0 200 400 600
0 0:2 0:4 0:6 0:8 1:0 1:2
p/bar .
200 400 600 800 1000 250
200 150 100 50 0 50
T/K .
Figure 2.3 (a) Compression factor of CO2as a function of pressure at three temper- atures. At710K, the Boyle temperature, the initial slope is zero.
(b) Second virial coefficient of CO2as a function of temperature.
2.2.6 Solids
A solid phase responds to a small applied stress by undergoing a smallelastic deformation.
When the stress is removed, the solid returns to its initial shape and the properties return to those of the unstressed solid. Under these conditions of small stress, the solid has an equa- tion of state just as a fluid does, in whichp is the pressure of a fluid surrounding the solid (the hydrostatic pressure) as explained in Sec. 2.3.4. The stress is an additional independent variable. For example, the length of a metal spring that is elastically deformed is a unique function of the temperature, the pressure of the surrounding air, and the stretching force.
If, however, the stress applied to the solid exceeds its elastic limit, the response isplastic deformation. This deformation persists when the stress is removed, and the unstressed solid no longer has its original properties. Plastic deformation is a kind of hysteresis, and is caused by such microscopic behavior as the slipping of crystal planes past one another in a crystal subjected to shear stress, and conformational rearrangements about single bonds in a stretched macromolecular fiber. Properties of a solid under plastic deformation depend on its past history and are not unique functions of a set of independent variables; an equation of state does not exist.
This section macroscopic discusses aspects of the macroscopic properties mass, volume, density, pressure, and temperature, with examples of how these properties can be measured.
2.3.1 Mass
We may measure the mass of an object with a balance utilizing the downward force ex- erted on the object by the earth’s gravitational field. The classic balance has a beam and knife-edge arrangement to compare the gravitational force on the body of interest with the
Thermodynamics and Chemistry, 2nd edition, version 7a © 2015 by Howard DeVoe. Latest version:www.chem.umd.edu/thermobook
gravitational force on a weight of known mass. A modern balance (strictly speaking a scale) incorporates a strain gauge or comparable device to directly measure the gravita- tional force on the unknown mass; this type must be calibrated with known masses. For the most accurate measurements, we must take into account the effect of the buoyancy of the body and the calibration masses in air. The accuracy of the calibration masses should be traceable to a national standard kilogram (which in the United States is maintained at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, formerly the National Bureau of Standards, in Gaithersburg, Maryland) and ultimately to the international prototype of the kilogram located at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in S`evres, France.
From the measured mass of a sample of a pure substance, we can calculate the amount of substance (called simply the amountin this book). The SI base unit for amount is the mole (Sec. 1.1.1). Chemists are familiar with the fact that, although the mole is a counting unit, an amount in moles is measured not by counting but by weighing. This is possible because one mole is defined as the amount of atoms in exactly12grams of carbon-12, the most abundant isotope of carbon (Appendix A). One mole of a substance has a mass ofMr grams, whereMris therelative molecular mass(or molecular weight) of the substance, a dimensionless quantity.
A quantity related to molecular weight is themolar massof a substance, defined as the mass divided by the amount:
Molar mass DM defD m
n (2.3.1)
(The symbolM for molar mass is an exception to the rule given on page 29 that a subscript m is used to indicate a molar quantity.) The numerical value of the molar mass expressed in units of g mol 1is equal to the relative molecular mass:
M=g mol 1 DMr (2.3.2)
2.3.2 Volume
We commonly measure liquid volumes with precision volumetric glassware such as burets, pipets, and volumetric flasks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States has established specifications for “Class A” glassware; two examples are listed in Table 2.2 on the next page. We may accurately determine the volume of a vessel at one temperature from the mass of a liquid of known density, such as water, that fills the vessel at this temperature.
The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter, but chemists commonly express volumes in units of liters and milliliters. Theliteris defined as one cubic decimeter (Table 1.3). One cubic meter is the same as 103 liters and106 milliliters. Themilliliter is identical to the cubic centimeter.
Before 1964, the liter had a different definition: it was the volume of1kilogram of water at3:98ıC, the temperature of maximum density. This definition made one liter equal to1:000028dm3. Thus, a numerical value of volume (or density) reported before 1964 and based on the liter as then defined may need a small correction in order to be consistent with the present definition of the liter.
