There are different parameter limits that are of interest.
1. M→ ∞In the continuum limit the particles are replaced by a pair of evolving density functions ρ+(x, y, t ) andρ−(x, y, t ) representing the density of each agent state on D—such a mesoscopic Fokker–Planck description of a related, but simpler, market model can be found in [5]. The presence of nonstan- dard boundary conditions, global coupling, and bulk stochastic motion present formidable analytic challenges for even the most basic questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions. However, numerical simulations strongly suggest that, minor discretization effects aside, the behavior of the system is independent ofMforM >1000.
From Brownian Motion to Boom-and-Bust Dynamics 199 2. Bt →0 As the external information stream is reduced the system settles into a state where σ is close to either ±1. Therefore this potentially useful simplification is not available to us.
3. α→0 or∞In the limitα→0 the particles do not diffuse, i.e., the agents do not alter their thresholds between trades/switches. This case was examined in [3] and the lack of diffusion does not significantly change the boom–bust behavior shown below. On the other hand, forα max(1, C)the diffusion dominates both the exogenous forcing and the herding/drifting and equilibrium-type dynamics is re- established. This case is unlikely in practice since slow agents will alter their strategies more slowly than changes in the price of the asset.
4. C→0 This limit motivates the next section. When C = 0 the particles are uncoupled and if the system is started with approximately equal distributions of ±1 states, then σ remains close to 0. Thus (2) reduces to (1) and the particle system becomes a standard equilibrium model—agents have differing expectations about the future which causes them to trade but on average the price remains “correct.” In Sect.3 we shall observe that endogenous dynamics arise asC is increased from 0 and the equilibrium gBm solution loses stability in the presence of even small amounts of herding.
5. κ→0 Forκ > 0 even one agent switching can cause an avalanche of similar switches, especially when the system is highly one-sided with|σ|close to 1.
Whenκ =0 the particles no longer provide kicks (or affect the price) when they switch although they are still coupled viaC >0. The sentimentσ can still drift between−1 and +1 over long timescales but switching avalanches and large, sudden, price changes do not occur.
3 Parameter Estimation, Numerical Simulations, and the Instability of Geometric Brownian Pricing
In all the simulations below we useM = 10,000 and discretize using a timestep h = 0.000004 which corresponds to approximately 1/10 of a trading day if one assumes a daily standard deviation in prices of ≈0.6% due to new information.
The price changes of ten consecutive timesteps are then summed to give daily price return data making the difference between synchronous vs asynchronous updating relatively unimportant.
We chooseα=0.2 so that slow agents’ strategies diffuse less strongly than the price does. A conservative choice ofκ = 0.2 means that the difference in price between neutral (σ =0) and polarized marketsσ = ±1 is, from (2), exp(0.2) ≈ 22%.
After switching, an agent’s thresholds are chosen randomly from a uniform distribution to be within 5% and 25% higher and lower than the current price. This allows us to estimateC by supposing that in a moderately polarized market with
|σ| =0.5 a typical minority agent (outnumbered 3–1) would switch due to herding
200 H. Lamba
Fig. 5 The top left figure shows the pricesp(t )for both our model and the gBm pricing model (1) with the same exogenous information streamBs. The herding model is clearly more volatile but the other pictures demonstrate the difference more clearly. In the bottom left, the same data is plotted in terms of daily price changes. Over the 40-year period not a single instance of a daily price change greater than 2% occurred in the gBm model. All the large price fluctuations are due to endogenous dynamics in the herding model. This is shown even more clearly in the top right picture where sentiment vs time is plotted for the herding model—the very sudden large switches in sentiment are due to cascading changes amongst the agents’ states. It should be noted that the sentiment can remain polarized close to±1 for unpredictable and sometimes surprisingly long periods of time. Finally, the bottom right picture shows the cumulative log–log plot of daily price changes that exceed a given percentage for each model. The fat-tailed distribution for the herding model shows that the likelihood of very large price moves is increased by orders of magnitude over the gBm model
pressure after approximately 80 trading days (or 3 months, a typical reporting period for investment performance) [14]. The calculation 80C|σ| = |ln(0.85)|/0.00004 givesC ≈100. Finally, we note that no fine-tuning of the parameters is required for the observations below.
