Maxima and boundary crossing probabilities of

Một phần của tài liệu Probability finance and insurance (Trang 20 - 29)

Csorgo and Revesz (1979) proved a weaker version, in terms of an upper bound for the probability but not its precise asymptotics, of (22) on the increments of Brownian motion. Noting that X(t) := (t2 — t\)~ll2{B{t2) - B{t\)] is a Gaussian random field on the domain {£ = (£i,£2) : 0 < £1 < £2}:

Chan and Lai (2003c) considered more general Gaussian random fields.

Moreover, in order to be able to extend the result from the Gaussian ran- dom field to some process close to it in a certain sense (such as moderate deviations), they came up with the following formulation of "asymptotically Gaussian" random fields and developed asymptotic formulas for related boundary crossing probabilities, of which (22) is a special case. For vectors t,u € Rd, the relation t < u denotes U < m for all i and t < u denotes U < Ui for all i. For C > 0, let Jt,< = I\Li [*ằ. U + 0 - L e t W ( u ) : u Rd} be a continuous Gaussian random field such that

Wt(0) = 0, E[Wt{u)} = - | |u| r rt( u / | M | ) / 2 and cov{Wt{u),Wt{v)) = [||u||art(tt/||ti||) + ||i;|rrt(t;/||t;||)

-\\u-v\\art((u-v)/\\u-v\\)}/2, (23) where || • || denotes Euclidean norm and rt : Sd _ 1 —> R+ is a continuous

function satisfying

sup \rt(v) — ru(v)\ —• 0 a s u - > t . (24) For c > 0, let Xc be random fields such that EXc{t) = 0, EX%{t) = 1

for all c and £. Let D be such that [D]s := {£ + u : t S D, \\u\\ < 6} is a subset of the domain of Xc for some 5 > 0 and all c large enough. Define pc(t,u) = E[Xc(t)Xc(u)\ and assume that

(C) pc(t, t + u) = 1 - (1 + 0(l))HaL(|M|)rt(ô/|M|)

uniformly over £ e [D]$ and compact sets of u / Ac > 0, and that the following conditions also hold uniformly over £ G [D]s for c large enough:

(Al) P{Xc(t) > c - y/c} ~ ^(c - y/c)

uniformly over positive, bounded values of y. The convergence in (24) is assumed to be uniform in £ € [D]g, with supte[£)]J)1,es'i-1 rt(v) < °°> a n (i for a > 0 and positive integers m,

{c[Xc(t + akAc) - Xc(t)} :0<ki< m}\Xc{t) = c-y/c

^ =4> {Wt(ak) :0<ki<m}

uniformly over positive, bounded values of y, where we use "\Xc(t) = c — y/c" to denote that the distribution is conditional on Xc(t) = c — y/c. In addition, there exists a positive function h such that limy_*oo h(y) = 0 and (A3) P{Xc{t + uAc) > c - 7/c, Xc(t) < c - y/c} < h{y)ijj{c)

for all u > 0 and 7 > 0, and there exist non-increasing functions Na on R+

and positive constants ja such that 7a —> 0 and Na(ja) + Jx wsJVa(7a + u) duj — o(ad) as a -* 0, and

(A4) P{ sup Xc(t + uAc) > c, Xc(t) < c - 7/c} < iV0(7)V(c),

0 < u < a

for all 7a < 7 < c and s > 0. Moreover, there exists a non-increasing function / : [0,oo) -> R+ such that /(||r||) = 0(e_llrHP) for some p > 0 and for all 7 > 0 and c sufficiently large,

(A5) P{Xc(t) > c - 7/c, Xc(t + uAc) > c - 7/c} < rl>(c - 7/c)/(||u||) uniformly in t and t + uAc belonging to [D]$.

Note that (Al) says that the "moderate deviation" event {Xc(t) >

c y/c} has probability like that of a standard normal. Whereas this refers to the marginal distribution of Xc(t), the joint distribution is assumed in (A2) to be asymptotically normal in the sense of weak convergence for local increments conditioned on Xc(t) = c—y/c. Note that the same a, L(-) and rt(-) appear in (C) and the mean and covariance functions (23) of the limiting Gaussian field Wt(-) in (A2). In fact, if Xc = X is a Gaussian field satisfying condition (C), then (A2) holds; see Corollary 2.7 of Chan and Lai (2003c). Assumptions (A3)-(A5) are mild technical conditions under which the probability of s u pu € / t KA Xc(u) exceeding c can be computed via (Al) and (A2), yielding the following asymptotic formulas.

