Using comments and version control for running

Một phần của tài liệu Practical data science with r (Trang 293 - 307)

Another essential record of your work is what we call running documentation. Running documentation is more informal than milestone/checkpoint documentation and is easiest maintained in the form of code comments and version control records.

Undocumented, untracked code runs up a great deal of technical debt (see http:// that can cause problems down the road.

In this section, we’ll work through producing effective code comments and using Git for version control record keeping.

10.3.1 Writing effective comments

R’s comment style is simple: everything following a # (that isn’t itself quoted) until the end of a line is a comment and ignored by the R interpreter. The following listing is an example of a well-commented block of R code.

# Return the pseudo logarithm of x, which is close to

# sign(x)*log10(abs(x)) for x such that abs(x) is large

# and doesn't "blow up" near zero. Useful

# for transforming wide-range variables that may be negative

# (like profit/loss).

# See:

# /2012/03/modeling-trick-the-signed-pseudo-logarithm/

# NB: This transform has the undesirable property of making most

# signed distributions appear bimodal around the origin, no matter

# what the underlying distribution really looks like.

# The argument x is assumed be numeric and can be a vector.

pseudoLog10 <- function(x) { asinh(x/2)/log(10) }

Good comments include what the function does, what types arguments are expected to be, limits of domain, why you should care about the function, and where it’s from.

Of critical importance are any NB (nota bene or note well) or TODO notes. It’s vastly more important to document any unexpected features or limitations in your code than to try to explain the obvious. Because R variables don’t have types (only objects they’re pointing to have types), you may want to document what types of arguments you’re expecting. It’s critical to know if a function works correctly on lists, data frame rows, vectors, and so on.

Note that in our comments we didn’t bother with anything listed in table 10.5.

Listing 10.7 Example code comment

267 Using comments and version control for running documentation

Also, avoid comments that add no actual content, such as in the following listing.


# Function: addone

# Author: John Mount

# Version: 1.3.11

# Location: RSource/helperFns/addone.R

# Date: 10/31/13

# Arguments: x

# Purpose: Adds one


addone <- function(x) { x + 1 }

The only thing worse than no documentation is documentation that’s wrong. At all costs avoid comments that are incorrect, as in listing 10.9 (the comment says “adds one” when the code clearly adds two)—and do delete such comments if you find them.

# adds one

addtwo <- function(x) { x + 2 }

10.3.2 Using version control to record history

Version control can both maintain critical snapshots of your work in earlier states and produce running documentation of what was done by whom and when in your proj- ect. Figure 10.6 shows a cartoon “version control saves the day” scenario that is in fact common.

In this section, we’ll explain the basics of using Git ( as a ver- sion control system. To really get familiar with Git, we recommend a good book such

Table 10.5 Things not to worry about in comments

Item Why not to bother

Pretty ASCII-art formatting

It’s enough that the comment be there and be readable. Formatting into a beautiful block just makes the comment harder to maintain and decreases the chance of the comment being up to date.

Anything we see in the code itself

There’s no point repeating the name of the function, saying it takes only one argument, and so on.

Anything we can get from version control

We don’t bother recording the author or date the function was written.

These facts, though important, are easily recovered from your version con- trol system with commands like git blame.

Any sort of Javadoc/

Doxygen-style annotations

The standard way to formally document R functions is in separate .Rd (R documentation) files in a package structure (see

doc/manuals/R-exts.html). In our opinion, the R package system is too specialized and toilsome to use in regular practice (though it’s good for final delivery). For formal code documentation, we recommend knitr.

Listing 10.8 Useless comment

Listing 10.9 Worse than useless comment

268 CHAPTER 10 Documentation and deployment

as Jon Loeliger and Matthew McCullough’s Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition (O’Reilly, 2012). Or, better yet, work with people who know Git. In this chapter, we assume you know how to run an interactive shell on your computer (on Linux and OS X you tend to use bash as your shell; on Windows you can install Cygwin—http://

WORKING IN BRIGHT LIGHT Sharing your Git repository means you’re sharing a lot of information about your work habits and also sharing your mistakes.

You’re much more exposed than when you just share final work or status reports. Make this a virtue: know you’re working in bright light. One of the most critical features in a good data scientist (perhaps even before analytic skill) is scientific honesty.