Figure5shows the results of a typical simulation, started close to equilibrium with agents’ states equally mixed and run for 40 years. The difference in price history between the above parameters and the equilibrium gBm solution is shown in the top left. The sudden market reversals and over-reactions can be seen more clearly in the top right plot where the market sentiment undergoes sudden shifts due to
From Brownian Motion to Boom-and-Bust Dynamics 201
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Average Maximum Sentiment |σmax|
Coupling (Herding) C
Fig. 6 A measure of disequilibrium|σ|maxaveraged over 20 runs as the herding parameterC changes
switching cascades. These result in price returns (bottom left) that could quite easily bankrupt anyone using excessive financial leverage and gBm as an asset pricing model! Finally in the bottom right the number of days on which the magnitude of the price change exceeds a given percentage is plotted on log–log axes. It should be emphasized that this is a simplified version of the market model in [9] and an extra parameter that improves the statistical agreement with real price data (by inducing volatility clustering) has been ignored.
To conclude we examine the stability of the equilibrium gBm solution using the herding level C as a bifurcation parameter. In order to quantify the level of disequilibrium in the system we record the maximum value of|σ|ignoring the first 10 years of the simulation (to remove any possible transient effects caused by the initial conditions) and average over 20 runs each for values of 0≤C ≤40. All the other parameters and the initial conditions are kept unchanged.
The results in Fig.6show that even for values ofC as low as 20 the deviations from the equilibrium solution are close to being as large as the system will allow with |σ| usually getting close to ±1 at some point during the simulations. To reiterate, this occurs at a herding strength C which is a factor of 5 lower than the value of C = 100 estimated above for real markets! It should also be noted that there are other significant phenomena that have not been included, such as new investors and money entering the asset market after a bubble has started, and localized interactions between certain subsets of agents. These can be included in the model by allowingκ to vary (increasing at times of high market sentiment, for example) and, as expected, they cause the equilibrium solution to destabilize even more rapidly.
202 H. Lamba
4 Conclusions
Financial and economic systems are subject to many different kinds of inter- dependence between agents and potential positive feedbacks. However, even those mainstream models that attempt to quantify such effects [1,14] assume that the result will merely be a shift of the equilibria to nearby values without qualitatively changing the nature of the system. We have demonstrated that at least one such form of coupling (incremental herding pressure) results in the loss of stability of the equilibrium. Furthermore the new dynamics occurs at realistic parameters and is clearly recognizable as “boom-and-bust.” It is characterized by multi-year periods of low-level endogenous activity (long enough, certainly, to convince equilibrium-believers that the system is indeed in an equilibrium with slowly varying parameters) followed by large, sudden, reversals involving cascades of switching agents triggered by price changes.
A similar model was studied in [8] where momentum-traders replaced the slow agents introduced above. The results replicated the simulations above in the sense that the equilibrium solution was replaced with multi-year boom-and-bust dynamics but with the added benefit that analytic solutions can be derived, even when agents are considered as nodes on an arbitrary network rather than being coupled globally.
The model presented here is compatible with existing (non-mathematized) critiques of equilibrium theory by Minsky and Soros [12,15]. Furthermore, work on related models to appear elsewhere shows that positive feedbacks can result in similar non-equilibrium dynamics in more general micro- and macro-economic situations.
Acknowledgements The author thanks Michael Grinfeld, Dmitri Rachinskii, and Rod Cross for numerous enlightening conversations and Julian Todd for writing the browser-accessible simulation of the particle system.
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Product Innovation and Macroeconomic Dynamics
Christophre Georges
Abstract We develop an agent-based macroeconomic model in which product innovation is the fundamental driver of growth and business cycle fluctuations. The model builds on a hedonic approach to the product space and product innovation developed in Georges (A hedonic approach to product innovation for agent-based macroeconomic modeling, 2011).
Keywords Innovation ã Growth ã Business cycles ã Agent-based modeling ã Agent-based macroeconomics
1 Introduction
Recent evidence points to the importance of product quality and product innovation in explaining firm level dynamics. In this paper we develop an agent-based macroeconomic model in which both growth and business cycle dynamics are grounded in product innovation. We take a hedonic approach to the product space developed in [23] that is both simple and flexible enough to be suitable for modeling product innovation in the context of a large-scale, many-agent macroeconomic model.
