Fourier Transform and Composition of

Một phần của tài liệu Henry d perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of partial differential equations (Trang 136 - 145)

The preceding theorems will be used to estimate remainders, but here we show how to calculate explicitly compositions of weakly-singular kernels of the form


x,y, yx



These compositions are (approximately) convolutions, so the Fourier transform is a convenient tool. We define the transform ffˆby


Rmei xãξ f(x)d x, f(x)=(2π)−m

Rmei xãξfˆ(ξ) for “nice” f, extended to tempered distributionsTS(Rm) by: ˆTS(Rm) satisfies

Tˆ, φ = T,φˆ for allφS(Rm).

7.3 Fourier Transform and Composition of Weakly-Singular Kernels 127 [S(Rm) is the Schwartz space ofC∞functionsφonRmsuch thatxjxkφ(x) is bounded onRmfor all j,kandS(Rm) is the dual space.]

LetHk(Rm) denote the space of harmonic polynomials onRm(p(x)≡0) which are homogeneous of degree k, the “solid spherical harmonics.” The restrictions to Sm−1 of the harmonic polynomials give all polynomials on Sm−1; given any homogeneous k-order polynomial p(x) on Rm, we have p(x)=

0≤jk/2|x|2jpj(x) for somepjHk−2j(Rm). (See Stein [38] for this and other properties of harmonic polynomials.) If pHj(Rm),qHk(Rm) and j =k, then

Sm−1p(x)q(x)d Ax =0.

Forα >0 andpHk(Rm),|x|αmp(x/|x|) or more precisely φ

Rm|x|αmp(x/|x|)φ(x)d x, φS(Rm), (7.3.1)

is a tempered distribution which is an analytic function ofαand has analytic continuation for all complexαwithα∈ {−k,k−2,k−4,ã ã ã }. In fact, for any integerN ≥0












1 j!


|j| +α

Sm−1p(ω)ωjd Aω (7.3.2)


Sm−1p(ω)ωj =0 unless|j| ∈ {k,k+2,k+4, . . .}. This formula gives

|x|αmp(x/|x|),φ(x)for anyα∈C\{−k,k,−2, . . .}, provided we choose N large enough. Ifα= −k−2i for some integeri ≥0 the terms with|j| = k+2iin the sum are not defined; we merely throw away these terms, and the rest is (by definition) thefinite part,f.p.(|x|−mk−2ip(x/|x|), φ(x). We see that, whenα= −k−2i+

|x|αmp(x/|x|), φ(x) − 1


1 j!jφ(0)

|ω|=1p(ω)ωj (7.3.3)

converges tof.p.(|x|−mk−2ip(x/|x|)), φ(x)as →0.

Now we find the Fourier transform (following Stein [38]).

128 Chapter 7. Boundary Operators for Second-Order Elliptic Equation Theorem 7.3.1. {|x|αmp(x/|x|)}∧(ξ)=γα,κ|ξ|−αp(ξ/|ξ|), where

γα,k=ikπm/22α k+α


m+kα 2

pHk(Rm)andαis complex with

α∈ {−k,k−2,k−4, . . .;m+k,m+k+2, . . .}

Remark. If 0< Reα <m, both distributions make “classical” sense; and if 0<Reα <m/2, then|x|αmp(x/|x|) is the sum of a function in L1(Rm) – supported in (ξ)≤1 – and a function in L2(Rm), so the Fourier transform also makes sense (in L∞+L2). But in general, we must interpret these as distributions, obtained by analytic continuation outside the “classical strip,”

0< Reα <m.

The left-side of the equation is also analytic forα=m+k,m+k+2, . . .; we study the behavior of the transform near these points, after this proof.

Proof. By the mean-value property of harmonic functions, for anyx ∈Rm, the average value of p(x+y) on any sphere|y| p(x), therefore

Rme−|y|2p(x+h)d y=p(x)

ey2d y=πm/2p(x). By analytic continuation, this holds for allx∈Cn. Thus for anyλ >0, ξ∈Rm,

Rm exp (−λ|x|2−ãx)p(x)d x


Rmd zexp(−z2−ξ2/4λ)λ−(m+k)/2p(ziξ/2√ λ)

= πm/2λm/2−keξ2/4λp(−iξ/2).

LetφCc∞(Rm\{0}); then for 0< δ <(m+k)/2,

Rm(δ)|x|−2δp(x) ˆφ(x)d x

= ∞



Rmeλx2p(x) ˆφ(x)d x

= πm/2




p(−iξ/2)φ(ξ)dξ, and we have used the fact that|ξ| ≥const. >0 on suppφ. If alsoδ >k/2, the last integral converges and the equation holds for allφS(Rm), by continuity.