Theorem 5.1. (i) Let K > 0. Assume (C) and (Al)-(A4). Then

P{ sup Xe(u) > c} ~ V(c)[l + HK(t)] (25)

ô 6 f l , K 4c

uniformly overt G [D}$, where HK(t) = /0°° e3'P{sup0<u.<Ar Wt(u) > y} dy is finite and uniformly continuous int £ [D}$.

(ii) Assume (C) and (Al)-(A5). Then H{t) = limK-_f0Oii'-dHK-(t) exists and is uniformly continuous and bounded below on D. Moreover, as c —ằ 00 and Êc —> 00 such that lc = o(A~1),

P{ sup Xc{u) > c} ~ edci(>(c)H(t), (26)


P{ sup Xc{u) > c, sup Xc(v) >c} = o(^V(c)), (27)

uElt,ecAc u € B \ / t , <c A c

uniformly over t £ D and over subsets B of [D]g with bounded volume.

Dividing (26) bycAc)d, which is the volume of It,ecAc, yields an asymptotic boundary crossing "density" A~dip(c)H(t) of Xc at t. By in- tegrating this "density" over D, or more precisely, by summing (26) over the "tiles" It,ecAa of D and applying (27) together with the fact that D is bounded and Jordan measurable, it follows that

P{snpXc(t) > c} ~ ^(c)A~d [ H(t) dt. (28)

te.D JD

Chan and Lai (2003c) also extend these results to the case when the maxima are over sets Dc that grow with c and to more general boundary crossing probabilities. The normalized moving averages (*2 —

£i)~1//2[W(t2) - W(ii)] in (22) are also simple prototypes for signal de- tection problems, in which the Brownian motion W(t) is replaced by a Gaussian field X(t) and £2 — t\ is replaced by var(X(t2) — -X^ti)) with multidimensional index t; see Bickel and Rosenblatt (1972), Siegmund and Worsley (1995) and Adler (2000). Again conditions (C) and (Al)-(A5) can be shown to hold for these applications and also for their discrete-time analogues (like 5[ntj in place of W(t) in (22); see Chan and Lai (2003c)).


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Laboratoire de Math. Appl. CNRS-UMR 6620, Universite Blaise Pascal, 63177 Aubiere, France. Email:


Department of Math., Wuhan University, 430072 Hubei, China

Let (xn = J^t^-oo ai-n^j) be the moving average process, where (£n)nez is a sequence of Revalued centered i.i.d.r.v. such that E e5^0' < +oo for some <S > 0.

Under the assumption that the spectral density function of X is continuous, we establish the process-level large deviation principle of X and t h e large deviations for empirical variance of X, and we identify their rate functions. Large deviations for empirical covariance and for empirical spectral measure are also considered under some stronger integrability condition on £o- Our main tools are some improved versions of the approximation lemma in the large deviation theory and an a priori estimation about the quadratic functional of X.

M S C 2000 Subject Classification: 60F10; 60G10; 60G15.

K e y Words: large deviations; moving average processes; Gaussian pro- cesses; spectral measures.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Let (£n)nez be a sequence of Revalued centered square integrable i.i.d.r.v.

and (a„)„ez a sequence of real numbers such that

^ | a „ |2< + o o . (1)


' T h i s work is partially supported by the Yangtze professorship of Wuhan University 15

Consider the moving average process

+ 0 0 4-00

Xn := ^2 aj-ntj = ^2 a&n+i> V n e Z- (2)

j = — 0 0 j=—oo

(Condition (1) is necessary and sufficient for the a.s. convergence or con- vergence in law of the series (2).) It appears very often in filtrage, time series analysis and engineering.

The classic limit theorems such as the central limit theorem, the law of iterated logarithm about moving average processes are a traditional subject in probability theory and its applications, see 14, 12. For example, the minimal condition for the central limit theorem of Sn := £fc=i Xk 1S (s e e 12, Corollary 5.2)

+ 0 0

g[ff) := V^ anem8 is continuous at 0 = 0 . (3)

n = —00

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the large deviations of mov- ing average processes. Let us recall several known results which motivate this work.

I) About stationary Gaussian processes. When (£n) is a sequence of real Gaussian i.i.d.r.v. of law7V(0,1), X = (Xn) is a stationary Gaussian process, and inversely any real Gaussian stationary process (Xn) with a square integrable spectral density function can be represented as (2). In a pioneering work 10(1985), Donsker and Varadhan established the process- level (or level-3) large deviation principle (in short: LDP) of the process- level occupation measures


where S. denotes the Dirac point measure. Their conditions for that LDP are

the spectral density function f(9) = \g{9)\2 is continuous on R; (5) and

k > g / ( 0 ) d 0 > - o o . (6) /

J — -

- 7 T

Moreover they obtained an explicit expression of the rate function governing the LDP of (Rn).