In the model, product innovation alters the qualities of existing goods and introduces new goods into the product mix. This novelty leads to further adaptation by consumers and firms. In turn, both the innovation and adaptation contribute to complex market dynamics. Quality adjusted aggregate output exhibits both secular endogenous growth and irregular higher frequency cycles. There is ongoing churning of firms and product market shares, and the emerging distribution of these shares depends on opportunities for niching in the market space.
C. Georges ()
Hamilton College, Department of Economics, Clinton, NY, USA
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
S.-H. Chen et al. (eds.),Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation in Economics and Finance, Springer Proceedings in Complexity,
206 C. Georges
2 Background
Recent research suggests that product innovation is a pervasive force in modern advanced economies. For example, Hottman et al. [28] provide evidence that product innovation is a central driver of firm performance. They offer an accounting decomposition that suggests that 50–70% of the variance in firm size at the aggregate level can be attributed to differences in product quality, whereas less than 25% can be attributed to differences in costs of production. Further, in their analysis, individual firm growth is driven predominantly by improvements in product quality.
Similarly, Foster et al. [21] found that firm level demand is a more powerful driver of firm survival than is firm level productivity. Broda and Weinstein [7] and Bernard et al. [6] further document the substantial pace of churning in product markets with high rates of both product creation and destruction and changes of product scope at the firm level.
We explore the implications of product innovation for growth and business cycle fluctuations in an agent-based macroeconomic model. While there is a literature (e.g., [24]) that attributes economic growth to growth in product variety, variety is only one expression of product innovation. Both the product turnover and skewed distributions of firm sizes and product market shares that we observe indicate that it is conventional for some products to drive out other products and develop outsized market shares due to superiority in perceived quality. Our agent-based approach is well suited to model the types of heterogeneity and churning dynamics that we observe empirically.
Our approach revisits [31,32]. Preferences are defined over a set of product characteristics, and products offer various bundles of these characteristics. As Lan- caster notes, the characteristics approach allows for new products to be introduced seamlessly, as new products simply offer new possibilities for the consumption of an unchanging set of characteristics.
Of course there is a large literature on product innovation, and there are a number of existing models that bear some relation to the one developed here. See, for example, [2,4,11–16,25,30,33,34,36–38]. For comparisons with the current approach, see [23].
The current paper is in the recent tradition of agent-based macroeconomics. This literature builds macroeconomic models from microfoundations, but in contrast to standard macroeconomic practice, treats the underlying agents as highly heteroge- neous, boundedly rational, and adaptive, and does not assume a priori that markets clear. See, e.g., [17–20,26].
3 The Macroeconomic Environment
Our goal is to understand the role of product innovation in driving growth and fluctuations in a very simple macroeconomic environment. Here are the fundamental features of the model.
Product Innovation and Macroeconomic Dynamics 207
• There arenfirms, each of which produces one type of good at any time.
• There are m characteristics of goods that consumers care about. Each good embodies distinct quantities of these characteristics at any given time. Product innovation affects these quantities.
• The probability that a firm experiences a product innovation at any time depends on its recent investments in R&D, which in turn is the outcome of a discrete choice rule.
• Each firm produces with overhead and variable labor. It forecasts the final demand for its product by extrapolating from recent experience, sets its price as a constant mark-up over marginal cost, and plans to produce enough of its good to meet its expected final demand given this price.
• There is a single representative consumer who spends all of her labor income each period on consumption goods and searches for better combinations of products to buy within her budget.
• If a firm becomes insolvent, it exits the market and is replaced by a new entrant.
4 Consumer Preferences
The representative consumer’s preferences are defined on the characteristics space.
Specifically, the momentary utility from consuming the vectorz∈ Rmof hedonic characteristics isu(z).1
In addition to this utility function, the consumer has a home production function g(q)that maps bundlesq ∈ Rn of products into perceived bundlesz ∈ Rmof the characteristics.2
More specifically, we assume that the representative consumer associates with each good i a set of base characteristic magnitudes z-basei ∈ Rm per unit of the good, as well as a set ofcomplementaritieswith other goods. If the consumer associates goodkas complementary to goodi, then she associates with the goods pair (i,k) an additional set of characteristic magnitudes z-compi,k ∈ Rm, per composite unitqi,k=θ (qi, qk)of the two goods (defined below).3
Intuitively, a box of spinach may offer a consumer certain quantities of sub- jectively valued characteristics like nutrition, flavor, and crunchiness. However, the flavor characteristic might also be enhanced by consuming the spinach in combination with a salad dressing, so that the total quantity of flavor achieved by
1While we are working with a representative consumer in the present paper for convenience, it is a simple step in the agent-based modeling framework to relax that assumption and allow for idiosyncratic variation of consumer preferences.