Now letδ= 12(m+kα);k/2< δ <(m+k)/2 when 0< α <m, and this gives the result claimed for 0< α <m.Analytic continuation gives the general case.

7.3 Fourier Transform and Composition of Weakly-Singular Kernels 129 Now we examine the transform for α near {m+k,m+k+2, . . .}. If α=m+k+2j(j =integer≥0), |x|αmp(x/|x|)= |x|2jp(x) is a polyno- mial and the transform is well-known:

|x|2jp(x)}∧(ξ), φ(ξ) =(2π)m−(−ξ)jp(−i∂ξ)φ(ξ)|ξ=0

so the transform is a derivative of Dirac’sδ, with support{0}. We compute the derivative with respect toα:

{|x|2jp(x) log|x|}∧(ξ), φ(ξ)

= lim



|ξ|−αp(ξ/|ξ|), φ(ξ) . Using formula (7.3.2) – or its derivative with respect toα– we see that this is

γf.p.|ξ|−mk−2jp(ξ/|ξ|), φ(ξ) + lim



1 S!Sφ(0)




mk+2jα+ γα,k


where γα,k= ∂α γα,k, and γ is γα,k for α=m+k+2j. If α=m+k+ 2j+δ, the final coefficient above is


δ +δγ+12δ2γ+O(δ3)

δ2 → −1

2γ. Thus there is a polynomialq(x), homogeneous of degreek+2j, such that

{|x|2jp(x) log|x| +q(x)}∧(ξ)=γf.p.(|ξ|−mk−2jp(ξ/|ξ|)) (7.3.4)



∂αγα,k|α=m+k+2j = j!(−1)j+1ik2α−1πm/2 k+α




In fact,q(x)=(γ/2γ)|x|2jp(x) – but we do not need to knowqexplicitly.

Differentiating jtimes with respect toαgives

|x|αm(log|x|)jp x

|x| ∧




j s

γα,(s)k(log|ξ|−1)js|ξ|−αp(ξ/|ξ|) whereγα,(s)k=(∂α )sγα,k, so we may handle integral powers of log|x|with equal ease (or difficulty, depending onα).

We may also treat more general “direction functions”φ(x/|x|) by expan- sion in harmonic polynomials. Choose an orthonormal basis for L2(Sm−1),

130 Chapter 7. Boundary Operators for Second-Order Elliptic Equation {pj|Sm−1}∞j=0, with each pj a homogeneous harmonic polynomial (p0= constant) and jdj =degpj non-decreasing. (We assume m>1;m=1 is trivial.) Thendj ≈((m−21)!j)1/m−1as j → ∞,Spj = −dj(dj+m−2)pj

onSm−1, and the Sobolev spaces onSm−1may be written Hσ(Sm−1)=D(1−s)σ/2=



∞ 0


for allσ ≥0. Ifαis not an integer andφ=∞

0 φjpjHσ(Sm−1) then

|x|αmφ x


(ξ)= |ξ|−αTαφ ξ

|ξ| (7.3.6)

where Tαφ(ω)=∞

0 φjγα,djpj(ω), ωSm−1. If α is an integer, there may be finitely many j for whichγα,dj is zero or∞(the troublesome terms have dj≤ max(αm,α)); such terms are treated separately, and we define Tα only in the orthogonal complement. Since|γα,d| ≈(2π)mdαm/2 asd → ∞, it follows thatTα:Hσ(Sm−1)→ Hσα+m/2(Sm−1) [modulo, perhaps, a finite- dimensional subspace] is an isomorphism. For example, ifα, βandα+βare not integers (to simplify) andσ >−1/2,φHσ+α(Sm−1),ψHσ+β(Sm−1), then

|x|αmφ x


|x|βmψ x


= |x|α+βmθ x


where θ=Tα+β−1 (TαφãTβψ)∈Hσ+α+β(Sm−1). Here we use the fact that Hσ(Sm−1) is an algebra under pointwise multiplication whenσ >(m−1)/2.

Fortunately our explicit calculations involve only polynomials, hence finite sums. To facilitate these calculations, we include a table of values ofγα,kand introducen=m+1 (which occurs naturally in our calculations).

n=m+1, ω=ωn, ω¯ =ωn−1=ωm=2πm/2/ (m/2).

γα,k k=0 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4

α=1 1/2(n−2)ωiω¯ −1/2ω 2iω¯(n−1) 3ω/2n α=2 (n−3) ¯ω −1/2(n−2)iω −2 ¯ω 3/2iω 8 ¯ω/(n−1) α=31/2(n−2)(n−4)ω −2(n−3)iω¯ −3/2(n−2)ω 8iω¯ 15/2iω α=4 2(n−3)(n−5) ¯ω −3/2(n−2)(n−4)iω −8(n−3) ¯ω 15/2(n−2)iω 48 ¯ω

Whenγα,k=0, this table cannot be used to find the inverse transform; but in that caseγα,k= ∂α γα,k=0 and we can use (7.3.5). We complement this table

7.3 Fourier Transform and Composition of Weakly-Singular Kernels 131 by giving the derivativeγα,kfor the points whereγα,k=0.