As a single user, to get most of the benefit from Git, you need to become familiar with a few commands:

 git init .

 git add -A .

 git commit

 git status

 git log

 git diff

 git checkout





With version control

Friday's presentation

Fourth try: failed revision of third.

Fourth try: failed revision of third.

Fourth try: failed revision of third.

Without version control

First try First try

Brilliant third try!!!!

Brilliant third try!!!!

Brilliant third try!!!!

Second try Second try

And a vague memory

of Wednesday Figure 10.6 Version

control saving the day

269 Using comments and version control for running documentation

Unfortunately, we don’t have space to explain all of these commands. We’ll demon- strate how to think about Git and the main path of commands you need to maintain your work history.


Before starting with source control, it’s important to settle on and document a good project directory structure. Christopher Gandrud’s Reproducible Research with R and RStudio (Chapman & Hall, 2013) has good advice and instructions on how to do this.

A pattern that’s worked well for us is to start a new project with the directory structure described in table 10.6.


When you’ve decided on your directory structure and want to start a version- controlled project, do the following:

1 Start the project in a new directory. Place any work either in this directory or in subdirectories.

2 Move your interactive shell into this directory and type gitinit.. It’s okay if you’ve already started working and there are already files present.

3 Exclude any subdirectories you don’t want under source control with .gitignore control files.

You can check if you’ve already performed the init step by typing git status. If the init hasn’t been done, you’ll get a message similar to fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git.. If the init has been done, you’ll get a status message telling you something like on branch master and listing facts about many files.

Table 10.6 A possible project directory structure

Directory Description

Data Where we save original downloaded data. This directory must usually be excluded from version control (using the .gitignore feature) due to file sizes, so you must ensure it’s backed up. We tend to save each data refresh in a separate subdirec- tory named by date.

Scripts Where we store all code related to analysis of the data.

Derived Where we store intermediate results that are derived from data and scripts. This directory must be excluded from source control. You also should have a master script that can rebuild the contents of this directory in a single command (and test the script from time to time). Typical contents of this directory are compressed files and file-based databases (H2, SQLite).

Results Similar to derived, but this directory holds smaller later results (often based on derived) and hand-written content. These include important saved models, graphs, and reports. This directory is under version control, so collaborators can see what was said when. Any report shared with partners should come from this directory.

270 CHAPTER 10 Documentation and deployment

The init step sets up in your directory a single hidden file tree called .git and pre- pares you to keep extra copies of every file in your directory (including subdirecto- ries). Keeping all of these extra copies is called versioning and what is meant by version control. You can now start working on your project: save everything related to your work in this directory or some subdirectory of this directory.

Again, you only need to init a project once. Don’t worry about accidentally run- ning git init . a second time; that’s harmless.


As often as practical, enter the following two commands into an interactive shell in your project directory:

git add -A . git commit

GET NERVOUS ABOUT UNCOMMITTED STATE A good rule of thumb for Git: you should be as nervous about having uncommitted changes as you should be about not having clicked Save. You don’t need to push/pull often, but you do need to make local commits often (even if you later squash them with a Git technique called rebasing).

Checking in a file is split into two stages: add and commit. This has some advantages (such as allowing you to inspect before committing), but for now just consider the two commands as always going together. The commit command should bring up an editor where you enter a comment as to what you’re up to. Until you’re a Git expert, allow yourself easy comments like “update,” “going to lunch,” “just added a paragraph,” or

“corrected spelling.” Run the add/commit pair of commands after every minor accomplishment on your project. Run these commands every time you leave your project (to go to lunch, to go home, or to work on another project). Don’t fret if you forget to do this; just run the commands next time you remember.


Any time you want to know about your work progress, type either git status to see if there are any edits you can put through the add/commit cycle, or git log to see the history of your work (from the viewpoint of the add/commit cycles).

Stage results to commit (specify what files should be committed).

Actually perform the commit.

A “wimpy commit” is better than no commit

We’ve been a little loose in our instructions to commit often and don’t worry too much about having a long commit message. Two things to keep in mind are that usually you want commits to be meaningful with the code working (so you tend not to commit in the middle of an edit with syntax errors), and good commit notes are to be preferred (just don’t forgo a commit because you don’t feel like writing a good commit note).

