Objective 3.4: Monitor and debug a cloud service
Cloud Services provides diagnostics in the form of multiple sources of logs and performance counter metrics to monitor and troubleshoot runtime operation. Additionally, you can debug a cloud service both locally and remotely using Visual Studio. In some cases, you may need to access a machine to troubleshoot a problem, and Cloud Services allows you to use Remote Desktop to do just that.
This objective covers how to:
■ Configure diagnostics
■ Profile resource consumption
■ Enable remote debugging
■ Enable and use Remote Desktop
■ Debug using IntelliTrace
■ Debug using the emulator
Configuring diagnostics
You utilize diagnostics to collect insights into the operational behavior of your cloud service.
You configure the collection of diagnostic data first by enabling the Azure Diagnostics mod- ule in your service definition, and then configuring the diagnostic data you want to collect. As a result, the Azure Diagnostics monitor will start automatically when the role instance starts.
By default, a subset (Azure logs, IIS logs, Azure Diagnostics infrastructure logs) of the avail- able data sources are collected on the local role instance. They are copied to Azure Storage only if you have configured a storage account in the diagnostics configuration. Once your cloud service is deployed with Diagnostics enabled, you can change the Diagnostics monitor configuration.
TABLE 3-1 Diagnostics data sources available to a cloud service
Log Type RoLE Location
Azure application logs Web/Worker Table storage—WADLogsTable
Diagnostics infrastructure logs Web/Worker Table storage—WADDiagnosticInfrastructureLogsTable Crash dumps Web/Worker Blob storage—Container you specify
Event logs Web/Worker Table storage—WADWindowsEventLogsTable
Custom error logs Web/Worker Blob storage—Container you specify
Performance counters Web/Worker Table storage—WADPerformanceCountersTable
Log Type RoLE Location
Web Server logs Web only Blob storage—Container you specify Failed request tracing logs Web only Blob storage—Container you specify
For a more detailed description of each of the diagnostic data sources, see http://msdn.
As of the Azure SDK 2.5, the only supported mechanism for configuring diagnostics is by using the XML configuration file diagnostics.wadcfgx. This file is automatically created within a cloud service project. To access it, follow these steps:
1. Open Solution Explorer.
2. To configure diagnostics by directly editing the diagnostics.wadcfgx, complete these steps:
A. For a worker role or web role, in Solution Explorer, expand the cloud service project, expand the Roles folder, and then expand the particular role whose diagnostics you want to configure.
B. Double-click diagnostics.wadcfgx to open it within Visual Studio where you can edit the contents of the XML file directly.
C. Make edits and save the file.
3. Alternately, to configure diagnostics using the property dialog boxes in Visual Studio, complete the following steps:
A. In Solution Explorer, right-click the web or worker role to be configured and select Properties.
B. On the properties page that appears, leave the Configuration tab selected. In the Diagnostics section, select the Enable Diagnostics check box, and click Configure.
C. Use the remaining tabs to configure each of the diagnostic log sources.
D. On the General tab, click Configure to the right of Storage Account Credentials to specify the Azure storage account to which diagnostic data will be copied.
E. Click OK to apply the changes.
F. Press Save to persist the changes you made to diagnostics.wadcfgx.
When you have enabled and configured diagnostics, deploy your cloud service. After de- ployment, you can re-configure diagnostics within Visual Studio by following these steps:
1. Open Solution Explorer and expand the navigation pane until the role you want to configure is visible.
2. Right-click the role and select Update Diagnostics.
Objective 3.4: Monitor and debug a cloud service CHAPTER 3 231 3. In the Diagnostics Configuration dialog box, click OK to apply the changes. The set-
tings are applied directly to the running role instead of within your local project.
Just as for VMs and websites, with cloud services you can use the existing management portal to configure alerts on select metrics (including those sourced from endpoint moni- toring), which will send you an email when a particular threshold is crossed.
Viewing Diagnostics data
You can view some diagnostic data your role collects using purpose-built features in Visual Stu- dio or by querying the Azure storage table or blob using Visual Studio tools for navigating stor- age. The following steps show how to view diagnostic data using the features in Visual Studio:
1. In Server Explorer, right-click the role whose diagnostics you want to examine.
2. Select View Diagnostics Data.
3. In the Diagnostics summary screen that appears, review the summary of all the diagnostics you have configured and the links for details.
