Browsing the Web with Safari

Một phần của tài liệu Mac OS x leopard (Trang 197 - 223)

collections, as well as a way to access all of your bookmarks. Below the Bookmarks bar is the Tab bar, which appears when you are using the Tabs feature (you can leave it on all the time by selecting the View Show Tab Bar option from the menu). Below the Tab bar (if visible) is the Find Banner, which will appear when you use the Edit Find Find... (or Cmd+F) command.

This allows you to find text within a web page, which in the latest version of Safari provides a revolutionary interface for finding what you are looking for. Below that is the main web view, where the web pages are rendered. Finally, at the very bottom is the Status bar, which provides some information about loading pages and hyperlinks.

Figure 10-1.Safari with expanded view options

NOTE By default, only the toolbar and Bookmarks bar are shown. The Tab bar will appear automatically when you are using more than one tab, and you must select View Show Status Bar (or Cmd+/) to activate the Status bar.

Right-clicking (or Ctrl+clicking) the toolbar and selecting Customize Toolbar... will open a sheet containing other buttons and items (Figure 10-2) that you can put on your toolbar. Some popular items include Home and Print buttons. From the Customize Toolbar sheet, you can add, remove, or reorganize any of these items on you toolbar. At the bottom of the Customize Tool- bar sheet is a default toolbar, which you can use to return your toolbar to its default state.

Besides the options viewable in the window, like most applications, there are many menu items in the various menus provided. Table 10-1 provides a list of Safari menu items.

Figure 10-2.You can customize your Safari toolbar in a number of ways to suit your needs.

NOTE Many menu items (as well as their keyboard shortcuts) are common among all Mac OS X applications. Occasionally, though, even common items have unique behavior in some appli- cations and situations. For Safari, we will go over all the default options, but as we progress through the book, we will only cover options that are unique to the product or that haven’t previously been covered.

Table 10-1.Safari Menu Items

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description


About Safari Provides general information about the running

version of Safari.

Report Bugs to Apple... Allows you to notify Apple engineers about any issues you encounter with Safari. It will ask you for the URL of the web page that affects Safari and then a description of the problem.

Preferences... Cmd+, Opens Safari’s Preference window.

Block Pop-Up Windows Shift+Cmd+K Toggles Safari’s ability to block those mostly unwanted pop-up windows that automatically spring up when you load some web pages. This doesn’t prevent requested pop-up windows (ones that are initiated by you when you click a link) from displaying.

Private Browsing... Toggles Private Browsing. When Private Browsing is activated, none of the pages you visit will be added to your browser history, and items will be removed from your browser cache and downloads (accepted cookies, however, will remain).


Table 10-1.Continued

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description

Safari (continued)

Reset Safari... Allows you to selectively reset (clear) a number

items that Safari stores all at once. These include the history, cache, cookies, and AutoFill information.

Empty Cache... Option+Cmd+E Empties your browser cache.

Services Provides a sublist of services that the system and

other applications offer from within Safari.

Hide Safari Cmd+H Hides all Safari windows from the desktop. Safari will still run, and those windows will not close;

they will just no longer be visible.

Hide Others Option+Cmd+H Hides all the open windows on your desktop except windows belonging to Safari.

Show All Reveals all hidden windows.

Quit Safari Cmd+Q Quits Safari.


New Window Cmd+N Opens a new browser window in Safari.

New Tab Cmd+T Opens a new tab in the current browser window.

Open File... Cmd+O Opens a file dialog box allowing you to open an file located on your computer in Safari.

Open Location... Cmd+L Highlights the Location text field in the toolbar, allowing you to type in a URL of a web resource you wish to open. (Pressing Return will then take you directly there, all without needing to move you hands from the keyboard.)

Close Window (Shift+)Cmd+W Closes the current browser window. If multiple tabs are open in the window, the default keyboard shortcut will change, as Cmd+W will only close the front tab. Also, if you are closing a window with multiple tabs, you will be prompted to verify your action.

