CHAPTER 12 Applications of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
12.5 What Have We Accomplished? Where Do We Go from Here?
In this chapter we have seen how the theoretical results presented in the third part of the book relate to digital signal processing, digital control, and digital communications. The Fast Fourier Transform made possible the establishment and significant growth of digital signal processing as a technical area. The next step for you could be to get into more depth in the theory and applications of digital signal processing, preferably including some theory of random variables and processes, toward statis- tical signal processing, speech, and image processing. We have shown you also the connection of the discrete-time signals and systems with digital control and communications. Deeper understanding of these areas would be an interesting next step. You have come a long way, but there is more to learn.
U s e f u l F o r m u l a s
Trigonometric Relations Reciprocal
csc(θ)= 1 sin(θ) sec(θ)= 1
cos(θ) cot(θ)= 1
tan(θ) Pythagorean Identity
sin2(θ)+cos2(θ)=1 Sum and Difference of Angles
sin(θ±φ)=sin(θ)cos(φ)±cos(θ)sin(φ) sin(2θ)=2 sin(θ)cos(θ)
cos(θ±φ)=cos(θ)cos(φ)∓sin(θ)sin(φ) cos(2θ)=cos2(θ)−sin2(θ)
Multiple Angle
sin(nθ)=2 sin((n−1)θ)cos(θ)−sin((n−2)θ) cos(nθ)=2 cos((n−1)θ)cos(θ)−cos((n−2)θ)
Signals and Systems Using MATLAB®. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374716-7.00017-x
c2011, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 743
sin(θ)sin(φ)= 1
sin(θ)cos(φ)= 1
cos(θ)sin(φ)= 1
Euler’s Identity
ejθ =cos(θ)+jsin(θ) j=√
−1 cos(θ)=ejθ+e−jθ
2 sin(θ)=ejθ−e−jθ 2j tan(θ)= −j
ejθ −e−jθ ejθ +e−jθ
Hyperbolic Trigonometry Relations
Hyperbolic cosine: cosh(α)= 1
2(eα+e−α) Hyperbolic sine: sinh(α)= 1
2(eα−e−α) cosh2(α)−sinh2(α)=1
Derivatives (u,vfunctions ofx;α,βconstants) duv
dx =udv dx+vdu
dx dun
dx =nun−1du dx
φ(y)dx= Z φ(y)
y0 dy, wherey0= dy dx Z
udv=uv− Z
xndx= xn+1
n+1 n6= −1, integer
APPENDIX: Useful Formulas 745
x−1dx=log(x) Z
a a6=0 Z
xeaxdx= eax
a2(ax−1) Z
sin(ax)dx= −1 acos(ax) Z
cos(ax)dx= 1 asin(ax) Z sin(x)
x dx=
(−1)n x2n+1
(2n+1)(2n+1)! integral of sinc function Z ∞
sin(x) x dx=
Z ∞
sin(x) x
dx= π 2
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Ex, 80
F(s)=L[f(t)], 169 Fs, 437
F()=F[f(t)], 305, 344–346 F()=F[f[n]], 587 F(z)+Z[f[n]], 512, 523 H(s)=L[y(t)]/L[x(t)], 197 N, 77
Px, 85 Ts, 456 Xk, 256 1, 441
0=2π/T0, 256
, 656
s, 423 δ(t), 89 δTs(t), 423 ω, 423 τ, 73 x, 458 (nTs), 442 ej`0t, 247 h(t), 149 n, 452 r(t), 90 u(t), 89 x[n], 452, 454 xe[n], 464, 465 xo[n], 465 xe(t), 76 xo(t), 76 yzi(t), 130, 215 yzs(t), 130, 215
absolutely summable impulse response, 501, 535–536, 680 absolutely summable signals, 575,
576, 628 advanced signal, 324
amplitude modulation (AM), 87
demodulation, 380 envelope receiver, 381 single sideband, 382–383 suppressed carrier, 379–380 tunable band-pass filter, 379 analog
signal, 9, 67–71 signal, definition, 67
analog communication systems, 730 analog control systems, 363
actuator, 366
cruise control system, 367–369 feedback, 363
open-loop and closed-loop, 364–365
positive and negative feedback, 363
proportional controller, 366 proportional plus integral (PI)
controller, 367 stability and stabilization,
369–371 transducer, 366 analog filtering, 390
basics, 390–393
Butterworth low-pass design, 391, 393–396
Chebyshev low-pass design, 396–402
Chebyshev polynomials, 396 eigenfunction property, 390 factorization, 391, 393–394, 399 frequency transformations,
402–404 loss function, 392 low-pass specifications, 392 magnitude and frequency
normalization, 393 magnitude-squared
function, 391 specifications, 391–393
analog Fourier series
absolutely uniform convergence, 265–270
coefficients, 247 coefficients from Laplace,
