I Need to Make a Change.
What Methods Should I Test?
I Need to Make a Change
We need to make some changes, and we need to write characterization tests (186) to pin down the behavior that is already there. Where should we write them? The simplest answer is to write tests for each method that we change.
But is that enough? It can be if the code is simple and easy to understand, but in legacy code, often all bets are off. A change in one place can affect behavior someplace else; unless we have a test in place, we might never know about it.
When I need to make changes in particularly tangled legacy code, I often spend time trying to figure out where I should write my tests. This involves thinking about the change I am going to make, seeing what it will affect, seeing what the affected things will affect, and so on. This type of reasoning is nothing new; people have been doing it since the dawn of the computer age.
Programmers sit down and reason about their programs for many reasons.
The funny thing is, we don’t talk about it much. We just assume that everyone knows how to do it and that doing it is “just part of being a programmer.”
Unfortunately, that doesn’t help us much when we are confronted with terribly tangled code that goes far beyond our ability to reason easily about it. We know that we should refactor it to make it more understandable, but then there is that issue of testing again. If we don’t have tests, how do we know that we are refactoring correctly?
I wrote the techniques in this chapter to bridge the gap. Often we do have to reason about effects in non-trivial ways to find the best places to test.
Reasoning About Effects
In the industry, we don’t talk about this often, but for every functional change in software, there is some associated chain of effects. For instance, if I change
Reasoning About Effects
the 3 to 4 in the following C# code, it changes the result of the method when it is called. It could also change the results of methods that call that method, and so on, all the way back to some system boundary. Despite this, many parts of the code won’t have different behavior. They won’t produce different results because they don’t call getBalancePoint() directly or indirectly.
int getBalancePoint() { const int SCALE_FACTOR = 3;
int result = startingLoad + (LOAD_FACTOR * residual * SCALE_FACTOR);
foreach(Load load in loads) {
result += load.getPointWeight() * SCALE_FACTOR;
return result;
The best way to get a sense of what effect reasoning is like is to look at an example. Here is a Java class that is part of an application that manipulates C++ code. It sounds pretty domain intensive, doesn’t it? But domain knowledge doesn’t matter when we reason about effects.
Let’s try a little exercise. Make a list of all of the things that can be changed after a CppClass object is created that would affect results returned by any of its methods.
public class CppClass { private String name;
private List declarations;
public CppClass(String name, List declarations) { this.name = name;
this.declarations = declarations;
public int getDeclarationCount() { return declarations.size();
public String getName() {
IDE Support for Effect Analysis
Sometimes I wish that I had an IDE that would help me see effects in legacy code. I would be able to highlight a piece of code and hit a hotkey. Then the IDE would give me a list of all of the variables and methods that could be impacted when I change the selected code.
Perhaps someday someone will develop a tool like this. In the meantime, we have to reason about effects without tools. It is a very learnable skill, but it is hard to know when we’ve gotten it right.
Reasoning About Effects return name;
public Declaration getDeclaration(int index) { return ((Declaration)declarations.get(index));
public String getInterface(String interfaceName, int [] indices) { String result = "class " + interfaceName + " {\npublic:\n";
for (int n = 0; n < indices.length; n++) { Declaration virtualFunction
= (Declaration)(declarations.get(indices[n]));
result += "\t" + virtualFunction.asAbstract() + "\n";
result += "};\n";
return result;
} }
Your list should look something like this:
1. Someone could add additional elements to the declarations list after passing it to the constructor. Because the list is held by reference, changes made to it can alter the results of getInterface, getDeclaration, and getDeclarationCount.
2. Someone can alter one of the objects held in the declarations list or replace one of its elements, affecting the same methods.
We make a sketch that shows that changes in declarations have an effect on getDeclarationCount() (see Figure 11.1).
Figure 11.1 declarations impacts getDeclarationCount.
Some people look at the getName method and suspect that it could return a different value if anyone changes the name string, but in Java, String objects are immutable.
You can’t change their value after they are created. After a CppClass object is created, getName always returns the same string value.
Reasoning About Effects
This sketch shows that if declarations changes in some way—for instance, if its size grows—getDeclarationCount() can return a different value.
We can make a sketch for getDeclaration(int index) also (see Figure 11.2).
The return values of calls to getDeclaration(int index) can change if some- thing causes declarations to change or if the declarations within it change.
Figure 11.3 shows that similar things impact the getInterface method also.
We can bundle all of these sketches together into a larger sketch (see Figure 11.4).
Figure 11.2 declarations and the objects it holds impact getDeclarationCount.
Figure 11.3 Things that affect getInterface.
any declaration in declarations
any declaration in declarations
Reasoning About Effects Figure 11.4 Combined effect sketch.
There isn’t much syntax in these diagrams. I just call them effect sketches.
