Thomas C. Peng
History of present illness
A 21-year-old gravida 1, para 1 woman presented to the emergency department with acute onset of lower abdominal pain which started 2 hours prior. She also noted vaginal bleeding with red blood similar to the onset of her menstrual cycle. She uses no contraception and is sexually active. Her last menstrual period was approximately seven weeks ago. She has a history of hyperthyroidism and is intermittently compliant with her methimazole treatment. She thinks it has been at least a year since her thyroid status was checked. She has never had surgery and denies alcohol or tobacco use. She works as a waitress and takes part-time classes so she can become an administrative assistant. Review of systems is negative other than in her presenting complaints.
Physical examination
Vital signs:
Temperature: 37.0°C Pulse: 110 beats/min
Blood pressure: 150/88 mmHg Respiratory rate: 20 breaths/min BMI: 28 kg/m2
HEENT:No neurologic deficit, cranial nerves II–XII are normal Neck:Supple, no goiter
Cardiovascular:S1 and S2, with pulse of 110 beats/min, without murmur, gallop, or rub
Lungs:Clear to auscultation without rales, rhonchi, nor wheezing
Abdomen:The upper abdomen is soft to palpation and not tender, with normal bowel sounds. Guarding noted in the lower abdomen
Pelvic:On speculum examination, a small amount of vaginal bleeding from the external cervical os identified. The uterus is anteverted and the size is normal for a nonpregnant state.
Uterine contour and shape is smooth without irregularity.
Abdominal pain is most acute on palpation in the left adnexal area. There is no palpable mass but the examination is limited due to patient discomfort
Extremities:Normal strength with no edema Neurologic:No focal deficit
Laboratory studies:
Hb: 10 g/dL (normal 11.6–13.9 g/dL)
WBCs: 12 000/μL with 77% neutrophils (normal 5.7–13 600 /μL)
Platelets: 160 000/μL (normal 174 000–391 000/μL) Creatinine: 0.7 mg/dL (normal 0.4–0.7 mg/dL) BUN: 10 mg/dL (normal 7–12 mg/dL) Urine hCG: Positive
Imaging:A pelvic ultrasound was performed (Fig. 51.1)
Fig. 51.1Pelvic ultrasound.
Acute Care and Emergency Gynecology, ed. David Chelmow, Christine R. Isaacs and Ashley Carroll. Published by Cambridge University Press.
© Cambridge University Press 2015.
How would you manage this patient?
The ultrasound image is compatible with the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy. The diagnosis was based on identification of a fetal cardiacflicker in the left adnexa, a normal endometrium, and supported with the clinical context of an acute abdomen.
The patient was counseled and a laparoscopy was performed under general anesthesia. Upon entry into the abdomen, a mass was noted in the mid-left fallopian tube consistent with an unruptured ectopic gestation and a left partial salpingectomy was performed without complications. During the surgery, the anesthesiologist noted that the patient’s heart rate had rapidly increased to 139 beats/min and that her temperature had also rapidly increased to 39.4°C. Estimated surgical blood loss was only 100 mL. There were no surgical complications and total operative time was 30 minutes. The patient was transferred to the intensive care unit postoperatively.
Why did the patient develop a high fever and tachycardia intraoperatively?
The clinical scenario is consistent with thyroid storm.
Thyroid storm
The association of thyroid storm with an ectopic pregnancy has been reported in one case report [1]. Thyroid storm is an uncommon entity, estimated to occur in 1–2% of all hospital admissions, although the actual incidence is not clear due to the absence of laboratory findings that are specific to the diagnosis. It occurs more often in women, and in patients with Graves’ disease or multinodular goiter. Typically, a superim- posed insult (such as surgery in this case), precipitates the thyroid storm, but other catalysts have been described (Table 51.1).
The mortality rate associated with thyroid storm is estimated at 10–30%, predominantly secondary to the associ- ated multiple organ dysfunction and congestive heart failure and/or cardiac arrhythmias, which include atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, and, rarely, ventricular tachyarrhythmias. These complications, as well as other organ dysfunction including respiratory failure, disseminated intra- vascular coagulation, hypoxic brain damage, and sepsis, account for the majority of fatal thyroid storm cases [2]. The diagnosis of thyroid storm should be considered and treatment empirically initiated due to the associated morbidity/mortality of the disease. Clinical suspicion should be high in patients with a prior diagnosis of hyperthyroidism (typically Graves’ disease), in the context of a precipitating factor or superim- posed insult, who then develop fever and tachycardia out of proportion to their illness.
The diagnosis of thyroid storm remains a clinical diagnosis as there are no laboratory or imaging modalities for its con- firmation. Laboratory evaluations of serum thyroxine (T4) and/or triiodothyronine (T3) are not significantly different from levels seen in clinical hyperthyroidism. Attempts to
create scoring systems have been proposed to aid in the diag- nosis [3]. The typical symptoms scored would be categorized into organ functions: thermoregulatory dysfunction (fever);
cardiovascular dysfunction (tachyarrhythmias and heart fail- ure); central nervous system dysfunction (agitation, delirium, psychosis, extreme lethargy, seizures, and coma); gastrointest- inal and hepatic dysfunction (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and unexplained jaundice) [4].
In the absence of definitive laboratory or imaging tests, the utility of a scoring system defines the likelihood of the true presence of thyroid storm. Patients scoring greater than 45 points very likely have thyroid storm present. Using this scoring system, a temperature of greater or equal to 39.4°C (25 points) and a heart rate greater than 139 beats/min (20 points) scores 45 points, as was the case in this patient.