complex exponential, 245–248 convergence, 265–270 DC component, 251 even and odd signals, 279 fundamental frequency, 246,
253, 256
fundamental period, 246 harmonics, 251 linearity, 282–283 line spectrum, 250, 255 mean-square approximation,
Parseval’s theorem, 248–250 product of signals, 284 time and frequency shifting,
270–273 time reversal, 280 trigonometric, 251–255 analog Fourier transform
amplitude modulation, 314 convolution, 327–329 differentiation and integration,
direct and inverse, 299, 301 duality, 310–313
frequency shifting, 313–314 Laplace ROC, 302, 304 linearity, 304–305 periodic signals, 317–320 shifting in time, 345
spectrum and line spectrum, 318 symmetry, 322–327
analog frequency, 619 analog LTI systems
BIBO stability, 153–156 749
analog LTI systems (continued) causality, 143–145 complete response, 216 continuous-time, 119 convolution integral, 136–143 eigenfunction property, 167,
240, 273
frequency response, 240, 327 impulse response, 138 impulse response, transfer
function, and frequency response, 329
represented by differential equations, 214–221 steady-state response, 214 transfer function, 213 transient response, 214 unit-step response, 218, 219 zero-input response, 133, 214 zero-state response, 133, 214 analog systems
causality, 143–145 DC source, 329 passivity, 154 stability, 153 windowing, 331
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 68, 420
anti-aliasing filter, 430 application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC), 5
approximate solution of differential equations, 559
band-limited signal, 423 basic analog signals
ramp, 90–92 triangular pulse, 90 unit-impulse, 88 unit-step, 89
basic discrete-time signals, 465–478 complex exponentials, 596 damped sinusoid, 466 discrete sinusoids, 469–471 basic signal operations
adder, 72
advancing and delaying, 73 constant multiplier, 71 modulation, 72 reflection, 72 time scaling, 71 windowing, 71 BIBO stability of discrete
systems, 501
bilinear transformation, 654–656 warping, 656
block diagrams, 148, 150 bounded-input bounded-output
(BIBO) stability, 153–156, 499–501
sinusoid, 82, 110 causality
discrete LTI systems, 498 discrete signal, 497–498 discrete systems, 497–500 causal systems and signals, 507–508 channel noise, 379
circular shifting, 607–609 cognitive radio, 6–8
compact-disc (CD) player, 5–6 complex variable function, 23–24 complex variables, 20, 23–24 computer-control systems, 8–9 connection ofs-plane and
z-plane, 513 continuous-time
signal, 67–85
convolution integral, 136–133 commutative property, 148 distributive property, 149 Fourier, 327
graphical computation, 145–147 Laplace, 221
convolution sum, 487–494, 526–537
commutative property, 148 deconvolution, 229 noncausal signals, 533
delayed signal, 73
difference equations, 18–19, 550–561
digital communications, 709 orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing (OFDM), 710 PCM, 710
spread spectrum, 710
time-division multiplexing, 730 digital signal processing, 710–722
FFT, 711–715 FFT algorithm, 711
digital signal processor (DSP), 5 digital-to-analog converter, 5,
68, 420
discrete complex exponentials, 466–469
discrete filtering analog signals, 640 bilinear transformation, 640 Butterworth LPF, 658–664 Chebyshev LPF, 666–672 direct, cascade, and parallel IIR
realizations, 698 eigenfunction, 639 FIR design, 681
FIR realizations, 699–700 FIR window design, 681 frequency scales, 652–653 frequency-selective filters, 641 frequency specifications, 659 group delay, 643
IIR and FIR, 643–647 IIR design, 672 linear phase, 641–643 loss function, 648–650 rational frequency
transformations, 672–676 realization, 689–700 time specifications, 652–653 windows for FIR design,
681–683 discrete filters
FIR, 643–647 IIR, 643–647