Close Tab (Cmd+W) Closes the current tab. The Cmd+W keyboard

shortcut will close the window if there are no tabs (or only one tab).

Save as... Brings up a save dialog allowing you to save the

current web page. You can save the page as a web archive, which will create a special file that includes all images and other data that can only be viewed properly in Safari on Mac OS X (currently Safari on Windows will not open this file), or as a source file (which will only save the text source of the page; however, you will be able to view the HTML file in any browser).

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description

File (continued)

Mail Contents of This Page Cmd+I Opens the contents of the web page in a new Mail message so you can send it to others who can view HTML web messages.

Mail Link to This Page Shift+Cmd+I Opens a new Mail message with the link embedded to facilitate the e-mailing of the link to your recipients.

Open in Dashboard... Allows you to select a region of the current web page to be added as a web clipping to your Dashboard (this is covered later in this chapter).

Import Bookmarks... Allows you to import a bookmark file from

another location on your computer (including bookmarks from some other browsers).

Export Bookmarks... Exports your Safari bookmarks into a separate file for archiving or for importing into a different browser. The bookmark file you export will be a properly formatted HTML file, so you can use it in various interesting ways.

Print... Cmd+P Opens the Print dialog so you can print out the

current web page. Since you can print to PDF, this provides another option for saving web content.


Undo Cmd+Z Undoes the last change you made to a

document. In Safari, this will usually apply only to editable content. If there is nothing to undo, this will be grayed out.

Redo Shift+Cmd+Z Similar to Undo, this command specifically

undoes an undo.

Cut Cmd+X Cuts the selected document items, removing

them from the document, but placing them in the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. In Safari, this works only on editable content.

Copy Cmd+C Copies any selected items into the clipboard.

This will work on any selected items in Safari.

Paste Cmd+V Pastes the contents of the clipboard into any

editable region.

Delete Deletes any selected items in an editable region

of your browser.

Select All Cmd+A Selects all items in the current area of focus (in Safari, this is usually the entire current web page).


Table 10-1.Continued

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description

Edit (continued)

AutoFill Form Shift+Cmd+A Attempts to fill in a web form using data from the AutoFill feature in Safari. This feature is sometimes triggered automatically when you begin to fill out a form.

Find Opens a submenu of the following items (i.e., the

items from Google Search to Jump to Selection).

Google Search Option+Cmd+F Moves the focus to the Google search box in the toolbar so you can enter a term to search with Google.

Find... Cmd+F Opens up the Find Banner at the top of the web

page so that you may search the web page for specific text.

Find Next Cmd+G Cycles forward through the web page revealing

the next match to your Find search string in the web page.

Find Previous Shift+Cmd+G Cycles back through the page finding previous search matches.

Hide Find Banner Shift+Cmd+F Hides the Find Banner if opened.

Use Selection for Find Cmd+E Copies the selected text into the Find field (even if the Find Banner is hidden). You may then use the Find Next or Find Previous commands to cycle through matched or selected text.

Jump to Selection Cmd+J Automatically scrolls the web page up or down (if necessary) to recenter the page on the selected region.

Spelling and Grammar Like Find, opens up a submenu of items relating to Apple’s built-in Spelling and Grammar system.

Show Spelling and Cmd+: Opens the Spelling and Grammar window, which

Grammar allows you to cycle through perceived errors in

editable text. For each error it finds, it will offer advice on correcting it.

Check Document Now Cmd+; Checks the editable content of your document for spelling errors. It will underline any errors it finds with a small squiggly red line.

Check Spelling While Typing Underlines perceived spelling errors in editable text with a small squiggly red line. Right-clicking (or Cmd+clicking) the word will bring up a contextual menu with potential correct spellings for the misspelled word.

Check Grammar with Spelling Displays potential grammar issues when you check the document for spelling errors.

Special Characters... Option+Cmd+T Opens a character palette for selecting special characters that you may want to insert into a text

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description


(Show|Hide) Bookmarks Bar Shift+Cmd+B Toggles the visibility of the Bookmarks bar.

