Limitations and Recommendation for further research

Một phần của tài liệu The impact of online infomation system quality dimensions on overall tnternet banking service quality and custemer satifaction in vietnam (Trang 60 - 87)

Although author try all the best but by limitation of time, knowledge and experience so there are some limitation of research as below:

First, data for survey was collected by using convenience sampling, means that sampling based on convenience or accessibility of the object, where investigators are more likely to encounter the object. The sampling is completely dependent on the experience and understanding of the investigators so the results of study usually have subjective. So the result of further research need to be enhanced and validated by using more diversified random samples.

Second, the survey to collect data use for this research only conducted in Ho Chi Minh City, therefore it may not reflect truly for the whole Vietnamese economy system.

Further researches could conduct a survey for the whole country, it will increase reliability.

Third, because of the time-constraints and the specific conditions under which the study has been conducted, only 250 questionnaires were used to collect data and test the theoretical model used to measure quality of overall internet banking services. Although


the reliability and validity of the theoretical model used in the conducted study has been proven to be satisfactory, it should be accepted as a preliminary scale and tested further with higher number of respondents. Further researches should increase the number of participants and put more time and effort in doing researches that could improve the quality.

Fourth, because of the limited of money and time so the study was conducted in Vietnam. Futher research can be conducted in developing countries. Every different country will be get many different dimensions to research deeply .

Based on the results of research, the thesis hopes it will help the bank realized the big influence of information system quality for e-banking, in order to give effective solutions to develop widespread service in Vietnam.


The last chapter of this study confirms the research results again, then connecting to the realistic conditions to suggest the practical application for the bank manager. The limitations also mentioned as prerequisite for comments for further researches.



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APPENDIX Appendix 1

The survey of "The impact of online information system quality dimensions on

Overall Internet BankingService Quality and the Internet Banking Customer Satisfaction . An empirical study in Vietnam “


• Male

• Female

2. How old are you ?

• 18-25

• 26-35

• 36-45

• >46

3. What is your occupation ?

• Student

• Office Staff

• Worker

• Entrepreneur / Manager


• Retire

• Other idea:

4. How much is your average income in a month ? Under 5 millions VNĐ/month

From 5 millions- under 10 millions VNĐ/month From 10 millions –under 25 millions VNĐ/month Equal or than 25 millions VNĐ/month

5. Have you ever used internet banking services?

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly disagree Strongly agree

PHẦN 2: Đánh giá về việc sử dụng dịch vụ


I Aesthetic 1 2 3 4 5

6 Website was designed to help you identify almost internet banking services.

7 Website's interface is spectacular, attractive

8 Simple designment of website help you make transactions quickly

II Timeline 1 2 3 4 5


9 Time to fix the error transactions which happen quickly 10 Time to log in internet banking is short

11 Time to get result of transaction is short

III Contents 1 2 3 4 5

12 Website show all information about services of internet banking clearly and easy to understand

13 You can interrogate all your personal information and transaction information on website.

14 Functions of website satisfied almosts your needs

15 New services of internet banking were updated on website regularly

IV Ease of Use 1 2 3 4 5

16 You can use services of internet banking by many ways such as:

website or on mobile phone.

17 It’s easy step to log in to internet banking website.

18 It’s simple to be supplied internet banking services by the banks 19 It’s easy to identifyand track utilities of internet banking services

V Security 1 2 3 4 5

20 You feel trust when transaction via internet banking

21 The internet banking services which you have beeing using, supplied many layers of security when you handling a financial transaction

22 Your pesonal information and financial information are highly secured when you using internet banking services

VI Accuracy 1 2 3 4 5

23 At your using process, it’s rarely to happen problem and mistake of transmission


24 Your transactions are handled accurately

25 Your personnal informations and transaction informations are showed particularly and accurately

VII Overall internet banking service quality 1 2 3 4 5 26 Quality of internet banking services is vere high

27 Nowaday, the services of internet banking satisfy your needs 28 The bank’s online supports help you avoid risks when the

transaction problem happen to internet banking system

VIII Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

29 You are satisfied with internet banking services which you using 30 You prefer to use internet banking services to use direct

transactions at the bank

31 You are going to use internet banking services in the future


Appendix 2

No. Name Label Measure

1 AES1 Website was designed to help you identify

almost internet banking services. Scale 2 AES2 Website’s interface is spectacular,

attractive Scale

3 AES3 Simple designment of website help you

make transactions quickly Scale 4 TIM1 Time to fix the error transactions which

happen quickly Scale

5 TIM2 Time to log in internet banking is short Scale 6 TIM3 Time to get result of transaction is short Scale

7 CON1

Website show all information about services of internet banking clearly and easy to understand


8 CON2

You can interrogate all your personal information and transaction information on website.


9 CON3 Functions of website satisfied almosts

your needs Scale

10 CON4 New services of internet banking were

updated on website regularly Scale

11 USE1

You can use services of internet banking by many ways such as: website or on mobile phone.


12 USE2 It’s easy step to log in to internet banking

website. Scale

13 USE3 It’s simple to be supplied internet banking

services by the banks Scale


14 USE4 It’s easy to identifyand track utilities of

internet banking services Scale 15 SEC1 You feel trust when transaction via

internet banking Scale

16 SEC2

The internet banking services which you have beeing using, supplied many layers of security when you handling a financial transaction


17 SEC3

Your pesonal information and financial information are highly secured when you using internet banking services


18 ACC1

At your using process, it’s rarely to happen problem and mistake of transmission


19 ACC2 Your transactions are handled accurately


20 ACC3

Your personnal informations and transaction informations are showed particularly and accurately


21 IBQ1 Quality of internet banking services is vere

high Scale

22 IBQ2 Nowaday, the services of internet banking

satisfy your needs Scale

23 IBQ3

The bank’s online supports help you avoid risks when the transaction problem happen to internet banking system


24 SAT1 You are satisfied with internet banking

services which you using Scale 25 SAT2 You prefer to use internet banking services

to use direct transactions at the bank Scale 26 SAT3 You are going to use internet banking

services in the future Scale

27 AES Aesthetics Sum of AES1, AES2 and AES3

Một phần của tài liệu The impact of online infomation system quality dimensions on overall tnternet banking service quality and custemer satifaction in vietnam (Trang 60 - 87)

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