The last example in this chapter shows how a portfolio allocation can be determined with respect to limits on the downside risk contributions. These limitations can be defined in two ways: first, as a budget constraint such that the ES contribution is below
k k Table 11.2 Key measures of portfolio solutions for
S&P 500.
Measures Low-𝛽 Lower tail
dependence In-sample
Standard deviation 1.948 2.050
ES (95%) 3.813 3.954
Diversification ratio 2.350 2.576 Concentration ratio 0.008 0.007 Out-of-sample
Return (annualized) 24.357 24.870
Information ratio 2.364 2.847
Upside capture ratio 0.671 0.784 Downside capture ratio 0.111 0.214
an upper bound, and second, such that the maximum contribution to the portfolio’s downside risk of an asset is minimized. These two approaches are contrasted with the solutions of global minimum-variance and equal-risk contributed allocations. The latter two portfolio optimizations are directed to the portfolio’s volatility, whereas the former two explicitly relate to the portfolio’s downside risk. In all cases, it is assumed that only long positions in an asset are allowed and that the wealth is fully invested in the risky assets.
The R code by which this comparison is carried out is shown in Listing 11.6.
The required packages FRAPO andPortfolioAnalyticsare brought into memory first. Next, the data set MultiAssetis loaded. This object is a data frame with 85 month-end observations of stock and bond indexes and gold (represented by ETF SPDR Gold). In total, ten asset classes represented by their indexes are included. The sample starts at 30 November 2004 and ends on 30 November 2011. The data set has been obtained from Yahoo Finance and the unadjusted closing prices have been retrieved. If a month-end value was not reported, the value of the previous day has been used. More information about the data set can be found in its manual page. In the subsequent two lines, the discrete decimal returns for the assets are computed (R) and the count of assets is assigned to the objectN.
In the next block of statements a portfolio structure is defined by which the marginal contribution to the ES is bounded by an upper limit of 20%. The portfolio structure consists of three elements. First, the objectC1contains the non-negativity and budget restrictions. Next, the first objective is added to this constraint, namely to find an asset allocation characterized by a minimal CVaR at the 95% confidence level. These two elements are combined into the object ObjCVaR and could be employed as such for finding a weight vector that yields a minimum downside risk at the specified confidence level. The third element defines the budget constraint with respect to the assets’ downside risk contribution. Here, it is set to be at most 20%.
k k Rcode 11.6Comparison of restricted ES portfolios with GMV and ERC.
l i b r a r y ( FRAPO ) 1
l i b r a r y ( P o r t f o l i o A n a l y t i c s ) 2
# # L o a d i n g d a t a and c o m p u t i n g r e t u r n s 3
d a t a ( M u l t i A s s e t ) 4
R <− r e t u r n s e r i e s ( M u l t i A s s e t , p e r c e n t a g e = FALSE , t r i m = TRUE) 5
N <− n c o l ( R ) 6
# # D e f i n i n g c o n s t r a i n t s and o b j e c t i v e f o r CVaR b u d g e t 7
C1 <− c o n s t r a i n t ( a s s e t s = c o l n a m e s ( R ) , min = r e p ( 0 , N) , 8
max = r e p ( 1 , N) , min _sum = 1 , max_sum = 1 ) 9
ObjCVaR <− add . o b j e c t i v e ( c o n s t r a i n t s = C1 , t y p e = " r i s k " , 10
name = " ES " , a r g u m e n t s = l i s t ( p = 0 . 9 5 ) , 11
e n a b l e d = TRUE) 12
ObjCVaRBudget <− add . o b j e c t i v e ( c o n s t r a i n t s = ObjCVaR , 13
t y p e = " r i s k _ b u d g e t " , 14
name = " ES " , max_ p r i s k = 0 . 2 , 15
a r g u m e n t s = l i s t ( p = 0 . 9 5 ) , 16
e n a b l e d = TRUE) 17
SolCVaRBudget <− o p t i m i z e . p o r t f o l i o ( R = R , 18
c o n s t r a i n t s = ObjCVaRBudget , 19
o p t i m i z e _ method = " DEoptim " , 20
i t e r m a x = 5 0 , 21
s e a r c h _ s i z e = 2 0 0 0 0 , 22
t r a c e = TRUE ) 23
WCVaRBudget <− SolCVaRBudget$w e i g h t s 24
CVaRBudget <− ES ( R , w e i g h t s = WCVaRBudget , p = 0 . 9 5 , 25
p o r t f o l i o _ method = " c o m p o n e n t " ) 26
# # Minimum CVaR c o n c e n t r a t i o n p o r t f o l i o 27
ObjCVaRMinCon <− add . o b j e c t i v e ( c o n s t r a i n t s = ObjCVaR , 28
t y p e = " r i s k _ b u d g e t " , 29
name = " ES " , 30
min _ c o n c e n t r a t i o n = TRUE , 31
a r g u m e n t s = l i s t ( p = 0 . 9 5 ) , 32
e n a b l e d = TRUE) 33
SolCVaRMinCon <− o p t i m i z e . p o r t f o l i o ( R = R , 34
c o n s t r a i n t s = ObjCVaRMinCon , 35
o p t i m i z e _ method = " DEoptim " , 36
i t e r m a x = 5 0 , 37
s e a r c h _ s i z e = 2 0 0 0 0 , 38
t r a c e = TRUE ) 39
WCVaRMinCon <− SolCVaRMinCon$w e i g h t s 40
CVaRMinCon <− ES ( R , w e i g h t s = WCVaRMinCon , p = 0 . 9 5 , 41
p o r t f o l i o _ method = " c o m p o n e n t " ) 42
# # GMV P o r t f o l i o 43
WGMV <− W e i g h t s (PGMV( R , p e r c e n t a g e = FALSE ) ) 44
CVaRGMV <− ES ( R , w e i g h t s = WGMV, p = 0 . 9 5 , 45
p o r t f o l i o _ method = " c o m p o n e n t " ) 46
# # ERC P o r t f o l i o 47
WERC <− W e i g h t s ( PERC ( cov ( R ) , p e r c e n t a g e = FALSE ) ) 48
k k Incidentally, by utilizing an upper bound equal to 1∕N, one would obtain the same
solution as in the case of an ERC portfolio. The reason for this is that the marginal contributions to CVaR scale linearly to the marginal contributions with respect to the variance-covariance matrix of returns. This portfolio setting is then used in the call tooptimize.portfolio(). The optimizer has been selected asDEoptimand as optimizing parametersitermaxhas been set to 50 and thesearch_sizeto 20 000. It is recommended that the ratio between the search size and the maximum number of iterations should exceed the count of parameters by a factor of ten.