The key is to have a separate bubble for each variable that can be affected and each method whose return value can change. Sometimes the variables are on the same object, and sometimes they are on different objects. It doesn’t matter:
We just make a bubble for the things that will change and draw an arrow to everything whose value can change at runtime because of them.
Let’s widen our picture of the system that the previous class comes from and look at a bigger effect picture. CppClass objects are created in a class named ClassReader. In fact, we’ve been able to determine that they are created only in ClassReader.
public class ClassReader {
private boolean inPublicSection = false;
private CppClass parsedClass;
private List declarations = new ArrayList();
private Reader reader;
public ClassReader(Reader reader) { this.reader = reader;
If your code is well structured, most of the methods in your software have simple effect structures. In fact, one measure of goodness in software is that rather compli- cated effects on the outside world are the sum of a much simpler set of effects in the code. Almost anything that you can do to make the effect sketch simpler for a piece of code makes it more understandable and maintainable.
any declaration in declarations
declarations getInterface
getDeclaration getDeclarationCount
Reasoning About Effects
public void parse() throws Exception {
TokenReader source = new TokenReader(reader);
Token classToken = source.readToken();
Token className = source.readToken();
Token lbrace = source.readToken();
Token rbrace = source.readToken();
Token semicolon = source.readToken();
if (classToken.getType() == Token.CLASS && className.getType() == Token.IDENT && lbrace.getType() == Token.LBRACE && rbrace.getType() == Token.RBRACE && semicolon.getType() == Token.SEMIC) { parsedClass = new CppClass(className.getText(), declarations);
} } ...
Remember what we learned about CppClass? Do we know that the list of dec- larations won’t ever change after a CppClass is created? The view that we have of CppClass doesn’t really tell us. We need to figure out how the declarations list gets populated. If we look at more of the class, we can see that declarations are added in only one place in CppClass, a method named matchVirtualDeclaration that is called by matchBody in parse.
private void matchVirtualDeclaration(TokenReader source) throws IOException {
if (!source.peekToken().getType() == Token.VIRTUAL) return;
List declarationTokens = new ArrayList();
while(source.peekToken().getType() != Token.SEMIC) { declarationTokens.add(source.readToken());
if (inPublicSection)
declarations.add(new Declaration(declarationTokens));
It looks like all of the changes that happen to this list happen before the CppClass object is created. Because we add new declarations to the list and don’t hold on to any references to them, the declarations aren’t going to change, either.
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Reasoning Forward
Let’s think about the things held by the declarations list. The readToken method of TokenReader returns token objects that just hold a string and an integer that never changes. I’m not showing it here, but a quick look at the Declaration class shows that nothing else can change its state after it is created, so we can feel pretty comfortable saying that when a CppClass object is created, its declaration list and the list’s contents aren’t going to change.
How does this knowledge help us? If we were getting unexpected values from CppClass, we would know that we have to look at only a couple things.
Generally, we can start to really look back at the places where the sub-objects of CppClass are created to figure out what is going on. We can also make the code clearer by starting to mark some of the references in CppClass constant using Java’s final keyword.
In programs that aren’t written very well, we often find it very difficult to fig- ure out why the results we are looking at are what they are. When we are at that point, we have a debugging problem and we have to reason backward from the problem to its source. When we are working with legacy code, we often have to ask a different question: If we make a particular change, how could it possibly affect the rest of the results of the program?
This involves reasoning forward from points of change. When you get a good handle on this sort of reasoning, you have the beginnings of a technique for finding good places to write tests.
Reasoning Forward
In the previous example, we tried to deduce the set of objects that affect values at a particular point in code. When we are writing characterization tests (186), we invert this process. We look at a set of objects and try to figure out what will change downstream if they stop working. Here is an example. The following class is part of an in-memory file system. We don’t have any tests for it, but we want to make some changes.
public class InMemoryDirectory {
private List elements = new ArrayList();
public void addElement(Element newElement) { elements.add(newElement);
Reasoning Forward
public void generateIndex() {
Element index = new Element("index");
for (Iterator it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Element current = (Element)it.next();
index.addText(current.getName() + "\n");
public int getElementCount() { return elements.size();
public Element getElement(String name) {
for (Iterator it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Element current = (Element)it.next();
if (current.getName().equals(name)) { return current;
} }
return null;
} }
InMemoryDirectory is a little Java class. We can create an InMemoryDirectory object, add elements into it, generate an index, and then access the elements.
Elements are objects that contain text, just like files. When we generate an index, we create an element named index and append the names of all of the other ele- ments to its text.
One odd feature of InMemoryDirectory is that we can’t call generateIndex twice without gumming things up. If we call generateIndex twice, we end up with two index elements (the second one created actually lists the first one as an element of the directory).
Fortunately, our application uses InMemoryDirectory in a very constrained way.
