Một phần của tài liệu Ebook Teaching physical education Part 1 (Trang 168 - 176)

The purposes of this style are to perform the task and to check your own work.

Role of the learner

• To perform the task

• To make the nine decisions of the Practice style

• To use the criteria to check your own performance Role of the teacher

• To prepare the subject matter and criteria

• To answer questions by the learner

• To initiate communication with the learner

Figure 9.2. Style D classroom chart

2 Refer to Chapter 18 for additional information on designing subject matter.

performance, but it does not supply the accurate information needed for improvement. Many tasks in these areas are inappropriate for Self-Check.

The Reciprocal style supplies the feedback from an outside source.

Other physical tasks are more applicable to Self-Check. These tasks pur- sue end results external to the body itself; they are concerned with the results of the movement, rather than the movement itself. Basketball is a prime example of this type of activity. Any basketball shot, despite the tech- nique, is judged by the performance result. It is the distance of the javelin throw that counts in track and field, not the specific form used by the ath- lete. This relationship between body movements and end results provides the performer with immediate feedback and possibilities for self-check using particular criteria. (These are situations where the feedback is intrin- sic to the task.)

In many Self-Check tasks, the implements used are the main source of information. For example, a wiggly flight of the javelin shows the learner that the javelin’s release was incorrect. The learner can then refer to the section of the criteria card that highlights the details of the release. During subsequent throws, the learner concentrates on correcting this particular aspect. In soccer, when the task is to practice kicking the ball a relatively short distance through a high arc and the ball does not fly accordingly, the learner knows that something in the kick was incorrect. The learner then refers to the part of the criteria that highlights the details of placing the foot under the lower part of the ball.

The purpose of this analysis is not to offer a classification system for var- ious activities or to interfere with well-established techniques of various sports (these are readily available in kinesiology materials and specific sports books). Rather, the purpose is to invite the teacher to analyze tasks in terms of their applicability to Self-Check. There is no need to use this behavior with a task that can be better accomplished by another style. The role of the teacher is to facilitate efficient learning and reduce frustration.

The criteria supply the answers to the following questions:

1. Where is the error?

2. Why did the error occur?

3. How do I correct the error?

Current publications that sequence physical education skills, provide the cues for correct performance (essential content highlights), and list the common errors are invaluable when preparing criteria sheets for the Self- Check style.2

149 Chapter 9 The Self-Check Style—D

Style-Specific Comments

Verbal Behavior

The teacher’s verbal behavior must reflect the intent of this behavior and must support the roles of the teacher and learner. Purposes for communi- cation between the teacher and the learner are:

1. To ascertain that the learners can compare and contrast their own per- formances against criteria

2. To listen to what each learner says about his/her content performance 3. To lead learners to see discrepancies in their assessments (when they

exist) by asking questions

4. To identify the discrepancies if the learner cannot see them

Items 3 and 4 require the teacher to be astute, and not to increase the learner’s frustration by asking questions that cannot be answered, or by withdrawing feedback. When learners get stuck and assess their perfor - mance incorrectly, make an adjustment decision and switch to the Practice style to offer content clarification and feedback to the learner. The learner’s feelings are more important than the structure of any single style.

When initiating communication with the learner in this behavior, the teacher asks a general question: “How are you doing?” The learner has sev- eral options in answering:

1. “Fine.”

2. “I can’t do the task, and I’m not sure why.”

3. “I can’t do the task, but I know how to correct it.”

4. “I can do the task and I understand each part on the criteria sheet.”

Independent of the learners’ responses, the teacher’s verbal behavior leads to the focus of this behavior—listening to the learners’ comments about their performance and assessments of the tasks. The teacher circu- lates and watches to see how the learners are interacting with the criteria and how that interaction affects their performances. Communication either reinforces the learner’s use of the criteria or redirects the learner’s focus. If a learner responds with “Fine,” the teacher can ask “What about your per- formance of the ____ was fine?” Focusing the interaction around the crite- ria redirects the learner to the content expectations. Acquisition of the task is just one of the objectives of this behavior; of primary importance is the learner’s ability to diagnose, according to the prepared criteria, to identify errors, and to correct them. This behavior invites the learners to verbalize what they know about the content and it permits the teacher to watch learners cope with their successes and limitations.

Once learners can verbalize what they are doing, the teacher can ver- ify their observations by acknowledging the performance with a value statement. When errors occur in their observations, the role of the teacher is to point these out to the learner.

It must be acknowledged that people reach a level of comfort in this behavior (or any behavior) at different speeds. There are those who imme- diately enjoy the demands on individualization and independence implicit in this behavior and then there are those who need more time to appreciate individual responsibility. Self-Check requires cognitive, emotional, ethical, and physical investment; some learners’ dispositions and attitudes resist becoming that engaged or involved in the task. A teacher can learn a great deal about students by watching them experience the Self-Check style.

Options in Task Design

Two options are available for task design in this behavior: (1) a single task for all learners and (2) a differentiated task. In the first option, the teacher assigns the same task to all learners; in the second option, the teacher assigns different tasks to different learners. Because the teacher makes con- tent decisions in both, these options remain within the structure of Self- Check. The purpose of each behavior is to include learners in the new deci- sions. At times, adjustments must be made in content standards for all learners to participate.