(Show|Hide) Status Bar Cmd+/ Toggles the visibility of the Status bar.

(Show|Hide) Tab Bar Shift+Cmd+T Toggles the visibility of the Tab bar. This only has an effect when no tabs are currently open (or if there is only one tab).

(Show|Hide) Toolbar Cmd+| (Shift+Cmd+\) Toggles the visibility of the main toolbar.

Customize Toolbar... Opens the Customize Toolbar sheet as described previously.

Stop Cmd+. Stops loading the currently loading page.

Reload Page Cmd+R Reloads the current page. This will cause the

page to fully reload, overwriting any information in the cache.

Make Text Bigger Cmd++ (Cmd+=) Increases the size of the web page’s text. This has no effect on images or other non–text inline content (like Flash).

Make Text Normal Size Cmd+0 Returns text to the original (intended) size.

Make Text Smaller Cmd+- Makes the text in the web page smaller.

View Source Option+Cmd+U Opens the web page’s source in a separate window.

Text Encoding Opens a submenu providing different text

encoding options for different language sets.

This is useful if the default language isn’t properly recognized automatically.


Back Cmd+[ Returns you to the last page you visited.

Forward Cmd+] Returns you forward after going backward.

Home Shift+Cmd+H Takes you directly to your home page as

configured in your preferences.

Mark Page for SnapBack Option+Cmd+K Marks you current page as a SnapBack page.

Page SnapBack Option+Cmd+P Returns you to your SnapBack page.

Search Results SnapBack Option+Cmd+S Returns you to your last Google web search results page. This feature even works with searches performed directly from the Google web page.

Reopen Last Closed Window Reopens the last window you closed. The window will open with any tabs that were closed with it as well.


Table 10-1.Continued

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description

History (continued)

Reopen All Windows From Reopens all previously opened windows from the Last Session last session (will return Safari to the state it was in

the last time you closed it).1

Show All History Opens a window allowing you to view all your

previous browsing history. By default, this will include the browsing history as set up in Safari’s general preferences.

Clear History Clears you browser history.


(Show|Hide) All Bookmarks Option+Cmd+B Toggles open the bookmark window in the main viewing area. This is the same view as the Show All History view. This view allows you to view and organize all of your bookmarks.

Add Bookmark... Cmd+D Opens a small sheet that allows you to add a bookmark to the current web page to any of your bookmark folders.

Add Bookmark For These Allows you to add bookmarks for all the open

Tabs... tabs in a window at once.

Add Bookmark Folder Shift+Cmd+N Creates a new unnamed folder selected in the Bookmarks view.

Bookmarks Bar Opens a submenu containing the bookmarks that

you have on your Bookmarks bar (this may be turned off in Safari’s preferences).2

Open in Tabs Opens each bookmark stored in your Bookmark

Menu collection in a separate tab at the same time. This could be a whole lot of bookmarks (Safari seems to have a limit of 200), so use this with care.


Minimize Cmd+M Minimizes the window into the dock. (This is the

same as using the - window widget.)

Zoom Zooms the window. (This is the same as using the

+ window widget.)

Select Next Tab Cmd+} Cycles to the next tab.

Select Previous Tab Cmd+{ Cycles to the previous tab.

Move Tab to New Window Opens the active tab in a separate window.

Merge All Windows Consolidates all open browser windows into one

window using tabs.

Downloads Option+Cmd+L Opens and brings to the foreground the Downloads window.

Menu/Submenu Item Keyboard Shortcut Description

Window (continued)

Activity Option+Cmd+A Opens and brings to the foreground the Activity window.

Bring All To Front Brings all of Safari’s open windows to the



Safari Help Opens Safari help topics in the Help browser.

License Opens a window containing the software license

that Safari is released under.

Acknowledgments Opens a window containing a list of

acknowledgments for other projects that Safari is partially based upon.

Installed Plug-Ins Opens a window listing all of the browser

plug-ins currently active in Safari.