A recent analysis of signs and symptoms of thyroid storm in those patients reported in the literature and in 356 hospital- ized Japanese patients confirmed that the most common signs and symptoms include fever (>38°C), noted in 42–55% of patients, and tachycardia greater than or equal to 120 beats/
min, noted in 80–82% of patients, or tachycardia greater than 130 beats/min, noted in 68–76% of patients [2]. Clinically, high fever and/or tachycardia is almost universal in all presenta- tions. Less frequent symptoms included central nervous sytem and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Patients with a suspected diagnosis of thyroid storm should be managed in an intensive care unit. The medical manage- ment of thyroid storm is the same regimen as for
Table 51.1 Reported precipitants of thyroid storm Thyroid and/or nonthyroidal surgery
Vigorous manipulation of thyroid gland Parturition, including complicated pregnancies Burns
Myocardial infarction Pulmonary embolism Cerebral stroke
Medications, e.g. aspirin overdose Radio-iodine therapy
Withdrawal of antithyroid medications Infections
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Acute ingestion of high dose of thyroid hormone Metastatic thyroid cancer
Struma ovarii Molar pregnancy Emotional stress
hyperthyroidism, except with higher dosing algorithms. The initial step in treatment is to prevent new thyroid hormone production with thionamides (propylthiouracil, methimazole, or carbimazole). These medications inhibit thyroid peroxidase, a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of T3 and T4. Pro- pylthiouracil (PTU) is the preferred drug of choice due to its additional benefit of inhibition of peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 [5]. T4 is a prohormone for T3. T3 exhibits greater biologic activity as compared to T4, such that inhibition of the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 decreases the overall thyroid hormone activity. The American Association of Clinical Endo- crinologists/American Thyroid Association recommends a 500–1000 mg loading dose of PTU, followed by 250 mg every 4 hours. If methimazole is used for therapy, 60–80 mg per day in divided doses should be administered every 4–6 hours [6]. Beta- blockers, specifically propranolol, may also be added to decrease the risk of tachyarrhythmia. In high doses, propranolol also inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3.
The next step in management is to add iodine to further decrease new thyroid hormone synthesis. The mechanism of how iodine decreases thyroid hormone synthesis is unknown. The addition of iodine should be delayed for at least 1 hour after the administration of PTU or methimazole because administering iodine before the PTU has been effective may result in a paradoxical increase in thyroid hormone synthesis, the “Jod–Basedow effect.” Iodide may be administered as a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) or as Lugol’s solution. SSKI can be given as 5 drops (0.25 mL or 250 mg) PO every 6 hours [5]. In patients allergic to iodine, lithium carbonate is an alternative agent to inhibit hormonal release.
Lithium also inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis. Another strat- egy to decrease the level of circulating T4 and T3 is to add cholestyramine, which interrupts the enterohepatic circulation of thyroid hormones. Normally, thyroid hormones are metab- olized in the liver and then bound to glucuronides and sulfates, so that this conjugated hormone is excreted into bile. When the conjugated hormone is ultimately released, the free hormone is reabsorbed. By adding cholestyramine, the conjugated hor- mone remains bound and, thus, is excreted.
Finally, hydrocortisone should be administered to guard against adrenal insufficiency. In hyperthyroid states, there is a subnormal response of the adrenal glands to adrenocortical- stimulating hormone. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American Thyroid Association recommends a 300 mg IV load of hydrocortisone followed by 100 mg IV dose every 8 hours. An alternative steroid is dexamethasone [6].
Carroll and Matfin [7] have recommended the following mnemonic to guide clinical treatment:
Inhibit synthesis (thioamides) Inhibit release (iodine)
Inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (PTU) Beta-blockers (typically propranolol)
Inhibit enterohepatic circulation (cholestyramine)
In general, patients with thyroid storm are better managed in an intensive care setting with consultants, which may include endocrinologists and other specialties depending on the organ system complications encountered.
Symptomatic management to decrease fever with acet- aminophen and peripheral cooling are appropriate, as is administration of intravenousfluids to address thefluid loss from fever, diarrhea, and/or vomiting.
For this particular patient, her symptoms gradually resolved after three days in the intensive care unit. She was then trans- ferred to a general hospital ward with maintenance methima- zole to control her hyperthyroidism. Patients that are compliant with therapy with thionamides will generally have full recovery.
Key teaching points
In a patient with history of hyperthyroidism subject to a stressful or precipitating event, such as surgery, fever, and tachycardia out of proportion to their diagnosis should raise the suspicion of thyroid storm and prompt early treatment.
Thyroid storm is entirely a clinical diagnosis and, though uncommon, is associated with a significant risk of mortality.
The most common signs and symptoms of thyroid storm include fever and tachycardia out of proportion to the existing diagnosis. Other frequently encountered signs and symptoms may include congestive heart failure,
gastrointestinal dysfunction, and central nervous system dysfunction.
Patients with thyroid storm should be managed in an intensive care unit setting.
Therapy to ameliorate the thyroid storm involves:
Inhibiting thyroid hormone synthesis with thioamides.
Inhibiting release of hormones by administering iodine.
Inhibiting peripheral conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) with propylthiouracil (PTU).
Beta-blockers (typically propranolol) to decrease tachyarrhythmia and inhibit T4 to T3 conversion.
Inhibiting enterohepatic circulation of thyroid hormones (cholestyramine).
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Case 51: Acute fever and tachycardia in a 21-year-old woman during laparoscopy
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