271 Using comments and version control for running documentation

The following listing shows the git status from our copy of this book’s examples repository (

$ git status

# On branch master

nothing to commit (working directory clean)

And the next listing shows a gitlog from the same project.

commit c02839e0b34172f54fd68201f64895295b9d7609 Author: John Mount <>

Date: Sat Nov 9 13:28:30 2013 -0800 add export of random forest model

commit 974a8d5b95bdf25b95d23ef75d08d8aa6c0d74fe Author: John Mount <>

Date: Sat Nov 9 12:01:14 2013 -0800 Add rook examples

The indented lines are the text we entered at the git commit step; the dates are tracked automatically.


The RStudio IDE supplies a graphical user interface to Git that you should try. The add/commit cycle can be performed as follows in RStudio:

 Start a new project. From the RStudio command menu, select Project > Create Project, and choose New Project. Then select the name of the project, what directory to create the new project directory in, leave the type as (Default), and make sure Create a Git Repository for this Project is checked. When the new project pane looks something like figure 10.7, click Create Project, and you have a new project.

 Do some work in your project. Create new files by selecting File > New > R Script. Type some R code (like 1/5) into the editor pane and then click the Save icon to save the file. When saving the file, be sure to choose your project direc- tory or a subdirectory of your project.

 Commit your changes to version control. Figure 10.7 shows how to do this.

Select the Git control pane in the top right of RStudio. This pane shows all changed files as line items. Check the Staged check box for any files you want to stage for this commit. Then click Commit, and you’re done.

You may not yet deeply understand or like Git, but you’re able to safely check in all of your changes every time you remember to stage and commit. This means all of your work history is there; you can’t clobber your committed work just by deleting your

Listing 10.10 Checking your project status

Listing 10.11 Checking your project history

272 CHAPTER 10 Documentation and deployment

working file. Consider all of your working directory as “scratch work”—only checked- in work is safe from loss.

Your Git history can be seen by pulling down on the Other Commands gear (shown in the Git pane in figure 10.8) and selecting History (don’t confuse this with the nearby History pane, which is command history, not Git history). In an emer- gency, you can find Git help and find your earlier files. If you’ve been checking in, then your older versions are there; it’s just a matter of getting some help in accessing them. Also, if you’re working with others, you can use the push/pull menu items to publish and receive updates. Here’s all we want to say about version control at this point: commit often, and if you’re committing often, all problems can be solved with some further research. Also, be aware that since your primary version control is on your own machine, you need to make sure you have an independent backup of your machine. If your machine fails and your work hasn’t been backed up or shared, then you lose both your work and your version repository.

10.3.3 Using version control to explore your project

Up until now, our model of version control has been this: Git keeps a complete copy of all of our files each time we successfully enter the pair of add/commit lines. We’ll now use these commits. If you add/commit often enough, Git is ready to help you with any of the following tasks:

 Tracking your work over time

 Recovering a deleted file

 Comparing two past versions of a file

Figure 10.7 RStudio new project pane

273 Using comments and version control for running documentation

 Finding when you added a specific bit of text

 Recovering a whole file or a bit of text from the past (undo an edit)

 Sharing files with collaborators

 Publicly sharing your project (à la GitHub at, or Bitbucket at

 Maintaining different versions (branches) of your work And that’s why you want to add and commit often.

GETTING HELP ON GIT For any Git command, you can type githelp[command] to get usage information. For example, to learn about git log, type git help log. FINDINGOUTWHOWROTEWHATANDWHEN

In section 10.3.1, we implied that a good version control system can produce a lot of documentation on its own. One powerful example is the command git blame. Look what happens if we download the Git repository

Figure 10.8 RStudio Git controls

274 CHAPTER 10 Documentation and deployment

git blame

376f9bce (John Mount 2013-05-15 07:58:14 -0700 1) ## Support ...

376f9bce (John Mount 2013-05-15 07:58:14 -0700 2) # by Nina ...

2541bb0b (Marius Butuc 2013-04-24 23:52:09 -0400 3)

2541bb0b (Marius Butuc 2013-04-24 23:52:09 -0400 4) Works deri ...

