There are at least a couple of streams for further research of the CSR – CFP relationship in general and also specifically in the Baltic States.
Firstly, this research suggests that the CSR – CFP relationship might be endogenous in the Baltics, so the causality of the relationship is not clear. Further research could be done in testing if higher profits result in more extensive CSR activities, in line with the slack resource theory, or more CSR activities lead to higher profits, in line with the good management theory.
Another area of future research could be to check the CSR relationship to short term financial results in the Baltics by either using the content analysis method and combining it with stock market returns or doing an event study, which checks if a CSR related announcement had a significant impact on stock returns within a couple of days around the announcement. This could help to understand if shareholders and stock market investors react to CSR activities in the Baltic States.
Further, in order to gain a better understanding of the possible dynamic nature of the CSR – CSP relationship, a meta-study of existing researches could be carried out to look for relationship patterns for countries in different development stages. We speculate that the existing researches of less developed countries would mostly support the trade-off theory, slowly moving to the slack resources theory and finally the good management theory, as the region reaches a well-developed stage.
Finally, in order to gain more evidence that individual CSR categories have different effects to firm financial performance, our developed methodology could be applied to
other countries. This could be beneficial for company managers to better target their CSR activities so that they bring value not only to their customers, suppliers, environment and community, but also to their shareholders, who could enjoy greater profits via being socially responsible.
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