Bryc and Dembo 3(1995) established this same LDP, only under condi- tion (5). Especially they show that the continuity condition (5) is almost the best: if f(6) is bounded on [—n, 7r] but is discontinuous at 6 = 0, that LDP could fail. The price paid for this extension is that the beautiful expression of the rate function in Donsker-Varadhan 10 is lost.

Some words about the main ideas of Donsker-Varadhan10 and Bryc and Dembo3:

1) the first remark is: when (an) is of finite range, i.e., an = 0 for all \n\ > N for some N S N, this LDP is a consequence of the Donsker- Varadhan process level LDP for the i.i.d. sequence (£n)(9> 1975);

2) to show the LDP for (Rn) for general (an), it consists to approximate X by Fejer approximation

X ^ = E f 1 - 1 ) a ; W ( ? )

j=-N ^ '

The key for this approximation to be successful is the following a priori estimation under (5), due to 10(Lemma 2.4): there exists e(N) —> 0 (as N —> co) such that if 0 < A < 2e(N)' *^e n ^or a^ n — •*•'

— log E < e x p n

< - i l o g ( l - 2 A£( i V ) ) . (8)

A £ ( xn- X W ) '

. fc=i

That estimation as well as those in 3(Lemma 3.3) depends heavily on explicit calculations based on the Gaussian distribution (Toeplitz matrix), and we do not see how to extend their approach to more general distribu- tions.

The process-level LDP implies the LDP of £ £fc=i F(Xk, ••• , Xk+i) for all F bounded and continuous. But in practice functionals F are often un- bounded, such as the quadratic functional F(x) = x2, covariance functional F = XQXI etc. In this direction, Bryc and Dembo 2(1993) obtained large deviations of quadratic functionals of X = (Xn) under the weaker condition that / is bounded, extending and refining (8) in some sense.

Bercu, Gamboa and Rouault 1(1997) investigated the large deviations of Wn and of f* h(6)Wn(d6), where (Wn) is the empirical spectral measure given by


Wn(d6) := - Jk9 dB


on the unit torus T identified as [—ir, ir], and h £ L°°(T). In their work,


7r, 7r], and

the large deviation principle of f* h(9)Wn(d6) is characterized by some

necessary and sufficient condition on the distribution of eigenvalues of the related Toeplitz matrix; and that condition is verified in the white noise case Xn - fn for h continuous on T (moreover the functional type large deviations for W„ is obtained for the white noise case too).

For other references related to the large deviations of Gaussian pro- cesses, the reader is referred to 3, 1.

II) About general moving average processes. Burton and Dehling (1990) obtained the large deviations of the empirical means Sn/n :=

n Z)fc=i Xk under the following conditions

^ | a „ | < + o o (9)



Eexp(A|£0|) < +oo, for all A > 0. (10) Jiang, Rao and Wang 13(1995) showed that the lower bound of large devia-

tions of Sn is valid without condition (10) and that the upper bound (with perhaps a different rate function) is true even if (10) holds for some A > 0.

Condition (9) is much stronger than (5), but condition (10) is much weaker than

Eexp(<5|£0|2) < +oo, for some <5 > 0 (11) satisfied by the Gaussian measure.

Recently Djellout and Guillin 8(2001) obtained the LDP of Sn by impos- ing the boundedness of £o, but with recompense, condition (9) is weakened as the minimal condition (3).

Let us notice that Sn is only a linear functional of (Xk). And the process level LDP, the large deviations of £ £= 1 F(Xn, • • • ,Xn+l) for a nonlinear functional F are left open in their works (such as the quadratic functionals, empirical covariance etc which are of important interests in practice).

The main objective of this paper is to establish the process level LDP, the large deviations of quadratic functionals or of empirical covariance and the LDP of empirical spectral measures etc, for general moving average processes under the assumptions (5) and (11). Our method, close to the pioneering work of Donsker and Varadhan 10(1985) and that of Bryc and Dembo 3(1995) but different from the method of Gartner-Ellis theorem, is based on some improved versions of the approximation lemma.

It is organized as follows. The main results are stated at the next Section 2. In Section 3 we establish the key a priori estimation extending (8). The last three sections are devoted to the proofs of the main results.

Một phần của tài liệu Probability finance and insurance (Trang 20 - 29)

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