2541bb0b (Marius Butuc 2013-04-24 23:52:09 -0400 5)

We’ve truncated lines for readability. But the git blame information takes each line of the file and prints the following:

 The prefix of the line’s Git commit hash. This is used to identify which commit the line we’re viewing came from.

 Who committed the line.

 When they committed the line.

 The line number.

 And, finally, the contents of the line.


The main ways to view the detailed history of your project are command-line tools like git log --graph --name-status and GUI tools such as RStudio and gitk. Continu- ing our example, we see the recent his- tory of the repository by executing the git log command.

git log --graph --name-status

* commit c49c853cbcbb1e5a923d6e1127aa54ec7335d1b3

| Author: John Mount <>

| Date: Sat Oct 26 09:22:02 2013 -0700


| Add knitr and rendered result


| A Buzz/.gitignore

| A Buzz/buzz.Rnw

| A Buzz/buzz.pdf


* commit 6ce20dd33c5705b6de7e7f9390f2150d8d212b42

| Author: John Mount <>

| Date: Sat Oct 26 07:40:59 2013 -0700


| update


| M

This variation of the git log command draws a graph of the history (mostly a straight line, which is the simplest possible history) and what files were added (the A lines), modified (the M lines), and so on. Commit comments are shown. Note that commit comments can be short. We can say things like “update” instead of “update Code-” because Git records what files were altered in each commit. The gitk

Listing 10.12 Annoying work

Listing 10.13 Viewing detailed project history

275 Using comments and version control for running documentation

GUI allows similar views and browsing through the detailed project history, as shown in figure 10.9.


The git diff command allows you to compare any two committed versions of your project, or even to compare your current uncommitted work to any earlier version. In Git, commits are named using large hash keys, but you’re allowed to use prefixes of the hashes as names of commits.5 For example, listing 10.14 demonstrates finding the differences in two versions of in a diff or patch format.

diff --git a/CDC/NatalBirthData.rData b/CDC/NatalBirthData.rData ...

+++ b/CDC/prepBirthWeightData.R

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@

+data <- read.table("natal2010Sample.tsv.gz",

Listing 10.14 Finding line-based differences between two committed versions Figure 10.9 gitk browsing

276 CHAPTER 10 Documentation and deployment

+ sep="\t", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) +

+# make a boolean from Y/N data +makevarYN = function(col) {

+ ifelse(col %in% c("", "U"), NA, ifelse(col=="Y", T, F)) +}


TRY NOT TO CONFUSE GIT COMMITS AND GIT BRANCHES A Git commit repre- sents the complete state of a directory tree at a given time. A Git branch rep- resents a sequence of commits and changes as you move through time.

Commits are immutable; branches record progress.


After working on a project for a while, we often wonder, when did we delete a certain file and what was in it at the time? Git makes answering this question easy. We’ll dem- onstrate this in the repository This repos- itory has a (Markdown) file, but we remember starting with a simple text file. When and how did that file get deleted? To find out, we’ll run the following (the command is after the $ prompt, and the rest of the text is the result):

$ git log --name-status -- README.txt

commit 2541bb0b9a2173eb1d471e11d4aca3b690a011ef Author: Marius Butuc <>

Date: Wed Apr 24 23:52:09 2013 -0400 Translate readme to Markdown


commit 9534cff7579607316397cbb40f120d286b7e4b58 Author: John Mount <>

Date: Thu Mar 21 17:58:48 2013 -0700 update licenses


Ah—the file was deleted by Marius Butuc, an early book reader who generously com- posed a pull request to change our text file to Markdown (we reviewed and accepted the request at the time). We can view the contents of this older file with git show 9534cf --README.txt (the 9534cff is the prefix of the commit number before the deletion; manipulating these commit numbers isn’t hard if you use copy and paste).

And we can recover that copy of the file with git checkout 9534cf -- README.txt. 10.3.4 Using version control to share work

In addition to producing work, you must often share it with peers. The common (and bad) way to do this is emailing zip files. Most of the bad sharing practices take exces- sive effort, are error-prone, and rapidly cause confusion. We advise using version con- trol to share work with peers. To do that effectively with Git, you need to start using

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