Chapter 8 Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum
8.99 Are the appropriate loading terminal procedures manuals on board for each offshore
Notes: Joint Operations manuals should be available, which should include the following information: -
• Summary field position and field layout and FPSO information including plans of her stern offtake arrangements, and appropriate photographs;
• Contact numbers, call signs and communications channels for both Operational and Emergency use;
• Description of the offloading equipment and in particular the OCEs on board the FPSO;
• Description of standard and occasional joint operations including cargo transfer rates, line flushing etc.;
• Data sheets on all tankers approved for regular offtake at that field;
• Tendering and accepting Notice of Readiness (NOR), and any special requirements for cargo quality, Bills of Lading and Cargo calculation;
• Speed reduction sequence and limits on approaching Facility / FPSO. Speed should normally be reduced to:
< 12 knots @ 10 nautical miles from the Facility / FPSO
< 5 knots @ 3 nautical miles from the Facility / FPSO
< 0.5 knot @ 1000 meters from the Facility / FPSO
• Operational limits and executive actions on exceeding limits;
• ESD systems and executive actions at each ESD level. (Both for the FPSO ESD system and the joint “Offtake ESD” system);
• Detailed check lists for the FPSO covering each stage of pre-offtake checking; approach, Offtake, disconnection and post offtake checking of hardware;
• Detailed check lists for each type of tanker covering field specific actions and requirements not covered by the tankers own detailed checklists;
• Duties and requirements for any towing assist vessel;
• Emergency responsibilities and procedures. Note this section of the joint operations manual should be prepared jointly between the duty holder’s management team responsible for running the installation, and the tanker management company to ensure that there are no gaps or overlaps in cover. (Some duty holders prefer to cover this topic by a separate bridging
document or emergency response manual for this reason);
• Bearing in mind that many tankers operate on a COA basis visiting many different fields with different procedures each joint operations offtake manual should include: -
- A short synopsis describing key requirements and where to find more detailed information on each topic within the manual. (I.e. An overview that the Tanker Master can quickly use to get the key facts without having to wade indiscriminately through the full manual).
- A station-keeping sector limits diagram giving key operational and station keeping limits and key communications channels. (I.e. key information that can be posted on one sheet on the bridge for immediate use).
8.100 Are deck officers familiar the appropriate loading terminal procedures manuals on board for each offshore terminal to which the vessel trades?
8.101 Are weather forecasts received and assessed before commencing offshore operations?
8.102 Are records of regular communications checks with the installation maintained?
8.103 Is there a checklist for bridge or bow control station instrumentation and control systems and has it been correctly completed?
8.104 Is there a checklist for engine room machinery and has it been correctly completed?
8.105 Does the vessel apply the same practices when loading from the offshore terminal as for an onshore terminal?
Note: Specific procedures should be provided for each of the terminals at which the vessel operates 8.106 Are green line interlocks working satisfactorily?
8.107 Is there a service report available for the tension load cells?
Note: The dates should be noted.
8.108 Is the deluge system in good order and is it pressurised during loading?
Note: Record the date of the last test.
8.109 Are the emergency shut-down systems in good order and tested regularly?
Note: Record the date of the last test.
8.110 Is the telemetry system in good order?
Bow Loading Systems (BLS) and Submerged Turret Loading (STL) Operations
8.111 Has the BLS been subject to an FME(C)A process?
8.112 Are the BLS and/or STL systems in good order?
8.113 Are checklists for the operation of the BLS and/or STL systems available and is there evidence of their consistent use?
8.114 Are seals on the STL buoy hatch and the STL room watertight door in good order?
8.115 Is the alarm for the STL room watertight door in good order and tested regularly?
Note: Record the date of the last test.
8.116 Are indicators for closing devices in good order?
Note: Record the date of the last test.
8.117 Are BLS and/or STL areas fitted with detection/extinguishing systems and are they in good order
Note: Record detection systems fitted, i.e. Fire detection and/or fixed fire extinguishing, gas detection, video monitoring etc.
Safety Management at Offshore Installations
8.118 Have communications been established and is there a backup communication system?
Note: If vessel is not being inspected at an offshore location answer this question NA.
8.119 Have communications been established with the field standby vessel?
Note: If vessel is not being inspected at an offshore location answer this question NA.
8.120 Are written emergency procedures for offshore loading provided?
Note: Sight procedures and records of drills.
8.121 Are drills pertaining to these procedures held regularly?
Note: Sight procedures and records of drills 8.122 Is there a procedure for emergency towing?
8.123 Are emergency towing trials carried out?
Note: Record frequency of trials and date of the last exercise and details of any lessons learned.
Pollution Prevention Specific to Offshore Installations
8.124 Does the SOPEP address procedures specific to shuttle tanker operation?
8.125 Are BLS and/or STL spaces free of oil?
8.126 If an oil discharge monitor is fitted in the STL room, is it in good order?
8.127 Is the vessel equipped with an appropriate system for draining the BLS and/or STL spaces?
Additional comments:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspector may make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section.