(mn=2=1) γα,k k=0 1 2 3 α=1 −π

α=2 r πi

α=3 12π r 3π

α=4 r −36πi r −15πi

n=3 k=0 1 2

α=1 2 −2π

3 r 4πi

4 8π r 16π

n=4 k=0 1

α=1 2 3−2π2 4 r 6π2i

n=5 k=0

α=1 2 3 4−16π2

Another simpler method seems to always work, which we illustrate with an example. If n =3,(F.T.)−1(|ξ|−2)= (n−3)1ω

n−1|x|2−m= −ωn−11 |x3|−3−nn ; and the result for n=3 is obtained by replacing |x|3−n/(3−n) by log|x|, i.e., (F.T.)−1(|ξ|−2)= −21πlog|x|. More precisely, (F.T.)−1(f.p.|ξ|−2) is

−2π1 log|x|plus a constant, whenn =3 (m=2).

The Fourier transform shows the action of an integral operator on rapidly oscillating functions. Suppose, for example,is a boundedCr+1region inRn, K(x,y) is aCr(α) kernel in, 0< αr,φisCronandψisCr+1and real-valued with∇ψ(y)=0 on suppφ, and consider


K(x,y)φ(y) exp(itψ(y))d Ay, x (7.3.7)

ast→ +∞.Ifxis outside suppφ, it is easy to seeJ(t,x)=O(tr), and for everyx(and >0) we show J(t,x)=O(tα+ ) ast → +∞.It is enough to treat the case when suppφis small, and then we may write(in suppφ) as {h(ξ)|ξVopen⊂Rn−1},h:V⊂Rn is aCr+1embedding, and



K(h(ξ),h(η))φ(h(η)) exp(i tψ(h(η)))


We may choose new coordinates ζ in Rn−1 so that ζ1=ψ(h(η)) and the problem reduces to: if ˜K is a Cr(α) kernel with compact support in Rm (m=n−1)


K˜(x,y)ei t y1d y=O(tα+ ) ast → +∞.

132 Chapter 7. Boundary Operators for Second-Order Elliptic Equation If rα >1 then

Rm K˜(x,y)ei t y1d y= −i t1

Rmy1K˜(x,y)ei t y1d y and we eventually reduce to the case 0< α≤1≤r. But in this case, if e1= (1,0, . . . ,0),


K˜(x,y)ei t y1d y= −


K˜(x,y+πe1/t)ei t y1d y


Rm( ˜K(x,y)−K˜(x,y+πe1/t))ei t y1d y



K˜(x,y)ei t y1d y



(|yx|σ+ |y+πe1/tx|σ) +Const.


t−1(|yx|σ−1+ |y+πe1/tx|σ−1)



, whereσ =αm .

Suppose K(x,y)−K0(x,yx) is a CS(β) kernel on with rsβ > α,K0(x,z) depends only on the component of z in the tangent space Tx(), and the Fourier transform ˆK0(x,ã) of K0(x,ã)|Tx() is computable.


K(x,y)φ(y)ei tψ(y)d Ay=Kˆ0(x,tψ(x))φ(x)ei tψ(x)+o(tα) as t → +∞. IfzK0(x,z) is homogeneous of degreeαm, and if ˜K is of finite rank, it follows thatK0(x,z)=0 for allzTx().

Now consider a bounded open set⊂RnwithCr+1boundary(r ≥2) and aCr(α) kernelK(x,y) onof the form

K(x,y)= |xy|αm(log(xy))jQ

x,y, yx


wherem=n−1=dim∂, α >0 and Q(x,y, ω) is aCr function. For y

nearx,y=x+ηνx(η)Nx, ηTx(); i.e., we may writeas a graph over the tangent plane atx, η=Px(yx) is the orthogonal projection ofyx ontoTx(), andνx(η)=1/2Kx(η2)+O(|η|3) asη→0, where Kx is the curvature atx. Then|xy| = |η|(1+νx(η)2/|η|2)1/2= |η|(1+O(|η|2)) and

K(x,x+ηνx(η)Nx)= |η|αm(log|η|)jQ(x,x, η/|η|) + |η|α+1−m(log|η|)j(ωQy(x,y, ω)

−1/2Kxω2NxQω(x,y, ω))|y=x=η/|η|+ ã ã ã




K˜j(x, η)+K˜N(x, η)

7.3 Fourier Transform and Composition of Weakly-Singular Kernels 133 or K(x,y)=N

0 Kj(x,y), Kj(x,y)=K˜j(x,Px(yx)), whereKjisCrj (α+j) (0≤ jN) and the Fourier transforms ofηK˜j(x, η) (0≤ j <N) are explicitly computable whenωQ(x,y, ω) is a polynomial.