The weight vector is extracted from the returnedlistobjectSolCVaRBudget and assigned toCVaRBudget. In lines 24 onwards, the weight result obtained is inspected with respect to the portfolio’s ES and whether the solution found does comply with the downside risk budget. This information can be returned by the functionES()contained in the packagePerformanceAnalytics, which is stated as a dependency ofPortfolioAnalytics.
In the next block ofRstatements, a minimum concentrated portfolio with respect to the downside risk contributions of its constituents is defined. Here, the objectObjC- VaRhas been reutilized and the minimization of the maximum downside contribution is achieved by setting the argumentmin_concentrationtoTRUEfor the port- folio type risk_budget. The objectObjCVaRMinConholds the specification for an MCC portfolio. The solution to this portfolio setting can—similarly to the above optimization—be determined by calling optimize.portfolio(). The allocation is assigned toWCVaRMinCon, and the downside risk as well as the as- sets’ contributions to it can be queried by employing theES()function. In the last section of Listing 11.5 the solutions pertinent to an equal-risk contributed strategy and a global minimum-variance strategy are determined.
The four asset allocations and the associated marginal CVaR contributions are summarized in Table 11.3. The concentration of the GMV solution to be expected with respect to the least volatile asset, namely German Bunds, is striking. Almost 90% of wealth is allocated to this asset and the remaining share is roughly allotted in equal chunks to US and German stocks. The remaining assets do not enter into the GMV solution, or with a negligible amount only. The ERC solution is more bal- anced in terms of its weight distribution, but still almost two thirds would have been invested in sovereign bonds of Germany and the UK. The MCC portfolio takes a middle stance between the GMV and ERC solutions and the BCC is the most akin to an equal-weighted solution. This picture is qualitatively mirrored by the percentage contributions to each of the portfolios’ downside risk. Worth highlighting is the neg- ative contribution of German bonds in the ERC, BCC and MCC allocations. This is primarily because of the comparatively high allotment to stocks and hence the bond allocation serves as a risk diversifier for tail losses. In the case of the BCC optimiza- tion this was forced by limiting the maximum contribution to 20%, which resulted in a smaller weight for German bonds. This can be seen by comparing the BCC with the MCC allocations. The minimum CVaR allocation delivers an allocation whereby the risk contributions are the least concentrated, but the German REX still contributes almost 40% to risk, which is twice as high as allowed for the BCC setting.
k k Table 11.3 Weight and downside risk contributions of multi-asset portfolios.
Assets Weights Risk contributions
S&P 500 4.55 3.72 7.80 6.40 9.83 16.63 16.61 17.06 Russell 3000 0.00 3.59 6.20 2.20 0.00 16.80 13.74 6.15
DAX 4.69 3.47 7.60 6.80 12.19 14.34 15.93 16.76
FTSE 100 0.00 4.12 1.20 12.20 0.00 11.20 1.58 20.62
Nikkei 225 1.35 3.38 5.00 4.00 3.16 22.36 15.49 15.22
MSCI EM 0.00 2.14 5.80 3.20 0.00 14.22 17.69 12.53
US Treasury 0.00 16.42 2.40 0.20 0.00 5.40 0.76 0.05
German REX 88.72 42.44 3.20 21.60 74.75 −17.60 −0.32 −3.94
UK Gilts 0.40 15.93 60.80 38.80 0.50 5.00 18.52 8.90
Gold 0.29 4.78 0.00 4.60 −0.43 11.63 0.00 6.65
Table 11.4 Key measures of portfolio solutions for multi-asset portfolios.
Standard deviation 0.815 1.151 1.923 1.766
ES (95%) 1.437 2.923 5.366 4.613
Diversification ratio 1.853 2.035 1.546 1.661 Concentration ratio 0.417 0.110 0.183 0.133
Summary statistics on the portfolio level for the four approaches are provided in Table 11.4. With respect to the portfolios’ return volatility, the GMV allocation yields the lowest outcome and the BCC solution implies the highest return dispersion, mea- sured by the portfolio standard deviation. The latter is due to the binding CVaR budget constraint which forces a lower weight on the least volatile asset and hence the re- maining wealth has to be allocated into riskier constituents. This fact is mirrored by the highest value of the portfolios’ downside risk. Here, the MCC allocation yields a less risky wealth distribution, followed by the ERC and GMV solutions. The ERC outcome is with respect to the volatility and downside risk characteristics situated between the GMV and MCC/BCC portfolios. The diversification ratio is maximal for the ERC portfolio and the least diversified is the BCC; the orders are reversed for the concentration ratio. With respect to this characteristic the ERC and MCC solu- tion both deliver an allocation of roughly the same concentration and the allotment according to the BCC approach fares slightly worse.
k k
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Risk-optimal portfolios