Widening knowledge:
In communication, if people want to convey their messages with others, they have to have enough background knowledge about what they will talk. However, some of students still do not have knowledge to discuss some topics, so listening to English news may help them widen their background knowledge through some typical topics.
The next table will show some benefits of English news in improving background knowledge of students in speaking.
Strongly agree Agree
No ideas Disagree
Statements Strongly
agree Agree No
Idea Disagree Strongly disagree 1. Listening to the news brings you a lot of
types of knowledge in many majors or factors in the world.
38.23% 58.84% 2.94% 0% 0%
2. Thanks to news, you can get some knowledge that you have never known before.
29.4% 64.72% 5.88% 0% 0%
3. Knowledge from the news may be useful in discussing, expropriating and explaining your ideas in speaking
17.64% 73.54% 8.82% 0% 0%
4. The new could help you remember your
old knowledge by some typical topics. 11.76% 55.9% 32.34% 0% 0%
Table 8: The effect of English news on widening knowledge
Taking a quick look at the table, most participants selected “agree”. In statement 1, 2 and 4, it was known what students thought about the knowledge bringing from the news. As the table showed, a majority of respondents (statement 1: 58.84% agreed and 38.23% strongly agreed; statement 2: 64.72% agreed and 29.4% strongly agree;
statement 3: 73.54 % agreed and 17.64% strongly agreed) believed “listening to English news brings them a lot of types of knowledge which they have never known in many majors or factors in the world”. Nevertheless, there was still 2.94% of students in statement 1, 5.88% of students in statement 2 and 8.82% of students did not realize the benefits that they could get from English news. The next one, statement 4 reveals the number of participants knowing that applying English news is useful. It helped them remember their old knowledge by some typical topics. There was 67.66% including 55.9% “agree” and 11.76% “strongly agree”. Over one-thirds (32.34%) students said that they had no idea and no one had the opposite ideas.
37 Enriching vocabulary:
Another benefit of the news in English is enriching students’ vocabulary. This part included 4 statements (number 5, 6, 7 and 8) and more than 60% of students in this class picked “agreed”. Let’s observe the table below carefully to see this benefit.
Statements Strongly
agree Agree No
idea Disagree Strongly disagree 5. You can take note the meaning,
structure, word forms learned from news. 8.82% 64.72% 26.46% 0% 0%
6. When listening to English news, you will hear a lot of kinds of words to enlarge your vocabulary.
20.58% 67.66% 11.76% 0% 0%
7. You can learn both simple words and
complicated words by English news 23.52% 61.78% 14.7% 0% 0%
8. You may know how to use exactly the word in some certain cases by listening to English news
8.82% 64,72% 26.46% 0% 0%
Table 9: The effect of English news on enriching vocabulary
Quickly looking at table 9, markedly all statements had no people dissenting and the answer “agree” was the one accounting for the most percentage. Namely, in statement 5 and 8, 64.72% of students agreed for both concurred that they could take note the meaning, structure, word forms learned from news and they might know how to use exactly the word in some certain cases by listening to English news. These things are very good for students in communicating with other. In two statements, the percentage of students who picked “strongly agree” was 8.82%. Besides, some of them (26.46%) still had no idea about this part. In the next statement (number 6), total of 88.24% of students (67.66% agreed and 20.58% strongly agreed) gave the same idea with the statement. All of the rest picked “no idea” for this statement with 11.76% of students.
On one hand, statement 7 had only 5 (14.7%) students giving “no ideas” for it. The entire member in English class course 7 also thought that they could learn both simple words and complicated words by English news. Specifically, 61.78% of students picked “agree” and 23.52% picked “strongly agree”. Learning pronunciation:
Continuing with the benefits of this part had 6 statements (number 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14) and no juniors picked “strongly disagree” (see table 10).
Statements Strongly
agree Agree No
idea Disagree Strongly disagree 9. You can imitate the pronunciation of the
MCs in the news 11.76% 44.1% 41.2% 2.94% 0%
10. You can possess a good accent by
spending time listening to English news. 8.82% 64.72% 26.46% 0% 0%
11. Thought out the news, you can know how to pronounce the words correctly to avoid misunderstanding.
2.94% 76.48% 20.58% 0% 0%
12. English news may help you improve your speaking because editors will speak out the words fluently, clearly, so it is easy for you to follow.
