2. Getting Set Up for iOS Development 31
2.10 Setup and Download Provisioning Profiles
ment. It tells you about finding the IDs, adding them, adding devices in bulk, removing and editing devices, and installing iOS with Xcode.
2.10 Setup and Download Provisioning Profiles
We will be going through each section of the Provisioning Portal, but first, let me tell you about something called the Profiling Assistant. This is a wizard-style set of questions and drop-down menus that will easily create and install the profiles and certificates that you need to build and install to iOS. I would recommend this as a starting point; by running through it, you could very well be ready to build to your device in under an hour.
On the main Provisioning Portal page, look for the Development Profiling Assis- tant section and click on Launch Assistant. You should be greeted with something simi- lar to that shown in Figure 2.5.
2.10.1 Choose an App ID
Click on the Continue button of the Introduction page to get to Choose an App ID. An app ID is required for everything you build to the iOS, as it is tied to your profile and is used to grant your application access to the keychain. Essentially, you need an app ID to be embedded into the Development Provisioning Profile, which is why the first step of the assistant is to set one up.
Choose the option Create a New App ID and hit the Continue button to get to the stage where you can choose an actual ID (as shown in Figure 2.6). In the textbox, enter a suitable name. I usually use the actual name of the game I’m working on here, or at the
Figure 2.5. Profiling Assistant.
very least, something closely resembling the name of the game. When you are happy with the name (note that no one else will see this; it’s purely for development) click that Continue button to move on to the next stage.
2.10.2 Choose an Apple Device
We need to tell Apple which iOS-enabled devices you are going to be using to test with. The IDs of your devices form another part of the Development Provisioning Profile, and you will only be able to install your games and apps to those devices as- sociated therein.
On the Choose an Apple Device screen of the assistant, you can use a device previ- ously registered here on the developer site, or choose the Assign a New Device option.
At this stage, we assume that this is your first visit to the site and that you have no de- vices registered already. Go ahead and click on the Assign a New Device option, then hit the Continue button to reach the Assign Development Device section.
There are two text-entry boxes on the Assign Development Device screen. One is for you to enter a description of the device, and the other is where you need to enter the device’s UUID number. The description can be anything, but you should try to be specifc enough to identify this easily at a later date. A description of “iPod” could be bad; something more along the lines of “Sarah Taylor’s iPod” would be more descriptive.
Once your iOS development career takes off and you have more testers or developers, the list of devices can get pretty long. It’s important to make sure that your descriptions make sense.
Figure 2.6. App ID.
2.10. Setup and Download Provisioning Profiles 47
We need the UUID number to describe our device to the profile. If you need ad- ditional help to get this, refer back to Section 2.9.2. I hate to break up this party, but if you need to grab your device ID, you should go and do that now. We’ll rendezvous back here once you have it.
Assuming that you went away, grabbed a device ID, and came back here, you can now go ahead and enter the device ID into that second Device ID text-entry box. Hit the Continue button once you are done to move on to the next part of the assistant.
2.10.3 Name Your Provisioning Profile
We’re getting close to the end now, so you should be feeling pretty good about yourself having made it this far. This section of the assistant shows a summary of what you’ve entered so far and prompts for you to enter in a description for the provisioning pro- file. Go ahead and name this. Try to describe this in a way that you will easily be able to identify—use the name of the project and any other identifying features you think might help later on if you ever get to the stage where you have a lot of different projects and profiles.
Click on the Generate button once you are happy with your profile description.
The profile should be generated within a couple of minutes and the window updates the process. Once it is done, you should see a message telling you that the provisioning profile has been generated and the Continue button should be available to click. Go ahead and click on it.
2.10.4 Download Your New Profile
Congratulations! You have just made your first provisioning profile, and now it is time to download and install it onto your Mac. This is a huge step toward making iOS-based games, so try to pat yourself on the back without putting your shoulder out.
Click on the Download button to begin downloading the profile.
2.10.5 Installing Provisioning Profiles onto Your Devices
Once the provisioning profile has been downloaded to your Mac, it will need to be cop- ied onto the device before you will be able to build anything that will run on it.
1. If not already connected, connect your iOS device into the Mac via USB cable now.
2. Open Xcode.
3. Click the menu Window–>Organizer to show the Organizer section of Xcode.
Your profile should appear in the Provisioning Profiles section within the Sum- mary tab of the Organizer window.
4. Simply click and drag the profile onto your device to install it.