Overall, I strongly believe that through this doctoral research I have been able to contribute to social studies of finance and accounting and practice theory literatures. I throw light on some of the important practices constitutive of the PE industry in a novel way. My theorizations are new to the social studies of finance and accounting literature[s] (Vollmer et al., 2009). It is new to the sociology of finance literature as the existing approaches in the literature operate at the intersection of economic sociology, social studies of science and social studies of cognition (Preda, 2007).
While scholars have adopted Schatzki’s ontology in the accounting literature, their theorizations have been based mainly on concepts of the practice organization framework. I have problematized and attempted to clarify a specific aspect of this practice organization framework: ‘general understandings’ which has been so far taken for granted or even ignored in the accounting literature. This has enabled me to shed new light on both the practices I studied and also on concepts in accounting literature [for e.g., ‘situated functionality’]. I hope the clarification on ‘general understandings’ would aid further research drawing on Schatzki’s ontology.
I have also introduced additional concepts from Schatzki’s ontology such as ‘practical intelligibility’ and ‘practice memory’ into my theorizations of the empirical material.
The concept of ‘practical intelligibility’ helped me to grasp how things make sense to the investment professionals while evaluating investment opportunities in PE. The concept of ‘practice memory’ helped me to understand how investment evaluation practices are constituted in their enactment and performance over time at DG. These are useful contributions to the social studies of finance and accounting literature and I hope the readers of this thesis appreciate the interesting insights I have brought to light.
Finally, I hope that my extended comparison of key alternative approaches to studying sociomateriality (a contribution to practice theory literature) forms a good basis for further recognizing and developing the role of artefacts in Schatzki’s ontology by carefully adapting and appropriating ideas from these other approaches.
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