Table 2.2 Representative measurement methods Physical
Method Typical Approximate
quantity value uncertainty
Mass analytical balance 100g 0:1mg
microbalance 20mg 0:1 g
Volume pipet, Class A 10mL 0:02mL
volumetric flask, Class A 1L 0:3mL Density pycnometer, 25-mL capacity 1g mL 1 2mg mL 1
magnetic float densimeter 1g mL 1 0:1mg mL 1 vibrating-tube densimeter 1g mL 1 0:01mg mL 1 Pressure mercury manometer or barometer 760Torr 0:001Torr
diaphragm gauge 100Torr 1Torr
Temperature constant-volume gas thermometer 10K 0:001K mercury-in-glass thermometer 300K 0:01K platinum resistance thermometer 300K 0:0001K monochromatic optical pyrometer 1300K 0:03K
2.3.3 Density
Density, an intensive property, is defined as the ratio of the two extensive properties mass and volume:
defD m
V (2.3.3)
The molar volume Vm of a homogeneous pure substance is inversely proportional to its density. From Eqs. 2.1.2, 2.3.1, and 2.3.3, we obtain the relation
Vm D M
Various methods are available for determining the density of a phase, many of them based on the measurement of the mass of a fixed volume or on a buoyancy technique.
Three examples are shown in Fig. 2.4 on the next page. Similar apparatus may be used for gases. The density of a solid may be determined from the volume of a nonreacting liquid (e.g., mercury) displaced by a known mass of the solid, or from the loss of weight due to buoyancy when the solid is suspended by a thread in a liquid of known density.
2.3.4 Pressure
Pressure is a force per unit area. Specifically, it is the normal component of stress exerted by an isotropic fluid on a surface element.4 The surface can be an interface surface between the fluid and another phase, or an imaginary dividing plane within the fluid.
Pressure is usually a positive quantity. Because cohesive forces exist in a liquid, it may be possible to place the liquid under tension and create anegativepressure. For instance, the pressure is negative at the top of a column of liquid mercury suspended below the closed
4A liquid crystal and a polar liquid in a electric field are examples of fluids that are not isotropic—that is, that have different macroscopic properties in different directions.
Thermodynamics and Chemistry, 2nd edition, version 7a © 2015 by Howard DeVoe. Latest version:www.chem.umd.edu/thermobook
(b) (c)
Figure 2.4 Three methods for measuring liquid density by comparison with samples of known density. The liquid is indicated by gray shading.
(a) Glass pycnometer vessel with capillary stopper. The filled pycnometer is brought to the desired temperature in a thermostat bath, dried, and weighed.
(b) Magnetic float densimeter.a BuoyB, containing a magnet, is pulled down and kept in position with solenoid S by means of position detectorDand servo control systemC. The solenoid current required depends on the liquid density.
(c) Vibrating-tube densimeter. The ends of a liquid-filled metalU-tube are clamped to a stationary block. An oscillating magnetic field at the tip of the tube is used to make it vibrate in the direction perpendicular to the page. The measured resonance frequency is a function of the mass of the liquid in the tube.
aRef. [69].
end of a capillary tube that has no vapor bubble. Negative pressure in a liquid is an unstable condition that can result in spontaneous vaporization.
The SI unit of pressure is thepascal. Its symbol is Pa. One pascal is a force of one newton per square meter (Table 1.2).
Chemists are accustomed to using the non-SI units of millimeters of mercury, torr, and atmosphere. One millimeter of mercury (symbol mmHg) is the pressure exerted by a col- umn exactly1mm high of a fluid of density equal to exactly13:5951g cm 3(the density of mercury at0ıC) in a place where the acceleration of free fall has its standard valuegn (see Appendix B). One atmosphere is defined as exactly1:01325105Pa (Table 1.3). The torr is defined by letting one atmosphere equal exactly760Torr. One atmosphere is approx- imately760mmHg. In other words, the millimeter of mercury and the torr are practically identical; they differ from one another by less than210 7Torr.
Another non-SI pressure unit is thebar, equal to exactly 105Pa. A pressure of one bar is approximately one percent smaller than one atmosphere. This book often refers to a standard pressure,pı. In the past, the value ofpıwas usually taken to be1atm, but since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended the valuepıD1bar.