Criteria Sheets

The format of the criteria sheet is critical. The more complex the task, the more difficult it is for the learner to engage in self-assessment with only paper and pencil criteria. Videotape is an excellent but time-consuming technique. Tasks that can be broken down (sequenced with each movement delineated) are appropriate for paper. Each learner needs his/her own cri- teria sheet for tasks that involve multiple parts. Charts are fine for reminders but they are not appropriate for complex tasks. Often the crite- ria designed for the Reciprocal behavior can also be used in Self-Check. The criteria do not change; only the behavior/decision expectations change.

The Developmental Channels

Design Variations

Personalized System for Instruction (PSI) (Metzler, 2000) is an example of the Self-Check style when the task materials include performance criteria, error analyses, and assessment expectations for the individual learner.

When PSI descriptions incorporate peer teaching situations, they do not

151 Chapter 9 The Self-Check Style—D

represent the decision distribution (or objectives) of the Self-Check behav- ior. Independence in learning to practice and assess the task is the hallmark of all Self-Check design variations. Improving performance and developing self-assessment skills are guided by teacher-produced criteria. Initial episodes in Self-Check cannot shift assessment to the learner without pre- pared criteria. Reliable self-assessment is possible without prepared criteria only when learners demonstrate proficiency in the physical task. Without an understanding of the task expectations and kinesthetic awareness, it is impossible for learners to accurately correct/assess performance.

When learners work in groups or with peers, self-assessment is difficult.

Therefore, design variations that incorporate groups, which purport to emphasize the decisions or objectives of Self-Check, need to be examined carefully. Although they are challenging to prepare, Self-Check episodes that emphasize the social Developmental Channel are possible. For exam- ple, it is possible to sequence episodes within the lesson using different teaching–learning behaviors to reach a variety of objectives (see lesson plan design in Chapter 11). The cumulative effects of such lesson planning can reinforce the teacher’s overall learning focus. The following series of episodes, shown in Table 9.2, includes three teaching–learning behaviors.

The cumulative goal is to create a social situation that invites learners to examine their self-assessment decisions.

Table 9.2 Episodes of Teaching–Learning Behaviors

Episode # Teaching–Learning Behavior

1 Self-Check style: Practice a task individually, privately, and self-check using criteria

2 Reciprocal style in small groups: each learner demonstrates his/her task and the group members offer feedback using the criteria

3 Self-Check style: Individually compare the group’s remarks to the original self-assessment comments, then practice the task and self-assess

This design sequence provides a different emphasis to Self-Check. It removes the social isolation by increasing dependence on and interaction with, a group. It reduces the individual time-on-task but increases feed- back. It reinforces the decisions and objectives of the Self-Check behavior.

No landmark behavior or variation can involve all learners to the same degree. In each behavior, some learners will enjoy while others will dislike making the designated decisions. Approaching teaching–learning experi- ences with a variety of design variations and from a non-versus approach, can increase learner involvement in the process.

The decisions of the Self-Check style lead learners to the next behav- ior—one that shifts even more decisions and responsibility to learners.

Figure 9.3. Soccer—punting (Task description from Fronske, H., p. 160. Permission for adaptation granted by Allyn & Bacon Publishing Co., Boston, MA.)

Examples of Task Sheets for the Self-Check Style

NameClassDateTo the Student:There are three stations. Each is designed for you to practice controlled punting. StationOne: practice the technique of the punt (ball distance is not the focus). Assess your motorperformance against the criteria below. Stations two and three involve punting and accurateball flight. At these stations assess both technique and record the flight of the ball and itsaccuracy to the indicated targets.Like holding a skunkLike holdinga skunkDrop the ballLike an underhandserve in volleyballLike kicking afootballSwing leg underbody makingcontact with ballbelow kneeSupport leg plantssimultaneouslywith dropping ofballHolding balltoo closeto chestSwinging legfrom standingposition doesnot createmomentumBall is met toohigh on legwith shins ortoo low on endof toesHandpositionTechniqueDrop actionKicking legSupport legPull back kicking legDrop the ballStyle A B C D ETask Sheet #SoccerCueTask DescriptionSkillCommon ErrorHold ball outawayShoelaces flatPull backkicking legAlternate cueComments/FeedbackPunting


Class Date

To the Student:

There are three stations. Each is designed for you to practice controlled punting. Station One: practice the technique of the punt (ball distance is not the focus). Assess your motor performance against the criteria below. Stations two and three involve punting and accurate ball flight. At these stations assess both technique and record the flight of the ball and its accuracy to the indicated targets.