26.46% 52.96% 14.7% 5.88% 0%
13. The news can help you know how to
make the connection between your sayings. 5.88% 58.84% 35.32% 0% 0%
14. You could use contractions naturally (gonna, kinda, wanna, outta…) when speaking by listening to English news.
17.64% 67.66% 14.7% 0% 0%
Table 10: The effect of English news on learning pronunciation
Simply glimpse at the figure, “agree” was the first place of choice. Whereas, the least chosen one was “disagree”. The first statement stated that the imitation of the pronunciation of MCs in the news can improve English speaking ability. More than one-seconds of students consisted of 44.1% agreed and 11.76% strongly agreed with this point. Only 1 (2.94%) student gave the opposite idea, but there was 41.2% of students picked “no idea”. It seemed similar with a group of students who picked
“agree”. In contrast, almost three-fourths of students (73.54%) had the same point of view with statement 10. There was about 64.72% agreed and 8.82% strongly agreed.
The rest had about 26.46% of students who gave no comment. The next two statements mentioned about the importance of pronunciation in speaking areas. Nearly 80% of students agreed that they could know how to pronounce the words correctly to avoid misunderstanding. This statement had only 20.58% of students who gave no opinion.
Another statement mentioned the development of students’ speaking ability when listening to English which got one-seconds of students (52.96%) agreed and 26.46%
strongly agreed. There were 2 (5.88%) students who had opposite comments and 5 (14.7%) students had no comments. Besides, this part was about how to make the connection between the sayings by the news. The percentage of students who had no idea took 35.32%. The number of students who had the same idea with the statement was 22 students (20 agreed and 2 strongly agreed). The next statement “you could use contractions naturally (gonna, kinda, wanna, outta…) when speaking by listening to English news”, around 67.66% agreed that they could know how to use contractions by the news. On the other hand, the number of participants who did not agree with this point was 0%. The number of participants who strongly agreed about applying English news in using contractions was 17.64%. In contrast, 14.7% of students thought it may not affect speaking skill.
40 Thinking logically:
Thinking logically is an important factor in communication. It helps students arrange the information in their mind to express ideas effectively, especially by English news.
After the investigation, the number of participants who picked “agree” took 64.72% of students. There was 23.52% giving no comment and half of the rest (5.88%) picked opposite ideas which were the same with the percentage of “strongly agree”. From that, the arrangement of information will help students much in thinking logically, so that they can communicate better. However, there were some students (35.32%) who did not have a clear thinking about this part. Particularly, there was 61.74% consisting 47.08% agreed and 14.7% strongly agreed that they can learn how to think logically by English news. It might help them in communicating, but there was 1 (2.94%) student giving the opposite idea. This below table shows the results of the statements.
Statements Strongly
agree Agree No
idea Disagree Strongly disagree 15. You will learn how to arrange the
information in your mind to express ideas effectively by news in English.
5.88% 64.72% 23.52% 5.88% 0%
16. You can learn how to think logically by English news that may help you in communicating.
14.7% 47.08% 35.32% 2.94% 0%
Table 11: The effect of English news on improving students’ thinking Improving listening skill:
According to the data from the questionnaire, listening to English news also helps students improve their listening ability. This part consisted of 4 statements (number 17, 18, 19 and 20) and here is the table performing the specific results the respondents gave through each column.
Statements Strongly
agree Agree No
idea Disagree Strongly disagree 17. In the news, you can learn many
different sentence structures to apply for communication.
17.64% 61.78% 20.58% 0% 0%
18. You can know how to use connected
speech through the news. 8.82% 67.66% 23.52% 0% 0%
19. In communication, you can use words
stress exactly by listening to English news. 14.7% 50.02% 29.4% 5.88% 0%
20. The news can help you know some
words which are abbreviated. 20.58% 61.78% 17.64% 0% 0%
Table 12: The effect of English news on improving listening skill
As can be seen from the above table, two in total of 34 participants in the third statement disagreed while the others did not. In statement 17, around 17.64% agreed that they could learn many different sentences structures to apply for communication.
On the other hand, the number of participants who picked “strongly agree” was up to 61.78%. The participants who had no ideas about this benefit were 20.58%. Because of learning many different sentences structures to apply for communication, students could know how to use connected speech through the news. In consequence, in statement 18, almost the students (67.66% agreed and 8.82% strongly agreed) thought that they could use connected speech better after applying English news in improving their speaking and listening skill as well. There were just 9 participants (23.52%) who had no idea. Additionally, in communication, students can use words stress exactly by listening to English news. Indeed, looking at the statement 19, it was similar to the statement 18 in the percentage of no commentary. However, there were also 2 participants who gave the opposite ideas. This meant nearly 64.88% of participants agreed (50.02%) and strongly agreed (14.7%). Conversely, in the last statement,
number 20, more than 80% of them (61.78% agreed and 20.58% strongly agreed) shared that the news could help them know some words which was abbreviated when listening to English. There were only 17.64% of students having no idea.