A variety of manometers and other devices is available to measure the pressure of a fluid, each type useful in a particular pressure range. Some devices measure the pressure of the fluid directly. Others measure the differential pressure between the fluid and the atmo- sphere; the fluid pressure is obtained by combining this measurement with the atmospheric pressure measured with a barometer.
Within asolid, we cannot define pressure simply as a force per unit area. Macroscopic
forces at a point within a solid are described by the nine components of a stress tensor. The statement that a solidhasoris ata certain pressure means that this is the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the solid’s exterior surface. Thus, a solid immersed in a uniform isotropic fluid of pressure p is at pressure p; if the fluid pressure is constant over time, the solid is at constant pressure.
2.3.5 Temperature Temperature scales
Temperature and thermometry are of fundamental importance in thermodynamics. Unlike the other physical quantities discussed in this chapter, temperature does not have a single unique definition. The chosen definition, whatever it may be, requires atemperature scale described by an operational method of measuring temperature values. For the scale to be useful, the values should increase monotonically with the increase of what we experience physiologically as the degree of “hotness.” We can define a satisfactory scale with any measuring method that satisfies this requirement. The values on a particular temperature scale correspond to a particular physical quantity and a particular temperature unit.
For example, suppose you construct a simple liquid-in-glass thermometer with equally spaced marks along the stem and number the marks consecutively. To define a temperature scale and a temperature unit, you could place the thermometer in thermal contact with a body whose temperature is to be measured, wait until the indicating liquid reaches a stable position, and read the meniscus position by linear interpolation between two marks.5
Thermometry is based on the principle that the temperatures of different bodies may be compared with a thermometer. For example, if you find by separate measurements with your thermometer that two bodies give the same reading, you know that within experimental error both have the same temperature. The significance of two bodies having the same temperature (on any scale) is that if they are placed in thermal contact with one another, they will prove to be in thermal equilibrium with one another as evidenced by the absence of any changes in their properties. This principle is sometimes called the zeroth law of thermodynamics, and was first stated as follows by J. C. Maxwell (1872): “Bodies whose temperatures are equal to that of the same body have themselves equal temperatures.”6
Two particular temperature scales are used extensively. The ideal-gas temperature scale is defined by gas thermometry measurements, as described on page 42. Thether- modynamic temperature scaleis defined by the behavior of a theoretical Carnot engine, as explained in Sec. 4.3.4. These temperature scales correspond to the physical quanti- ties called ideal-gas temperature and thermodynamic temperature, respectively. Although the two scales have different definitions, the two temperatures turn out (Sec. 4.3.4) to be proportional to one another. Their values become identical when the same unit of temper- ature is used for both. Thus, the kelvinis defined by specifying that a system containing the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases of H2O coexisting at equilibrium with one another (the triple point of water) has a thermodynamic temperature of exactly273:16kelvins. We
5Of course, placing the thermometer and body in thermal contact may affect the body’s temperature. The measured temperature is that of the bodyafterthermal equilibrium is achieved.
6Turner (Ref. [160]) argues that the “zeroth law” is a consequence of the first and second laws and therefore is not a separate assumption in the axiomatic framework of thermodynamics. The term “law” for this principle is also questioned by Redlich (Ref. [142]).
Thermodynamics and Chemistry, 2nd edition, version 7a © 2015 by Howard DeVoe. Latest version:www.chem.umd.edu/thermobook
set the ideal-gas temperature of this system equal to the same value,273:16kelvins. The temperatures measured on the two scales are then identical.
Formally, the symbolT refers to thermodynamic temperature. Strictly speaking, a dif- ferent symbol should be used for ideal-gas temperature. Since the two kinds of temperatures have identical values, this book will use the symbolT for both and refer to both physical quantities simply as “temperature” except when it is necessary to make a distinction.
Why is the temperature of the triple point of water taken to be273:16 kelvins? This value is chosen arbitrarily to make the steam point approximately one hundred kelvins greater than the ice point.
Theice pointis the temperature at which ice and air-saturated water coexist in equilib- rium at a pressure of one atmosphere. Thesteam pointis the temperature at which liquid and gaseous H2O coexist in equilibrium at one atmosphere. Neither of these temperatures has sufficient reproducibility for high-precision work. The temperature of the ice-water- air system used to define the ice point is affected by air bubbles in the ice and by varying concentrations of air in the water around each piece of ice. The steam point is uncertain be- cause the temperature of coexisting liquid and gas is a sensitive function of the experimental pressure.
