User Feedback Integration and Result Interpretation

Một phần của tài liệu Big data analysis algorithms society 5425 (Trang 329 - 334)

Since the beginnings of knowledge discovery from data, it has been stressed that users/decision makers should be able understand the analysis and the results of the machine learning algorithms. These postulates are also valid for many Big Data applications. For instance, [40] describes the real world successful application of data mining to predict manhole explosions and fires in the New York electrical net- work. Black-box (non-transparent) predictive models were treated as neither useful

nor convincing. Every step of the process had to be verified by both scientists and company engineers. Therefore, the research team designed several software tools that allowed transparency of the main operations and provided reasons for the pre- dictions made by the final system. This allowed the integration of domain expertise (by company specialists) into the modelling process, data verification, and system evaluation.

In [34], Stan Matwin pointed out that appropriate interpretation of the results may be more important than better accuracy of the models, in particular when results are used for making decisions concerning people, like medical diagnostics or adminis- trative decisions. However, he also noted that a good interpretation is still a research challenge for the machine learning and data mining fields. A limited number of popular approaches mainly trees, rules, Bayesian networks—offer, so called, sym- bolic knowledge representations, which could be directly inspected and interpreted by humans. Measuring and evaluating the interpretation abilities offered by various learning algorithms is still less studied than other criteria. In his view, this question should be brought to the fore and treated in an inter-disciplinary manner. Visualiza- tion methods could partly support users in interpretation tasks.

Another issue is that, data sources may contain erroneous data, or applied algo- rithms may not meet all the assumptions and, as a result, may produce inaccurate results. Responsible users will not rely exclusively on computer calculations but, instead, will try to verify the results—which again should be supported by new developed techniques.

However, these expectations are real challenges for Big Data—due to data com- plexity, sophisticated workflow of data transformations, distributed processing, and the application of many algorithms. Similarly to studying data provenance, there is a need for capturing adequate metadata reports, and powerful visualization tools that could involve human experts into the analysis could help interpret analytical results.

This type of use for data mining systems calls for more adequate users’ interaction facilities which would allow humans to provide feedback or guidance. Interactiveness has been relatively under-emphasized in the context of data mining [7]. However, it will become more important when dealing with Big Data properties, such as all

“V” characteristics. For instance, user guidance can help narrow the massive data into reduced, promising sub-spaces and accelerate the processing. Users can also evaluate and interpret intermediate results, search for hypotheses directly, and repeat certain steps with different assumptions or parameters if necessary.

This means that beside designing good visualization tools, it is necessary to develop special infrastructures and carry out more advanced research on evalua- tion measures and validation procedures. In particular, this refers to situations where algorithms may produce too many results and where finding a limited number of interesting patterns is not an obvious task [2,21].

4 Stan Matwin’s Contributions to Big Data Analytics

Stan Matwin’s contributions to Big Data Analytics are many and quite significant.

They have impacted the field in many ways.

Although the issue was only briefly discussed in chapter “A Machine Learning Perspective on Big Data Analysis”, the class imbalance problem has been and will remain a confounding problem for machine learning, data mining and Big Data Analysis for years to come. Matwin and his colleagues were some of the first researchers to address the issue in [25, 26]. The approach they proposed remains a popular way of solving the problem close to 20 years later. Their work also helped popularize the use of the geometric mean (G-Mean) in class imbalance problems [27]. This was important since, on the one hand, this measure is still used today and on the other hand, it was an early attempt to challenge the usefulness of accuracy as the sole criterion in all situations. This led to its gradual replacement by (or at least competition with) the AUC, Precision/Recall Curves, etc.

Another of Matwin’s important contribution is in the area of Text Mining. As seen in Sect.1 of this chapter, data will increasingly be coming from the Internet and, in particular, from Social Media. This means that text processing has been and will continue to be an extremely important area of research in Big Data Analysis.

Matwin’s most important contribution in this area has been in feature engineering—

as discussed in Sect.2.7of this chapter[5]. Feature Engineering remains an important topic of research both in text mining and in biomedical applications—but he also contributed interesting results in the areas of co-training, name entity recognition, word sense recognition, etc. [30,41,42].

As discussed in Sect.3.1of this chapter, Matwin also became interested in the problem of Privacy in Data Mining long before it became a popular issue [54]. As early as 2002, he developed, together with students and colleagues, privacy-oriented Data Mining algorithms [14].

Matwin’s interest in practical applications led him to work on a wide variety of problems, including predicting who in a hospital emergency room will need hospi- talization, recognizing oil spills in the ocean, categorizing medical articles, detecting emerging trends in a political campaign or in public opinion. Overall, he has con- tributed to solving problems in such wide-ranging fields as neuro-ophthalmology, forestry, electronics, and many others.

In 2013, with this experience in hand, Matwin established the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie University. The institute is thriving and currently includes 7 research professors (including 6, on the executive board), 3 postdoctoral fel- lows, 6 Ph.D. students and 8 M.Sc. students. Ongoing projects span the domains of global telecommunications services, home care, retirement living and nursing homes, Marine Ecology, Text, anesthetics and post-operative care, to name only a few. The Institute will also be hosting the prestigious Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in 2017.

Acknowledgments The work of Jerzy Stefanowski was partially supported by the Polish National Science Center under Grant No. DEC-2013/11/B/ST6/00963. The work of Nathalie Japkowicz was

supported by a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).


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