4. nostics you have configured and the links for details.
For tools and instructions for manually querying the diagnostics data, see http://msdn.
Profiling resource consumption
To measure the performance characteristics to understand which functions are taking the most time, which features are most computationally expensive or memory intensive, or concurrency issues of your cloud service you can use the Visual Studio profiler as it runs remotely in Azure.
Profiling requires Visual Studio Ultimate or Visual Studio Premium.
Profiling a cloud service in Azure
There are four different performance collection methods you can use to profile your cloud service within Azure, including the following:
■ CPU sampling In a low impact way, this method periodically collects application statistics that are helpful for analysis of CPU utilization.
■ Instrumentation This method adds additional instrumentation to the deployed code so that each function entry, exit, and call is recorded along with timing data and is use- ful for understanding where a program spends most of its time.
■ .NET memory allocation This method periodically collects .NET Framework memory allocation data, providing information such as the quantity and size of allocated objects.
■ Concurrency This method collects data for each event that blocks your code from running and is useful in analyzing multi-threaded and multi-process applications.
In addition to these four, with Visual Studio Ultimate you can also collect tier interaction data to gather processing counts and times of the functions that make synchronous calls to a database using ADO.NET.
For a more detailed exploration of the profiling methods, read http://msdn.microsoft.com/
To enable profiling for a cloud service in Azure, complete the following steps:
1. In Visual Studio, publish your cloud service.
2. Configure your deployment as desired. On the Settings screen, click the Advanced Settings tab.
3. On the Advanced Settings tab, select the Enable Profiling check box.
4. In the Profile Settings dialog box that appears, select the profiling method you want to use. If you have Visual Studio Ultimate and have selected an option other than CPU Sampling, you can select the Enable Tier Interaction Profiling check box.
5. Click OK.
6. Complete configuration of your cloud service, and then click Publish to deploy the cloud service with profiling enabled.
To retrieve the profile report, follow these steps in Visual Studio:
1. On the View menu, click Server Explorer.
2. Expand the Azure node. If prompted to login, log in with your organizational account or the Microsoft account that is associated with the cloud service you intend to debug.
3. Expand Cloud Services, and then expand the cloud service you want to debug.
4. Expand the role whose instance you want to profile, and then right-click an instance and select View Profiling Report.
5. The report downloads and displays in a new document tab within Visual Studio.
Objective 3.4: Monitor and debug a cloud service CHAPTER 3 233
Enabling remote debugging
You can use remote debugging to debug one or more instances of a cloud service role using your local copy of Visual Studio. With Visual Studio you can set breakpoints, examine variable values, and step through code. To debug, you must ensure that the deployed cloud service is a debug build (for example, it has the debug symbols) and that the package you have de- ployed has the remote debugger enabled.
To enable remote debugging, publish your cloud service. On the Settings page of the publish wizard, from the Build Configuration drop-down list, select a debug build. Click the Advanced tab and select the Enable Remote Debugger For All Roles check box. Complete your deployment configuration as desired, and then click Publish.
With the remote debugger enabled, start a debug session in Visual Studio by completing the following steps:
1. Ensure the project you are debugging is built and that you have made no changes to it since you deployed it.
2. On the View menu, click Server Explorer.
3. Expand the Azure node. If prompted to login, log in with your organizational account or the Microsoft account that is associated with the cloud service you intend to debug.
4. Expand Cloud Services, and then expand the cloud service you want to debug.
5. To debug all instances within a role (for example, so you can inspect a breakpoint regardless of the instance on which the code is running), right-click a role and select Attach Debugger. To attach the debugger to a specific role instance, expand the role in the navigation pane, and then right-click an instance and select Attach Debugger.
6. In the Attach To Process dialog box, select a process running within your role to attach to (for example, for a worker role attach to WaWorkerHost.exe), and click OK.
7. When the debugger finishes attaching, debug your code as usual.
When you attach the debugger and pause at a breakpoint, you are stopping the deployed instance for all requests, so it is not a good idea to rely on this technique for production debugging or users will think your cloud service is down. Also, if you spend more than a few minutes stopped at any one breakpoint, Azure treats the process that is stopped as unavailable and does not send traffic to that instance. Furthermore, if you are stopped too long, the remote debugger service (msvsmon.exe) detaches from the process.