The obsoletecentigrade scalewas defined to give a value of exactly0degrees centi- grade at the ice point and a value of exactly100degrees centigrade at the steam point, and to be a linear function of an ideal-gas temperature scale.
The centigrade scale has been replaced by the Celsius scale, which is based on the triple point of water rather than on the less reproducible ice point and steam point. The Cel- sius scale is the thermodynamic (or ideal-gas) temperature scale shifted by exactly273:15 kelvins. The temperature unit is the degree Celsius (ıC), identical in size to the kelvin.
Thus, Celsius temperaturetis related to thermodynamic temperatureT by
t =ıCDT =K 273:15 (2.3.5) On the Celsius scale, the triple point of water is exactly0:01ıC. The ice point is0ıC to within0:0001ıC, and the steam point is99:97ıC.
The International Temperature Scale of 1990
The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (abbreviated ITS-90) is the most recent scale devised for practical high-precision temperature measurements.7 This scale defines the physical quantity called international temperature, with symbolT90. Each value ofT90is intended to be very close to the corresponding thermodynamic temperatureT.
The ITS-90 is defined over a very wide temperature range, from0:65K up to at least 1358K. There is a specified procedure for each measurement ofT90, depending on the range in whichT falls: vapor-pressure thermometry (0:65–5:0K), gas thermometry (3:0–
24:5561K), platinum-resistance thermometry (13:8033–1234:93K), or optical pyrometry (above1234:93K). For vapor-pressure thermometry, the ITS-90 provides formulas forT90 in terms of the vapor pressure of the helium isotopes3He and 4He. For the other meth- ods, it assigns values of several fixed calibration temperatures. The fixed temperatures are achieved with the reproducible equilibrium systems listed in Table 2.3 on the next page.
7Refs. [114] and [136].
Table 2.3 Fixed temperatures of the International Temperature Scale of 1990
T90=K Equilibrium system 13:8033 H2triple point 24:5561 Ne triple point 54:3584 O2triple point 83:8058 Ar triple point 234:3156 Hg triple point 273:16 H2O triple point
302:9146 Ga melting point at1atm 429:7485 In melting point at1atm 505:078 Sn melting point at1atm 692:677 Zn melting point at1atm 933:473 Al melting point at1atm 1234:93 Ag melting point at1atm 1337:33 Au melting point at1atm 1357:77 Cu melting point at1atm
Equilibrium systems for fixed temperatures
If two different phases of a pure substance coexist at a controlled, constant pressure, the temperature has a definite fixed value. As shown in Table 2.3, eight of the fixed tempera- tures on the ITS-90 are obtained experimentally with coexisting solid and liquid phases at a pressure of one atmosphere. These temperatures arenormal melting points.
Triple-points of pure substances provide the most reproducible temperatures. Both tem- perature and pressure have definite fixed values in a system containing coexisting solid, liq- uid, and gas phases of a pure substance. The table lists six temperatures fixed on the ITS-90 by such systems.
Figure 2.5 on the next page illustrates a triple-point cell for water whose temperature is capable of a reproducibility within10 4K. When ice, liquid water, and water vapor are in equilibrium in this cell, the cell is at the triple point of water and the temperature, by definition, is exactly273:16K.
Gas thermometry
Only the triple point of water has a defined value on the thermodynamic temperature scale.
How are the values of other fixed temperatures of a scale such as the ITS-90 determined?
The fundamental method is gas thermometry, a method most commonly carried out with aconstant-volume gas thermometer. This device consists of a bulb or vessel containing a thermometric gas and a means of measuring the pressure of this gas. The thermometric gas is usually helium, because it has minimal deviations from ideal-gas behavior.
The simple constant-volume gas thermometer depicted in Fig. 2.6 on the next page uses a mercury manometer to measure the pressure. More sophisticated versions have a diaphragm pressure transducer between the bulb and the pressure measurement system.
The procedure for determining the value of an unknown temperature involves a pair of pressure measurements. The gas is brought successively into thermal equilibrium with two
Thermodynamics and Chemistry, 2nd edition, version 7a © 2015 by Howard DeVoe. Latest version:www.chem.umd.edu/thermobook