2This is essentially the approach taken by Lancaster, and shares some similarities with others such as [5,35]. The primary deviation of our approach from that of Lancaster is the construction of our home production functiong(q).
3This vector is associated with goodi, and it is convenient to assume that the complementarities are independent across goods (i.e., that the vectors z-compi,kand z-compk,iare independent).
208 C. Georges eating these in combination is greater than the sum of the flavor quantities from consuming each separately.
Similarly, in isolation, an Apple iPad may provide a consumer some modest degree of entertainment, but this entertainment value is dramatically enhanced by consuming it along with a personal computer, an internet access subscription, electricity, apps, and so on.
We assume that both base characteristic magnitudes and complementary charac- teristic magnitudes are additive at the level of the individual good. Thus, for goodi and hedonic characteristicj, the consumer perceives
zi,j =z-basei,j ãqi+
z-compi,j,kãqi,k. (1)
These characteristic magnitudes are then aggregated over products by a CES aggregator:
zj = n
zρi,j1 1/ρ1
withρ1<1. Equations (1) and (2) define the mappingg(q)introduced above. The CES form of (2) introduces some taste for variety across products.4
We assume that the utility function u for the representative consumer over hedonic characteristics is also CES, so that
(zj+ ¯zj)ρ2
wherez¯j is a shifter for characteristicj (see [29]), andρ2<1. Thus, utility takes a nested CES form. Consumers value variety in both hedonic characteristics and in products.
Finally, we specify the aggregator for complementsθ (qi, qk)as floor(min(qi ã
λ, qk ã 1λ))ãλ. I.e., complementarities are defined per common (fractional) unitλ consumed.5
4Note that ifρ1=1, the number of viable products in the economy would be strongly limited by the number of hedonic elements, as in Lancaster, who employs a linear activity analysis to link goods and characteristics.
5Note that this introduces a (fractional) integer constraint on the consumer’s optimization and search problem.λ >0 but need not be less than one.
Product Innovation and Macroeconomic Dynamics 209
5 Product Innovation
A product innovation takes the form of the creation of a new or improved product that, from the point of view of the consumer, combines a new set of characteristics, or enhances an existing set of characteristics, when consumed individually or jointly with other products. The new product will be successful if it is perceived as offering utility (in combination with other goods) at lower cost than current alternatives. The product may fail due to high cost, poor search by consumers, or poor timing in terms of the availability or desirability of other (complementary and non-complementary) goods.
In the present paper, at any time the base and complementary set of hedonic characteristic magnitudes (z-basei and z-compi,k) associated by the consumer with goodiare coded asmdimensional vectors of integers. These characteristics vectors are randomly initialized at the beginning of the simulation.
A product innovation is then a set of random (integer) increments (positive or negative) to one or more elements of z-basei or z-compi,k. Product innovation for continuing firms is strictly by mutation. Product innovations can be positive or negative. I.e., firms can mistakenly make changes to their products that consumers do not like. However, there is a floor of zero on characteristic values. Further, innovations operate through preferential attachment; for a firm that experiences a product innovation, there is a greater likelihood of mutation of non-zero hedonic elements.6
The probability that a firm experiences product innovation in any given periodt is increasing in its recentR&D activity.
6 R&D
The R&D investment choice is binary—in a given period a firm either does or does not engage in a fixed amount of R&D. If a firm engages in R&D in a given period, it incurs additional overhead labor costsRin that period.
In making its R&D investment decision at any time, the firm compares the recent profit and R&D experiences of other firms and acts according to a discrete choice rule. Specifically, firms observe the average recent profitsπHandπLof other firms with relatively high and low recent R&D activity.7Firms in the lower profit group switch their R&D behavior with a probability related to the profitability differential between the two groups. Specifically, they switch behavior with probability 2Φ−1, where
6This weak form of preferential attachment supports specialization in the hedonic quality space.
7Each firm’s recent profits and recent R&D activity are (respectively) measured as exponentially weighted moving averages of its past profits and R&D activity.