Enabling and using Remote Desktop Protocol
You can enable and use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to get remote access to a particular instance of a web role or worker role to perform additional configuration of or troubleshooting within the instance. You can enable RDP when you first publish your cloud service using Visual Studio, or you can enable it after deployment using Windows PowerShell or the management portal. When enabled, you can use the management portal to download the RDP file for an instance, open it, enter your credentials, and connect to the instance.
Enabling RDP in the management portal (existing portal)
To enable RDP in the existing management portal, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Configure tab for your cloud service in the management portal accessed via https://manage.windowsazure.com.
2. On the command bar, click Remote.
3. Within the Configure Remote Desktop dialog box, from the drop-down list, select a particular role, or leave the selection at (All) to enable RDP for all roles within the cloud service.
4. Select the Enable Remote Desktop check box.
5. Provide a username and password, and confirm the password.
6. Select an existing certificate or leave the default Create A New Certificate option to allow Azure to provision a new one.
7. Click the Expires On field to display a date picker, and select and set an expiration after which RDP access is diabled.
8. Click the check mark to enable RDP.
Enabling RDP in the management portal (Preview portal)
Enabling RDP is currently not supported in the Preview portal.
Enabling RDP using Windows PowerShell
You can enable RDP on a role instance using Windows PowerShell. Run Get-Credential and Windows PowerShell will ask for the username and password to use for RDP access:
$cred = Get-Credential
Run the following command to enable RDP for all roles within the cloud service:
Set-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension -ServiceName <CloudServiceName> -Credential $cred
Objective 3.4: Monitor and debug a cloud service CHAPTER 3 235 MORE INFO ADDITIONAL COMMAND LINE SWITCHES
For details on other command line switches to Set-AzureServiceRemoteDesktopExtension, such as those to enable RDP for a particular role or slot, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/azure/dn495117.aspx.
Enabling RDP using Visual Studio
You can enable RDP when publishing your cloud service using Visual Studio by completing the following steps:
1. In Project Explorer, right-click your cloud deployment project and select Publish.
2. On the Sign-In tab, sign in to your Azure account, and select your subscription.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the cloud service to which you want to deploy (or create a new one), and then select the environment (Production or Staging), build configuration, and service configuration.
5. Select the Enable Remote Desktop For All Roles check box.
6. In the dialog box that appears, provide the credentials to use for remote desktop access (enter a username and password and confirm the password). Also, specify an expiration date after which access via RDP is disabled.
7. Click OK.
8. Configure the remaining settings, and then click Publish to deploy your cloud service with RDP enabled.
Using RDP
Using RDP involves downloading the RDP file to a role instance, opening it, and entering your login credentials.
USING THE RDP FILE FROM THE MANAGEMENT PORTAL (EXISTING PORTAL) To use the RDP file in the management portal, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Instances tab for your cloud service in the management portal accessed via https://manage.windowsazure.com.
2. Click an instance in the table to select it.
3. On the command bar, click Connect to download the RDP file for the instance.
4. Open the file.
5. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Connect.
6. In the Windows Security dialog box that appears, enter the username and password with which you configured RDP, and click OK.
7. In the Remote Desktop Connection Security dialog box, click Yes to complete the process and connect to the role instance via RDP.
USING THE RDP FILE FROM THE MANAGEMENT PORTAL (PREVIEW PORTAL) Currently you cannot use the RDP file from the Preview portal.
You can deploy roles without RDP configured and enable it post-deployment. This was not always the case. The Azure guest operating system agent enables this re-configuration us- ing the management portal instead of having to deploy a new package with RDP enabled.
Debugging using IntelliTrace
You use IntelliTrace as an alternative to remote debugging a cloud service that is running within Azure. Unlike remote debugging, which can make your service unresponsive while you are stopped in a breakpoint, IntelliTrace gives you an experience similar to debugging without the potential to interrupt the service operation, which can interfere with your ability to reproduce a problem. With IntelliTrace, you work from a replay of captured events that includes environment data and supports replaying steps through the code.