discrete Fourier series, 599–601 circular representation, 598–599 circular shifting, 607–609 complex exponential, 599–601 periodic convolution, 609–614 Z-transform, 601–602 discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
fast Fourier transform (FFT), 614 linear and circular
convolution, 624 discrete frequency, 454, 471 discrete LTI systems
causality, 498
response to periodic signals, 273–278
discrete sinusoid, 444 discrete systems
autoregressive (AR), 482 autoregressive moving average
(ARMA), 484 BIBO stability, 500–501 causality and stability, 497–501 convolution sum, 487–494 difference equation
representation, 486–487
Index 751
moving average (MA), 481–482 nonlinear system, 498 time-invariance, 498 discrete-time Fourier transform
(DTFT), 572–596 convergence, 591
convolution sum, 595–596 downsampling and
upsampling, 582 eigenfunctions, 573–575 Parseval’s theorem, 585–587 sampled signal, 578–580 symmetry, 589–595
time and frequency shifts, 628 time-frequency duality, 628 time-frequency supports,
580–585 Z-transform, 573–575 discrete-time signals
absolutely summable, 575, 576, 628
basic, 465–478 definition, 452 Fibonacci sequence, 453 finite energy, 458–461 finite power, 458–461 inherently discrete-time, 452 sample index, 452
sinusoid, 469–472 square summable, 458 discrete transfer function, 655
energy, 80
discrete-time signals, 458–461 Euler’s identity, 23–24, 87 even signal, 279, 461–465
Fibonacci sequence difference equation, 453 field-programmable gate array
(FPGA), 5
filtering, 276–278, 327–344 analog, 390–408 median filter, 495 filters
anti-aliasing, 430 passband, 332 RC high-pass filter, 336 RC low-pass filter, 277 finite calculus, 9
finite difference, 12–13 summations, 13–16
FIR filters and convolution sum, 528, 529, 531, 533 Fourier basis, 247
four-level quantizer, 441, 442 frequency, harmonically related, 83 frequency aliasing, 424
frequency modulation (FM), 87 frequency response, poles and zeros,
342, 343
Gibb’s phenomenon, 266, 267 filtering, 334
graphical convolution sum, 530
hybrid system, 119
ideal filters band-pass, 332 high-pass, 332 linear phase, 332 low-pass, 332 zero-phase, 333
ideal impulse sampling, 421–428 inverse Laplace
with exponentials, 209 partial fraction expansion, 198 two-sided, 212–214
inverse Z-transform, 542–563 inspection, 542
long-division method, 542–543 partial fraction expansion,
positive powers of z, 545, 546
Laplace transform
convolution integral, 196–197 derivative, 189
integration, 193–194 inverse, 169, 197–214 linearity, 185–188 one-sided, 176–197 proper rational, 198 region of convergence (ROC),
166, 172–176 transfer function, 214, 223 two-sided, 166–176 length of convolution sum, 721 L’Hopital’s rule, 101, 306, 433 LTI systems, superposition, 135–136
magnitude line spectrum, 249 Matlab
analog Butterworth and Chebyshev filter design, 414 analog Butterworth filtering, 414 control toolbox, 375
decimation and interpolation, 585
DFT and FFT, 577 discrete filter design, 644 DTFT computation, 577 FFT computation, 717 filter design, 405–408 Fourier series computation,
603–604 functions, 36
general discrete filter design, 646 numerical computations, 30 phase computation, 591 phase unwrapping, 592 plotting, 39–41
saving and loading, 41–43 symbolic computations, 43–53 vectorial operations, 33–35 vectors and matrices, 30–33
negative frequencies, 323 nonlinear filtering, median
filter, 495
nonzero initial conditions, 552 normality, 247
Nyquist sampling rate, 431 Nyquist sampling theorem, 431
odd signal, 75–77 one-sided Z-transform, 511 orthogonality, 248
Parseval’s relation and sampling, 427
periodic convolution, 609–614, 624 periodic discrete sinusoids, 454, 456 phase line spectrum, 249, 250, 253,
257, 259, 261, 263, 265 phase modulation (PM), 87, 378,
phasors, sinusoidal steady state, 24–26, 28
poles and zeros, 172–176
poles and zeros of Z-transforms, 511, 549, 551, 564