SupposeL is another suchCr∗(β) kernel on, and we compute the com- positionKL,


K(x,y)L(y,z)d Ay.

Let θ:Rn →R be C∞ with small support, but θ≡1 near 0 : a “cutoff ” function. If K,L areCr(α),Cr∗(β) respectively,Kθ(x,y)=K(x,y)θ(yx) and Lθ(y,z)=L(y,z)θ(zy), then KKθ,LLθ are Cr kernels and KLKθLθis also aCrkernel. Without loss of generality, we shall assume K andL are supported in a small neighborhood of the diagonal of×.

Definehx :Tx()→:ηx+ηνx(η)Nx(ηsmall) and then forz close tox



1+ |νx(η)|2ãL(hz( ˜η),z)|hz( ˜η)=hx(η)dη.

We can solve hz( ˜η)=hx(η) for ˜ηTz() as a function of x,z and ηTx(). In fact, let z=hx(ζ), ζTx() near 0, and define Jx,z =INxνx(ζ)∈Rn×n, where the gradient νx(ζ) is considered as a vector in Tx()⊥Nx.Jx,zis an isomorphism ofRnand it carriesTx() ontoTz():

given a curveζ =ζ(t) inTx() we havehx(ζ(t))∈and d

dthx(ζ(t))= Jx,zζ˙(t)∈Tz()

if hx(ζ(t))=z. Now hz( ˜η)=hx(η) with η˜=Jx,zσ,z=hx(ζ),(σ, ζTx(), becomes

ηζ −(νx(η)−νx(ζ))Nx =Jx,zσνz(Jx,zσ)Nz. Since PxJx zσ =σ forσTx(), we have

ηζ =σνz(Jx zσ)PxNz.

Butτ =σνz(Jx zσ)PxNz(σ, τTx()) is solvable forσ =Fx,z(τ)=τ + O(|τ|2|ζ|) sohz( ˜η)=hx(η) is solvable for ˜η=Jx zFx z(ηζ) and the integral above becomes




1+ |νx(η)|2L(hz(Jx zFx z(ηζ)),z)dη,

134 Chapter 7. Boundary Operators for Second-Order Elliptic Equation which is almost a convolution. Let


1+ |νx(η)|2 =



K˜j(x, η), (7.3.8)

K˜j(x, η)=O(|η|α+jmδ) asη→0 inTx(), for anyδ >0, and

L hz

Jx zFx zJx z−1τ ,z




L˜j(x,z, τ), (7.3.9)

L˜j(x,z, τ)=O(|τ|β+jmδ)

as τ →0 in Tz(), for anyδ >0. We suppose ηK˜j(x, η) (j <N) on Tx() andτL˜k(x,z, τ) (k<N) on Tz() have explicitly-computable Fourier transforms. Then we can compute the sum of convolutions



K˜j(x, η) ˜Lk(x,z,Jx z(ηζ)) (7.3.10)

(where x,z are treated as parameters, and only at the end do we recall that ζ =Px(zx)). The difference between this sum andKLis a kernel of class Cr∗−N(α+N).

IfφS(Tx())we have


K˜j(x, η) ˜Lk(x,z,Jx z(ηζ))dη,( ˆφζ)


Tx()(F.T.K˜j(x,ã)) (ξF.T.( ˜Lk(x,z,Jx zã)) (ξ)φ(ξ)dξ.


F.T.( ˜Lk(x,z,Jx zã)) (ξ)=

Tx()eiξãτL˜k(x,z,Jx zτ)



eiξãσL˜k(x,z, σ)

1+ |νx(ζ)|2, (7.3.11)

using the fact that ξãJx zτ =ξãτ for τ, ξTx(). Thus we may com- pute the transform of ˜Lk(x,z,ã)|Tz(), using the earlier formulas, substitute –

Pzξ for ξ and divide by

1+ |νx(ζ)|2 to get the transform of L˜k(x,z,Jx z)|Tx(). If L(y,z)= |yz|βm(log|yz|)jR(y,z,|zz−−yy|) and R(y,z, ω) is a polynomial in ω, the transform of ˜Lk(x,z,Jx z)|Tx() will be a sum of terms|Pzξ|−βk(log|Pzξ|)iSi k(x,z,Pzξ/|Pzξ|) withSi k(x,z, ω) a polynomial inω. Writingωforξ/|ξ|,|Pzξ| = |ξ|(1+1+|ν(ωãνx(ζ))2

x(ζ)|2)1/2and so

Một phần của tài liệu Henry d perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of partial differential equations (Trang 136 - 145)

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