To debug using IntelliTrace, enable IntelliTrace and publish from Visual Studio with IntelliTrace enabled:
1. In Visual Studio, publish your cloud service.
2. Configure your deployment. On the Settings page, click the Advanced Settings tab.
3. On the Advanced Settings tab, select the Enable IntelliTrace check box, and then click the Settings link.
4. In the IntelliTrace Settings dialog box that appears, indicate what you want to collect by configuring the options on the tabs as follows:
A. On the General tab, configure the verbosity of logging. Note that collecting both IntelliTrace events and call information impacts your cloud service performance.
B. On the Module tab, configure the .NET modules from which data is collected. On this tab, you can opt to collect data from all modules, excluding a list of module name patterns or including a list of module name patterns you specify.
C. On the Processes tab, configure the processes from which data is collected. On this tab, you can opt to collect data from all processes, excluding a list of process name patterns or including a list of process name patterns you specify.
Objective 3.4: Monitor and debug a cloud service CHAPTER 3 237 D. On the IntelliTrace Events tab. configure which IntelliTrace events are collected and
select the category of event (to collect all events within a category) or expand a category and select an event (to collect a particular event).
E. On the Advanced tab, select a size in MBs from the list tocontrol the amount of event data to collect and therefore the size of the IntelliTrace file you need to download from Azure.
5. Click OK.
6. Complete configuration of your cloud service as desired and then click Publish to deploy the cloud service with IntelliTrace enabled.
IntelliTrace requires you to use Visual Studio Ultimate against a cloud service that is run- ning an application built with .NET 4 or .NET 4.5.
After deploying your cloud service, you can view the IntelliTrace logs for a role instance using Visual Studio by completing the following steps:
1. On the View menu, click Server Explorer.
2. Expand the Azure node. If prompted to login, log in with your organizational account or the Microsoft account that is associated with the cloud service you intend to debug.
3. Expand Cloud Services, and then expand the cloud service you want to debug.
4. Expand the role whose instance you want to profile, and then right-click an instance and select View IntelliTrace Logs.
5. Visual Studio downloads a snapshot of the IntelliTrace logs, and then displays the IntelliTrace summary. Double-click an exception or a thread to start a debugging session with that exception or thread as the point of reference.
For more details on the types of debugging you can perform using IntelliTrace, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd264963.aspx.
Debugging using the emulator
The Microsoft Azure SDK includes the Azure Compute Emulator that enables you to run a cloud service locally, attach to it with the debugger, and examine the cloud service configu- ration, roles, and instances. Since Azure SDK 2.3, the default compute emulator is called the Emulator Express because it is lighter-weight, it has a few additional restrictions (specifi- cally, it requires IIS Express and is limited to one instance per role), and it does not require
administrative privileges on the system to run. The older emulator (which does require admin rights, but supports multiple instances per role) is referred to as the Full Compute Emulator.
To debug your cloud service project using the Emulator Express complete the following steps:
1. In Visual Studio, right-click your cloud services project and select Properties.
2. On the Web tab of the properties page, ensure the Local Development Server is set to use IIS Express and that the Emulator option is set to use Emulator Express.
3. Click Save to save your changes.
4. Press F5 to run your solution. Emulator Express starts automatically. To access the Emulator Express dialog box, right-click the Azure icon in the system tray and select Show Compute Emulator UI.
Debug your cloud service as you would any other .NET application. The Microsoft Azure SDK also includes the Storage Emulator that provides a local environment emulating blobs, tables, and queues that you use for development purposes. Used together or apart, these emulators collectively enable you to debug a cloud service locally, without first provisioning any resources in Azure.
You can start the Storage Emulator using the following steps:
1. If the Compute Emulator is already running, right-click the Azure icon in the system tray and select Start Storage Emulator.
2. To start the Storage Emulator independently of the Compute Emulator, on the Start menu, search for Azure Storage Emulator.
To use the Storage Emulator from within your applications, you need to set the storage connection strings within your application configuration appropriately. The format of the connection strings for blobs, queues, and tables is as follows (note that you must access these endpoints using HTTP; HTTPS is not supported):
■ Blob service:<account-name>/<resource-path>
■ Queue service:<account-name>/<resource-path>
■ Table service:<account-name>/<resource-path>
In the connection strings above, account-name represents the name of your storage account (which you might use when deployed to Azure) and the resource-path is the service- specific path to your resource. To set the value appropriately within Visual Studio, in Server Explorer, right-click your role and select Properties. Click the Settings tab. In the settings list, select or add a setting, and set its type to Connection String. Click the ellipses that appears