It creates directories, fills them with elements, calls generateIndex, and then passes the directory around so that other parts of the application can access its elements. It all works fine right now, but we need to make a change. We need to modify the software to allow people to add elements at any time during the directory’s lifetime.
Ideally, we’d like to have index creation and maintenance happen as a side effect of adding elements. The first time someone adds an element, the index element should be created and it should contain the name of the element that was added. The second time, that same index element should be updated with
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Reasoning Forward
the name of the element that is added. It’ll be easy enough to write tests for the new behavior and the code that satisfies them, but we don’t have any tests for the current behavior. How do we figure out where to put them?
In this example, the answer is clear enough: We need a series of tests that call addElement in various ways, generate an index, and then get the various elements to see if they are correct. How do we know that these are the right methods to use? In this case, the problem is simple. The tests are just a description of how we expect to use the directory. We could probably write them without even looking at the directory code because we have a good idea of what the directory is supposed to do. Unfortunately, figuring out where to test isn’t always that simple. I could have used a big complicated class in this example, one that is kind of like the ones that are often lurking in legacy systems, but you would have gotten bored and closed the book. So let’s pretend that this is a tough one and take a look at how we can figure out what to test by looking at the code.
The same kind of reasoning applies to thornier problems.
In this example, the first thing that we need to do is figure out where we are going to make our changes. We need to remove functionality from generateIndex and add functionality to addElement. When we’ve identified those as the points of change, we can start to sketch effects.
Let’s start with generateIndex. What calls it? No other methods in the class do.
The method is called only by clients. Do we modify anything in generateIndex? We do create a new element and add it to the directory, so generateIndex can have an effect on the elements collection in the class (see Figure 11.5).
Now we can take a look at the elements collection and see what it can affect.
Where else is it used? It looks like it is used in getElementCount and getElement. The elements collection is used in addElement also, but we don’t need to count that because addElement behaves the same way, regardless of what we do to the elements collection: No user of addElements can be impacted by anything we do to the elements collection (see Figure 11.6).
Figure 11.5 generateIndex affects elements.
generateIndex elements
Reasoning Forward
Figure 11.6 Further effects of changes in generateIndex.
Are we done? No, our change points were the generateIndex method and the addElement method, so we need to look at how addElement affects surrounding soft- ware also. It looks like addElement affects the elements collection (see Figure 11.7).
We can look to see what elements affects, but we’ve done that already because generateIndex affects elements.
The whole sketch appears in Figure 11.8.
Figure 11.7 addElement affects elements.
The only way that users of the InMemoryDirectory class can sense effects is through the getElementCount and getElement methods. If we can write tests at those methods, it appears that we should be able to cover all of the effects of our change.
getElement elements
ptg9926858 REASONING FORWARD 161
Reasoning Forward Figure 11.8 Effect sketch of the InMemoryDirectory class.
But is there any chance we’ve missed anything? What about superclasses and subclasses? If any data in InMemoryDirectory is public, protected, or package- scoped, a method in a subclass could modify it in ways that we won’t know about. In this example, the instance variables in InMemoryDirectory are private, so we don’t have to worry about that.
Are we done? Well, there is one thing that we’ve glossed over completely.
We’re using the Element class in the directory, but it isn’t part of our effect sketch. Let’s look at it more closely.
When we call generateIndex, we create an Element and repeatedly call addText on it. Let’s look at the code for Element:
public class Element { private String name;
private String text = "";
public Element(String name) { this.name = name;
When you are sketching effects, make sure that you have found all of the clients of the class you are examining. If your class has a superclass or subclasses, there might be other clients that you haven’t considered.
elements generateIndex
Reasoning Forward
public String getName() { return name;
public void addText(String newText) { text += newText;
public String getText() { return text;
} }
Fortunately, it is very simple. Let’s create a bubble for a new element that generateIndex creates (see Figure 11.9).
When we have a new element and it is filled with text, generateIndex adds it to the collection, so the new element affects the collection (see Figure 11.10).
Figure 11.9 Effects through the Element class.
newElement generateIndex
Effect Propagation Figure 11.10 generateIndex affecting the elements collection.
We know from our previous work that the addText method affects the elements collection, which, in turn, affects the return values of getElement and getElement- Count. If we want to see that the text is generated correctly, we can call getText on an element returned by getElement. Those are the only places that we have to write tests to detect the effects of our changes.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a rather small example, but it is very represen- tative of the type of reasoning that we need to do when we assess the impact of changes in legacy code. We need to find places to test, and the first step is figur- ing out where change can be detected: what the effects of the change are. When we know where we can detect effects, we can pick and choose among them when we write our tests.
Effect Propagation
Some ways that effects propagate are easier to notice than others. In the InMemoryDirectory example in the last section, we ended up finding methods that returned values to the caller. Even though I start by tracing effects from change points, places where I am making a change, I usually notice methods with return values first. Unless their return values aren’t being used, they propagate effects to code that calls them.