1 Following the Reopen All Windows From Last Session item, Safari will provide the last 20 history items (or book- marks from the last 20 web pages stored in its history), followed by submenus containing your browser history over the last week.

2 After the Bookmarks Bar item, there will be list of bookmarks that are part of your Bookmark Menu collection.

3 Following the Bring All To Front item, each open window will be listed.

NOTE Most of the Edit commands only work on editable regions of a web page (forms and text fields). If these items are not available, they will be grayed out.

NOTE The clipboard (more appropriately called the pasteboard) is a special place in memory where cut and copied items are temporarily stored so that they can be reused (pasted) else- where. By default, this clipboard only holds one item at a time—each new cut or copy will overwrite the old item.

That covers the basics of the interface, including the menu items. Now we’ll take a closer look at how to perform certain tasks in Safari.

Setting Your Home Page

Your Home page is the default web page that Safari will go to when it is initially launched. Out of the box, this is set for the Apple Start page (, which provides Apple news and links to other Apple products and features. If, however, you’d like to open a different page (or no page) when you start Safari, then open the Safari preferences, click the General but- ton (Figure 10-3), and set a few options:

New windows open with: This drop-down list allows you to select if new windows open with the home page, an empty page, the same page (i.e., the page that was last opened in Safari), or in Bookmarks view.

Home page: This text field allows you to enter the URL of any web page that you’d like to use as your home page.

Set to Current Page: Clicking this button will automatically enter the URL of you current web page into the “Home page” text field.


Figure 10-3.You can select your own home page on the General tab of Safari’s preferences.

Searching the Web

If you’d like to perform a search on the Web, Safari by default provides a search field in the top right of the toolbar to enter a search string, which will open a page of search results from Google.


Bookmarks provide a way for you to keep track of the web sites you visit that you’d like to return to (or keep track of for some other reason). Safari has a very nice bookmark system in place that allows you to keep an extensive collection of bookmarks well organized in folders and collections.

Adding Bookmarks

To add a bookmark of a page you are visiting, you can either select Add Bookmark from the Bookmarks menu, use the Cmd+D keyboard shortcut, or click the Add Bookmark button on the toolbar. This will open a bookmark panel allowing you to name and choose a location for stor- ing your bookmark. You can also add a bookmark by selecting the URL from the Address field in the toolbar and drag it down to the Bookmarks bar, a specific bookmark folder or a book- mark collection in the Bookmarks view (Figure 10-4).

Figure 10-4.All of your bookmarks, bookmark folders, and bookmark collections are visible in Bookmarks view.

Managing Bookmarks

When you are in the Bookmarks view, you can organize you bookmarks in a way that makes the most sense to you. To enter the Bookmarks view, select the Show All Bookmarks item from the Bookmarks menu, use the Option+Cmd+B keyboard shortcut, or click the Show All Bookmarks button on the far left of you Bookmarks bar (the icon that looks like an open book).

NOTE When viewing the items in the Bookmarks Bar collection, you may notice a column called Auto-Click, which contains a check box next to each folder item. When the Auto-Click feature is selected, rather than providing a drop-down list of bookmarks contained in that folder, all the bookmarks contained in the folder open in individual tabs when you select this item in the Bookmarks bar.

In the left column of the Bookmarks view, there are two areas: Collections and Bookmarks.

Collections are special groupings of bookmarks or other related items. The Bookmarks Bar and Bookmarks Menu collections provide a place for you to store bookmarks so they are easily accessible from Safari, the contents in these two collections are fully customizable. Other collec- tions provide access to links that are automatically collected. The Address Book collection contains all the URLs associated with contacts in your Address Book. The Bonjour collection contains a list of web sites on your network that takes advantage of Bonjour. The History collec- tion provides links to you browsing history. All RSS Feeds it a collection of Links that lead to RSS feeds rather than traditional web pages.


Một phần của tài liệu Mac OS x leopard (Trang 197 - 223)

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