat 8. safety helmet 9. boiling curve 10.vacuum gripper
EXERCISE E Explain the following noun grpous 1. camera autofocus system
2. system design engineering 3. control system programs 4. computer-machine controls 5. wind turbine machinery content 6. material handling instructions 7. legacy weapon systems parts 8. aircraft engine turbine blades
EXERCISE F Name these objects / systems which are used to:
1. reduce the speed (of a motor)
2. indicate the level of oil (in a gear box) 3. grind the surface (of a metal plate) 4. inject fuel (into petrol or diesel engines) 5. filter oil (for an engine)
6. cut wires
7. sense moisture (in an environment) 8. compress air
9. convert digital (signals) to analogue (signals) 10. package products automatically
Language study
EXPRESSING THE CONCESSION (even if and although)
We can use if to link two statements like this:
1. The switch is on.
2. The lamp lights.
If the switch is on, the lamp lights.
When statement 1 is true, statement 2 is also true.
When statement 1 surprisingly has no effect on statement 2, we can use even if or although.
For example:
1. The switch is on
2. The lamp does not light.
Even if the switch is on, the lamp does not light.
Although the switch is on, the lamp does not light.
A car is fitted with a seat belt warning light. The light operates under these conditions:
Seats occupied Ignition Belt Light
Yes On Closed Off
Yes On Open On
Yes Off Closed Off
No Off Closed Off
Study these examples of normal and faulty operation:
Normal: If the seat is occupied, the ignition on and the belt closed, the light is off.
Faulty: Even if the belt is closed, the light stays on.
Although the belt is closed, the light stays on.
Now give other examples of normal and faulty operation of this circuit.
Speaking Pairwork – Using the flowchart
Flowcharts are pictorial representations of a process. By breaking the process down into its constituent steps, flowcharts can be useful in identifying where errors are likely to be found in the system.
Look at the following chart. Work in pairs for a logical approach to finding the fault. Try to make a conversation between an instructor and an apprentice.
Information transfer Transfering information to a table
A table is commonly used as a means to layout document content. As a scientific communication tool, it allows a form of generalization of information from an unlimited number of different contexts. It provides a familiar way to convey information that might otherwise not be obvious or readily understood.
Read the following text and complete the table below.
Fig. 3.2.a is the simplest. Its three degrees of freedom are on linear and at right angles to each other, so they correspond to the three Cartesian co -ordinates. Driving it presents no mathematical difficulties, since each degree of freedom controls a single Cartesian co - ordinate without affecting the others. Fairly obviously, the work volume of the Cartesian manipulator is a cube.
Fig. 3. 2. a Cartesian or rectilinear manipulator
The second type of manipulator, shown in Fig. 3.2.b, is called a cylindrical manipulator because of the shape of its work volume. It has one rotational and two linear degrees of freedom. Because of rotational respect, however, the maths needed to position it becomes more involved, which means that for a given response speed a faster processor is necessary.
Fig. 3. 2. b Cylindrical or post-type manipulator
Fig. 3.2.c shows the spherical manipulator which has two rotational and one linear degree of freedom. The work volume is indeed a sphere, and once again the complexity of positioning the device increases.
Fig. 3. 2. c Spherical or polar manipulator
The final type of manipulator has three rotational degrees of freedom. This is the most complex type to control, but it has increased flexibility. Fig. 3.2.d shows this type of manipulator – the anthropomorphic arm. The work volume of a practical manipulator of this form is shown in Fig. 3.2.e. You will notice that it is basically spherical but has missing portions due to the presence of the arm itself and because the rotations cannot achieve a full 360 degrees. The scallops on the inner surface are caused by constraints imposed by the joints.
Fig. 3. 2. d Anthropomorphic or joint manipulator
Fig. 3. 2. e The work volume of an anthropomorphic manipulator
Figure Type
Degrees of freedom
Work volume Linear rotationa
3.2.a Cartesian or rectilinear 3 0 cube
3.2.b 3.2.c 3.2.d
Guided writing
Complete each blank in the following text with ONE suitable word.
It is worth pointing _________ that a human arm has arm far more freedom _________
the minimum three degrees of freedom, giving very great flexibility in terms _________
positioning, path taken, and angle of approach. Even without a wrist, the redundant degrees of freedom of the ________ body would allow you to carry out most normal operations. Any of the basic manipulators shown _________ Figs.3.2a-d, o n the other _________, would be virtually useless as they stand. Although they could get to any position, they _________ only approach objects from a single angle.
To take an _________, removing a screw would be impossible _________ the manipulator could not align a screwdriver to fit the screw properly. Even if it was able to, it still would _________ be possible to carry out the necessary rotating action.
A wrist is therefore added to most basic manipulators to _________ the required mechanical flexibility to ________ real jobs. In general, for total flexibility the wrist itself requires three degrees of freedom, thereby bringing the grand total up to six. The _________ common type of wrist has t wo bending and one rotational degree of freedom.
Fig. 3.4 shows this type of mechanical wrist.
Fig. 3.4 A typical mechanical wrist Summarizing
Read the following text and match each robot type with the appropriate definition TYPES OF ROBOTS
One way of classifying robots is in terms of their similarity to humans. An automation is any machine capable of operating independently, such as clothes dryer. A flexible machine is a special case of automation with different capabilities, that can be programmed as the need arises. An example is a welding robot on the factory floor that can be programmed to participate in other production operations. A mobile robot is a flexible machine capable of moving freely in its own environment. It can partly select its own goals and communicates with other agents, including humans. An android or humanoid is a mobile robot whose structure approximately resembles a human structure.
Finally, a cyborg is a humanoid with organic structures. Cyborgs have some physiological structures similar to those of humans.
1. Mobile robot 2. Cyborg 3. Automation 4. Flexible machine 5. Android / Humanoid
A. Machine capable of independent operation following a predetermined series of behaviours, e.g. a cuckoo clock B. Flexible machine capable of moving and communicating
with humans, e.g. a sentry robot
C. Humanoid having both organic and inorganic structures, with some physiological similarity to humans
D. Mobile robot of human proportions
E. Versatile, programmable automation. E.g. an assembly robot