Like holding a skunk

Like holding a skunk Drop the ball Like an underhand serve in volleyball Like kicking a football

Swing leg under body making contact with ball below knee Support leg plants simultaneously with dropping of ball

Holding ball too close to chest

Swinging leg from standing position does not create momentum

Ball is met too high on leg with shins or too low on end of toes Hand

position Technique

Drop action Kicking leg

Support leg Pull back kicking leg

Drop the ball

Style A B C D E Task Sheet #



Task Description Skill Common Error

Hold ball out away

Shoelaces flat Pull back kicking leg Alternate cue



153 Chapter 9 The Self-Check Style—D

NameClassDateTo the Student:Practice the 4-step delivery 10 times. Five without the ball, and five with the ball.Provide performance feedbackConventionalFingertipGripThumb on top,handshake positionGrip ball with secondgroove of two middlefingersCradle ball inopposite armGrip ball with firstgroove of two middlefingersErect, knees relaxedBall supported bynondelivery armLeft foot slightlyadvancedEyes focus on aimingspotFeet slightly apartBall on right sideLower right shoulderSqueezing withthumbThumb in firstSqueezing withthumbKnees locked, shoulders not square to pinsBall hangingfrom thumband fingersBall too highor lowLooking at pinsStyle A B C D ETask Sheet #BowlingCueSkillCommon ErrorThumb hole at 12:00,finger holes at 6:00Ring finger and middlefingerStand tallBall carried on palm ofright handBall hides right shirtpocket (good placeto start); find yourcomfort zoneTilt body slightly to rightThree boards betweenfeetOne-half foot lengthaheadLook at second arrowfrom rightAlternate Cue

Completed/FeedbackBasic Grips and StanceStanceLeft foot slightly advancedthen step with right foot


Class Date To the Student:

Practice the 4-step delivery 10 times. Five without the ball, and five with the ball.

Provide performance feedback


Fingertip Grip

Thumb on top, handshake position Grip ball with second groove of two middle fingers

Cradle ball in opposite arm Grip ball with first groove of two middle fingers

Erect, knees relaxed

Ball supported by nondelivery arm

Left foot slightly advanced

Eyes focus on aiming spot

Feet slightly apart Ball on right side

Lower right shoulder

Squeezing with thumb

Thumb in first Squeezing with thumb

Knees locked, shoulders not square to pins Ball hanging from thumb and fingers Ball too high or low

Looking at pins Style A B C D E Task Sheet # Bowling


Skill Common Error

Thumb hole at 12:00, finger holes at 6:00 Ring finger and middle finger

Stand tall

Ball carried on palm of right hand

Ball hides right shirt pocket (good place to start); find your comfort zone

Tilt body slightly to right Three boards between feet

One-half foot length ahead

Look at second arrow from right

Alternate Cue


Basic Grips and Stance


Left foot slightly advanced then step with right foot

Figure 9.4. Bowling—basic grips and stance (Task description from Fronske, H., pp. 56–59.

Permission for adaptation granted by Allyn & Bacon Publishing Co., Boston, MA.)

Pendulum swing,like ball on endof stringStep away,push awayArm actionWriststraightandfirmLeg actionFirst step and armpush away togetherExtend ball arm straightforward horizontallyUse pendulum swing,like ball on end of stringBall swings back,shoulder highExtend left armoutward for balanceKeep ball swinging,arms relaxedSecond and thirdsteps with down andback swingFourth step with forwardswing and deliveryFirst step and push awaytogetherRelease ball as armpasses verticalFirst step very short.Second step medium.Third step long.Fourth step longest.Stepping beforepushing wayPushing ball upor to the righttoo farApplying toomuch forcechangingdirection of ballBall goes toohigh or arcsbehind bodyTrying to throwball too fastDropping ball orsetting it downon boardsFeet finishingbefore arm swingFirst step toolongArm action(approach)Steps: short-mediumlong-very longLeg action (approach)TimingCueSkillCommon ErrorStep away, push awayLong reach but shortstep, like handing ballto friendBall falls downwardand backwardHorizontal in front tohorizontal in backGravity and inertiaprovide main forceBall should land 3 to 4feet beyond foul lineEach step is a littlelonger and fasterKeep ball swinging and feet walkingAlternate CueApproach

Pendulum swing,

like ball on end of string

Step away, push away Arm action

Wrist straight and firm Leg action

First step and arm push away together Extend ball arm straight forward horizontally Use pendulum swing, like ball on end of string

Ball swings back, shoulder high Extend left arm outward for balance Keep ball swinging, arms relaxed

Second and third steps with down and back swing

Fourth step with forward swing and delivery First step and push away together

Release ball as arm passes vertical

First step very short.

Second step medium.

Third step long.

Fourth step longest.

Stepping before pushing way Pushing ball up or to the right too far Applying too much force changing direction of ball

Ball goes too high or arcs behind body Trying to throw ball too fast Dropping ball or setting it down on boards

Feet finishing before arm swing First step too long Arm action


Steps: short-medium long-very long Leg action (approach)



Skill Common Error

Step away, push away Long reach but short step, like handing ball to friend

Ball falls downward and backward

Horizontal in front to horizontal in back

Gravity and inertia provide main force Ball should land 3 to 4 feet beyond foul line

Each step is a little longer and faster

Keep ball swinging and feet walking

Alternate Cue



Figure 9.4. Bowling—basic grips and stance (Task description from Fronske, H., pp. 56–59.

Permission for adaptation granted by Allyn & Bacon Publishing Co., Boston, MA.)

Một phần của tài liệu Ebook Teaching physical education Part 1 (Trang 168 - 176)

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